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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. Hi there! Enjoy your stay! A word of advice just for future reference and convenience. Fates' online functionality only works within your region. Japan, Europe and North America have different servers and can only communicate with their own servers. With that said, if you're enjoying yourself here, keep it that way!
  2. I tried Gaiden on an emulator a little while back and couldn't get into it because of the speed everything was happening at and how the menus and everything seemed all over the place. Gaiden or the Jugdral or Elibe titles packaged together would be my personal preference, on the 3DS or the Switch. I really don't care, I just want better access to the roots of the franchise and would like to be able to play a more up-to-date version of them. I finished Eliwood's Normal mode on 7 and kinda stopped after that. I've played a little bit of Binding Blade and Sacred Stones but nothing super substantial for each. I'll probably finish Sacred Stones sooner or later since I can tolerate GBA emulation but I think Roy's international popularity would at least get Elibe titles done. I'm a little on the fence about whether to continue trying to play Binding Blade because my playthrough fucked some things up and it'd probably be better for me to restart. I'm rambling now aren't I? Preference for me says that 2 and 4+5 could be given remakes whilst 6+7 as one game would be easier on some and 9+10 needing a rerelease is a must.
  3. Welcome back, I approve of your Member Title, by the way.
  4. I do see where you're coming from. It would alienate the title of the franchise but if for example they add Fox, Kirby, Samus and Pokémon Trainer Red into a Mario Kart entry alongside Mario's main cast and Link, they could start a divergence. On one-hand, founding Nintendo Kart and on the other Mario Kart returns to its roots with gentle nods like the Blue Falcon still be present. That way characters could be brought together for two reasons and courses would take more drastic/interesting turns. A Dream Land course after including Kirby would be cool to see. I daresay Mario's been around the block a few times with collaborations so using that iconic status to focus on a new product seems like a logical move to me.
  5. Try playing a Dynasty Warriors Gundam game, there's so many Characters and many more Mobile Suits that are all largely different in attitude or how they operate. I'd be lying if I said that they weren't a large reason as to why I'm hyped for it.
  6. You mean healing you when you're at full health or healing someone who has full health when you're the one dying?
  7. Something that really bothered me in this teaser was Raijinto. It looked odd to me, maybe it was the speed it transitioned past the screen or something but it didn't really look right to me. I really now hope it is. Dynasty Warriors games in the Empires or Xtreme Legends series typically feature Edit Officers and I remember seeing a video for... I think it was 8 Xtreme Legends that had a Marriage and Children mechanic in which (fuck logic) the children would be fully grown and made out of a combination of the married characters features (sorta like Bond Units in Fates) but it let the player save them as a preset Edit Officer. I'd really like to see that feature used in Fire Emblem Warriors, combined with the Personal Weapon features so if a character is born from say Chrom and Female Corrin they could have potential to use Falchion, Yato or Both.
  8. I'd be fine with it. It's reasonable enough of a request. Actually that reminds me about the Dynasty Warriors Empires or Xtreme Legends games, they commonly have customizable characters so I could easily see Avatar creation as feature in this as well. And now I just remembered Xtreme Mode which would actually be really cool in Fire Emblem Warriors... If I stay here too long, so many epic thoughts will make my head spin.
  9. You know I'm honestly surprised I haven't yet seen a meme of Chrom like: When you'll get your chance another day. When your chance is today. Oh, is it? I really need to finish them... and several other FE games... thanks for telling me though!
  10. If you notice, the Dragon Emblem in the central area doesn't match up to Naga's Emblem from Awakening and I don't recall seeing any similar Emblem that matches it. It seems like a no-brainer to me that it's to do with the title's story mode. Since each (Series) Warriors game tends to have its own Story separate from the franchise's main/established story with significant missions/or modes dedicated to main/established story content. Dynasty Warriors Gundam and its sequels did it and even Hyrule Warriors has done it, plus they used representation from as far across the respective franchise as they could. Speaking as someone that enjoys Dynasty Warriors games every now and then but loved those specific crossover games to death, chances are that Chrom's being shown due to how he basically knows everything about all relevant characters from other entries. I'd be willing to guess that Yato, Siegfried and Raijinto were shown as being something of a 'package deal' for current relevancy in the franchise prior to Fire Emblem Warriors and Marth's Exalted Falchion is shown because how Marth's sorta like the icon for the franchise. Just my thoughts and observations.
  11. It's free, what harm can come from trying something?
  12. This is my new favourite Fire Emblem greeting, ever! XD Kind greetings, Quetzalcoatl! Wait... haven't I seen you here before? I'm sure I've seen you floating about here somewhere...
  13. I'm not sure how I feel about this. On one hand, there's some really silly things like Marth looking sadistic and trying to kill you. On the other hand, you tried giving me the image of Maid Garon and I'm not sure I can forgive you for that...
  14. Why the counting? I randomly see a post that's literally counting to a random specified number for no reason. It's oddly jarring. 27,750
  15. Neither have I. I've got an alarm set for next month for when I'll do so.
  16. Oh don't you worry, I've got ya beat on time until my introduction.
  17. When you do so much and need a 32Bit ctrtool... T~T
  18. Hidden Truths 2 does have a nice bonus item if you'd like more variety in Dragon Vein usage, plus it does cover a few plot points continuing from Hidden Truths 1, so if you're not able to purchase Hidden Truths separately, decide on whether or not you want access to Grandmaster and more Dragon Vein users. Vanguard is basically a better Hero with worse growths if I remember rightly. Even then, you can get 3 of the skills as scrolls to teach your units regardless of Gender which makes Vanguard probably the best of the available DLC classes.
  19. Oh? Couldn't you have reclassed the Avatar or either of the Pegasus Knights to be Falcon Knights for staff usage?
  20. But if you made a new file and used others, it wouldn't matter. You'd be the Alpha and thus the leader of an unstoppable army.
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