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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. High-5! .o/\o. It's always great to see these kinds of armies. The enemy never see it coming!
  2. Poppycock! I have an army of myself on Awakening! (I'm genuinely not joking, I have like 5 or 6) Apotheosis doesn't hold back, even on Normal! D= Maybe it's because they're all me...
  3. Back to the homebrew menu. Fates loads perfectly fine from it. UNNECESSARY EDIT: I loaded Fates through HANS as though I loaded it from the 3DS like Normal and Azura basically just dominated the Arena by herself as a Dread Fighter. The poor first guy didn't stand a chance in the face of her Astra. The second guy did, but after he hit her she waltzed up and basically killed him with a slap. IMPORTANT EDIT: Like a complete goon, I ignored downloading the XML Braindump File. For those looking back in the future, make note of this error!
  4. When I'm loading Braindump, it's automatically taking 0004001000022100. Trying to exit from HANS on the 3DS after selecting Fates just leaves the message with it hanging there. There's no change or anything, it just sits there. If I load Braindump, the title it takes produces a RomFS ov 149 KiB and it's over in a roughly 1 or 2 minutes. So I know the Title ID isn't the same as my Fates Cartridge and I'm 90% sure that the content contained within Fates would take a decent while longer to download. I'm just not sure what's going wrong/what I'm doing wrong.
  5. I'd like to be using the randomizer (or at the very least Unassuming Venusaur's mod for the extra supports) but Braindump isn't working right for me. =/ Fates Birthright EU's Game ID is listed as: 0004000000179500 in full when reading it from HANS shortening to 00179500 when displaying the Romfs path. It states that the path is invalid, and when I try to exit HANS through the Exit button, the touch screen merely displays the word 'ballin' and hangs. When I tried using Braindump from the menu, it displayed a different game ID. This is actually driving me a little crazy.
  6. My guess on why she doesn't pass Villager to other first gen characters is how broken some characters could be with Aptitude. Look at Ryoma for example, he defaultly starts promoted with immediate access to Master of Arms. Look at how broken he'd be just getting the Villager's Skill set without any hindrances to it. Children can at least reclass that way and Awakening didn't have a coded promotion for Villager so it had its drawbacks in there too. It's funny now that I think about it. Donnel and Mozu are praised as Gods by the fandom for their class sets and inheritance distribution. Can you imagine the Royalty from both games praying to these characters for blessed strength? XD
  7. Mozu always passes Archer to her spouse and I think the Nohrian parallel if she marries an Archer. That said, Midori can get access to the Villager Skills through Apothecary if Mozu's her mother, so perhaps it passes the skills if the spouse can access Master of Arms or something like that. Any Fates Buffs that wanna confirm/debunk my remarks, please feel free since I'm uncertain and just guessing at this point.
  8. Honestly, I liked that Guardian Signs had a co-op. Not enough Pokémon games have a way to play the main story alongside a friend and though it wasn't exactly the main story, it was in a sense a prequel, which I thought was cool. I prefer features from Guardian Signs a lot but it seems like the Ranger series just kept evolving. I honestly don't know why they dropped it considering how great I felt that Shadows of Almia and Guardian Signs were as games. Main-game co-op would be cool for a 4th entry, for sure.
  9. Probably the Future. If it's dark at 7AM, it must already be ruined. :( High-5! .o/\o.
  10. I go for whether or not I feel that I can connect to a character, though I've noticed that I tend to avoid characters that typically don't support very much if at all. That said, I do have a habit of gathering my friends Avatars on Awakening and Fates, but I think that defeats the point of the question.
  11. Yeah, you've said that English isn't your first language and it needs some touching up here and there, but there's plenty that's easy enough to understand that native speakers can get the gist of it easily enough. Feels a little strange greeting a near perfect image of myself... wait... is this the Wellspring of Truth? What the hell am I doing in Valm? I know, just look at me, it's gone 7AM and I'm just going to bed! I just noticed your member title too, it's great! Well, I shall round this comment up with a 'Hello!' and a 'Goodbye', because I'm going to sleep since I'm very tired. Have fun, Davide!
  12. Oh, cool! It'd be awesome to see what the community could do when everything's doable. It'd be really cool to do something like adding Nah to Fates or seeing what unique class combinations could be made with classes that were dropped since Awakening like Barbarian or Warrior. Just thinking about the prospect excites me.
  13. This now just makes me wonder if anyone's tried adding assets from Awakening to Fates or Vice-Versa. It'd be cool to see Morgan or Gerome for example and the Avatar's customized appearance from Awakening would be really cool to see layered over Robin with the corresponding voices available, though I wager the Awakening Avatar customization may be asking too much to say the least.
  14. Top 5 for 2016 1: Fire Emblem Fates Birthright (354:55) 2: Pokémon Moon (244:03) 3: Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars (67:33) 4: Fire Emblem: Awakening (60:43) 5: Pokémon Platinum (55:38) Top 5 Overall 1: Fire Emblem: Awakening (1161:14) 2: Pokémon X (742:17) 3: Fire Emblem Fates (356:51) 4: Pokémon Shuffle (246:55) 5: Pokémon Moon (244:03) I should probably mention that I like Fire Emblem and Pokémon. Did I mention that Awakening's my favourite? It reads the cartridge you use, regardless of the additional content. I have Birthright's cartridge but spend most of my time on Revelation, for example.
  15. This makes me feel like you're one of a few people that it seems the game was made to cater to. Not trying to disrespect anyone with that statement before I get feathered for it. It's a kind of feeling that's difficult to describe well but that you understand it in a way few others can, right?
  16. I didn't put lots of thought into the scenario, I just aimed for something that would be considered generally worse by comparison.
  17. Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn are a little difficult to emulate if you don't have the right specs on your system, but the GBA games are super easy and literally take like 5 minutes to set up if you'd be willing to do that instead.
  18. My introduction to the franchise was because of Awakening a few years back when I got my 3DS. I personally think you've got a great start.
  19. Not to sound rude, but being impaled whilst witnessing that sounds more painful, though that'd be very situational and rather unlikely.
  20. Almost like we're being watched... In which case, I won't mind, I loved Gen 6, I could do with more games like it.
  21. Alright, that's starting to get weird now... Still, these things happen. My blessings to the departed souls. May they find peace.
  22. Wow, nobody showed up on the 23rd for Emmeryn? That's horrible...
  23. His mods can make Owain a little OTT from my experiences.
  24. HAPPY 2012! http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/149/666/62a.jpg
  25. I love how perfectly you've captured Charlotte's "I'M GONNA F***ING MURDER YOU!" attribute. It's glorious.
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