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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. Still this! ^-^ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwYZQSj3jlw
  2. At the end of the day, it comes down to how much the unit needs to heal at any one time and whether or not you need lots of health in short bursts, lots in general or overall coverage on the enemy's turn (in Sol's case). Since you've been running Sol and Lifetaker together, I'd just suggest you swapping Sol for Renewal. Assuming you don't get hurt when activating Lifetaker, that's 80% health regen in 1 turn without staves factored in. However, that's just me. Play around a bit and see what works for you. But... isn't Renewal a Level 15 skill still? It's been a while since I last played Fates...
  3. Honestly, gamers would probably be happier if topical features like the skills being discussed here or things like a Chao Garden in a Sonic game were reduced to purely optional features that had no impact on gameplay unless turned on. Seriously you'd think that it'd be a little more prioritized.
  4. Maybe I'm being a little wishful about this but perhaps we might see other ghosts in Generations? Sure, it could be taken that they showed the Old Chateau for Halloween, but aren't the other Ghosts still a little mysterious? Maybe not the Marvelous Bridge girl but the "No. You are not the one..." girl from Lumiose City would make some sense due to her popularity, right?
  5. I agree, especially since if a character can't deal damage they're severely screwed over. On my main Birthright file, I've got Felicia and Azama who can't do anything because I completely forgot about them. I tried adding Felicia to the group when she joined but... it ultimately got her destroyed any time I tried to do anything with her. So I resorted to the DLC because I wanted the two of them to grow quicker. Now they're just sorta stuck in limbo. The point of this is just a heads up that you should train your units carefully depending on how you want to use them. I didn't, and now if I try to use Felicia and Azama in a skirmish, they get little experience and if I try to use the DLC to train them, they practically die. I still prefer Awakening's Experience DLC map... It just works better.
  6. I somehow get the feeling that Gen 1 re-remakes would be released for the Switch doing what remakes started back in HGSS and updating Pokédexes and changing so much more. With how far back Fire Red and Leaf Green were, it'd make sense, plus it's not like the 3DS rereleases of the original Gen 1 games actually changes very much as far as in-game content goes. Updating Gen 1 is a sound move as far as the switch goes with Gen 4 being remade for the 3DS assuming Sun and Moon drag its life-span out long enough. Just a thought.
  7. New Forms for Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, the Lake Trio, Arceus, Darkrai and Cresselia. Looker Centric aftergame that references XY's aftergame. Whilst Masuda's said that Mega Evolution's likely to take a back seat until they can find a reason to use it, I feel that Torterra, Infernape, Empoleon, Rampardos, Bastiodon, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Weavile, Roserade, Floatzel, Electivire, Magmortar, Drifblim, Staraptor, Bronzong, Hippowdon and Vespiquen could do with them (at least). If not, then at least perhaps some unique Z-Crystals. Add a few Gen 5 Pokémon like Litwick, Gothita, Zorua and Blitzle to the Pokédex as super rare. Megas for them would also be nice. Ability to mine Mega Stones and Z-Crystals in the Underground is a no-brainer. A series first I'd like to see is Multi-Triple battles. Where two teams of three battle it out in a standard Triple battle format after deciding on positions at the connection menu. Everyone's suggesting a bonus like the Delta Episode to feature Giratina and/or Darkrai. I propose separate aftergame stories, that may converge for a third part. Non-mandatory ones though. Also, a bonus event regarding Arceus should take place after this too. Ability to connect friend bases in the Underground together if they're close enough. That's about I'll I can think of.
  8. If you're recently getting 6 - 6.5 hours sleep now, try going to bed at 22:45. That way, if you overshoot it, you can always adapt a little each time and adjust accordingly.
  9. Additionally, it has Smash Run, which I prefer countless amounts over Smash Tour which I may play again some time around August...
  10. 1 Thoron, 2 Arcfires, a Kris' Confect a Silver Dagger and the Sword of Seals say it's gonna be revolutionary and revive F-Zero.
  11. You can still get the Love Bracelet but that's basically it.
  12. Gerome Behind the Mask- Allied Wyvern Units support by this unit get +5 to Damage dealt and -3 to Damage received. Lucina Leadership Quality - Use Rally to increase the chances of allied Dual Strike/Dual Guard actions for the affected units. Owain Sword Hand - When using a Sword +8 to damage dealt and +15 Avo. Kjelle Warrior's Duty - When this unit is a Pair-up Partner +20 to Dual Guard chance and -50 to Dual Strike chance. Yarne Fearful Charge - In any battle this unit initiates grants +15 Damage Dealt and -40 Hit. In any battle this unit did not initiate grants +15 Damage Received and +55 Avo.
  13. Doing a Paralogue or Xenologue should do it.
  14. http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/hoshidan-characters/bond-units/ Use that. The list is done.
  15. Use horde encounters, Exp Share and a move that hits all opponents like Rock Slide or Earthquake. Best Suggestion: Get an Ursaring with Sweet Scent, Rock Slide and Earthquake. Find the Pokémon that provide the right EVs and go nuts. It's still Genocide, but it's quicker than Super Training. But, yeah, ultimately the idea isn't bad. Especially if you and a friend work together to get perfectly planned Bond Units by lining up the Avatar's Boon and Bane on both files whilst also planning the classes in advance too. Heck, since Bond Units use Avatar customization variables, you could even plan their appearance.
  16. Wonder why Owain is in my bed. Then probably demand to learn his special moves and just his sword style in general.
  17. Kind Greetings, good chap! I personally prefer X and Y, but we're all different.
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