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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. So why not have it so that they could get it removed when they're older? Seems sensible when you think about it.
  2. Be impressed that I'm stuck. Then pull my cranium out of my rectum, screw it correctly into place and actually do it.
  3. If I could remember what I did 10 minutes ago, I'd still not know.
  4. Hi there! Welcome to the fandom, I hope you have fun and enjoy your stay. Your English, admittedly needs a little work, but as a British Male, I commend you for having better English than many English-speaking people I know. You'll pick it up in no time. Here's to your future growth!
  5. Something like this actually once sorta happened to me and I'm still baffled my the narrow-mindedness of such a fecal slurping individual's underdeveloped brainpower. Let me explain: I was minding my own business on Facebook awaiting the return of the CW DC Superhero shows. I proposed a comment of a simple idea relating to something I believed may potentially happen at some point in the show(s) in question. Within a few days at most, some utter jackass personally messaged me with what initially seemed like a reasonable and mature disagreement. After a few back-and-forths of our differing opinions, he became progressively more violent, outright attacking me for having a different DC media form interest to him (he likes the films, if you're curious). I calmly stated my views and opinions and ultimately, he, who came to me and harrassed me, blocked me for being me. Ultimately, my actual answer to the question is pretty dependent on my emotional state. If I'm calm, I'll share my disagreements and move on, if I'm positive, I'll probably do the same and maybe just banter with the person if I like them at all and if I'm negative, I'll probably bottle it up and forget it. On motorcycles or Nah?
  6. Be technical. Trees make CO2 by making Oxygen for CO2 exhaling creatures to inhale and convert.
  7. Isn't listening to Moon River ∞ Climax Mix.
  8. Be satisfied if I got all of my original stats back. I did, they called it Fates. They even debuffed my design. I'm still complaining about it...
  9. Gaius does have a Support set with Chrom though... As for my opinion... I'll say that this feels more like a fanfiction plot than an actual plausible outcome.
  10. But that's a little absurd. If you consider the kids being born into the war just between Hoshido and Nohr without the deeprealms issue, they'd needlessly risk the lives of the children by just being at a base that could get attacked by enemies at any time. Then again... this is the Fates cast we're talking about... Actually, I don't see why the parents didn't decide to start training their kids when they could learn to fight at an earlier age. True, they don't want them involved in a war but self-defense is at least a viable reason AND it'd justify the combat prowess of some of them. Ophelia, Soleil, Siegbert and Hisame are examples of the kids having trained in some way, however look at Dwyer, Mitama, Kana and Midori. I'm quite sure they never had to lift a finger regarding combat and they're suddenly somehow potent in fighting to some degree. I'm gonna stop thinking about Fates' utter stupidity... it's giving me a headache...
  11. Why not give the kind of facial hair Snake had in Brawl? It's not too much or too little. That level would be acceptable, surely. Personally, I prefer leaving myself with a little bit of stubble. It's a comfortable compromise.
  12. 1. They're capitalizing on Awakening senselessly. They do absolutely nothing for the plot except Heirs of Fate which is centred around them instead. 2. What I don't get is this: Go to Valla, Write a Report about all of the important things about the place, Take it to Nohr and/or Hoshido and show Xander and Ryoma. Seriously, taking those steps would have made it easier as opposed to what was actually done. 3. Deeprealms. All it'd take is the female spending a Deeprealm's time zone of 9 months for the birthing process of the children at a bare minimum. What's unclear is actually the time difference between the Deeprealms and the world outside of them. It's suggested that the characters periodically check on their children but I'd find it difficult to calculate when they would based on time differences between realms. All of the kids had access to caretakers when they were growing, Shigure's were killed before he joins you, Dwyer's leave because he didn't really do anything to try and help them, Mitama's taught her poetry and so on. There's more stuff left unanswered, but I hope that's clarification enough for what you've asked.
  13. I'd just guess it's to make them more unique. Look at Iago. He gets Staff usability as a Sorcerer despite the fact that Sorcerers can't use them. Does Hans have any other unique attributes aside from his appearance and the critical animations?
  14. I just interpret it as Robin never having married. Both, Awakening and Fates needs a character to get married to load the proper coding of the kids, so for story purposes, I just interpret it as Morgan having shown up regardless of whether or not Robin married. There's nothing concrete to suggest Morgan was there as their respective child. Or perhaps Robin sacrificed themself and the trio left before Chrom and Lissa had found Robin. It seems a little more believable when you think about their disbelief at facing Robin in the amiibo battle too. Of course it's obviously left ambiguous because of possible choices for player marriage in Awakening, but that's neither here nor there.
  15. You may use only 1 unit from a chapter in which you gain multiple (you must keep others alive but they cannot be allowed to fight). You must use the worst units possible with the exception of the Avatar who may be freely customized as a safety net. Difficulty must be set to at least Hard. Must be played on Classic and you may not reset if you lose a unit. All characters used should be made to be their worst available class by way of a Heart Seal. If they have a better class available than what they start as, leave them as is. The Avatar must not use Nohr Prince(ss) or its promotions anywhere outside of Chapters 1-6. You must promote them before level 15 unless you have no available Master Seals. The Avatar must be promoted as early as possible. If you decide to use the kids, you may only use the children of characters you are using and they must be paired up to be purposely bad. You may purchase skills for your team as an additional safety net but you are allowed no more than 3 additional skills per character. Up for it?
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