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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. Honestly, I like it. It actually feels like they kinda tested the waters with the Awakening trio in Fates for that. I know the classes they have are divided between Hoshido and Nohr but at the end of the day, Ylisse only lacks Ninja, which shares a strong similarity to Assassin. Assuming that Avatars are usable again, it'd be nice to have the: 'Choose your birth class' thing from New Mystery again, but this time affecting how the character design and some dialogue is executed. I honestly want to play this idea so much right now! o.o
  2. I actually remembered about an hour ago. XD Though a Sky Knight Kaze could probably do some good in Conquest.
  3. Knows how to get answers to questions that may haunt me.
  4. Homebrew would probably be the way you have to go. Powersaves only changes the character to their default model of the class.
  5. Didn't realize you could recruit specific enemy units, immediately killing Gaius and Tharja before ultimately realizing with Cynthia.
  6. Inquire about the cool mask and where I can get one. What? No support conversations? =o
  7. Question how literally anyone can fit in my single bed beside me when I take up all of the room on it.
  8. I thought her portrait was readily on the game card for AI Merchants you can rescue or when you're buying from/selling to them. Actually, I've got a somewhat question hypothetical question for you. Would it be possible to take assets from Awakening (Character data, Classes or Skills for example) and port it to Fates or the reverse of that? IE porting them from Fates backwards to Awakening. It's just something that's been on my mind for the past few days and I figured this'd be the perfect opportunity to ask.
  9. Building on this, you could probably get away with Sky Knight as the Talent since everyone'd be able to capitalize on the speed. Additionally, this gives Midori the Kinshi Knight option which would be helpful due to conistent Lance and Bow usage from Merchant's availability.
  10. Last I checked with Powersaves, you couldn't Class Mod on Awakening. I'd have checked much more recently but... my only local friend that has a hard copy of Awakening won't let me use it to check Awakening's codes again. If Skills are what you're after, I'm aware that you can mod the character in Slot 1 to have whatever skills you want including enemy exclusives like Dragonskin and Hawkeye, but only legitimately available skills are allowed to be passed down. So, Aether could be passed down for example but Hawkeye couldn't. I'm relatively sure that Powersaves can't change the Base Stats and the like though. I suspect hacking may yield a better result in that regard.
  11. I had a really difficult time up until recently. Basically I'd just throw it in and take a drink, ensuring that the pill's caught in the liquid then swallow it really quickly. Putting it in the cup never worked for me because it'd sink to the bottom and never emerge.
  12. Maybe it's just my inexperience at modding FE games talking but that sounds like a lot more work than just reusing and reskinning assets already in the game. It sounds like a lot of recoding needs to be done and I'm not sure that many of the more experienced modders here could do it easily. I wish you success, regardless.
  13. Personally, I'd defaultly use Odin as a Swordmaster, but I only really have one suggestion in mind being: Nyx!Ophelia for your Mage.
  14. My only real gripe with the idea is how they'd keep powering down after every little fight. Would having their morphed states being promotions work? Perhaps the Battlizers could be a weapon type usable by the Red Ranger promotions and the unique weapons of each Ranger could be weapons usable by each individual? Also, what about things like SPD's SWAT mode? There's plenty of factors to consider, I'll just throw that out there. Outside of this, I doubt I'd be able to help very much.
  15. Were you accounting for trajectory? I mean we're technically both right. If the force hits the object but is angled to a certain degree when making contact, it would likely alter its trajectory, but naturally, a head-on collision would just cause a direct rebound. This has been interesting.
  16. Reminded me I need to finish the Endgame of Path of Radiance.
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