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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. *Looks at Member Title* Bish- I'm kidding. It's Dark Knight, obviously. It feels like the ideal balance between Strength and Magic that leans more toward Magic. It's got great Movement and Lifetaker access. What's not to like?
  2. She's also the one in Hidden Truths 1 that complains about her hair colour being changed, stating that she likes her old hair colour.
  3. Maybe this was intentional... maybe it's something to set up a future installment somewhere down the line...
  4. It happens... unless you're trying to cover up the truth and you travelled back from 20154 to 2014... I'm kidding of course. Truthfully, I haven't even been here a year yet. I'm curious about it too.
  5. Time traveller, eh? I dunno...
  6. Female Kana's "Thank you." I dunno why, it just makes me giggle. Literally every one of Odin's lines. There are no favourites. Every line is perfect. Laslow's lines that are not conversation type sentences. Though I love the character, longer sentences just kinda throw off the voice for me and it feels weird to hear. All archived Awakening character dialogue because Awakening bias. Ryoma's Crit quotes. You can feel the anger in his voice and it feels really appropriate for a critical. Xander's "Justice is an illusion." Not because I think it's a good line or well voiced... nope. Just because every time I hear it, I get a mental image of Xander saying it to my Avatar with Arthur having a heart attack in the background and that thought always makes me laugh. Soleil's "You know what this place needs? KITTEN POSTERS!" because I agree. Best that come to my mind right now.
  7. No worries. I've been checking it out frequently because I've been looking for specific content, myself. Glad I could help.
  8. Here's all of Fates' EU DLC dates and prices. http://serenesforest.net/fire-emblem-fates/miscellaneous/downloadable-content/europe/
  9. Heirs of Fate 4, 5 and 6 are released this Thursday and aside from the Hoshidan and Nohrian Festival of Bonds maps, (which haven't been announced for availability outside of Japan) that's pretty much everything. Look at the two Season Pass prices, they're worth it.
  10. Understood. I guess I picked up on that.
  11. I don't disagree. Given that Owain and the others reference the DLC from Awakening as things that actually happened and Awakening's DLC having something of a sub-story, it wouldn't be too farfetched. Awakening was my first FE title and Tiki actually made me feel like there was someone I could go to and ask for advice within the game itself. So given that she was far more child-like in Marth's time it's literally saying that she's matured since. I'm certain her wisdom would be very appreciative to have once more.
  12. My brain shut off regarding Priam. Tiki's able to live that long so she literally has no conflicting issues with her existence.
  13. Specify "this". Because characters returning has been happening since FE2. Sure, not every entry did it, FE8 for example, but it's pretty common in the series in general from what I've seen/read. Granted, everything up to Fates was literally the same realm but the point kinda stands. Of course if you're referring to interrealm crossovers... then, yeah, this is the first time and I should shut my face.
  14. Haha, it's fine. I've had to type this all out on a Wii U which is a little annoying because some features don't seem to respond correctly. I can see what you mean regarding Siegbert, but I'm sure that it could be explained simply enough. Xander being alive and well, Leo or Forrest covering any duties in the meantime. Heck, perhaps it's a mission he's been tasked by Xander that results in placement in your army for the time being (assuming the same-world idea is used). Regarding Asugi, I was kinda skeptical about him being somewhat well-received as well. I suppose it might just be a sentimentality to it, though now that I think about it, his behaviour in HoF 3 is a little more highlighting of his attitude toward Saizo. I feel it'd be interesting to delve further into that mechanic after he's matured more and we've seen how he changes. We see how Severa still holds some resentment for Cordelia in Fates but she's gotten largely past that for example, and with Severa having a mother that's so perfect at everything, the inferiority complex she developed does make sense. The relationship between Asugi and Saizo, however isn't like that because we acknowledge that Saizo isn't perfect from the get-go, so Asugi could hold resentment to him for him seeming self-righteous and it'd be logically sound. Shigure, I think I just want to see actually develop into something. It doesn't feel like he's his own person to some degrees (though I like that he's a painter since that's something unique for him). Seeing him develop would be a huge reason to bring him back in my opinion. I suppose another supporting idea to Soleil could actually be a parallel to Asugi in that she's literally the opposite in terms of her relationship with her father, but honestly, the only thing I find particularly annoying about her is that she doesn't tone down immediately after being told to stop. It's a little annoying that a heavy chunk of conversations tell her to stop flirting with the women she's interacting with.
  15. I was actually going by the ideal of who I'd like to see over who was most likely to return. Just going by kids would've been my formula too. Maybe I'll just list them here with my reasons for why. Siegbert It's kinda odd since I actually only recruited him for the first time literally 2 days ago, but I actually read up about him on the wiki a lot prior to that. Seeing his supports with Xander, Midori and the Avatar actually helped my perspective cement though. He tries yo be very self-sufficient and independent so that he can prove himself to Xander, he strives to be the best he can be but he struggles to do so and oftentimes it becomes noticeable that he's trying too hard for his own good. His heart's in the right place but he needs to learn to ask for help more often, which is a point Xander raised to him in their supports. Midori and the Avatar actually help show that if he receives help or advice that he can be very appreciative and honestly, I feel that's a good character quality for someone of his station. Asugi So yeah, I kinda ranted regarding the expies but I actually feel that whilst their appearance and even their unique quirks are practically identical, Asugi actually stands out to me more than Gaius did. He comes across as more giving and is shown to have a complex relationship with his father. A large thing I didn't like about Gaius and Tharja is that they didn't feel very fleshed out and could've been well-written if they had more time in the story as significant characters after recruitment, even if only to be used for certain small events. Like Gaius scouting up ahead or Tharja providing details of Plegia's military tactics that she knows. Basically, I like Asugi because he's (in my opinion) the most fleshed out of the expies. Shigure So, I was actually a little disappointed with how Shigure came across in the main game, because to me he seems literally like no more than an average guy. Not that that's a bad thing, but it felt off to put a character that's tied to so significant a character in the game to be portrayed as just average. However Heirs of Fate, is where I basically saw that he's the only one truly aware of what's actually happening and having an idea of how to stop it (though being guided by your technically dead mother helps too, I guess). He's very eager to help anyone overcome their difficulties and in Heirs of Fate specifically, feels like a much more confident Lucina, even willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good with a few self-doubts about it as I'm aware (HoF's second half isn't available to me yet so please correct anything I've got wrong). He's also got a strong bond with his now deceased best friend which is something I feel very is relatable personally. Soleil Whilst I do love both, Soleil and Ophelia, I feel as though Soleil actually takes steps to improve her character more than Ophelia did (and whilst I'd love to name other Nohrian kids for this, the only ones I managed to recruit and get to know other than Soleil, Ophelia and Siegbert are Sophie and Nina). She takes steps to try to be a better friend to Ophelia after she learns she was just causing her stress, she and Nina compete over their personal sexual preferences but in spite of their initial arguing, they actually compromise and come to have mature discussions regarding the merits of each side without getting too aggressive. She has a habit of mimicking her father's flirtatious behaviour, but I'm willing to dismiss it because she's not trying to be something she's not, even though a fair few traits of hers seem radically identical, it feels more like she grew into it as opposed to Ophelia mimicking Owain because she found it amusing as a child and never let go of it. Soleil's growth just feels more natural to me. I thing I wrote an essay just now. ^-^; Whoops... ^-^; If I had to omit one, it'd be Shigure. Truthfully I'd be fine with a completely new cast, but I AM a sucker for returning characters, so I shared my opinions. Anyone agree with my points? I have not proofread this, nor do I wish to, if I fucked up grammatically somewhere, I'll just let it kill me slowly when I find it.
  16. You noticed it too then? I'm not surprised. Fates honestly feels to me like it's trying to remind me of Awakening every chance it gets. Returning characters get a pass, but then I look at absolutely unfathomable decisions like why their identities are changed when they at best meet Chrom, Lissa and Frederick, and at worst, meet Lucina, the former three haven't met them yet thus don't recognize them... Lucina however... INSTANTLY. RECOGNIZES. ALL OF THEM. The more I try not to think about it, the more I see this decision literally degrading over time and it's just AWFUL! Of course Revelation is literally forcing Awakening's last story section down your throat. It's not that it's bad to take inspirationfrom something, but it feels like straight up plagiarism of its own predecessor. Though as stated, the gameplay itself sets it apart from Awakening in that area at least. Even so... it just feels more like an expensive knock-off... Sorry... I got a little carried away there... ^-^; If I wanted to see returning characters who would I pick? How many characters could I pick? I'd assume 3 or 4 but maximizing the number would help my choices.
  17. Anankos was killed by his insane dragon form. Even he couldn't survive it, Lilith acknowledges and states this directly to him. The only way they could plausibly recruit him is his Final Boss form... but... that'd kinda ruin the Revelation endgame... plus I don't think he'd listen... Regarding Chrom... they couldn't afford you recruiting Chrom when you meet him "BEFORE Awakening" it'd severely screw with things. If they so happen to do a DLC set AFTER Awakening... that's a different story... but then, Inigo, Owain and Severa's absences/identities would be given away the moment that Chrom and any of the Sheperds that may join with him join the army. Plus there's Gaius, Tharja and Cordelia and their counterparts to account for that'd just mess with everything. Long story short, there's a tad too many problems that Chrom or most of the Sheperds would present by joining Corrin's army. Adding other child characters like Noire may be interesting however, because of similar instances between her and Severa. Joins the army and could meet her mother's literal doppleganger. Or Lucina that'd be supportable by players, which I myself would take in a heartbeat.
  18. As a British person of what I consider beyond average linguistic skills, I can astutely state that your English is far FAR better than literally most people I know personally. A quick FYI on how that is... I've never left the Southeast of England.
  19. Break those restrictions. How can one live as free as the wind if under the restrictions of a dictatorship? Amusingly, I couldn't think of how to word that, but damn, the Sonic hype has me cheerful and creative again. It's a nice change of pace...
  20. What's kinda weird is that a few months back I was literally complaining for Knuckles to get some more 2D game time. Sonic Mania, though I cannot play you, thank you!
  21. I sent in a code request for Awakening for class modifiers a good while back... I doubt it's happened though... I'd love to check... but sifting through the cheat lists on Codejunkies on the Wii U is a friggin' challenge. I'd use my laptop... if it handled web browsing as well as I can catch Pokémon... To clarify that, I have a digital copy of Awakening and one of my friends has a game cartridge version. So browsing the site for the codes is really the only way I could find out... but... as I've just said... my laptop handles like ass...
  22. If you wanna get rid of his Beast Weakness, just give him Beast Shield. Since you're using skills you shouldn't normally have, why not apply personal skills to him? Selena's and Takumi's fit really well if you're doing the Replicate + Bold Stance combo?
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