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Light Strategist

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Everything posted by Light Strategist

  1. I actually feel as though Swords and Lances are enough. Hero's a prominent class but there's nothing that really sticks out as a Lancer that's any decent. Well, I meanHalberdiers were awesome in Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn but that's like the only few times (that I'm aware of directly). My point being that we need more Lance using infantry. I approve! =D
  2. Comply under the condition I'm asked like Captain Falcon. Just to prove it was a waste of time and I shouldn't have left my room again.
  3. I believe the wiki explained that it was named after Alm after his death. I suppose it really depends on how long after the events of the main game take place that the Avatar's story would. It could be an interesting start many years later.
  4. Double check it, just to be safe. I can't check it myself since my only online browsing method is the Wii U and that doesn't take kindly to the immense size of the cheat list on the website. I'm only able to properly speak for the EU list since I'm British and have never left the Southeast of England, nor purchased any foreign devices for any reason.
  5. See, I know on the EU list that there's a cheat for the Hero's Brand and Exalt's Brand (35 uses of them too) and a code to change the quantity of the first item in character 1's inventory to 35 as well. So basically, you could have 35 uses of an item you only get one of. Don't know about NA's cheat list regarding the items. I hope it's like that for you though. The codes for the Hero and Exalt Brands and the item quantity increaser are locked to character 1 item slot 1. I hope it's available for you and I hope this helps.
  6. They could do it based on similar classes or something but that could cause problems too. Still, the ideas of alternative ways may allow people to come to a fair understanding compromise.
  7. You have to use the item to make it permanent. Tell me are you in NA or EU?
  8. ↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑↑
  9. Honestly, I'd think that a few of the more prominent Akaneian characters would be most likely. Marth (we've already seen that Mario's had several iterations, as have several other characters), Tiki, Bantu... characters like that. But I'd like to see a reasonable collection from each entry or 'series'. Particularly Chrom and Priam are atop my interest list but Xander and Ryoma seem like cool choices too.
  10. Whilst it could be more challenging to implement, I actually feel that giving dialogue options or a personality feature that affects dialogue would be great on the personality front. Regarding gameplay... I'd like the option to decide your avatar's immediate background (not unlike FE12's options) featuring specie choices too. Heck, I'd actually like it to go as far as to be able to name your ancestors, just for that extra immersion quality.
  11. Still like my idea of an aftergame type Avatar. =p
  12. Assuming they wanted to carry it that way and not do what Awakening did and resolve it all as one game. Since Ashnard could've been beaten and then you moved onto Ashera just chapters later at most. It'd probably have killed the pacing between the two, honestly. But I've yet to be able to play Radiant Dawn so I wouldn't know the full extent of everything involved.
  13. I do a douchey thing on Boo Camp if I'm training my Avatar. I stand on the escape point. It's truly a very amusing thing to watch the Faceless gather round. XD
  14. It's not so much how well they can swim as opposed to communication if they find someone.
  15. Mermaid. Chances are she can get help, or perhaps salvage communication equipment from ships.
  16. Ooh, a messenger sounds like a great way to squeeze an Avatar in!
  17. You saying that gave me another idea which would probably be a poor implementation if done, but... who knows? What if the main game was left alone completely, except for one extra character that could be introduced at the beginning (a customized Avatar)? The Avatar could have their own story that references the main story but is off doing their own separate thing. Depending on how it's done, it might work, though I honestly doubt it... Hmm... perhaps it's unlocked after the ending scene to the original Gaiden story? Say a 5 year timeskip that lets you see how things progress and for whatever reason, you're brought to Alm's attention before being tasked with your own adventure allowing you to bring only 3 of your maingame units with you (levels and stats reset) aside from Alm or Celica. I dunno, I just think it's a fun to play around with possible ideas and see what might work best. What do you think?
  18. Occasionally Bond units may get a class set unrelated to both players' avatars. It's a rare occurrence. Other than that, pretty much everything said sums it up.
  19. Pull out the traffic bread and apply the traffic jam to the traffic bread. Then offer it to someone who wants a traffic sandwich! ^_^
  20. I actually think mine was really slow whilst speeding up... or I just couldn't find the speed-up button... But basically, yeah, that's what I'm getting at. It becomes accessible to newer players with more familiar players not having a reason to complain about anything other than minor nitpicks. All the while keeping preference in mind.
  21. I do agree about the idea of modernization for familiarity. Though I still feel it should be an optional feature. It'd give you more freedom in deciding how you want to play. Which at least bears the concept of: "You can't please everyone, but you can certainly give it a try". Of course I've never personally played Gaiden, so it's a great opportunity to consider it, but at the same time, I tried emulating Genealogy a fair while back... that... wasn't as quick as the GBA entries (understandably) so pretty much the speed difference is actually the biggest thing that deterred me. Maybe that's why I want the option to turn off modern features... to experience them as they were, but with update mechanics... Kinda makes me want a remake of the Tellius series...
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