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Everything posted by SpacelessZarius

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums, similar story to me with awakening then FE7, they got me hooked real good.
  2. Welcome to the forums, ANOTHER SELENA/SEVERA FAN Tsundere's ftw :P
  3. Glad we could help ya out in some way, also yes I rather enjoy using Chrom, but I have to say Robin is just as awesome in my personal opinion.
  4. Fire Emblem, (AKA Fire Emblem Blazing Sword or FE7) its a longer story and is more compelling, its also a nice challenge, but if you want more overall content I think Sacred Stones has more overall (More classes and more things to do), to conclude tho I would say go with Fire Emblem as if you finish that one and want more from that story as well you can try and get The Binding Blade
  5. I would say yes, it is worth leveling them.They level pretty quick and were three of the best units on my team, that being said, you're probably not gonna lose a lot not leveling them, cept maybe a good dark mage if you don't level Ewan.
  6. Hello and welome to the forums, since I started playing the series last year, I have to say it is one of the best games I have ever played, wish I started sooner :P
  7. Hello and welcome, i have a soft spot for yellow and red personally (Still remember going to buy Pokemon yellow when it first came out)
  8. Welcome, I only started Fire Emblem last year and it quickly shot up into my top favourites.
  9. Gah, i have to educate you two on true British tea, but failing that Green tea is fine :P
  10. Welcome, hope you're enjoying the Binding Blade, it is possibly my favourite atm.
  11. Heyo, welcome fellow new person. Im also looking for a way to actually play the radiant series (ive only watched) but the GBA titles are soo good. Also glad to see im not the only one who started with awakening :P
  12. Heyo, welcome I'm new myself as well but hey welcome to the forums
  13. A lot to consider here. Alen vs Lance vs Marcus vs Zealots vs Trec vs Noah vs Percival Lance, he turned out great in my game, although for some reason he got quite a bit weaker by the end of the game. Wolt vs Dorothy vs Klein vs Igrene Wolt, I suck at leveling archers, I know they're useful to have around but I just struggle to use em, not so much of an issue with Wolt. Plus since I played the Blazing Sword before this I know he is Rebecca's kid and I quite liked Rebecca in the Blazing Sword. Sue vs Sin vs Dayan Gonna be honest never used any of them, but I pick Sue based only because she is related to Rath. Bors vs Wendy vs Barth vs Douglas Bors, although I used Wendy after I got her, she was so much trouble to level for me personally, but in the time I was using Bors I had very little issues, should have just stuck to him really. Niime vs Raigh vs Sophia Raigh, he hit hard, he hit fast and became pretty much a mage tank for taking on Wyvern Riders and Lords like they were nothing, plus he is Nino's kid and she was just awesome. Lugh vs Lilina vs Hugh WHY MUST YOU MAKE ME PICK BETWEEN MY TWO BEST MAGES YOU EVIL PERSON. That aside Lilina, while she was slower than Lugh at first, just gave her a quick speedwing, then she was just as fast, but hit even harder than he did, not to mention she healed just as well as my main healer with just a usual heal staff. Being the daughter of Hector also boost her up in my books, had to support her with Roy cause well they seemed good together XD Ellen vs Saul vs Clarine vs Cecillia vs Jodel Clarine, a quick mobile healer at the start, but soon became possibly my third best magic damage dealer not to mention she was funny to watch talk to others at times. She is also the daughter of Pent and Louise, of whom were actually quite good in my Blazing Sword game. Chad vs Astore vs Cath Again I'm terrible at levelling thieves (cept in sacred stones with Colm....). I have to pick Astore, he was a pretty strong theif and not annoying to recruit (looking at you Cath and nearly costing me a Legendary weapon). Rutger vs Fir vs Karel I tried to use both Rutger and Fir, but Rutger was just better overall in the end anyway so Rutger. Bartre vs Geese vs Gonzales vs Lot vs Wade vs Garret I ONLY LEVELED ONE OF THESE GUYS. Gonzales, he was quite strong and quick, but HE MISSED SO MUCH but when he didn't boy did it hurt. Deke vs Ogier vs Ekhidna Deke, no question, an amazing tank and outright massive damage dealer. Zeiss vs Milady Again tried to use both, but lets face it, Milady. She was just much stronger much faster and also gave her a Delphi shield and not even ballista could stop this woman. Shanna vs Thite vs Juno Pegasus knights.... so frail... but if I had to pick one it would have to be Shanna, just purely because I used to her for more levels (I think I was forced to use her for those levels tho) Lalum vs Elphin Lalum, not that I ever used her really, but I had to pick one Merlinus? STOP TRYING TO TELL ROY WHAT TO DO AND JUST CARRY MY STUFF, also STAY OFF THE MAP! Fae? Adorable little dragon like most dragons in Fire Emblem I've noticed. I really regret not using her more. Roy? One of my favourite Lords late game, at the start he is good and all but starts to become redundant for so long, gave him a few stat boosting items before getting him promoted, but he ended up two shooting Zephiel, and that dragon dude, and then ONE SHOT KO'd Idun. Plus I find it funny how he really liked Lilina in my game, but would then quickly change subject.
  14. Let's have some tea and chat.

  15. Just finished Sacred Stones last night so in no particular order: Elibe: Male: 1. Hector 2. Roy 3. Eliwood 4. Jaffar 5. Raigh Female: 1. Lyn 2. Milady 3. Lilina 4. Nino 5. Clarine Magvel: Male: 1. Ephraim 2. Kyle 3. Joshua 4. Gerik 5. Ewan Female: 1. Eirika 2. Tana 3. Lute 4. Myrrh 5. Neimi
  16. Hello there, I am new myself so welcome. I just finished the last of the GBA titles myself and they are amazing.
  17. Yo there, new myself and I'm totally not salty that the Americans are getting fates today/tomorrow (no really I'm not) (ok maybe a lil)
  18. So hi there, I am new to the forum and so I decided to introduce myself and try and join this community. Online name: SpacelessZarius, Space, Spaceless, Zarius Real name: ​Lewis DoB: ​24/9/1993 Favourite FE Game: ​Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade Favourite Game (other than FE): ​Either Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess or any Halo title Favourite FE Character: ​Ike Least Favourite game: ​Sports related titles (id just prefer to play them irl) Sports: ​Rugby or Olympic sports Online friends: ​N/A on this forum Favourite music: ​urrrrrr Rock or Metal Favourite artist/band: ​Imagine Dragons Favourite song: ​Radioactive Country: ​UK, England MSN/Yahoo/AIM: ​N/A Hobbies: ​Gaming, Painting Warhammer models, watching TV/Anime/Movies, Admining an server, (trying to do more) Good Point: ​I can't be a mean person, I've tried to be mean to people I don't like, I can't do it, I'm too nice for my own good. Bad Point: ​I can be a bit weird, I don't ever act weird in a bad way on purpose, but it does happen, if it does please just tell me. Anything else?:[/b] ​I have a shit ton of pets in my house and care about each of them, I'm heading back to uni after a long off period thanks to my health taking a complete 180, I am a very honest person, I'm willing to listen to people's problems maybe not give great advice, but I am an ear to talk to if need be. I also love tea, very stereotypical of me as a British man.
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