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Posts posted by kirauza343

  1. Free pulls were a Bartre and an Abel. Meanwhile I'm convinced the new summer banner is cursed (up to a 4.5% pity rate). That or either a) I'm perpetually unlucky with mage fliers not named Ninian (I do also have Nowi, but she showed up on my very last orbs on the very last night of her banner) or b) I was due for a unlucky stretch in general (which is fair).

  2. 7 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    @kirauza343 I wouldn't care too much what's written in that list.

    From what I read, Gamepedias Arena tier list focuses on people who play Arena in Tier 19/20, which is exactly where I am (eternal tier 19,5). Regarding that list, my team would be very imperfect. Only tiers A (Roy), A+ (Cherche) and S- (Cordelia). Since I'm not running them with their "optimal" set, you could subtract 1-2 tiers for each unit, perhaps even 3 from Cordelia since melee Fliers get their high rankings from Firesweep only. 

    I usually don't care about them (I mean I use Marisa, who's low on both, as one of my staples), but Gamepedia's list is still...wow.

  3. 41 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    Sanaki and Leo above Celica (and Henry on the same tier)

    She hasn't fallen that far since her introduction :dry: (she really hasn't...sure her prf could use a refine but even just letting her get a stat boost refine would be enough to put it on par with Beloved Zofia (and she likes the extra attack and speed of Ragnarok more than she'd like the defense and resistance of Beloved Zofia). Like an extra effect would be cool but isn't really necessary).

    I mean the rest of the ones you listed are also pretty bad but I am biased about this one.

  4. Ninian: a fantastic unit just by virtue of being a dancer, and being the only dragon dancer means she fits in perfectly on manakete teams (coming with fortify dragons doesn't hurt). As a dragon she can run a variety of different breaths depending on what is needed and hitting the lower defensive stat on ranged units it useful. That being said her combat utility is...lacking. 24 atk is sad even for a dancer and 33 speed is nothing to write home about. She can handle some reds with a triangle adept build, but she's pretty stuck being a support unit (not that that's a bad thing). Her higher hp mean she can be a bit more durable than other dancers, but she really has to watch out for Julias and Deirdres. Rating: 8/10

  5. 6 minutes ago, NoblePink said:

    It's too late in this case but if there's any banner leak in the future can it be in a separate thread?

    Also about the complaints about certain poses. I do think that action poses (like attacking/injured art) allow some degree of "flexibility" beyond what people think as "anatomically comfortable". Plenty of real life examples out there:


    I just came across this pic while looking at my news feed. To be clear though I don't really care about T&A's, I'm more of a kawaii-kei person more than sexy-kei. But all those broken back/spine comments feels wrong to me. 

    I mean there is a difference between flexibility caught on camera by accident and poses that are deliberately drawn to show off a character's bust and rear despite being impractical or uncomfortable for real life.

    As for the banner itself, I think I'll pull for Tana. I'm on the fence for Noire (her art is a bit off putting for me), but I'll wait to decide until we get stats and skills.

  6. @Alexmender Wow, Eirika made that look easy even with Oliver and the Sapphire Lance Cavalry! I bet she'll be even more unstoppable once you get Spd Tactic to add to her buffs.

    @mampfoid I was curious how you were going to get Roy around the trench and I guess Reposition is one way to do it. This one looked like a cakewalk for you.

    @Ginko I was a little concerned about your Shiro against the green mage but now I'm convinced he's unkillable. Great job!

    @Rafiel's Aria Daaaaaaang Lucius! Never underestimate the power of that extra attack and speed from an Ally support. Awesome clear!

    I apparently did infernal with fliers last time, so I decided to solve it with my regular ladies this time around! 

    It took a little bit of skill inheritance and seal swapping to get Marisa to do what she needed, but once that was figured out it wasn't that bad. Micaiah can actually one shot Oliver at the end with Iceberg if Marisa's right next to her (thanks Ally support!), but I wanted to let Cherche do more than just ferry people around.

  7. Reinhardt: He hasn't been a consistent meta threat for no reason. He's both pretty cheap to build (Death Blow, Lance Breaker, and hone cavalry for a support unit are all available in the 3-4 star pool) and incredibly effective; fully buffed there's not many who can survive his onslaught. Even with the introduction of trenches and more units who can handle him he continues to be a painful enemy and a powerful ally. Rating: 9/10

  8. 2 hours ago, Ice Dragon said:

    Ice Dragon is indecisive again.

    I now have a [+Spd, -Res] and a [+Spd, -Def] regular Azura that I can use as the merge base for a +10. I was originally gunning to replace my existing [+Spd, -Def] Azura with the new [+Spd, -Res] base for better performance against melee-range units, but after noticing that her Res is actually decent enough (but only barely) to run Ploy skills, I'm not quite so sure.

    There's also the fact that both Performing Arts Azura and New Year Azura both have [+Spd, -Def] as their recommended nature on Gamepedia, citing that their Def stats are already quite low, but regular Azura has [+Spd, -Res] citing that keeping her Def intact helps her melee match-ups... despite all three versions having almost the same stat line.


    I don't have Vanilla Azura, but if I had to speculate the difference in recommended banes I'd have to guess color. The green Azuras have a decent enough resistance to handle the blue dragons like the ever annoying Nowi (at least in my experience, the upper tiers of the arena might be a different story), while for reds I feel like swords are more common (plus the red dragons I believe are easier to deal with), hence the different bane for blue Azura. If I had the choice I'd go with resistance but again this is all very speculative/theoretical on my end.

    I do have a question for y'all: I've pulled a +def/-atk Charlotte and am trying to figure out how I want to build her. Right now I'm leaning towards an enemy phase build vaguely similar to my Marisa one, giving her a slaying lance (speed refine), warding breath (I don't currently have a spare B!Ike and the extra resistance could be useful against manaketes), Wrath, and the Quick Riposte sacred seal. What I'm stuck on is her special. I'm torn between Luna and Aether; Luna looks better for offense, but I like the idea of her being more self-sustaining. What do y'all think?

  9. Honestly I think book 2 chapter 9/10 lunatic chain challenge might be even worse than book 1's 11/12 because of Lene and its reinforcement maps being especially annoying. 11/12's turn limits are a pain, but we were dealing with it before we had access to some of the newer stronger units and combinations while 9/10 is difficult despite that. I will admit I spent a lot more time trying to figure out 11/12, but that was before I had some of my real powerhouses (like my flier team); I went back and retried it recently and had zero problems with no preparation while at the same time I was struggling through 9/10.

  10. Thanks to the Tap Battle/Arena quest orbs I decided to give Charlotte one last shot and she finally came home! Sure she's +def/-atk but you know what I am perfectly fine with that. Now to figure out how to build her...I have a build in mind but I'm conflicted about sacrificing my only Nephenee for it (because like...I don't really use her but I could you know?).

    Time to start saving up for the summer banner (Valentian Summer please)!

  11. I think the game has something against me getting Charlotte. Got up to at least a 4% pity rate only to end up with a -atk/+hp Caeda. So between both runs of this banner I'm up to 2 Caedas, 2 Cordelias, 1 Lyn, a couple of blue pity breakers from last year, and 0 Charlottes, the character I wanted most :/

  12. 46 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    Wow, that Would Dao Ignis on Turn 1 is ridiculous. The rest was more or less routine to your girls, congratulations!

    I thought you would show off some Guidance action, but it's hard to use when Reposition and other beaming skills exist (I've never used it myself sadly, not even on Tana). 

    I have never regretted giving Marisa Steady Breath because of moments like that.

    Guidance was helpful in setting everyone up a turn or so earlier, but I definitely used it less than I expected I would here. It was super helpful back in Seliph and Julia's BHB, but I do feel like I use it more in the arena. I would definitely miss it if I replaced it.

  13. @Alexmender Very nice! I was surprised at how little damage the lance flier did, but I guess Atk Smoke works wonders.

    @Ginko It was nice to see Azura face some action; I honestly think she's one the the refreshers best suited for combat. Nice accessory choices too, your team makes this look easy!

    @mampfoid Awesome as always, and it's nice to see picks like Oscar and Groom!Marth. Obviously I'm always a fan of some Elincia shenanigans but wow that was close!

    @Rafiel's Aria Great job! That end with Mia though.

    @Wanda Wow, Fjorm really cut it close there with the dagger user! It's always impressive to see the Askr units used so well.

    @Zeo You weren't kidding when you said Genny did nothing, dang. Awesome clear!

    @Hilda Dang there were a lot of close calls in there! This kind of clear always amazes me; it's awesome to see how well units can do without any 5 star skill inheritance.

    Like others have said, this one was pretty easy. The biggest adjustment I had to make from my first attempt was a slight positioning one so Celica would be in range to kill Linus post-pivot.

  14. 1 hour ago, Anacybele said:

    So anyone got advice for using a flier team on Narcian infernal? I have no idea how to do it when all those archers are there to seriously complicate it. -_- I should put the Iote's Shield seal on someone, but that still leaves the other three fliers open to die.

    Use the mountains to your advantage. Only Narcian can cross them from the enemy team; everyone else has to go the long way around. If you have a mage flier, full buffs plus a bladetome can one shot the first archer or you can use iotes shield if they need to survive a counter. Otherwise I suggest a sort of hit and run: kill the first archer (with a melee unit with hit and run or even drag back) and get them out of there. Once you get them to move you can just use the terrain to your advantage. Watch out for the two panic ploy units though, they're a pain if you're running buffs.

    A lot depends on what kind of fliers you're working with. Who all do you have?

  15. Ooh, I also forgot about the Brave Ike that showed up during Valentines because I foddered him off. Marisa will never forget his sacrifice and neither shall I, because giving her Steady Breath was one of the best decisions I've made in this game.

  16. 3 hours ago, Nanima said:

    This is the 5th goddamn time I failed at the last fucking map. Which I've only reached thanks to a guide. I am so done with this. Don't know how other people do it. Apparently I am just a horrible player.

    The last map is really rough between the enemy inforcements (who spawn in possibly the worst possible spot) and that stat inflation. Add in Ursula if you're running horses, Lagault if you're using buffs, and Nino's mobility in general and it's even worse. I ended up having to make sure I still had a spare team, because one team just wasn't cutting it for that map

  17. We've all had it happen: you're pulling for certain five star units only to get surprised by someone completely different. Sometimes it's someone you really don't want, like the Merrics (well, not anymore at least) and Mists of the world but other times it's someone that's just as good or better than what you were after in the first place. Who are those units you were pleasantly surprised to get and whose banner did they show up on?

    For me, it's these:

    • Sigurd: Halloween Banner. I was hunting for Nowi because I was desperate for any flying mage and wound up with him, and he's made himself a staple on my primary horse team 
    • Ninian: Bridal Banner 1. In my failed hunt for Charlotte (which continues to this day), Ninian became the first 5 start exclusive dancer I pulled. She had a place on multiple secondary teams and now enjoys a spot on my dragon team (and was also a huge part of the team that first beat lunatic chain challenge 11-12, for which I will always be grateful)
    • Reinhardt: Bridal Banner 1 just like Ninian. He was my first Reinhardt (and i think I've only pulled 2 copies of him the entire time I've played, and I've been pulling so much blue lately), and I was blessed with the +atk nature he loves so much.

    How about y'all?

  18. Part of me wants to go back and try and clear the dreaded lunatic 11-12 chain challenge from book 1 again, just to see if I can manage now without a guide now that my teams are stronger. 

    Edit: Holy crap I've come a long way, that wasn't near as bad as the first time around. I knew I could probably figure it out, but I didn't expect it to happen on my first retry. Flier emblem is amazing (I will never stop being grateful for my luck in pulling the ones I have), but even my main gals lasted a few rounds (Micaiah even one shot the first Celica which was amazing to me). I mean Earth season helped a little bit since my flier team is also my Earth team (thanks F!Grima!) but still.

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