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Posts posted by kirauza343

  1. The new chain challenge was just plain evil...dancers and reinforcements with chain challenge's inflated stats? Gross. At least we didn't have any turn limits unlike a certain chain challenge in book 1.

    I eventually managed by leading with my flier team (Ninian, Elincia, Airzura, and F!Grima...had to swap out Ninian's chill attack for desperation), who made it all the way to the next to last map. My main gals of Celica, Micaiah, Cherche, and Marisa made it through that map and most of the last one, and I let horse emblem take care of the two lousy enemies that the previous group had problems with (Lloyd and Jafar of all of people). It might've taken just two or three tries had I not forgotten about Ishtar's vantage on an early run :>_<:

  2. 7 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Do you also like fallen Celica? She is one of the few sword infantry units I consider to invest heavily in. 

    I do, though the only one I've ever pulled is -spd (and even that's not too bad between sacred seals and in her case chill speed and being part of my water blessing team with Fjorm). Beloved Zofia is very nice (while regular Celica appreciates the extra attack and speed, Fallen Celica appreciates the extra bulk, and that +3 def is always nice (and also the reason why I say regular Celica just needs a stat refine: her effect is fine but missing that stat boost newer weapons also have hurts)), as is Chill Speed.

    @Usana Marisa is the best

  3. 2 hours ago, mampfoid said:

    Good idea with DB3 for Micaiah. I'm not using her much on enemy phase, DD3 doesn't make much sense. 

    I saw the summoner S support, are you fan of Celica? I was considering to merge mine, but I've got so many good red mages now (it took a long time for them to arrive, but they came in quantity and quality). 

    I actually used to run quick riposte and double distant defense on Micaiah, but someone around here had a similar build to my current one on her and once I tried it out I fell in love with it. For me at least she works better as a player phase unit than an enemy phase.

    Personally I love Celica; she's been a staple of my team since I pulled her. Admittedly I don't have any of the other "strong and fast" infantry red mages except for Tharja (who is a recent addition anyway), but I do think she's on the better side of those. She doesn't need a bladetome for offense so panic doesn't scare her (and she isn't reliant on buffs from her team), and her prf's effect has held up pretty well (she could use a stat boost refine, but that's pretty minor compared to some other prfs like Tana's) and is one of the better red tome prfs for pure offense. The downside of her prf is easily manageable with renewal, healers (who are no longer terrible), or a healing support/special, especially if you run swift sparrow or something similar over life and death. I would 100% recommend building her up, but I will admit I'm very biased.

  4. @Ginko I'm still obsessed with your Shiro because daaaaaaaaang. That zero damage from the axe flier though.

    @Rafiel's Aria Nice, I was worried about your Mia for a bit there but that exact kill on Julia was impressive!

    @mampfoid I'm always a fan of more Cherche action, and it was nice to see Takumi make his glorious return. Even if Heavy Blade worked as a substitute, it was amusing watching Cordelia work with just a plain old Brave Lance.

    @LordFrigid I always love a good flier team clear, and that positioning manipulation so you could Wings of Mercy around was great! Your clear does remind me that Tana really needs a refine at this point though...

    @NegativeExponents- Great all-colorless clear! I was worried about Niles with that that lance cavalier, but he made it out okay.

    Cut it a bit close in some places, but overall it wasn't that bad. Only needed a few attempts to figure out Infernal, but it was nice to see how useful some of my skills ended up being (special mention goes to Drive Defense, Infantry Pulse, and Guidance).

  5. Got a surprise gift card so I was able to do a few pulls on the legendary banner and got a Hardin (the only person I wanted because I didn't have vengeful or bold fighter...he's +spd/-hp but he's probably gonna be foddered off anyway) and a +atk/-hp Sigurd! I'm pretty happy with my +spd/-res one, but close defense is always welcome.

  6. @LordFrigid Wow, your Caeda was awesome! I was worried about her surviving but she took those hits like a champ.

    @mampfoid Nice! I don't think I've ever seen Lunge used so well.

    @Ginko Shiro's tankiness never fails to amaze me. I almost feel bad for offing my only one for defense tactic.

    @Wanda This might be the first time I've seen Close Counter on regular Tharja but wow it certainly paid off here!

    It might just be me, but this felt like the easiest of Legendary Battles so far; it's the first one I've managed to figure out with relying on Lynhardt + dancers cheese. With all of the physical ranged units my main team was a poor choice, so I let my newly modified flier team figure it out:

    Because she doesn't know she's supposed to be a dancer, Ninian can almost definitely be replaced by Summer Corrin or maybe even F!Morgan. I actually had to inherit Draw Back onto Elincia for this; Ninian can survive the lance fighter but the positioning works out better the other way (I'm also super grateful for that Flier Formation seal since that meant I'd given Elincia Desperation). I don't think my original flier team could've done this, not with how instrumental F!Grima and the Bladetome are.

  7. Probably gonna stick Marth's Mask on Celica as soon as I get the chance (heck, one of the CYL versions I was wanting for her was lance cavalier with a mask like her brother), though it would be so much fun stick it on Cherche for mother-son bonding. Micaiah might get Feh for maximum birds.

    Overall I'm excited about this addition!

  8. For those of us who haven't collected all the heroes there's bound to be gaps in our collections. What are some of the weirder units you're missing, like ones that would complete a set or a trend you notice? For example, I've picked up both alternate versions of Azura but never the original, who incidentally is the only singer/dancer I'm missing besides Shigure. A couple others include:

    • I've never pulled a 5* exclusive Falchion user
    • The seasonals of the Fates siblings are allergic to me as are half of the siblings themselves (the only seasonal I've pulled of these is New Year Camilla)
    • I'm 3/5 on Lyns but I'm just missing the first and last versions
    • Excluding seasonals (really just green!Sanaki), Mia's the only PoR/RD character I haven't pulled
    • Other than the two originals, the only Robin I've pulled is F!Grima
    • Of the 4-5*s, I'm just missing M!Morgan, Ares, and Shigure

    What about the rest of y'all?

  9. Ooh, this is the first member of my current main team we've hit, so apologies if I come across as a bit biased.

    Cherche: Her selling point is easily her attack; at 38 only M!Grima, Effie, and Horse!Chrom have her beat and her defense and mobility are great as well. She's a fantastic candidate for a Brave Axe build, especially combined with drag back or hit and run. She's strong enough to function well without Flier buffs which makes her a good choice for mixed teams (even more so if you give her the guidance Sacred seal) or you could boost her stats even more running a flier team. Her speed and resistance are pretty terrible, but those don't matter as much if you can kill those fast or magic wielding units in just two swings. It's not the most versatile, but if you want a good brave axe user she's easily one of the best. Rating: 8.5


  10. Probably Linde, who blessed me as a pity breaker over a year ago and even showed up +spd/-hp. Honestly I could probably count Mist as well: I don't think she's been on many banners herself (even if she was a less welcome pity breaker than Linde).

  11. I was happy to see last year's bridal banner returning so early/for so long, but boy did I not miss pulling on it. Last year I wanted Charlotte and Lyn and wound up with Caeda and a -spd Cordelia instead, but I've already had some better luck this year! I decided to focus more on Lyn because as much as I love Charlotte Lyn would be a bit more useful at the moment. Wound up with a +def/-res Cordelia (I'll take it) and a neutral Lyn! Now to hold on to her until I figure out what to do with her/pull a healer that would like to run both wrathful and dazzling staff...

  12. Spent the orbs I've been earning in TT for a few pulls on the bridal banner both because I have no impulse control and because I am desperate for some reposition fodder and got both a Barst and a second bridal Ninian! This one had the same boon as my first (attack) but a slightly better bane (hp instead of resistance) so I merged the first one into her. I am very much prepared for my luck to be shot though for the next few banners but I am a-okay with that!

  13. Nino: Essentially a green Linde, she's one of your best choices for an infantry green bladetome user. She loses two points of attack to Linde but makes up for it by actually existing, even if lately she does struggle with units she used to have little problems with like blue dragons. Bladetomes are a stronger choice for emblem mages than infantry mages these days, but Nino still does her best. With the addition/improvement of bulky blue units that can survive a hit from her and potentially KO her on the counter I feel she's a bit weaker than Linde these days (comparable reds are rarer, so Linde has less trouble doing her job than Nino). Rating: 7.5/10

  14. @NegativeExponents- A+++++++++ for both Marisa (who deserves more love because she is amazing) and the RWBY mix! It's also nice to see other lesser used characters like Jakob or Boey put to good use. 

    @Ginko Wow, that 0 damage from the emerald axe user though...your Shiro is awesome!

    @mampfoid Your 1-turn clears are always impressive!

    Re-clearing infernal with flier emblem was a cakewalk (I forgot that Airzura wasn't out the first time around), but all these Micaiahs and Marisas made me want to figure this out with my main team (Celica, Micaiah, Cherche, and Marisa) which resulted in this:

    I definitely beat it slightly differently the first time I did it (because I distinctly remember Celica being the one to kill the Sapphire Lance flier not Cherche), but this worked out fine. 

  15. Bless the defensive tiles on this map. For the armor quest Sheena, Hector, V!Lyn, and Black Knight got the the job done surprisingly easy. Sheena is the most wonderful tank to ever tank, and I'm dying for a spare Hector to give her distant counter (or two so I can give one to Mathilda too). 

    For the other two I left it to my new and improved flier team minus Elincia (with Al and Anna taking her spot), so Airzura, F!Grima, and Ninian (bladetome, without dance). F!Grima did most of the work with some help from the defensive tiles. I do want to try infernal again with my new flier team even if Ninian's not fully built yet.

  16. Cherche and Minerva because Minerva the Dragon and Minerva the Dragoon.

    Heroes and their fallen/possessed versions would be interesting too seeing how they react to each other.

    Camilla and Charlotte/Mathilda/Ayra/any canonically strong woman: Camilla establishes in Fates that she likes strong women, so it'd be fun to see her conversations with women that fit that bill (I might still be a bit bitter at the lack of a Charlotte and Camilla conversation from Fates).

    Soren and any of the Robins (and Katarina and Saias I think?): strategists gonna strategize. 

    Marth and his descendants: you know Lucina's been dying for it, but the others would be fun too.

    Any of the Manaketes: especially the ones that are alone in their games because they need dragon friends!

    Edit: missed a strategist whoops

  17. I went in deciding I would probably only do my free pull (the first bridal blessings banner has someone I want more plus Morgan'll probably be on the stance banner) and ended with one of my luckiest free summons ever: a +atk/-res Ninian, the only character I even remotely wanted from this banner and I am so excited because now I finally have a mage flier to replace Nowi and I don't care if she's got lower stats and should be supportive instead of offensive I WILL MAKE IT WORK

  18. We all have our heroes that we've leveled up and decked out with all the coolest skills, but no unit can be good at everything. Maybe your mage can kill enemies in one shot but can be killed by just a stiff wind or maybe your armor unit is strong and tough but slow as molasses. What I'm interested in is this: of your fully leveled units, what's the lowest stat value any of them have and how did it get there? For me it's these:

    HP: 30: +atk/-hp Delthea (Dark Aura, so no refinement)

    Atk: 32: +def/-spd Lissa (Fear+, Fortress Resistance, and Fortress Defense)

    Spd: 17: +atk/-spd Cherche+1 (Brave Axe+)

    Def: 8: Tie between the above mentioned Delthea and my +spd/-def Bow!Hinoka (Life and Death 3 on both)

    Res: 12: +spd/-res Leon

    How about the rest of y'all?

  19. Hector: like others have said, he was a threat in the beginning and he's still one now.  If anything he's gotten more versatile with the introduction of Berserk Armads, allowing him to run multiple sets and he's still the only unit capable of running a universal breaker. Even without bst creep his stats are fantastic (his resistance is a little low but hey, you can't be perfect), and innate distant counter and quick riposte means he's very cheap to build if you can pull him. LA!Hector might have slightly better stats but Vanilla!Hector is still a fantastic unit and is frankly more versatile since he's capable of an omnibreaker build. Rating: 9/10

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