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Posts posted by kirauza343

  1. Weirdly enough I think I spent more time on Lunatic than Infernal. This map does a great job of reminding me why I glued the Guidance seal to Cherche as soon as we got it!

    Nothing too special, but I believe this the first clear with +10 Cherche (and Marisa’s not far behind!). Marisa’s build has been shifted a bit to accommodate null follow up and I’m still messing around with it a bit.

  2. Marisa! She’s been a part of my main team since right after she was introduced and she does an amazing job even though she doesn’t have the typical high atk/spd of the insane infantry swords. She’s deceptively bulky especially when you add in her high atk stat and I have never regretted feeding her the only brave Ike I’ve ever pulled. 

    Mathilda and Titania also come to mind personally. Both do very well on one of my horse teams.

  3. I wasn’t really interested in this banner before the trailer and now I’m torn. On the one hand a red dragon (an armor effective one too!) would be perfect for balancing my Beast unit team and Idunn looks both powerful and gorgeous, but on the other hand...I really hate armor units.

    I am really hoping Thea demotes (and really she looks like she will). I know it’s a saturated unit type but personally I have a whopping two lance fliers built (three if I ever get around to building a Catria) and her weapon would be a great addition to the four star pool.

  4. @mampfoid Aw, I as kinda hoping Cherche would handle him alone but finishing him off is still an achievement. Great use of Lucina here and that Hector reposition was smart and unexpected!

    I know this isn’t a creative or unique clear but I feel really accomplished right now. It’s been a while since I solved one of these on my own without using ideas from others (like the breakable block trick for Duma).

    F!Grima has to sit this one out unfortunately. She’s still able to tank Infernal but Abyssal tends to be too much for her, and I’ve been wanting to try out Legendary Azura on difficult content anyway. Grey Waves and Prayer Wheel are both absolutely ridiculous and essential here! The freaking blue tomebreaker green bow was the biggest obstacle until I remembered the brash assault seal existed (why haven’t i been using that longer?!). The green tome cavalier and the colorless archer deserve a shout out though for also being really close (actually had to upgrade my torrent dance seal just for that one because Elincia was coming up one atk short). This’ll be a good team for later Abyssals!

  5. 39 minutes ago, mampfoid said:

    My approach is a bit different, I'll post the video in ~5-6 hours from home. Spoiler:

      Hide contents

    Cherche kills Roy. 



    So far I’ve beaten up through Infernal, though I’m still trying to figure out how I managed that clear with my fliers. I completely forgot about Galeforce only activating once per turn and left Elincia in range of Roy and the green tome cavalier and Azura in range of the same cavalier and somehow they both survived (and actually helped me win it because at that point in the map that cavalier was my biggest problem and now Elincia could manage him). Not looking forward to Abyssal and I gotta say I really hate the panic ploy armor so much.

  6. @Alexmender Nice! Other than Panne herself none of the enemies looked like they gave you any trouble. I definitely feel like the next LHB is gonna be extra rough though to compensate for this map...

    The green cavalier was really easy to take advantage of

    Overall a very easy GHB personally, which is nice since I really wanted Panne.

  7. 7 hours ago, Xenomata said:

    Okay odd question, but hear me out.

    How do others generally go about picking their units and battling in Arena Assault? And do you try to remember to use items, or remember at all?

    I use a preset group of teams, because I have enough solid units to make a full set of teams capable of handling most things. Currently I lead with a mixed tactics team (Charlotte, F!Olivia, Fae, and S!Tana), then my secondary horse team (Titania, Mathilda, L’Arachel, and Mage!Eirika), dragons (Adult Tiki, Ninian, F!Corrin, and Myrrh), fliers (Summer!Camila, Airzura, Elincia, and F!Grima), Ophelia and her entourage (Green!Olwen, Summer!Micaiah, and Caeda), my primary horse team (Reinhardt, Lyn, Maribelle, and Sigurd), and finally my main team (Celica, Micaiah, Cherche, and Marisa). I need to adjust the order at some point (my flier team should really be later and my starting team needs to be replaced but I’m still working on building the replacement). The idea is starting with my weaker teams so that if I do end up with a lost unit it’s toward the beginning.

    I have items equipped but I almost never remember to use them. By the time I do it’s usually too late.

    For the battles themselves I usually let them come to me, though most of my teams are player oriented. Better to let the enemy divide themselves so they’re easier to pick off.

    Sometimes I get a good run on my first try, sometimes it takes a few. Since replacing one of my older teams with Ophelia’s team though I’m more successful on my first attempts.

  8. I’ve been maintaining tier 19 because while I enjoy this mode I’m not really interested in trying to grind it any higher. I am excited though because I managed to only lose lift on defense once this week and I’m pretty sure seven defense wins is a new personal best (I do have green Airzura and a special spiral Ophelia on there so it’s a little cheap but honestly it’s Cherche’s guidance mixed with Celica’s surprising bulk and Micaiah’s unexpected speed/Thani that tend to throw people off).

  9. At the time, book 1 11-12 was the worst and remains the only chain challenge I’ve used another person’s clear as a blueprint. I went back and redid it a few months absolutely to see how the difficulty holds up and it was actually a lot easier thanks to having a much better group of units. There’s still some challenging maps especially with all the turn limits, but powercreep has made it a bit easier.

    Both 9-10 and 11-12 in book 2 though...those are both really rough, especially with the dancers. 9-5 and 10-5 in particular were troublesome maps for me (I needed to make sure I still had a team in reserve just to get through 10-5) and the entirety of 11-12 is just a pain.

  10. @mampfoid Oh my god when I saw “my Cherche is faster” I was assuming faster than their Cherche not their Virion! Amazing as always, especially getting Cherche to double things she really shouldn’t be able (also props for getting Cherche to kill Virion because that seems appropriate).

    I originally was just gonna let the mages handle this, but it felt weird to not let Cherche do anything for her own BHB.

    A couple of new inheritance skills make their debut here, and that red mage is what finally made up my mind about Joint Hone Speed. Luckily I had a few pitybreakers with Drive Attack to give it to someone else (and hey, it’s not like Celica struggles to kill anything these days). Fury 4 is already turning out to be a great choice on Celica so thanks Greil! Overall this felt like a really easy BHB, that or my team’s gotten a lot stronger.

  11. I was planning on going colorless but not a single one showed up. Luckily there was a red which was my backup and I got Gunthra, one of the two reds I wanted! She’s +res -atk because of course she is but I’ll definitely build her for now, at least until I figure out what I want to do with her Joint Hone Spd (Micaiah would really love it but I’m so used to not having to worry about panic on her team with everyone’s invisible buffs, and panic is everywhere in Aether Raids...plus I feel like I’d miss her drive attack)

  12. Free pulled Greil and now Celica has a new A slot skill (and unlike Fury 3 Fury 4 actually gets her into desperation range after one round of combat)!

    Gonna continue pulling green on this banner because more Greil isn’t a bad thing and Mist would be nice, plus I haven’t pulled a Reyson yet and I’m hoping for the last Cherche I need to finish my first +10.

  13. 1 minute ago, Anacybele said:

    Not every fic with the pairing tags them. Check out my archive, you'll find 100ish fics that have the pairing if I recall right (haven't looked at it in awhile), including a couple of my own, and I only actually tagged one of them with the pairing. Some fics that have the pairing may not be entirely focused on them, ya know. Not all fics with Ike x Soren will be entirely focused on them either, the story will just happen to use that pairing on the side.

    I am aware, but that’s a situation that goes both ways hence why it’s hard to judge popularity off of fic numbers on ff.net. 

    Seriously though, if you are looking for more Ike/Elincia content (or ship content in general) you really should check out Ao3. You’re bound to find stuff you haven’t read before.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Anacybele said:

    I've never heard of that place. But one site doesn't mean anything. As I pointed out, ff.net seems to have more Ike x Elincia fanfics. There isn't even an archive for Ike x Soren.

    You might have seen abbreviated as Ao3 (I recommend checking it out, you might be able to find more content there).

    Not sure where you’re getting that though, a quick search of Fire Emblem fics on ff.net tagged with the ship lists 8 for Ike/Elincia and 36 for Ike/Soren.

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