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Posts posted by PlasticandRage

  1. I haven't used either class yet myself, so I can't speak to specifics, but I invaded a guy's castle a couple days ago, and he had his Corrin sitting on the throne paired with a high level Great Lord Oboro equipped with a forged parasol, so she could attack from 1 or 2 spaces, and I threw everything I had at it, and couldn't do a thing. Not a single thing. Defense and Res were so high I wasn't making a dent, and she was auto-healing the majority of the tiny bit of damage I was doing each turn through a skill, I didn't look to see which. Nearly killed her through attrition using a combination of poison and shelter to get my Kaze out of the way each turn so she couldn't attack me on her turn, but I made a silly mistake and she ended up killing him, and once that was done there was literally nothing I could do but surrender. So at the very least, I've seen Oboro make a hell of a Great Lord.

  2. Is there a faster way to make money in Birthright than fighting challenge maps? 15 - 20 minutes for between 2k and maybe 4k if I'm lucky is just taking forever. It's basically meant one purchase per map. That's just too long. There's a few expensive buys I want, and I'm trying to do some forging, and I'm starting to get really bored doing the challenge maps.

    I found something on the Gamefaqs boards about the game occasionally giving you large sums for visiting castles randomly. Anything to that? I've done a fair bit of visiting/battling, and thus far I haven't gotten anything for it other than the inbox rewards, and obviously the stuff I was specifically looking for by visiting, like skills and Nohr weapons, and whatnot.

  3. Alright, I guess Im just going to bite the bullet and go Swordmaster. I already have someone else I want to take Master of Arms anyway, and I prefer mixing it up for the most part.

    Swordmaster would probably help him more, I made him a Master of Arms and while he did well in terms of bulk, he was still lacking speed when I didn't have his wife (Hinoka) paired up with him.

    The skills are ok, Master of Arms gets Strength Seal and Life And Death, while Swordmaster gets Astra (Which is godly in pair up because every hit counts for the defense gauge) and Swordfaire. I had an arms scroll lying around for when mine was a MoA so he had fun with Beastkiller and the Hammer, but I think he'd benefit more from Swordmaster, he reminds me of Trewd from FE5, because he has better bulk than most swordies. He would appreciate the speed.

    I paired mine with Hinoka too. Havent picked up their kid yet, so I cant speak to that, but their support bonuses have worked out nicely so far.

  4. Does he do well as a swordmaster? Ive been using him almost since I got him, and Ive planned on making him a swordmaster pretty much all along, but at level 20, hes looking like hes going to be a really unconventional swordmaster. High strength and defense, comparably low skill and speed. Would he better suited as a weapon master maybe? Ive been thinking about trying to make him something meant to be a bit beefier and swapping in Ryoma as my swordmaster. How does he turn out? His sword alone seems like enough to make him worth at least trying out

  5. I married Azura to Silas and its worked out really well. Sophie with high skill, speed, and luck, when she was already getting high strength and defense has made her an amazing Paladin. Shes one of the strongest units on my team. I havent gotten Shigure yet, but a Sky Knight with Silas' growths cant be a bad thing, I wouldnt think.

  6. Honestly, pretty much everybody except maybe Jakob.

    I actually like Awakening's cast better than Fates, which is really weird.

    I did too. I liked a lot of the characters from Awakening. Sullys easily one of my series favorites period. I really liked the super dark female dark caster too. I cant remember her name now. All of her support conversations were fantastic. A lot of Awakenings characters had great personality.

    I thought the story explaining why the child characters in Awakening were able to show up as productive adult members of your army was a million times better in Awakening too. It was a big part of the plot, and was written in a way that not only made sense but really worked. I thought Lucina was awesome in that way. They were traveling through time trying to correct a potential future where mankind was wiped out. In Fates it just feels like a cop out. Its deus ex machina. The writers didnt know what to do with them this time in order to make the narrative make sense, so instead they were like 'uuh alright well theres this alternate reality where time flows faster that has nothing to do with anything else at all, and we're just going to stick them there.' The plot of Fates is like going to a fastfood restaurant and being made a burger that looks like they do on the menu, and then right before they give it to you the retarded kid that works there sits on it and then hands it to you and tells you to have a nice day.

  7. Oddly I find Subaki worse... All his convo he shouts PERFECTION.... Literally none of his convos ever had him not mention his perfection... At least Cordelia was modest about it.... (Haven't got to play as kids yet so no judging Caledori well I can't anyways...) anyways I really dislike Saizo... Surprisingly.... Out of all the ninjas (counting his rip off of gauis son, Asugi) I disliked him the most... He wasn't that interesting for me... And I used him the least of the 4 ninjas in birthright... Kagero (dispite how late she comes) surpasses him in strength and I love her convos, especially the exotic paintings of hell that she creates XD

    I think it's meant to be a play on the whole zen feudal Japan/samurai training thing. How part of training to be a samurai was attempting to find perfection in every aspect of everything you do. But they added to it by making him really arrogant and over confident. I can see how thatd make him unlikable but Im enjoying him. Hes turned out really well for me in terms of stats. Hes one of the strongest characters on my team in fact, so I guess I'm little baised there, but I thought his support conversations with Rinkah were fun, because she gets angry at every little thing and hes confused by it because he believes he's the personification of perfection. I actually married the two of them partly because I found the irony of it enjoyable.

    Don't get me wrong, I like Robin and Morgan better too but wasn't Morgan an amnesiac tactician just like her dad in the same way Kana takes after her dad?

    Yeah absolutely, but personally I found both of their personalities a million times more endearing to begin with, so the repeated aspects of Morgans didnt bother me at all. Being that I think Corrins a douchebag, repeating aspects of his personality in Kana has the same effect. Hes unlikable, so his daughter whose repeating that unlikability is also unlikable.

  8. I think Corrin is probably my least favorite Lord/Lead character in any Fire Emblem game ever. There's really nothing about his/her personality that I find at all appealing, no matter how I set mine up he looks like a doofus, and he's not nearly the combat powerhouse that I've expected in a lead unit since pretty much anything after Sword of Seals, save for Shadow Dragon I guess, but that doesn't really count.

    Unless you consider Xander/Ryoma the Lord characters, but that'd be just as lame considering that at least in Birthright you don't have your Lord character for the majority of the game, and, I can't speak for Xander yet, but Ryoma at least doesn't get a special Lord class. Either way Corrin is by far my least favorite Hoshido character. I don't really like Kana either for that matter. I can't really speak for her in terms of combat because I made a pairing that ended up not being very beneficial for her, but just in terms of personality she doesn't do much for me. Huge step down from Lucina or the Morgans, depending on who you see as the Lord character. Huge step down from Chrom/Awakenings Avatar too.

  9. Heart Seals, once you're promoted, allow you to access any other promoted class within the class trees that unit has. Basically, you could go right to Oni Chieftain from Blacksmith.

    Sweet. I was wondering what those did. You guys just made my day. The item description is a little cryptic.

  10. From my Lunatic experience since I ran Salvage Blow at 20/5, swapped to Chieftain at 20/6 for Death Blow, then into Berserker (Corn S rank) after

    It's nice if you wanna make iron forges. I have a +3 forge for Kaze and usually you don't go over +2 for nogrind. Iron forges end up stronger than steel, anyway.

    Wait is there a way to go Blacksmith until I've unlocked Savage Blow, then either demote back to Oni Savage to take Chieftain or go right to Chieftain if I don't have anyone else capable of those classes? If there were a way for me to do that, that's definitely what I'd do, I just didn't think there was any way for me to do it without any other units capable of those classes, except either her husband or a potential A+, but can you swap back and forth like that?

  11. The flaw with that logic is that Rend Heaven likely won't do much of anything to most physical units if you're using a tome...

    Oh lame. I didn't realize it was just one or the other, depending on what kind of weapon you were using. I guess that makes that an easier choice. Nothing wrong with higher magic and another staff I guess.

  12. Well as far as Quixotic goes I guess what Im hoping for is that the skill % boost will mean a rend heaven on the opening shot more often than not, especially with high base skill already and rend heavens seemingly high trigger percentage. Wouldnt that translate to most enemies dying before they can attack anyway? She has pretty high magic too, so id assume if its going to trigger, whatever its hitting is going to die unless its a boss or something.

    Savage Blow is definitely only ever iron stuff? That's confirmed that you haven't just gotten unlucky? If so I wouldn't think that'd be worth it. As an Oni Chieftain my Rinkah would fall somewhere between a Berserker and a Knight, and I'm a big fan of both of those classes, and have nothing else even remotely like that on my team. At least not until I promote one of my cavaliers to a Great Knight.

  13. I'm doing some promoting, and was wondering a couple of things:

    Is Savage Blow a good steady way of gaining decent new equipment? I'd planned on making Rinkah an Oni Chieftain for a while, because she has a decent enough magic stat to probably make the tomes worthwhile, and 20 skill unpromoted, so I figured the addition of magic and Death Blow would be the smart choice. But I'm looking at her stat increases each way, and she'd get a huge skill increase if I went Blacksmith, not on par with the addition of Death Blow I wouldn't think, but enough that she'd probably be throwing criticals more than she is now, and she already is quite a bit. The deal breaker for me would be how worthwhile Savage Blow is. Probably my biggest problem this playthrough has been not being able to equip my team properly. Almost all my characters have weapon levels that are higher than their equipment, which has been tickling my inventory management OCD just right, and I'd love to get a few more Steel weapons to pass around. Or more Javelins would be a miracle with all the lance users I've ended up with. Or even just more free iron weapons to use at the forge would be nice. So what're people's experience with Savage Blow like? Am I almost never going to see new equipment or is it all going to be Brass garbage or something or would it be worth going Blacksmith for?

    Other question is about Basara vs Onmyoji. I'd planned on making Orochi an Onmyoji, just for what seemed like the class that favors straight magic more. She literally has 0 strength at level 16, so I thought adding a strength weapon to her just seemed silly in comparison to a higher magic stat, Tomefaire, and the addition of another high magic staff wielder to my team. Looking at her stats and the increases though, I'm not so sure now. Skill is my Orochi's highest stat, at 20 unpromoted, and it looks like Quixotic with Rend Heaven would just have her destroying everything. So I guess I'm wondering if that combo, Quixotic and Rend Heaven with a skill stat that's already pretty good, would win out in usefulness vs higher magic with Tomefaire and the ability to use staffs? I'll already have 3 other staff users on the team, but 2 of them won't have magic stats that are super high, so she'd probably end up being my second string healer as an Onmyoji. Thoughts?

  14. I think my Sophie is going to turn out to be one of the stronger units on my team. She turned out with really decent strength, skill, and speed, so she should make a good Paladin.
    So far I've only gotten Sophie and Kana, and my Kana turned out pretty disappointing. I paired my Corrin with someone who I thought was going to be good based solely on what previous games have taught me, and it turned out to be a huge mistake. My Kana seems to have paid that price. Poor stupid awful Mozu.

  15. Of course you're not entitled to use her if you don't want to. I personally found her especially useful towards Endgame (remaining as Songstress) for when I needed to heal more units with Sakura and Jakob to minimize chances of casualties.

    She does have the Sky Knight tree access as mentioned above, but also access to Shrine Maiden or Troubadour class trees as well via A+ Sakura or Elise, respectively. I forgot if A+ Hinoka gives her the Spear Fighter tree though.

    Im already using both Hinoka and Sakura. Another sky knight is the last thing I need, and Im going to end up with a bunch of units who can use staffs if I need them to. Im making Hinoka a Falcon Knight, then Corrin gets staffs, Im making Azama a greatmaster, so he'll have them, and Im thinking Ill probably make Orochi an Onmyoji too. Thats plenty. More than enough to justify a unit slot for an extra heal a turn.

    Or Subaki rather. Not Sakura

  16. Yeah I think Im benching her. She probably would have made a decent Basara, but I dont think theres any way for me to do that on this playthrough. I think with what Ive got currently either her child or Oboro as a Spearmaster will be more useful. What I'm trying for here is something as close to a knight as I can get, so Im thinking Oboro as a SM, or either Silas as a GK, or his child as a GK, depending on who ends up with better stats.

    Yeah, Im about to get Sophie and she looks like shes going to be good. I think the prospect of a pair of mounted units trumps a dancer.

  17. Im getting to the point where Im going to start promoting units, and Im looking at what Im going to end up with and have decided that Id really like another tank/front liner. The only unit on my team who I really havent done much with or been at all impressed with is Azura. Ive brought her along up to this point pretty much just to develop her pairing for a potentially decent child, but Ive just hit my S rank for her in the last battle, so I guess Im wondering if theres anything I'm missing here that would make her valuable in the later game? Other than just as a dancer, and I honestly almost always bench my dancers in favor of another indepent unit. At level 15 mine doesn't have particularly wonderful stats thatd warrant some kind of reclassing as far as Im concerned, at least not in comparison to the possibility of adding either a potentially good second generation character, maybe Silas' offspring for another mounted unit, or possibly Oboro, who Ive really wanted to use but havent really had room for up to this point. At her base recruitment level seems to have great stats, and Ive always had good luck with lancers in other games.

    Azura never gets another class outside of just a reclassing right? Or any kind of special plot related ability or something?

  18. They're both nerfed though.

    Quick Slash/Aggressor isn't +10, and Galeforce doesn't activate on Attack Stance or Guard Stance.

    I guess that shouldn't be a surprise. Skills in general are pretty weak this time around compared to some of the other games. I kind of prefer it this way honestly. By the last half dozen or so battles in Awakening, the late game battles that should have been the really fun large scale difficult battles, there wasnt really any strategy necessary. My party was so beefed up I just rolled over everything with no thought required. Galeforce had a big hand in that too, but then throw in 3 characters with Aether, and a bunch with astra, sol, luna, etc, the enemy just had no vhance. I prefer having to play smart or lose.

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