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Posts posted by keeks

  1. For instance, I say the Scream 4 commercial. The women, instead of grabbing the lamp and using as a weapon, just lies limp under the bed.

    I'm guessing you haven't seen the movie yet, but if you're referring to the scene that I think you are; without spoilers, she has perfectly good reason to be hiding under the bed :p

    Go watch it, the Scream series is killer

  2. I got greedy in Path of Radiance and decided to boss abuse with Rolf on Chapter 16. Gained about 3 levels, and then got criticaled by the boss (who only had 1% crit). I have not boss abused since.

    I gave Soren Flare in FE9, and removed adept =_=. FLARE DOES NOTHING IN THAT GAME, it's so damn pointless,

  3. Love

    Mia: I don't see how you can not love Mia. How cheerful is she! But she's cheerful without being a brat like L'arachel.

    Jill: The most tsundere character ever.

    Levn: He's badass

    Shinon: He's badass


    L'arachel/Serra (pretty much the same character): *see above*. Could she be any more uppity!?

    Roy: This guy is a massive Mary Sue. Seriously, grow some personality.

    Zihark: "I'm interested in laguz". This is the dumbest recruitment reason ever.

  4. I hate to rant like this long after the issue has been resolved, but I feel I really need to get this off my chest.

    It is extremely, extremely pretentious to walk around thinking you're smarter than everyone else. Because what? You scored higher on the joke of a scale they call the "intelligence quotient"?. If you think you're smarter than everyone else, you are 1) wrong, and 2) too dumb to realise you're wrong.

    And if you're still one of those types who thinks they're more intelligent than everyone else, think about it this way: being an ass about how smart you are will NOT help you whether you are intelligent or not. You can just silently reassure yourself that you're better than others in an IMMEASURABLE QUANTITY, because the rest of us don't care.

    /end rant.

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