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Posts posted by Ndsferrari

  1. Oh man the dreaded day finally came where I had to mass murder a whole lot of the children that would have no future due to bad class combos / inherited skills. RIP. Wtb bigger logbook :(((

    If everyone had Rend Heaven and Quixotic as their last / second last skill a lot of the children could have been saved lol. Damned broken skills.

    Here's a screenshot of the second Bond Unit I trained. This one was made with Xueqin. Personal Skill: Lethality | Active skills: Quixotic, Rend Heaven, Dragon Fang, Aether and Hoshidan Unit. Has access to replicate.


  2. So today I made a new bond unit named Mint (Icy Blood personal skill) with Morgan (07147-89811-97577-87116). I realized she could turn into a good unit and decided she would be the first bond unit I'd train.
    She came with Vantage (from Morgan) and Shurikenbreaker (from me), initial class Ninja (from me) with access to Diviner (from Morgan).
    I wanted to make her final class Master Ninja but due to the way reclassing the Bond Units work I couldn't. I had to level her up all to 20 as a Ninja, then to 15 as a Mechanist for Replicate. From there I Heart Sealed to Basara for Rend Heaven and Quixotic. Another Heart Seal and an Eternal Seal later I made her a Hoshido Noble for Hoshidan Unity. In the end I gave her an Aether Book. A solid build in the end in my opinion, thanks to access to Basara.
    It made me think that probably the easiest way to have a solid Bond Unit is to have access to Diviner or Spear Fighter because of Basara. Can't go wrong with Rend Heave/Quixotic/Hoshidan Unity/Aether. Screenshot below


  3. It really bites that you can't get more skills without losing the initial class. :/ You can't even reclass them within their initial class set.

    Especially when you get a godlike combo of classes and personal skill and plans on finishing on a promoted class of the first base class... bummer. Good thing they can learn the DLC Classes however so not all is lost.

  4. Units born today:

    (Darting Blow) Peter with Alex
    (In Extremis) Caraway with Gabriel
    (Vantage) Helene with Colin
    (Healing Descant) Dimitri with Solaria
    (Fiery Blood) Ringo with Cassia
    (Vantage) Helene with Morgan
    (Poison Strike) Spiro with Yukari
    (Seal Resistance) George with Sieghart
    49 born so far. A shame the logbook can only hold 99 units so I may have to start deleting a few of them in the future :(

    My Castle Code:


    Can't wait to make some bond units <3

    MU's name: Aivyn


    Your castle address is missing a number.

  5. Okay, I'll keep this in mind. Also as a heads up to others, I'm switching mine to a brand new Birthright castle now if it matters. Too lazy to go back to my Conquest one and to update every time, but I'll try to get better skills as fast as possible for my MU if skills are needed by anyone.

    Switching between Castle is even better for all of us tbh. We can get more different units instead of getting a lot of repeats. I'll be switching from my Valla Castle to either a Hoshido or Conquest Castle soon to play either one of those on Lunatic mode.

  6. A few more fresh out of the oven:

    (Swap) Galen with Yukari

    (Lethality) Shiori with Xueqin

    ((Lancebreaker) Lukas with Josephine

    33 units so far.

    Protip: It would be nice if people left a good skill or a skill that they can't normally obtain with Noble/Their secondary class in their last skill slot. Makes for stronger bond units.

  7. Ok my turn to give some credit to the people I made bond units with (reduced font to save some space):

    (Daydream) Ginger with Cassia

    (Darting Blow) Peter with Elena

    (Movement +1) Damien with Corrin

    (Elbow Room) Thyme with Corrin

    (Strong Riposte) Odele with Vel

    (Nobility) Theo with Frixell

    (Mischiveous) Clove with Gabriel

    (Strong Riposte) Odele with Colin

    (Lunge) Orion with Keven

    (Movement +1) Damien with Solaria

    (Darting Blow) Peter with Byakuya

    (Seal Defense) Sophia with Morgan

    (Perfect Pitch) Alexa with Frixell

    (Miracle) Rhoda with Juan

    (Morbid Celebration) Shoya with Xueqin

    (Fortunate Son) Pepper with Corrin

    (In Extremis) Caraway with Marinette

    (Seal Resistance) George with Elden

    (Poison Strike) Spiro with Corrin

    (Aptitude) Eva with Fayt

    (Swap) Galen with Tide

    (Lancebreaker) Lukas with Corrin

    (Healing Descant) Dimitri with Keven

    (Lethality) Shiori with Alatar

    (Shelter) Jacynth with Corrin

    (Strong Riposte) Odele with Tide

    (Seal Defense) Sophia with Elden

    (Seal Defense) Sophia with Keven

    (Calm) Umeko with Seki

    (Lucky Charm) Shoga with Ratha

  8. Just made a bound unit with the avatar named Marinette that came with the !!In Extremis!!! skill that isn't even listed on the bound units list on this site. Was pleasantly surprised !

    Looking to make a bond unit with someone who's Avatar has either Lance or Shurikenbreaker in the last skill slot. Mine has Replicate with Samurai as the secondary class. PM me if interested. =)

    My avatar Bone has both of them, currently equipped with Shurikenbreaker in the last slot. 03557-61845-98595-93256

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