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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Bantu: I'm old, but don't you need me to recruit Tiki? (Heh, not so fail after all!) Hey, Bartre, how long can you keep spinning when you do your Warrior Axe Critical?
  2. Let me ask you this. Was there ever a time in Scripture where the disciples literally ate Jesus's flesh and drank his blood? I think that will settle the question of whether it is literal or figurative. Jesus's body was nailed onto the cross, and his blood was spilled as remission for the sin of the world. Because of that we can be forgiven of our sins and go to Heaven. Why does God allow evil in the world? God didn't allow evil into the world, it came into the world. According to Romans 5:12-21, sin entered the world through one man (Adam), but we have righteousness through one man (Jesus Christ). Jesus taught that the greatest commandments were to love God and love your neighbor (Mark 12:29-31). But, can you really say that you love someone if that love is artificial or forced? No, true love must be genuine and from the heart. Romeo didn't fall in love with Juliet because theological doctrine convinced him to. God loves all of us. But, man did not love God in return, and they chose to pursue their own ways rather than God. Since God wanted us to truly love him (loving him is the greatest commandment), he couldn't accomplish that by forcing man to obey him. Evil results out of the choice of man, not out of the choice of God. Why should God be blamed for what someone else did? Someday, God will put an end to all evil when Jesus Christ returns. Those who accepted Jesus's blood as payment for their sins will be saved; those who didn't will not be saved. Romans is a very good biblical book for explaining how sin came into the world but we can overcome it through Christ. You have a free choice. Let's say you were locked in your room. Yes, you wouldn't be able to go out and do evil. You would be kept from evil in this manner. But you would probably resent being imprisoned. It would have been the same way if God had done this to everyone. Sure, they would be prevented from sinning, but they wouldn't love God. God allowed man his free choice, and man chose to commit evil. But man doesn't have to remain in sin, because of what Jesus did. I realize that it is disheartening to know that God doesn't always act the way we would expect him to. But, only God knows the end from the beginning. The apostles had to endure a lot of evil and suffering, just as we do today. But they found something of value in Jesus Christ; I believe we can as well.
  3. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there violence long before video games existed? Some of the most violent places in the world don't even have video games. Sure, we can ban "violent" video games but it won't stop violence in society. This is coming from a guy who has played violent video games, I haven't just read about them on the news. If people wanna kill each other that comes from the evil in their hearts, not from video games. As Jesus himself taught, man brings up evil out of the evil in his heart, and nothing comes from outside to make a man unclean (Mark 7:14-23). If I see a violent image in a video game, that does not make me unclean or make me say "Oh, I'd like to do that to someone!" But if I want to hurt someone, that would come from the evil in my heart, and that would exist regardless of video games. Violence has existed throughout history because of the evil in men's hearts, not because they played Halo or Grand Theft Auto.
  4. One of the Four Fangs has his name embedded in Merlinus's name.
  5. If you are playing H5, it is quite difficult, if not impossible, to pass the early chapters without using Jagen. On my H5 playthrough I never had to use any pre-promoted unit other than Jagen, but I didn't leave my units unpromoted either..... What's your stance on gaiden chapters? Are you going to go to them or not? Be a man and do H5. If it's possible to beat it with 0% growths, it's possible to beat it with unpromoted units that do gain stats. Tips: Boss Abuse, don't worry about efficiency unless you're making videos for us to watch. Marth may turn out to be a surprisingly good fighter, his caps can go above 20. Julian can reach 30 Spd so he is NOT doubled by Fire Dragons (though he's not a great fighter, I'm just pointing this truth out). I would go with Cocytus's advice, use Ballisticians and Tiki. If you're banning use of Gotoh, Tiki and Nagi can attack in tandem with their Divinestones to kill Medeus (though you will have to sacrifice Tiki) Warpskipping is VERY useful for the final, but if you want to forego it, make sure you bring along enough units to block the areas where reinforcements appear, especially the Ballisticians. You may want to buy some items from the Online Shop, if you are into that. Use your statboosters wisely. I may do an H4 playthrough with unpromoted units, since I recently started an H4 run and haven't gotten very far. If I get to it before you (not likely), I will tell you how it goes, and what pain you can expect. I remember that on my first H5 playthrough, I had gotten a bunch of units to level 20 due to Boss Abuse, but couldn't promote them due to a lack of Master Seals (I didn't use the Online Shop). I got a bunch of Master Seals from Chapter 23, and promoted my remaining units. I then tried to use these freshly promoted units to gain EXP before the final. Those units had a fair amount of trouble in Chapter 24 until they got several levels, I didn't warpskip. Unpromoted units are gonna be in even more trouble. So be advised that traditional tactics may not avail you much on this type of playthrough. But, in all honesty, you won't really be affected until the lategame chapters by using unpromoted units (Chapters 3 and onward tend to be easy enough without Jagen).
  6. You should definitely have Maria wield Starlight. No protesting! (And no reclassing, either.....) Canonically, the game doesn't tell you who is "supposed" to use Starlight, so it really doesn't matter. I usually trade it between Merric and Lena and they defeat Gharnef in tandem. If you really want to be canon, give Mercurius to Astram and Gradivus to Hardin. That will give you a preview of FE 3 Book 2.
  7. Shanan: I do not care if Lakche is in the center. It is hard for me to put my mind at ease when you are always thinking about this "Seth" though.....Did he not wed Princess Eirika of Renais? Paladins will only sweep you off your feet just to break your heart. That is a proverbial saying of Isaac. Holyn: Don't listen to him, LB. Shanan hasn't been himself since he recently broke Balmung and doesn't have the money to repair it. I would like to meet this "Seth" guy in a battle, though.....Just to test his strength. Hey, Micaiah, since you're a lot older than Sothe, could you be considered a cougar?
  8. Florina, being very timid around men, has her only male support with Hector, a loud, boisterous man.
  9. Wouldn't some stats be more important than others, depending on the Fire Emblem? Although most Fire Emblems use the same general mechanics, the damage/accuracy formulae does change between some of the games, and sometimes it's a significant change. I realize that the topic creator is trying to compare player units to player units, but even if you create characters who happen to have the same "overall power," they may still not be equal. One may be preferred over the other in a given situation. You can't play Fire Emblem while ignoring the strength of enemy units. Usually characters are considered useful because they fare well against enemies at any given point in the game. But even simply comparing player units to player units, you have to take into account the following, maybe even more than what I list: Base Stats (How well the unit starts out) Starting Level (which affects how many levels and stats could possibly be gained) Growth Rates (The chances of getting said stats during said levels) Starting Weapons/Items (which can sometimes be traded and used by another unit) Useable Weapons/Items (either at the very start or later on as the unit gains weapon levels or a prf weapon) The Unit's Class (which affects the unit's maximum stats, he can't go beyond these caps without certain items/weapons) Availability (how many chapters the unit is available for, or how much opportunity you have to train the unit) Supports (How the unit's stats are enhanced by supports with other units) The following is a hypothetical example, I know full well that Kent and Sain aren't like this in the actual FE7 game. Let's take two random Cavaliers, Kent and Sain. I could give Kent and Sain 50% growth rates in every stat and give them the exact same levels and base stats. Are they both gonna be exactly the same as they level up? Are they both gonna be equal once they hit level 20 Paladin? No, it's not guaranteed, not unless a growth rate happens to be 0% or 100%. Also, Kent might be able to support with characters that give him better stat boosts as opposed to Sain. Kent might also get a Prf Sword, while Sain gets a Prf Lance, but the two weapons have different statistics. Character equality is based on more than just stats. Stats are very important, of course. But they are not the only thing that determines if one player unit is better than or equal to another.
  10. The only male character that Sain can have a support conversation with is Kent.
  11. @ Luminescent Blade Shanan: We'd love to be in your sig, but you can't be Seth's fangirl any more. There is not room enough for the both of us. Okay, this first part was ninja'd, but let's see how you respond. @ Light Lord Hector: I meant that I would kick his ass. You know that sometimes I speak without thinking! Pent, do you know that Sain was hitting on your wife during a support conversation?
  12. I beg to differ. If we were using Shadow Dragon's forge system a forged Physic or Fortify would be very useful. To answer your question..... Elincia: Prince Ike, we're trying to buy time for you. Please go hide with Rolf and Mist. Ike: No! I wanna fight for my friends! Elincia: Prince Ike.....I'm sure you'd fight very wonderfully. But I cannot risk it. If you really want to fight for your friends, you'll keep yourself out of danger. This is the sole purpose of our group: To escort you safely to Gallia. Ike: .....Fine. Elincia vs. BK Elincia: Black Knight! You.....You killed my father! BK: You cannot handle your sword properly, little girl. You should have just played with your dolls. Elincia: How dare you! I'll show you the swordplay my father passed down to me! BK: Did you never think that using your father's techniques on the man who defeated him would be futile? Elincia: You only won because he crippled his sword arm. My sword arm is not crippled. BK: Oh? Then, let me cripple it for you! King Ike of Crimea Geoffrey: King Ike, Ludveck is instigating a rebellion! Ike: Then, he'll get no sympathy from me. Let's go teach him a lesson! What if Lyn had grown up with Farina instead of Florina?
  13. Trabant: I didn't get it from Odin, I got it by beating up some punk dragoon named Kain. Sain, how would you handle yourself if you had to not see a woman for six months?
  14. @April: That looks more like Luigi than Mario. It's very funny, though. To answer Darros's question: Their names would be Ellie and Hectoria instead. Lyn: Hectoria, you're a threat to your allies! You should be more watchful! Hectoria: What was that? Ellie: Lyndis.... What's gotten into you? Lyn: I'm sorry.....Hectoria is freakishly strong for a woman. She needs to control her strength! Florina: Um.....Hectoria? Hectoria: What is it, girl? Florina: Are you really.....a girl? You look like.....a man. Hectoria: Are you saying a woman can't wield an axe?! Florina: N-No..... Hectoria: You know, I kinda feel sorry for you. I'll protect you from now on. Florina: But Lyn is already my.... Hectoria: No buts, Florina! Now let's move! Ellie: Marcus.....Why do you keep hanging around me? Marcus: I need to protect you, Lady Ellie. Ellie: Um..... (Marcus is kinda creepy.....) What if you could forge Staves?
  15. Rutger: It's not worth having to endure Clarine. Roy, why were you really not in Super Smash Bros. Brawl?
  16. Then everyone would think that she's hot. What if-a they-a put-a Mario in-a Fire Emblem game? (Red Cavalier/Green Cavalier = Mario and Luigi)
  17. Corple: What do you expect me to do? I'm just a little boy. Maybe someone stronger like Sety could help you. And you still haven't said who your girl is yet. Eliwood, are you proud of your son for making it into Super Smash Bros. Melee?
  18. Zephiel wouldn't need to kill Idoun to stop her, she was just following his orders in the first place. What if Geoffrey and Kieran find out that Ninja was really Volke, hired by Bastian to test them?
  19. Eclipse might be saving the Silver Bow for when her other units reach an A in Bows, and by then they will likely have better damage output than Louise. "Potential" in this case most likely refers to unit stats, not to player efficiency. Wil and Rebecca, though they start very weak, have the potential to outclass Louise when they get to be Level 4 Snipers. Yes, prepromotes such as Pent and Louise can handle FE7 enemies just fine, but that doesn't change the fact that if you trained up one of the weaker units, then those units could end up even more powerful. However, it could just as easily be the other way around. Wil and Rebecca, if they get a slew of bad level ups, may end up even worse than Louise when they get to be Level 4 Snipers (yikes!). When you train up weaker units, you are taking a chance because you never know how the RNG will treat you. But some players take that chance, because the reward is worth the risk. Prepromotes are safe to use because although they don't have as much potential as unpromoted units, their bases are RNG proof (except in the case of Hard Mode bonuses, which can only help you). And of course they can still level up and gain stats, but they don't get as many level ups as the unpromoted units. So prepromotes indeed have potential, but not as much. Not every prepromote is good, but many of them are decent and some of them are great. What category Louise falls in (or any other unit, for that matter) is up to the player, what suits his strategies and goals. If you want to create the bow user with the highest stats, Louise isn't the best option. If you just want a unit that can support Pent and doesn't require a lot of training and chance taking, Louise is just as good as anyone else.
  20. Guinevere: Brother, don't you know that it was Eliwood and Hector who saved you as a child? Zephiel: W-What? Roy: It's true, Zephiel. My father told me of how he saved your life when you were a child.....Why are you making me waste that life? Zephiel: Urgh.....Can't.....remember.....!!!!! (Zephiel then has a flashback of when the Black Fang tried to kill him, and he remembers that Eliwood looks a lot like Roy.) Zephiel: I.....I've been a fool..... I killed Hector..... You, son of Eliwood..... Wait! (Zephiel runs off.) Roy: Wh-Where are you going? Zephiel: I have to stop Idoun! Lilina: ...... Roy: Are you all right, Lilina? Lilina: He.....He killed my father..... Roy: We'll worry about that later, Lilina. Guinevere: Brother.....If only he hadn't changed. What if there were Ninjas in Fire Emblem?
  21. Tiltyu: It' s supposed to be THORON. Those fan translators don't know what they're doing. Caeda, now that Marth has lost the game, will you look for another suitor?
  22. Midia: Because my lover Astram is the same way. Besides, I had to start my own archetype, which Isadora and others would soon follow. Sanaki, when it comes time to carry on your lineage, what kind of man will you marry?
  23. Micaiah is needed in order to beat Ashera, because she infuses Ragnell with her power during the final attack. But yeah, I don't know why they put that line in there when it isn't true.
  24. Jill: Because I use shampoo on it made from wyvern dung. Canas, are you aware that your name rhymes with anus?
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