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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Sanaki would have a lot of fun watching Zelgius knock Ike around. Sanaki: I see that you are not as tough as you appear, little mercenary. Ike: Ha..... Ha..... Sanaki: That is enough. I see that you are sorely in need of my help. Zelgius, withdraw your blade. Zelgius: At once, Empress. Ike, you fought well, but your blade still needs much improving. Sanaki: I was quite entertained by that fight. Ike, take a rest while I think of your next assignment. (While Ike is resting) Ike: That Zelgius....I've never fought anyone like him. The closest I've ever fought was.....that knight who killed Father. Zelgius seemed so much like him.....The way he held his sword.....The way he fought.....But my father wouldn't know anyone from Begnion, would he? I'll have to keep a close eye on him. Ike may not be smart enough at this point to put two and two together, though. What if Darin had stayed behind at Laus to help Erik instead of abandoning him?
  2. Favorite Player Phase Theme: FE7 Inescapable Fate Other Good Ones: FE9 Crimea Attacks, FE8 Determination, FE10 Conviction Favorite Enemy Phase Theme: FE11 A Mighty Host Appears Other Good Ones: FE8 Twisted Shadows (the one that goes with the Tower of Valni), FE7 Darkness Comes, Anything from FE4
  3. A video would be nice. Just post it on this topic so everyone can see it. Another interesting fact...... Although Lyn, Kent, and Sain can have a boss conversation with Lundgren, Wallace cannot. I find this odd considering that Wallace received explicit orders from Lundgren to stop Lyndis.
  4. Didn't Soren do all the thinking at the start, though? Even if Skrimir hadn't rushed at Zelgius, the Greil Mercenaries may have encountered Zelgius instead, and he would have pwned them all. What if Skrimir had defeated Zelgius in their duel?
  5. Hector: Because I didn't have my Hector Powers, I passed them down to Lilina. She doesn't appear to be using them properly, though.....I always wanted a boy as my child! Then he would have been a great General, like Oswin! (Hector won't admit it directly, but his Hector Powers faded due to old age.) Gharnef, if the Imhullu spell made you invincible, why didn't you just kill Marth in Khadein?
  6. No one says that, and quite frankly I don't care about being efficient either. But for those who do care about being efficient, Pent is an excellent unit because he comes with an A in both Anima and Staves, not to mention his highly functional base stats. Yes, Erk CAN reach an A in Staves but it takes a long time. Even for non efficient players Pent is a good choice, as even if you do train Erk up to Pent's level, Pent may still be more powerful. And Pent does NOT need Louise or any one else to support him, but it certainly doesn't hurt to have a built in A Support. I would never, ever recommend benching Pent (though I have beaten the game without him). I have never used Isadora or Louise that much, and I don't consider them to be as good as other units. As I said before, if you don't like them, don't use them. I don't need Louise for ranged attacks, Pent can not only attack at 2 range but at 1 range as well. Louise can't ever attack at 1 range. Most of my other units are capable of using Javelins and/or Hand Axes, they have 20 uses like a Silver Bow but are much less expensive, and they can still one round most enemies. But unless you seriously trained your other archers, Louise will be the only person at the point who can use the Silver Bow. No, you don't have to use it right away, but at least she has access to it. That's better than NOT having access to it, like your other archer units until they get an A in bows. Isadora can't really do anything that Marcus can't. I find it better to have one very powerful unit countering and killing everything on enemy phase than to have one very powerful unit fighting alongside a weaker unit, as the enemies will go for the weaker unit. Isadora may not be able to defeat enemies as reliably as Marcus, and she has a higher risk of dying. Is Isadora useable? Of course she is. Having high MOV never hurts anyone, and being able to use a wide variety of weapons can make up for low stats. She isn't as good at fighting as most of my other units by that point, though. I actually do use multiple Paladins, but Isadora isn't one of them. In terms of MOV advantages, flying units are better than any Paladin because they don't have any terrain restrictions, and if I already have two or more Paladins, I should add some flying units in too. I am not suggesting that Isadora is "bad," I just never found a use for her when I had other perfectly good mounted units and other types of units that could kick ass. Obviously, those who play for efficiency will favor prepromotes because they are often strong enough to clear maps, and not much training needs to be put into them. Those who play for other reasons may not favor prepromotes. As for showing Darros that prepromotes have their uses, he has to find that out for himself. If he wants to use the units that end up having the best stats (not who can help you beat the game with the lowest turncount), then prepromotes aren't always the best. Interesting Fact: Someone brought up Louise's base def of 9. Isadora's base def is actually 8, one point lower. But she can usually take at least two attacks and live.
  7. All right, here's another one. A lot of physical fighting bosses (such as Lloyd, Erik, Jasmine, and so on) have Res that is nearly equal to or even higher than their Def. This is odd considering that your own physical fighting units usually don't have very high Res. By the way, has anyone ever seen the sprites for Nergal using Anima, Light, or Staves? According to his profile he CAN use them, I just wonder if anyone has gotten him to use those weapons through hacking.
  8. The GMs would be a lot better off, at least Boyd would be because Titania would definitely make him train. She would also make Boyd stand up straight and eat his vegetables. And maybe Shinon and Gatrie wouldn't leave either, they seem to respect Titania. Ike could still fight for his friends, of course. What if you could actually kill Naesala during Chapter 19 of PoR? Not have him retreat, actually kill him.
  9. That is pretty funny. "Swimming Poo Lies." I can't think of any other weird road sign mishaps at the moment, though.
  10. That would certainly explain Ashnard's insanity. Or maybe Nadved would have played with Ashnard when he was a boy, so Ashnard would grow up to be a nice young man and not the evil king of Daein. What if Micaiah and Ashnard met?
  11. Sain: If it please you, my dear Luminescent Blade, I will grow my hair out for you. Hey, BK, boxers or briefs?
  12. I'll respond to Acacia's question. First, we would never know the awesomeness that is Narga. Second, you would just have to beat Yurius with Celice. It's possible. And no incest would ever occur between Celice and Yuria. What if Etzel fell and broke his hips?
  13. Nolan: I have read exactly 3532 books. Zihark, who do you like better, Meg or Ilyana?
  14. I was making fun of when Micaiah says that Ike is the father of Sothe's children, or whatever that line was. But what if Ike was the father of Micaiah's children instead?
  15. Oh wow, this is a tough one. If it hasn't been nominated yet, I would like to nominate the best Enemy Phase map music for Fire Emblem 4 only. That game has enough enemy phase music to get its own category, I think. Worst: FE8 Attack Best: FE10 The Devoted (the battle theme for the Greil Mercenaries)
  16. I noticed that your girlfriend is finally starting to discover the dreaded Devil Axe. Let's see how she handles Gorgons with Stone. Oh, and I forgot to mention that I did introduce one of my friends to FE. I let him borrow my FE7 cartridge for a while. He liked it, but didn't stick with it. Most of my friends like Final Fantasy 'n' stuff. My sister has watched me play Fire Emblem a few times, though she has never played herself. She refers to it as "the one with the grid." She also thinks that Dart, Tibarn, and Largo are hot.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong, but lower CON allows units to carry LESS. Aid is higher if you have more CON, at least for foot units. Isadora and Florina can carry heavy units because they are mounted, mounted units can carry heavier people thanks to their horses. Either use the damn prepromotes or don't, it won't change my style of play, nor will it convince anyone else to use or not use Louise or Isadora. I've said my piece on prepromotes earlier in this topic, they have their uses just like any other unit.
  18. Uh.....Well, that would be weird. And how in the heck would Lugh and Ray be born? Nino would have to be well over a thousand years old, and that means that when s/he gets together with Jaffar.....Jaffar would be quite surprised, wouldn't he? Jaffar: Uh, Nino.....You're a boy? Nino: Uh huh! Jaffar: Well, I.....I never thought that anything would surprise me,but..... You know what, I'll stop there before things get any weirder. If you actually meant that Nergal would be Nino's father..... Nino vs. Nergal Nergal: Stop, Nino. I am your father. Nino: But, that's.....that's impossible! Why were you never involved in my life? Nergal: Nino, my child, I was merely gathering enough quintessence to create a paradise for the two of us. Sonia is dead, but I am still alive. Come, Nino. Come to daddy. Nino: ...... Nergal: What's wrong, Nino? Nino: I.....You used Jaffar, the Black Fang, everyone else..... You can never be my dad! I'm going to stop you! Nergal: Very well, Nino. It seems that I shall have to punish you! EDIT: I'm rephrasing my what if question Now, for the next what if question. What if Ike was the father of Micaiah's children instead of Sothe's?
  19. Athos is the only playable character that starts with an S Rank in any skill level. Both him and Nergal have S Ranks in all magics.
  20. Ross the Boss Hector the Protector Moulder the Boulder (already taken, I know, but I still use it myself) Zihark is "Big Z" Pelleas is the "Pelle Man" Whenever I use Gatrie, I say that I'm "getting out my Gat."
  21. Don't forget about Jaffar and Renault. "Hi, I'm Jaffar, a level 13 Assassin and I can kill ANYTHING in one hit, sometimes with just an Iron Sword." Except for the Fire Dragon, but anything else is fair game. "Hi, I'm Renault. I have 12 Magic as a Level 16 Bishop but it's possible for me to kill Nergal in one hit." I saw a video on YouTube of this, don't have the link though. I normally don't like prepromotes, but yes, they can kick ass if used correctly. On the other hand, I like the satisfaction of raising up a weak unit like Erk or Florina to destroy entire maps.
  22. It already does, it's called Advance Wars. No, seriously, if Fire Emblem was in modern times.....Mounted units would ride motorcycles (Pegasus Knights and Wyvern Riders have FLYING Motorcycles), Fighters would be called Street Toughs, and Lords would be rich kids, but with good hearts of course. There would have to be an Emo character as well. Archers now use gats, Snipers now use actual sniper rifles and they would be like Ballistae. Now instead of simply beating up school bullies with brute force, you can also beat them up with tactical skillz. What if Radiant Dawn had a Dark magic Luna tome, that would negate enemy RES?
  23. It really depends on your attack power and your opponent's defense. Let's consider these examples: Let's say you have 60 Atk and are facing an opponent with 50 Defense. 60 - 50 = 10, so you do 10 damage normally. SNES Critical System = 120 - 50 = 70 Modern Critical System = 10x3 = 30 In this case, SNES crits do far more damage. Now, let's say you still have 60 Atk, but are facing an opponent with 30 Defense. 60 - 30 = 30, so you do 30 damage normally. SNES Critical System = 120 - 30 = 90 Modern Critical System = 30x3 = 90 The damage using either system is the same. Finally, let's consider that your opponent has only 10 Defense. 60 - 10 = 50, so you do 50 damage normally. SNES Critical System = 120 - 10 = 110 Modern Critical System = 50x3 = 150 This time, the modern crit does far more damage. It seems that when you face opponents with lower defense, the modern crit system does more damage. When facing opponents with high defense, the SNES crits would do more damage. Additionally, with SNES crits, you can do damage even if you couldn't inflict damage normally, unlike the modern system (3x0 is still 0). And as I recall, in FE4 you always do at least 1 damage if you hit unless Big Shield kicks in. In most modern Fire Emblems your opponents usually have low defense, except for Armor Knights and certain bosses. Like with the 2RN system they probably made this change to favor the player.
  24. Pretty soon, your girlfriend will be kicking your ass on Shadow Dragon Wi Fi. Oh, and DON'T force her to restart chapters because she makes a wrong choice. She's just learning how to play the game, which is better than not even trying, right? That aside, I'm very happy for you. You got your girl to play Fire Emblem and like it.
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