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Everything posted by Charpig

  1. Micaiah is a Mary Sue, she probably has Narga blood somehow. No matter how powerful Sety is, you would STILL have to have Ike land the finishing blow on Ashera with Ragnell, a much weaker weapon than any holy weapon. What a crock. If FE10 characters could somehow use the holy weapons, these would be dream matchups: Micaiah: Narga Soren: Holsety Ilyana: Thorhammer Sanaki: Falaflame Haar: Swanchika Mia: Balmunk Gatrie: Gungnir Nephinel: Gaebolg Shinon: Ichival Stefan: Tyrfing I think I might be missing one or two of the weapons. Oh, and let Lehran have Loputousu. That would make him a much more difficult boss.
  2. Script for Chapter 24 (E). No wonder why Zephiel becomes an evil king. Narrator: The Bern royal family is a pageant of power, love, and hate. Eliwood finds himself embroiled in their troubles. He has been sent to recover the Bern family treasure: the Fire Emblem. It has been stolen from the palace vault. Eliwood enters the royal palace seeking clues. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 24: Unfulfilled Heart) Hector: We've finally arrived. I can't believe they built a palace in these mountains. Eliwood: Bern is the only country on the continent where wyverns still fly. With its wyvern riders, I imagine this castle is the best-defended anywhere. Lyn: I agree. Look at the path leading up the mountain's face. It would be impossible to scale that in a direct assault. Hector: Defenders positioned higher up would have a clear advantage. Even the best soldiers would be taken out with ease. Hm… Look at that. They don't have any sentries posted. They must have a lot of faith in their defenses. Eliwood: Look at these surroundings! They probably make do simply with patrols within the castle. The mighty Bern. I'd not like it as an enemy. Lyn: And yet, from this impregnable fortress, a treasure was stolen. Perhaps the king really is responsible for all this. It's hard to imagine any thief cracking Bern's defenses. Eliwood: You're right. But I can't imagine why the king would do this. To find the Fire Emblem, we're going to need clues. Lyn: Listen, why don't we try sneaking into the castle? Hector: That's what I was waiting for! I like the way you think. Eliwood: Whatever happens, we must not be caught. If it looks impossible, turn around and come back here. Hector: Got it! Lyn: Of course! (The three lords enter the palace) Lyn: This is… An inner garden? Eliwood: Shh! Someone's coming this way. Hector: Here! Into this thicket!! Guinivere: Brother! Hello, Zephiel! Zephiel: Ah, Guinivere. Have you been well? Guinivere: Uh-huh! I've been fine. But if you would come and see me every day, I'd be even better! Much, much better! Zephiel: Every day? Well, that's an awful lot, but I'll come by as often as possible. All for you, dear sister. Guinivere: Yippee! Desmond: Guinivere! Guinivere! Where are you, lass? Guinivere: Here I am, Father! Welcome home. Desmond: Ah, there you are. Were you a good girl while I was gone? Come, give your father a kiss. You're as adorable as ever. Zephiel: Well met, Father. Desmond: …Zephiel. Hmph… You take the same unpleasant tone as your mother. Zephiel: What!? I… I… Desmond: Silence. What brings you to my castle? Zephiel: Ah, yes… Murdock. Murdock: Yes, my lord. Zephiel: We were hunting in the forest earlier. …We found this and thought Guinivere might like it. Guinivere: Eeek! A baby fox!? How cute! It's so very cute!! Is it for me? Really? Zephiel: Do you like it? Guinivere: Yes, I do! Thank you. I do love you, Brother! Desmond: …Guinivere, go play for a while. Guinivere: OK! Come on, let's go! You lovely little fox! (Guinivere leaves) Desmond: …I've told you to stay away from the castle. Zephiel: Yes…I know… I beg your pardon. I heard that Guinivere was ill and I was…worried. Desmond: Hah, you mean you came to see if she would die, don't you? Zephiel: Father… Murdock: I beg your pardon, Your Majesty, that… Desmond: Hold your tongue, Murdock! Do not forget whom you serve! The king of Bern!! Murdock: …… Zephiel: It's all right, Murdock… Father, I would never want to see Guinivere harmed in-- Desmond: You and your mother think of nothing more than stealing my throne. You plague me. Return to the manse! Zephiel: …As you wish. I beg your leave…Father. (Zephiel and Murdock leave) Desmond: …No matter how I warn him, he comes. Why is it that the very sight of him tries my patience so? He is truly of my own flesh and blood, yet… Sonia: Hee hee hee. It is jealousy, my king. Desmond: Eh? Who's there? Sonia: It is I, Sonia. Desmond: You… Well? Is the Emblem safe? Sonia: Yes. I have it in my possession. It is all as we planned. Desmond: It is unlikely, but… The queen might attempt to win the Emblem back. Are you prepared? Sonia: I will not fail… It is secreted away within the Black Fang's fortress. Desmond: Keep it concealed until dusk of the tenth day, then return it to me. Sonia: As you will, Your Grace. Desmond: And what of my other request… Sonia: One of the Four Fangs will tend to it. There will be no mistakes. However, General Murdock, the man protecting the prince… He is young, yet well respected. Shall we finish him, too? Desmond: …Murdock… His birth is low. And yet his combat skills have won him the title of Wyvern General. It would be a great blow if Bern were to lose him. I'll think of something to remove him from Zephiel's side. Will that do? Sonia: Yes. It would be a great help. Wait! …… Desmond: What? What is it? Sonia: I…sense someone. Desmond: Where!? Guinivere: Father! Brother! Where are you?! Desmond: Do not worry. It's my daughter. Sonia: Of course. Do not forget the Black Fang's role once we are successful. Desmond: Of course. Now begone. Quickly. Sonia: Farewell. (Sonia leaves, Guinivere comes up) Guinivere: Zephiel! This kit, it… Hm? Where is my brother? Desmond: He had an errand to perform and left. Guinivere: Oh, no! No, no, no! I wanted to play! Desmond: Come, Guinivere. I will play with you. Guinivere: No! I want to play with him, not you! I'll go and call him back. Here, hold my fox! (Guinivere leaves) Desmond: …… Attend me!! Soldier: Yes, my lord. Desmond: Take this beast and kill it! Do not let Guinivere know what you do. Soldier: Understood. Desmond: …Zephiel, you knave. Trying to steal my Guinivere's love… …You will learn your place! (At the lords) Hector: That was close… I was afraid they'd catch us. Eliwood: This is worse than I'd imagined. The Black Fang has already reached the king. Lyn: Their plans for Lycia failed, and now they're targeting Bern. Hector: If a country as powerful as Bern moves, peace knows no hope. Eliwood: What Nergal desires is powerful quintessence. Calling dragons back… Does he wish to embroil the world in chaos? Whatever his plans, he must be stopped at any cost! Hector: Right. Find the Fire Emblem and return it to the queen. We do that, and she'll point us toward the Shrine of Seals. Lyn: If we go to the Black Fang fortress… Eliwood: That's our goal. I must meet with everyone and seek out their fortress. (Outside the palace) Ninian: I wonder if Eliwood and the others are well. Nils: Please, Ninian. That's all you've spoken of since they left. I understand your concern for Lord Eliwood, but… Ninian: Nils! I… Nils: You don't have to hide anything from me. But you must not fall in love with him, you know? We…are different from them. Ninian: …I know. But I cannot… ……I… Nils: Ninian! Where are you going? Ninian: I need time to think. May I be alone, please? Nils: Ninian… (The lords come out) Hector: We'd better hurry and rejoin the others. Oh, no! Look! It's a wyvern rider! Eliwood: She's coming closer… Has she seen us?! Lyn: No, it's not us she's seen. It's… It's Nils!!! Eliwood: Let's go! Hector!! Hector: OK! Nils: Ahh! Who…who are you? Vaida: Light green hair, crimson eyes… No mistake. You're one of Lord Nergal's lost toys. Yes! Found you at last! Nils: …What are you? Why can't I sense you!? Vaida: What happened to your bodyguards? I heard they were tough. I wanted to see for myself. Well, you're here, so they can't be too far away, can they? Nils: … Vaida: C'mon, boy! Scream! Call your friends to you! I grow weary of waiting. I am not known for my patience!!! Lyn: I'm the one you're looking for! Unhand the boy! Vaida: You've come! I've been looking forward to this! Eliwood: Looking forward… What do you mean? Vaida: The chance to crush you! Then hand the children over to Lord Nergal. Hector: Nergal? So you're one of his dogs, are you? Vaida: …I'll not be called a dog by you, blackheart! True, we've a contract with the Black Fang, but… I am loyal to one master only! He who sits on the throne of Bern! Eliwood: Then why are you in the employ of the Black-- Vaida: There's been far too much talking. Let's get started, shall we? I've long hungered for someone to test my strength against. Make this last awhile, will you? I want to enjoy this!! Listen up, everyone! It's playtime! Come on out!! The palace has promised to stay out of this! Be as wild as you will!! Eliwood: Mark! Our allies are hidden here and there to avoid being spotted. This is not to our advantage. We must gather everyone quickly!! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) Pent: We'll help, too. Tell us what to do. Eliwood: You as well, Lady Louise? Louise: Of course. Pent: No need for concern. She is quite skilled with a bow. Those Bern wvyern riders will be sorry to meet her. Louise: Despite what you may think, I shoot much better than I dance or sing. I believe I can be of some small assistance. Eliwood: I understand. Thank you for your help. Pent: …Now let me give you this. It's from Lord Athos. Eliwood: What is it? Pent: A Heaven seal… It reveals hidden strengths. It only works for a select few, but… Eliwood: It has an air of mystery to it. Pent: Do you think you can use it? Eliwood: … … ……No, it won't work for me. Pent: Wait for the proper time, and have the other two try it. It might not work now, but I'm sure that you will all be able to use it at some point. Just keep trying. Eliwood: I understand. Thank you very much. (Got a Heaven seal) Pent: You're Mark, is that right? Please…forget about my title and standing in my country. You are our tactician, and I will do as you command. Well then, I hope we'll work well together. (Visiting the left house) Man: I've heard some stories about the Black Fang… I hear they've a swordfighter who wields the fearsome Light Brand. No, he's not here now. But you might run into him somewhere. You should be careful. The Light Brand is a magic sword. It'll cut you if you're close and hurl magic at you from afar. Step lightly if you know he's on the battlefield. (Visiting the right house) Woman: Do you know anyone named Mark? You see, I once helped out a weary traveler… who just so happened to be a brilliant tactician! Cared for the soldiers… Won battle after battle with no casualties… Ah, I wonder if we'll meet again… (Visiting the village) Ursula: Oh, my. It's you… Character: Me? Ursula: That's right. You're with them, right? I know that this isn't what I'm supposed to do but… I'll not hand glory over to that newcomer, Vaida… What? Oh, nothing… I'm talking to myself. More importantly, I want to give you this. It's a hammerne staff. It repairs items. It can make most items like new again. Promise me you'll bring that wyvern-riding hag down. I'll be seeing you again, I'm sure. Hee hee… (Got a Hammerne) (Versus Vaida) Vaida: Ha ha… Such a pleasant expression. That settles it. I'll start with you. (End of eleventh turn) Vaida: Pah! I've had it with being pushed here and there! Withdraw!! Ground forces, pull back! And move quickly!! (After map is cleared) Eliwood: I guess that worked out. Ninian: Lord Eliwood! Eliwood: Ninian! Nils! Are you both well? Nils: What shall we do, Lord Eliwood? Nergal's power… It's returning bit by bit. Eliwood: What do you mean? Ninian: That woman you faced… She was protected by Nergal's magic. Eliwood: Her strength… It came from Nergal? Ninian: Yes. It won't be long before he's active again. With all his power restored. Nils: We must hurry and gain the power to oppose him! Eliwood: We have to recover the Fire Emblem. If we can do that… Hector: Come on! The palace is in an uproar. This is our chance to slip away! Lyn: Wait! I have an idea. Let's follow them. Eliwood: Lyndis? Lyn: Leave it to me. I think I might be able to find the Black Fang fortress. (On a mountain path) Lyn: This way. The signs are fading, but they're really moving. I think I can track them if they keep this pace. Hector: Are you sure? Really? Lyn: Remember, I'm from Sacae. Bern's foot soldiers are slow and clumsy… And to a Sacaen, men are easier to track than rabbits. Hector: What do you want to do, Eliwood? Eliwood: Let's put our trust in Lyndis. If anyone can do this, she can. Hector: Are you serious? Lyn: Over here, everyone!
  3. Would it be right to say that Thracia 776 is much more luck based than Shadow Dragon? I've seen quite a few videos on YouTube where the player missed consecutive times with a 99% chance to hit. And in Thracia you can't even have a 100% chance to hit. Yes, I know that PEMN but no matter how good your strategy is, it will fall through if the RNG decides to take a dump on you. On the other hand, in Shadow Dragon the hit rates of both you and your enemies tend to be quite high, it's not too difficult to get a 100% Hit especially with forged weapons. Shadow Dragon doesn't have any major "dodge tanks," tanking is about concrete durability instead. I'll make very simple conclusions, from what has been said: Thracia's difficulty seems to be of a strategic nature, you have to know the game. You can't simply overpower your enemies. Shadow Dragon's H5 difficulty is from facing very strong enemies from the very beginning. The AI in Shadow Dragon is not particularly smart, however.
  4. This is for Lloyd's version of Chapter 23 (E), Four Fanged Offense. Wallace can be recruited by Lyn, Kent, Sain, Wil, and Florina, I chose to recruit him with Kent. Oh, and I will be going to Jerme's version of Pale Flower of Darkness this time around, because I arena abused Dorcas, Bartre, Guy, and Raven to the fullest extent of the law and have barely used Lucius, Erk, Serra, and Priscilla this playthrough. Script for Chapter 23 (Lloyd, E) Narrator: Heeding the archsage Athos's advice, Eliwood sets out for Bern. Bern: the greatest military force on the continent. The Lycian League has always enjoyed close relations with the kingdom of Bern. Recently, however, King Desmond has begun to flaunt his military strength. Lycian nobles can no longer move freely within Bern's borders. Eliwood and his group enter the country in the guise of simple travelers. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 23: Four-Fanged Offense) Eliwood: We move to Bern from here in an instant. …Incredible. Even in a remote village like this, they've heard announcements for the prince's coming-of-age ceremony. Lyn: Well, Prince Zephiel's ceremony is only ten days away. There's no helping all the excitement. Hector: They've no idea what's happening… Carefree fools. Eliwood: …… Tell me, Hawkeye, do you know the location of the Shrine of Seals? Hawkeye: I've heard it's north of Bern. But the location of the shrine itself is secret. I doubt if anyone outside the royal family knows how to reach it. Lyn: So, if we want to reach the shrine, we'll have to contact the royal family, is that it? Hector: Without revealing our identities or our motives? There's got to be another way to find where it is. Pent: …I can provide you with its general location. Eliwood: Lord Pent? Pent: I'm privy to the highest secrets of military information in Etruria. When we learned of the shrine's existence, we investigated. However, none of our operatives returned. Bern's defenses are formidable. Hector: So, even if we reach the shrine, we're as like as not to be captured? Pent: Most likely. And if your identities are discovered, Bern will see it as an excuse to invade Lycia. Eliwood: That, above all else, must be avoided. Pent: That's where I come in. Eliwood: What do you mean? Pent: Duty demands that I attend the post-ceremony festivities. However, I will greet the queen privately before the ceremony. Eliwood: Privately? You can do that? Louise: Queen Hellene was born in Etruria. She and I are related, albeit a distant relation. Pent: When we meet, I will discreetly ask about the Shrine of Seals. Most like, she'll not say much, but anything will help, will it not? Rest assured, even if I fail, I will not reveal your presence. Eliwood: Lord Pent! That's-- Pent: If we do not return by tomorrow, return to Lycia and come up with a new plan. Understood? Eliwood: …If you fail, what will become of you? Pent: Everything will work out. It wouldn't be a bad life. Abandoning my position… Living on the run with Louise… Louise: If I'm with you, my lord Pent, I care not where we go. Hector: I pray for your success. Pent: Please do! Let us proceed, Louise. Lyn: Come back safely! We'll be waiting for you!! (Pent and Louise leave, Hawkeye catches up to them) Hawkeye: …Pent, hold on. Pent: What is it, Hawkeye? Hawkeye: I was holding this for the master. Pent: It's a… Heaven seal! Hawkeye: Mm… There are only three in existence. Pent: What is Archsage Athos's plan? Hawkeye: I'm to give it to them when the time is right. Pent: I see. Hawkeye: I… I might not know the right time when it comes. I want you to take care of it. Pent: Thank you, but what if we do not return? Hawkeye: You will. You and Louise… ……without fail. Pent: …I understand. Louise: Lord Hawkeye, we…we will most certainly return. (Inside the fortress) Linus: Well, if it isn't Nino. Nino: Yeah! Lloyd! Linus! What is it? Are you working? Lloyd: I suppose we are. Linus: How about you? Where are you off to in such a hurry? Nino: I have a job to do, too! I'm carrying messages for Mother, so I have to do my best! See you! Let's do something when your job is finished. Lloyd: She's a good lass. Linus: Yes. Hard to believe she's that woman's child. (At Eliwood's group) Eliwood: This waiting is hard. There must be something we can do. Hector: I know what you mean, but we have to lay low… Legault: Why don't we try and gather some information on the Black Fang? Lyn: Hm? Information? Legault: Yes. Black Fang's headquarters are here in Bern. The location was never disclosed to me, though. The Black Fang is so much different than it once was. Any information we could gain would be beneficial. Eliwood: That's a good idea. Thanks, Legault. Legault: Think nothing of it. Eliwood: What do you think, Mark? …You're right. Any information we find would be a starting place. Then it's settled. Let's get started. Let's split up and go. Try to blend in. Hector: We'd better be careful. Lyn: Especially you, Hector. Hector: What!? (Lyn and Hector run off) Eliwood: Those two… I can't tell if they're friends or not. Ninian: Tee hee… Eliwood: Is something funny, Ninian? Ninian: It's just… Listen to you grumble, Lord Eliwood! You sound like you're their chaperon! Eliwood: Really? Is that what it sounds like to you? Ninian: Uh-huh. Eliwood: That's great… Ninian: Ha ha ha. Eliwood: …I like it when you laugh. Ninian: Excuse me? Eliwood: Oh, nothing. Come on! Let's go! (At Lloyd and Linus) Lloyd: …Can it really be them? I thought they were in Nabata! Linus: What does it matter where they've been? We've found them, so let's take care of them. Lloyd: I guess you're right… Linus, go tell Father what's happening. Linus: Why!? They're right in front of us! You and I can finish this now! Lloyd: Moron. It's a precaution. Fangs cannot afford mistakes. Don't worry, I've underlings aplenty. I'll taunt the foe and draw them to the fortress in the north. I doubt I'll lose, but… They've survived this long, so they must be tough. I might run into trouble. Deliver your report, then get back here with reinforcements. Linus: You can't be serious. They don't look like they can last long against you, the White Wolf. Lloyd: Just get moving, Linus. Linus: …Understood. I'll be back soon, though, so leave some for me! (A Black Fang runs up to Eliwood) Black Fang: You must be Eliwood… Eliwood: Ah! Black Fang!? Black Fang: That's right. You have the honor of dying at the hands of the Four Fangs. Our commander is Lord Lloyd, the White Wolf. Hector: Eliwood! Is that the enemy? Eliwood: Counterattack! To arms, everyone! Black Fang: …Come. You'll get your throats ripped out… (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (If Heath is deployed) Heath: Bern… …Hm? Oh, Mark. I have few fond memories of my homeland. I'm a deserter. Yet…I can't say I'm not a little glad to be here. I hope that, someday soon, I can clear my name and return home. (Wallace appears) Wallace: Grrrr!! Not again! This is the 75TH time! I could have SWORN Caelin was in this direction! Grrr… Eh? Something's wrong… Is it a sneak attack? You cowards, waiting there in the fog!! My name is Wallace! The boldest knight in all Caelin (wherever it is)! If you're not afraid to die, show yourselves!!! Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! (After first enemy phase) Nino: Let's see… I'm sure this is the place, but… I guess he's not here yet. … … Hmm! Fog's thick today. It's the perfect weather for taking on evildoers! Yet here I am again, running errands… I wish I were more worthy, so that I could help out in battle. (Jaffar appears) Nino: Waah! Don't… Don't scare me like that, Jaffar. What's wrong? You're never late for anything. Jaffar: …My last job took longer than expected. Nino: What? There are things that can slow you down? I would never have expected that. Jaffar: …If you've my next mission… let me hear it. Nino: Oh, right. Mother gave this to me… Huh? Oh! Wha-What happened!? You're covered in blood! Jaffar: …It's a scratch. Pay it no heed… Nino: Scratches don't bleed like that! Let me see. Jaffar: Forget it. Next target…hurry… …… Nino: Jaffar! Come on, wake… Wake up! What should I do? (Kent talks to Wallace) Kent: Lord Wallace! Wallace: Oh, Kent. Well met. Kent: Well met. General Wallace, why are you in Bern? Wallace: No special reason. A small personal matter. More importantly, what are you doing here? If you're here, it must mean… Kent: Yes, Lady Lyndis is here with me. Wallace: I thought so. Well then, I shall join you in your skirmish. Kent: Would you do us the honor? Wallace: Without question! If Lady Lyndis is in danger, I can't sit idly by, can I? Show me the foe! General Wallace will crush them all! (Wallace joins) (Visiting Nino's house) Nino: Er… Is there something I can help you with? I have an injured man here. Please keep your voice down! No, I don't know anything about the Black Fang! Leave, please! You'll upset my patient! (Visiting the east village) Man: Long ago, I used to work in Bern's royal palace. I was Prince Zephiel's teacher of history. The prince is a wise lad. He's the royal family's first prodigy. Yet King Desmond ignores the boy's talents, and they wither. Here…I'd like you to take this. This is an Earth seal. This one item contains the powers of many: Knight crest, Guide ring, Hero crest, Elysian whip… I am unsure why I would entrust this treasure to a complete stranger. I cannot explain it, but I have a feeling. For some reason, I believe you will aid the prince… Strange… Go on! Humor an old man and take it. (Got an Earth seal) (Visiting the north village) ????: …Stop right there. Character: Who? ????: No need for alarm. For reasons of my own, I wear the garb of the Black Fang, but I'm a loyal citizen of Lycia, and I am not your enemy. Character: …… ????: A woman now leads the Black Fang around by the nose. When at last you confront her, use this staff. This woman is the ringleader you seek. Her name is Sonia. Do not forget. Sonia. (Got a Silence) (Visiting the house northeast of the arena) Woman: Tell me, traveler, have you heard of the Four Fangs? The folk of Bern know all about them. They're the four strongest members of the righteous Black Fang. I'm quite fond of the White Wolf. Of course, I've never seen him, but… I'm sure he's as handsome as can be. I've heard some troubling rumors about the Black Fang, lately, though. I wonder what's going on. (Visiting the house south of the arena) Soldier: I will repeat it as often as necessary, Lord Murdock! If we let the king's tyranny continue, Bern will-- Murdock: Hold your tongue. Soldier: But-- Murdock: Be still. Is someone there? Character: Oh! (Versus Lloyd) Lloyd: In the name of the Fang, I sentence you to death. Do not blame me for your fate. It is your own doing. (Lloyd is defeated) Lloyd: Urgh… (After map is cleared) Eliwood: …Are you well? Lloyd: …I'm beaten. You are strong. Stronger than I'd realized. Eliwood: …… Lloyd: You're foolish as well. To waste sentiment on me, your enemy… Eliwood: Ah! Lloyd: This is what happens! Hector: Eliwood! Eliwood: …… Lloyd: Peace. I've no plans on fleeing with a hostage. After I deal with you, I'll let the rest of them go. Eliwood: Uhai said the same thing. Lloyd: What? Eliwood: We battled your comrade Uhai on the Dread Isle… He told us that he'd do nothing so cowardly as take a hostage. He fought with honor. You Black Fang are not evil by nature. So why is it that we fight? Lloyd: Uhai… You spoke with him? Eliwood: Yes. With his dying breath, he told us the way to the Dragon's Gate. Lloyd: I see… Eliwood: Ah! Lloyd: Go. Don't worry. I, too, have my honor. I will not attack you again. Eliwood: Will you join our cause? Lloyd: No… However, something is amiss. You have been granted a brief reprieve until I have my answers. Eliwood: …Tell us, what is your name? Lloyd: I'll tell you next time we meet. Be seeing you. Watch out for the woman named Sonia. (Lloyd leaves) Hector: That was close. Eliwood: Forgive me. I wanted to speak with him at least once. Lyn: Don't sweat it. At least we learned a little something about our opponent. Eliwood: The Black Fang seems to have some honor after all. Perhaps they really are just being used by Nergal. We should talk to their head, Brendan Reed. Lyn: Perhaps we can resolve this without any more fighting. Hector: I don't like it. Sounds like a terrible plan. Eliwood: Hector? Hector: Let's get back to camp. We might have some word from Pent and the others. Lyn: I wonder what that was all about. Eliwood: …… (Lloyd is by himself) Lloyd: …As I suspected. They're not the gang of thugs Sonia made them out to be. …How do I unmask that woman for what she truly is? Ah!! …Uwaa…… Limstella: …… Lloyd: Impossible… Not a sound… ……nothing…… Limstella: Lloyd, the White Wolf. Such strong quintessence. Lloyd: ……… ……Li…Linus… …Tell…… Father… (At Nino's house) Jaffar: …… Nino: Are you awake? Thank goodness… Jaffar: You… I know you… Nino: Uh-huh. We've met many times. I don't think I told you my name, though. I'm Nino! Sonia's daughter. Jaffar: What are you doing? Nino: Huh? Jaffar: Have you forgotten the law of the Fang? "Sacrifice the wounded to salvage the strong." Nino: That's not… Jaffar: I was unconscious and alone outside of our safe halls. You should have obeyed the law… Killed me, and then fled. Yet you didn't. Why? Nino: Bu-But… Letting a comrade die? I…couldn't do that. Jaffar: Don't be a fool! Nino: Sniff… Jaffar: …Tsk… Nino: Don't move! Here! Lean on me! Jaffar: …Don't…touch… Nino: Please, don't move. So much blood… You're bleeding again. What do I do? It won't stop. Jaffar: …… Nino: Please…don't die. You mustn't die. (Linus finds Lloyd's dead body) Linus: Lloyd… Brother? Lloyd!! This…is unforgivable! I will kill them all!! Not a one will survive!!! (Bern Manse) Soldier: Your Royal Highness, His Majesty the king has arrived. Desmond: Where's Zephiel? Hellene: Your Majesty… 'Tis a pleasure to see you. What a glorious day that sees you grace us with your presence. Desmond: …Enough. Call the boy! Hellene: Your son is practicing his falconry. Desmond: You knew I was coming, and yet you sent him away. Hmph… As crafty as ever, woman. Very well, you will have to do. It's ten days until the boy's coming-of-age ceremony. I would speak of it. Hellene: At last… Once the ceremony ends, our son, so long lingering in the shadows, will be received by all as the legitimate heir to your throne. Do you know how he has longed for this day? Desmond: Cease your complaints. You and Zephiel, queen and heir of Bern, have never wanted for anything. Hellene: We are here in this manse, while you live in the palace with…that woman. You must be so disappointed that she bore you not a prince but a princess. Desmond: Hellene! You go too far!! Hellene: My child, who through me carries the noble blood of Etruria in his veins, will in ten days be named as the right-born heir to the throne. Ha ha ha! No matter how you may dote on her, your illegitimate daughter, Guinivere, is destined to be nothing more than a baseborn shadow… It is my son who shall reign in Bern! My son, Zephiel! Ha ha ha ha ha! How it gives me such pleasure to say those words! Desmond: Have you said your mind? Well, I have something for you to hear as well. Hellene: What could it be? Desmond: Last night, from the palace, the Fire Emblem was stolen away by some villain. Hellene: It can't be! …Ha ha ha. You are so wicked, Your Majesty. Pray tell, who would believe such a tale? The Fire Emblem is Bern's greatest national treasure. No gem in existence is its equal. Stealing such a heavily guarded object is impossible, is it not? Desmond: Unfortunately, I speak true. Hellene: No… Desmond: You know the importance of the Fire Emblem. It's the symbol of the heir, the heart of the ceremony. Without the Emblem, the ceremony must be canceled. Hellene: No!! Thi-This was your doing, wasn't it? How can you despise Zephiel so? He is of your blood. He is your beloved son, is he not? Desmond: I have heard that Zephiel is… a gifted student, a stunning fighter, excelling in all he tries. And I've also heard that he is much loved by the people. Hellene: Yes! It is true. All of it! He is a worthy son. Desmond: I…excelled at neither books nor blades. Hellene: What do you-- Desmond: I cannot say that I command the love of my subjects… Zephiel and I are opposites in every way. It is hard to believe that he is my son. Hellene: Zephiel is Your Majesty's child! Your Grace, you know this is truth! Desmond: Mine or not, without the ceremony… He will not be named heir. Mark my words, and prepare yourself, woman. Hellene: Your Majesty! King Desmond!! Please… Please wait! He is your heir! Your son! Please… What am I to do? Zephiel… Servant: I beg your pardon, Your Highness. You have a visitor… Hellene: I will see no one. Send him home. Servant: Your Highness, I… Louise: It's all right. You may go. I will take care of this. Servant: Yes, my lady. Hellene: Who? Louise: Lady Hellene, it's been far too long. It is I, Louise. Hellene: Louise!? Is it truly you? Ah… Louise… Louise: What is it? Your eyes are so red. It's a shame to see such beauty marred by tears. Hellene: There is something… I… Louise: If it please you, I would hear your troubles. My husband is here with me. Perhaps he will be able to lend you his aid. Hellene: Lord Pent is also here? I see… …… …To be honest… (At night) Eliwood: Lord Pent! Lady Louise!! Pent: Sorry to have kept you waiting. Eliwood: …How did everything go? Pent: …I can't say it was a complete failure, yet… Lyn: What do you mean? Louise: We've a task to perform. Hector: What do you mean? Pent: Queen Hellene is looking for something. If we find it for her… Eliwood: She will listen to our request, is that it? Pent: We have until the morning of the tenth day from today. …What will you do? The decision is yours. Eliwood: …We'll do it. It is most certainly a test we were destined to take.
  5. Yes, both twins are forced for the final fight.
  6. OHKO, if Faval gets a critical. Now if Gatrie is standing on a Cover square and has Defense boosting supports, Faval will not ORKO Gatrie unless he gets a critical. Now let's imagine if FE10 characters got the holy weapons from FE4.....
  7. Script for Chapter 22x (E) (Chapter title is displayed - Chapter 22x: Genesis) Eliwood: Oof… A rock wall? … Where am I? …Where is everyone? Pent: Hello. You're awake! Are you well? Eliwood: ...You're... from before… Pent: Hawkeye's friend. Hawkeye: ...... Eliwood: Um… Hawkeye? What is this place? Hawkeye: ...I don't know. Pent: Eh? You don't know? I would never have imagined a place such as this existed. Hawkeye: My master never spoke of anything like this. Nils: Ah! Lord Eliwood! I'm so glad I found you. Eliwood: Nils! Is everyone all right? Nils: Yes, they're nearby. I can't see them, but... I can sense them. So they must be OK. Eliwood: That's good. Nils: Do you know where we are? I wonder how we get out of here… Eliwood: I'd like to know, too. Pent: ...Something strange is here. I can feel it in the air. Nils: Yes! You're right. It's strange. Unsettling! Eliwood: This disquieting feeling... I know it... I've felt it before. Back on Valor. Nils: On the Dread Isle? Eliwood: Yes, we first felt it in those ruins near the Dragon's Gate. That was right before all our magics failed us. Hawkeye: Pent, doesn't that sound like... Pent: ...Like a magic seal. Eliwood: What's that? Pent: I'm not entirely certain how to explain it. It's...someone whose very presence nullifies all magic. Eliwood: Why would this person be here? Why now? Pent: I have no idea. All I know is that we're being watched. Nils: Uh-oh! Something's happening! (A light flashes) Nils: He... He's called some friends. They are...very powerful. Pent: He summoned them here? I'm beginning to suspect the magic seal created this place. Hawkeye: If we kill him, can we get out of here? Pent: Perhaps. Eliwood: Then we fight! If they have strength, then we'll match their strength and challenge them! We don't have time for this!! Hawkeye: I will fight, too. Pent, you stay here and guard the others. Pent: Understood. Hawkeye: Select those who will go with us. ...And choose carefully. (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) Eliwood: All right! Are you ready, everyone? Try not to get separated. Hawkeye: …Don't move! (A wall appears, splitting the party in two groups) Eliwood: Ah! …The wall! Hawkeye: …He's responsible. He's watching us from somewhere. Eliwood: …… Hawkeye: Mark, is it? I must see you all safely back to my master. If you have need of it, I will lend you my strength. (After map is cleared) Pent: The air… It's returned to normal! The magic seal has fled. Eliwood: What in the name of all that is decent is that? It has human form, but it's… It's not human! Pent: …… Hawkeye: …… Ninian: …That was a creature of heresy. Its existence makes a ruin of nature's most basic laws. Eliwood: Ninian? Ninian: …Ah, Lord Eliwood. I… Pent: …In this world, there are many mysterious things that fall beyond our realm of understanding. Come, let us leave this place. A living legend awaits us. Eliwood: Ah… Yes! Ninian: …… Hawkeye: …Daughter of… Ninian: …Hm? Hawkeye: …… Be strong… Ninian: ……Ah… (Athos's chamber) Hawkeye: …I've brought them. Athos: Welcome, children of Roland. Hawkeye: We've come from Lycia, old man. Do you understand? Lyn: What do you mean? Eliwood: I think I know. Thousands of years ago, man and dragon fought on this continent. Lyn: Yes, mankind won, and the dragons fled this world. Eliwood: That's correct. Man against dragon… The war that we know as the Scouring. And you know of the Eight Legends, the heroes who led men to victory? Lyn: Yes, we've all heard the stories of the Eight Legends. I was raised in Sacae, so I know of Hanon, the horseman. Hector: Sacae is where Hanon was born. Our country, Lycia, was founded by the hero Roland. Lyn: That's why you called us "children of Roland," right? Athos: That is correct, daughter of Hanon and Roland. Eliwood: Who are you? Athos: I am Athos. Many choose to simply call me Archsage. Eliwood: Athos?! It can't be… Lyn: Huh? What?! Hector: Archsage Athos was one of the Eight Legends. If you really were him, old man… you'd have to be over a thousand years old. Athos: The world is full of mysteries. Solve one, and along comes another… Before I knew it, I'd grown distant from my fellow man. Hunger… It knows no bounds. Lyn: A thousand years… That's a long time. Eliwood: Yet thanks to such longevity, we're meeting here today. Hector: "Living legend"… Now I see it. Athos: You're here because you want to stop Nergal, aren't you? Eliwood: Yes. Did you receive word from Marquess Ostia? Athos: No… I am aware of most things that occur on the continent. However, knowledge is not enough for me to prevent disaster. Lyn: Nils said something similar to that before. "With my special power, I can sense danger coming, but I can't do anything to stop it." Athos: Nils… One of the children of destiny. Lyn: He's here with us, but something outside caught his attention. Athos: …I'm sure something stopped him… Eliwood: Hm? Athos: Let's talk about Nergal. How do we stop him? Eliwood: Yes, what can you tell us? What wisdom can you share? Athos: Mm. Your foe is, like me, no longer …altogether human. It will be difficult to slay him through traditional means. He wields a terrible power. His endless strength stems from an ancient, forbidden magic… To defeat him, you will need a suitable response. Eliwood: Response? Athos: …While he is resting, you must find the power to oppose him. Eliwood: Tell us what it is! We'll do anything!! Athos: It will be harder than you can imagine. Great trials await you. …As does great despair. You may regret your decision. Will you stay the course, children? Eliwood: …Our will remains fixed. Athos: This is a road from which you cannot turn back. Hector: We've known that all along! Lyn: We can overcome anything. You'll see. Together, we are strong. Athos: …Very well. Let me tell you what you must do. (After a while) Athos: Have you understood all that you have heard? Eliwood: Yes. We are to seek out the Shrine of Seals in Bern, right? Athos: Take Hawkeye with you. Add his skills to your own. Eliwood: Thank you. Athos: …And you? What will you do, Pent and Louise? Pent: Nergal, a magic user who rivals you, Lord Athos… And the return of the dragons. An intriguing story. Eliwood: … Pent: Forgive the late introductions. I am Pent, Count Reglay of Etruria. This is Louise, my wife. Louise: It's nice to meet you. Eliwood: Count Reglay? You are Count Reglay? Lyn: Who? Is he someone special? Hector: Yes. He hails from the most prominent noble house in Etruria. He's known as the Magic General. What has brought you to this place? Athos: Bern's successor will soon have his coming-of-age ceremony. Pent and Louise are to attend as representatives of Etruria. Pent claimed there was time to search the desert for a magic artifact said to have been lost in the sands here long ago. You arrived shortly after we did. Perhaps something was guiding you. Pent: Bowing to the dictates of fate, my wife and I would like to join you if we may. Lyn: Well, of course. That's fine, right, Eliwood? Will you send word of your mission to your countrymen? Pent: There's no reason to, and if we did, who would believe us? Besides, it's not unusual for us to remain absent for long periods. I doubt anyone will be surprised by our absence. Right, my dear? Louise: Tee hee. You're right, my love. Eliwood: Not unlike a certain young noble we've heard of… Hector: That's great! Thanks a lot! Eliwood: In any event, we welcome you both with all our hearts. Pent: Thank you. Athos: …There's not much time. I'll send you to Lycia. Hawkeye! Gather everyone here in the plaza. (Athos talks to Mark) Athos: You are Mark, correct? Fate blows a strange wind in your direction. Much rides on your shoulders and in your abilities. I want you to take this. It enhances natural abilities, skills with which one was born. Give this to whomever you feel will benefit the most. Do not waste its powers holding on to it. Use it. (Got an Afa's drops) Hawkeye: Everyone is here. Athos: Thank you. Eliwood, your territory is the closest to Bern, is it not? Eliwood: Yes. The border lies in the mountains. Athos: Very good. Now please envision a nice, wide place in Pherae… Next, think of the name of a person you might meet there. Eliwood: As you say. … … Athos: Now, children of Roland, it is time to say farewell. You must reach the Shrine of Seals. There, your destinies' doors will open wide before you. (Pherae) Eleanora: My beloved… I cannot believe you are gone. Every time I close my eyes, I see you at my side. Your memory haunts me, and I am filled with sorrow. …Elbert… If by some chance you can hear my prayer… Please look after our son. Eliwood: Mother… Eleanora: What!? Eliwood? Where-- Where are you? Eliwood: Mother! I'm home! I've returned! Eleanora: Ah!! Eliwood! Is it really you? Oh, how did you… You startled me so! Eliwood: Forgive me, Mother. The Archsage sent us. Eleanora: You look so tired. …Have you lost weight? Oh, come closer and let me see your face. Eliwood: …Mother, about Father… Eleanora: I heard his last moments were glorious. Though he's gone, he will ever be my life's joy. Eliwood: I know. Eleanora: Come… Let us make everyone comfortable. You all look in need of a rest. Eliwood: I'm sorry, Mother. We must hurry onward… Eleanora: I know that! But for one night… here in the castle… Eliwood… just for tonight. Eliwood: Mother… Hector: One night's not going to hurt us. Who knows when we'll be back this way? Lyn: Yes, let's do it. I am so exhausted. Eliwood: Hector, Lyn… Thank you. (Eliwood talks to Mark) Eliwood: Hello, Mark. So you're still awake. Mark, do you know Bern well? No, nor do I… Nothing more than I've heard at the court. I'm sure that, with all of your travels, you know more than I. By the way, Mark, where were you born? Before you met Lyndis in Sacae, where were you? If it's difficult to speak about, you needn't worry. It's just that we've been together for so long, and I really know almost nothing about you. If you don't mind, won't you tell me about yourself? I would like to learn more about you and your life.
  8. Script for Chapter 22 (E) Narrator: The Nabata Desert. A wasteland of scorching sun and frigid nights. It rejects human life. Any careless enough to enter its embrace is doomed to wander lost. Uther, the marquess of Ostia, spoke of a living legend… Guided by his words, Eliwood heads straight into the desert. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 22: Living Legend) Nils: …So hot. I'm…going to die. Hector: Hey, do you want me to carry you on my back? Nils: Huh? Hector: Why are you looking at me like that? Nils: Such kindness from you surprised me, Lord Hector. Is this some fever dream? Hector: What's that supposed to mean? I was concerned that you might collapse again, like the other day. Lyn: You're usually so brusque. It's no wonder he's confused. Don't be shy, Nils. Let him help you out. Nils: …But… Hector: Do as you're told, boy! Nils: Waaa!! (Hector picks Nils up) Nils: Waaaaaaa!!! I'm going to fall! I'm going to fall!!! Ninian: …Marquess Ostia said, "Enter the desert and move west. Someone will meet you." …And yet we've seen no one. Eliwood: I wonder if we need to move farther in? Ninian: ...You might be right. Eliwood: Here. Ninian: What? Eliwood: This heat is taking its toll on you. If you please, take my arm. Ninian: I couldn't... Eliwood: Oh, come now. Ninian: ...Very well. Forgive me... ...... Eliwood: Hm? Is something wrong? Ninian: ...It's strange. Eliwood: What is? Ninian: All of you treat my brother and me so...normally. Doesn't it bother you? Our powers...our looks... We're different from...people... Eliwood: Has that been bothering you? What's wrong with being a bit different from other people? When I look at you, I don't see other people. I see Ninian. I see a normal, kindhearted girl. Ninian: Do you speak truly? Eliwood: Mm. Ninian: Lord Eliwood. (Athos's chamber) Athos: ...I believe someone approaches. Louise: Is it Lord Pent? Athos: No, it's a group sent by Uther of Ostia. Hawkeye will find them soon and bring them here. Hmph. Your companion is still searching in the desert. Louise: He's not having any luck finding what he's after, is he? Athos: No, I believe he'll find it before long. ...However, a group of bandits is also moving. They've found Pent and are preparing to attack. Louise: Oh, that's... Athos: Are you concerned for his safety? Louise: No, Lord Pent can take care of himself. However, if his return here is delayed... Athos: Yes? Louise: Will you take your evening meal without us? I will wait for Lord Pent, but I'm sure you must be hungry. Athos: Ha ha ha ha... Louise: Lord Athos? What is it? Athos: ...It's you, Louise. You are a most amusing woman. Since Pent brought you here, I feel I've laughed enough for ten years! You have my gratitude. Louise: Hm? I'm not sure I understand, but I'm pleased to have been of service. Athos: Ha ha ha. Louise: By the way, the visitors are coming from Lycia, aren't they? I wonder what they want. Athos: ...... Louise: Lord Archsage, your coloring... Are you well? Athos: Once it begins to turn, none can halt the wheel of fate. But as long as there is hope, people continue to try. ...They do not know the despair that awaits... Louise: ...... (At the desert) Ninian: Um, Lord Eliwood? Eliwood: Ninian? Ninian: Over there... Someone is under attack. Eliwood: Are you sure? Hector: Ah! That must be him! Eliwood: Looks like....a lone man and a crowd of bandits. Lyn: Let's help him! I dislike seeing someone facing overwhelming odds! Hector: Hold on, Lyn! I'm going with you! Eliwood: Hey, you two! Nils: Where do they get all that energy? Unbelievable. Ninian: ...What will you do? Eliwood: Let's go! Have to keep up with one's friends, right? (At the bandits and Pent) Paul: Oh, look at this kindly soul, Jasmine! He's waiting all by himself to give us his treasure! Jasmine: Oho, Paul! I do believe you're right! Such generosity!! Pent: ...It's taken me many days to find this. I've worked too hard to hand this over to you thugs. Paul: So rude! And to think we were going to let you live... We're fragile creatures! You can't trifle with our emotions so! You're a bad man! He's so bad, Jasmine! Jasmine: Oh, Paul. I know it. I really do. My heart, it is breaking. Paul: What? You, too, Jasmine? Jasmine: And you as well, Paul? Paul: Let's go! We must convince him to reconsider! Pent: ...I've no wish to hurt you... (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (If Canas is deployed) Canas: Actually, this is quite fascinating. Mark, the Nabata wasteland is a bit of a paradise to magic adepts. Stories tell of the many magical artifacts lost in these sands. I'll keep my eyes open. Of course, I'll be fighting as well. (Paul dies) Paul: I can't believe we lost, Brother... Aaah... It's a tragedy, Jasmine. (Jasmine dies) Jasmine: I got hit, but it feels gooood... These people are too strong, Paul... (Visiting the house) Fae: You know what? I'm watching the house all by myself. Do you know how to do that? You have to sit and be good. So that's why I'm here. What are all of you guys doing? Are you hunting for treasure, like that other guy? Let me tell you a secret. There's something good buried near the bones. I know stuff like that. (Visiting the house with Hawkeye) Fae: Ah! It's you, Hawkeye! Hawkeye: What are you doing, Fae? Fae: I'm watching the house! Hawkeye: Is that so? Fae: Oh, guess what! A man came to see me earlier. So I told him a secret. I told him something good is buried near the bones. Yup! He looked pretty happy! Hawkeye: Is that so… Fae: That's all you ever say, Hawkeye! "Is that so?" Hawkeye: Is that so? Fae: See! You said it again! Hawkeye: Is that--sorry. (Hawkeye appears) Hawkeye: ...... (Eliwood talks to Hawkeye) Eliwood: Who are you? Hawkeye: I'm Hawkeye, defender of this desert. Eliwood: Defender? Of a desert? Hawkeye: I will drive out the bandits. Guests need not fight. Eliwood: Please wait! Guests!? (Hawkeye joins) (Eliwood talks to Pent) Pent: Hello there. Beautiful weather, isn't it? Eliwood: Er… Yes, sure. Pent: Pardon, I'm in the midst of some confusion. I beg your leave. Eliwood: Um… ???? (Pent dies) Pent: Urrg... Let my guard down... (After map is cleared) Pent: You really helped me out. Thank you. Eliwood: We couldn't watch such a lopsided battle. That's all. Pent: So why have you come to this wasteland? Eliwood: Well... We were told to come here and meet a "living legend." Pent: "Living legend"? Ha ha ha! I see. That's well said. Lyn: But do you know what it means? Pent: Yes, I suppose I do. Looks like we share a common destination. Hawkeye! You're here, too. Hawkeye: Pent, did you find it? Pent: That I did. And as I thought, it's spectacular. Hawkeye: It's getting dark. Let's go back. Pent: Yes, let's make haste. Desert nights are treacherous. Eliwood: Oh…OK. (If sidequest is accepted) Hector: I don't mind going with you, but how far do we have to walk? No matter how far we go, there's just more sand... Whoa!? Lyn: Hector? What is...it... Hect... Kyaa! Eliwood: Hector? Lyndis? Where did those two... Hnh? What in blazes!? I'm... I'm sinking into the sand!
  9. Nolan has a pretty good Speed growth, he shouldn't need a Speedwing. Besides, you don't get your first Speedwing until 1-E. Nolan's main concerns are Strength and Defense, so if you want to statboost him use the Energy Drop and Dracoshield. You just gotta keep him in the front lines so he can get EXP. If you get a Master Seal you might want to promote Nolan early if his stats are turning out well enough. A support with Volug or Zihark will really boost Nolan's Avoid and make him less likely to die.
  10. There's no shame in skipping Chapter 23x, that chapter is a pain in the ass. By the way, does the fixed growth patch you're using keep characters at their average stats?
  11. For me, it's Guyden and Rayden. I'm pretty sure that in the MK movie they pronounced it as Rayden, it was a long time ago, though. One more thing to never say: Personal Experience Means Something.
  12. I have been wondering about this for a while now, so I'll just make a topic. Which is more difficult, Shadow Dragon H5 or Thracia 776? I have never played Thracia 776 but I hear that it is the most difficult Fire Emblem of all time. I have, however, played Shadow Dragon H5, which is most likely the most difficult challenge for North American gamers without using imports or emulators. I'd like to hear from people who have played both, and please give your reasoning. I already know that FE12 Lunatic is more difficult than FE11 H5, I don't need talk of that in this topic. I am asking for comparisons of FE11 H5 to FE5, not to anything else.
  13. If it weren't for SSB most NA gamers would have never heard of Fire Emblem. Fire Emblem started getting released in North America because of SSB. Here's one thing to never say: That your units dared to turn out differently than what the average stats would predict. You will be swiftly met with a PEMN.
  14. As long as you don't break your strongest weapons for each character, you'll be fine for 4-E-3 onwards because equipped weapons get blessed and have unlimited durability. If things get too tough for you, you might have to pass on the Wishblade, but you sound like you need it for Neph.
  15. I fully agree that the Hammer is the best weapon for taking out the BK, but Soul said that he forgot his Hammer. He should still be able to beat down the BK with Ragnell if he keeps Ike on the cover square. Ragnell is better if you want a more defensive battle, and it's more canonical that way. Soul might also be trying to get the Wishblade from Levail. And remember that Parity only works when attacking, not defending, not that it matters much if you can kill the BK in one turn. EDIT: Ike actually can ORKO the BK if he has a Support with someone that boosts his attack, and puts himself within three spaces of that support. He just has to wait for the BK to attack him, and he must have a Hammer. It's even easier in Hard Mode where the weapon triangle doesn't apply.
  16. If Ike is doing very low damage on the BK it's probably because the BK is on a cover square. Instead of moving Ike to attack the BK, just leave Ike on the Cover square and let the BK come to him. And the reinforcements in 4-E-2 are not infinite, there are just a whole lot of them. Your units seem to have pretty good stats, it's hard to imagine you having that much trouble. Are you playing Hard Mode?
  17. I was comparing FE10 to FE9, not FE10 to FE6. Also, let us not forget that forging exists in FE9 as well, that's the game that started the forging system. FE10 can really mess up your hit rates due to the biorhythm of both you and your enemies, FE9's biorhythm effects are barely noticeable unless you are using Tempest. I had 100 Hit a lot more often in FE9 than in FE10. For the people who brought up Shadow Dragon H5: When I said that Radiant Dawn was the most difficult NA Fire Emblem, I was speaking in overall terms, not just the highest difficulty settings. Yes, I can concede that Shadow Dragon's H5 is more difficult than Radiant Dawn's HM. But Shadow Dragon has the option of a very easy Normal Mode, you are not forced to play H5. Shadow Dragon's NORMAL mode is certainly not more difficult than Radiant Dawn's Normal Mode. Even Radiant Dawn's Easy Mode can be more difficult than Shadow Dragon's Normal Mode at times. Not to mention that Shadow Dragon is a very simple game compared to Radiant Dawn.
  18. RD HM says hi back. You can't warpskip chapters, you can't forge weapons such as Wing Spear, you don't have infinite generics to replace fallen units, and you can't just reclass everyone into an overpowered class such as (insert class that you consider to be overpowered). Shadow Dragon at least lets you save twice per chapter once you get past Chapter 2. Radiant Dawn gives you NO SAVES per chapter on Hard Mode, and the chapters are much longer, especially if you decide to leave the animations on. Radiant Dawn also has a lot more enemies that can kill you instantly with a crit if your units are unlucky. Shadow Dragon has very few enemy units that can do such a thing (especially if your units have decent luck), and even if they do, you don't have as long of a chapter to replay. To give an illustration, in Shadow Dragon if you have 20 Luck you can nullify crits from any enemies that don't have killing weapons. In Radiant Dawn, if you have 20 Luck you can still be criticaled by Swordmasters and some Part 4 enemies, even if they don't have killing weapons. In Shadow Dragon it is much easier to level up units and boss abuse since EXP gain is not gimped. Radiant Dawn has very few enemies on thrones, so boss abuse is considerably more difficult. Shadow Dragon gives you a $#!+ ton of money, in Radiant Dawn you have to manage your money carefully, especially if you decide to forge. Radiant Dawn never encourages bad tactics either, such as killing off units to gain access to sidequests. Shadow Dragon also is a lot less based on luck than Radiant Dawn. But to be fair, I have beaten Shadow Dragon's H5, so yes, it is very hard. But it alone is not enough to say that Shadow Dragon is more difficult than Radiant Dawn, because overall, RD's Normal Mode kicks the crap out of SD's Normal Mode in terms of difficulty.
  19. Radiant Dawn for the win. You get to move skills around freely, you can save in the middle of a battle (except on Hard mode), and you get the third tiers. Additionally, the laguz have more strategic value because you can make them revert at any time or stay reverted to conserve transformation gauge, in PoR you can't do that. With PoR I have to worry about losing my progress in a chapter if the power should go out suddenly. With Battle Saves I don't have that worry. Also, PoR's final chapter made almost every single unit useless except for the select few that can actually hurt Ashnard. In Radiant Dawn almost every unit has the chance or potential to be useful. Even though Ike has to be the one to strike the final blow against Ashera, just about every unit is capable of damaging her, unlike with Ashnard. And, you get to beat down the BK with a Hammer. You can also acquire ALL of the legendary weapons, not just a few like in PoR. (I consider the SS weapons to be "legendary" even if they are not called that in the game.) Since people on this site like to complain about games being too easy, let me give you some reasons why I found Radiant Dawn to be more difficult than Path of Radiance: -The enemies actually have good stats -You can't just solo the entire game with Ike, you have to use multiple characters throughout the game -Your Hit is often below 100 due to biorhythm effects and the enemies actually having good stats (in PoR it's much easier to get that magic 100 Hit) -A lot more enemies actually have a chance of criticaling and killing you, especially Snipers, Swordmasters, and Thunder Mages Were it not for the Battle Save, Radiant Dawn would be the most difficult NA Fire Emblem, if it's not already, though it's not nearly as hard as Gamespot's review made it out to be. Unlike myself, some people didn't like Radiant Dawn because it's not "balanced." I say it is more balanced than other Fire Emblems because player units usually join at a competent level and all of them can be useful if you put in the effort to train them, even Meg and Fiona. Other people may disagree with me on these points, to each his own. Fire Emblems, like ice cream, come in different flavors.
  20. Script for Chapter 21 (E) Narrator: Eliwood travels westward to meet with Uther, the marquess of Ostia. They pass through Laus and continue through two more territories. After a time, they arrive at a fortress separating Thria and Ostia. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 21: Kinship's Bond) (Black Fang base) Sonia: Jaffar. Ursula. Lloyd. Linus. That's everyone, is it not? If I have you, the Four Fangs, together, I need no one else. I have need of you to eliminate a man whose living plagues me. His name is Eliwood, a noble of Pherae. Jaffar: …… Ursula: …Pherae's located in Lycia, is it not? Sonia: That's right. But he is no simple country lord. He has friends. Other Lycian lords. Individually, they are no match for you, and yet… Carelessness invites death. Ursula: Do not make that mistake. Sonia: Lloyd, Linus… I have work for you, the Reed brothers, as well. All right? Lloyd: One question. Are these our father's ord--I mean…the orders of the head of the Black Fang? Sonia: Hee hee… Why, naturally. Isn't that right, my beloved? Brendan: Mmm… Ah…yes. Sonia: There! Are you satisfied? Remove Eliwood. Your orders come from the head of the Black Fang, Brendan Reed. As members of this group, you will follow that order, yes? Or…does your opponent frighten you into immobility, Lloyd? Linus: Sonia! How dare you speak to my brother in such a… Lloyd: Linus. Linus: …I know. Lloyd: Sonia, we do not need to be chastised by you. Under our father, we are the ones who've carried out the law of the Fang. If Eliwood is an evil person, there is no reason for us to hesitate. Linus: The Fang lets none escape. Lloyd: We, the brothers Reed, dispense the Fang's justice. Sonia: …… Ursula, Jaffar, you understand your orders, yes? Once you find the target, you eliminate him at once! Ursula: It will be as you say, Lady Sonia. Anything for you. Jaffar: …I've received my orders. I will do my duty. Sonia: Your target's name is Eliwood, noble of Pherae! Bring him down. On the Black Fang's honor! (Ostia) Hector: …I've had word from my brother. He's already on his way here. We're to wait for him. Eliwood: Lord Uther is coming here himself? Hector: So it appears. I told you of this before, but Castle Ostia, not to mention the city itself, is filled with countless foreign spies. I assume he thinks it will be easier to speak freely here. Eliwood: But…wouldn't leaving Ostia generate even more attention? Hector: He's traveling in secret with very few attendants. He's skilled as this sort of thing. There's no need to worry. Lyn: How unconventional. It must run in the family. Hector: …And what exactly is that supposed to mean? Lyn: Nothing. I'm very much looking forward to meeting him. (At Nils and Ninian) Ninian: Nils, are you well? You seem…distant. Nils: I'm fine. Just a little tired. If we can sit still for one night, I'll be bet..ter… (Nils collapses) Ninian: No! Nils!? Nils!! Lyn: Nils!? Hector: Nils! You all right? Ninian: Nils!!! Open your eyes! Eliwood: Ninian! Calm down! Ninian: …Ah, I…… Hector: Let's move him into the back room and call a healer. Ninian: You mustn't move him! Hector: Huh? Lyn: Ninian? Ninian: I'm sorry, I… Um… Please, just for now… Don't move him. Hector: But… Ninian: Please… Eliwood: …Let's do as Ninian says. She must have her reasons. Ninian: …Please, just one night's rest… That should…make things right. Hector: If it's going to make him feel better, fine. Whatever you do, don't move him. I'll let the others know. Ninian: Lord Hector… …My apologies. Hector: No worries. (Outside the fort) Eubans: …So this is where the Pheraen noble and his friends are, eh? Heath: Yes, Commander Eubans. Eubans: Very well, Heath, your unit will attack from west of the fortress. Your mission is to put an end to the entire group. Make no mistakes. Heath: …Are you serious? Marquess Laus abandoned us and just vanished. We've no reason to engage this group. Eubans: We answered Marquess Laus's call, and we will honor our duty. Regardless, we cannot remain in Lycia any longer. We rebelled against Ostia, and our entire mercenary force is hunted… If we take their heads, we can join the Black Fang in Bern. Heath: I'm opposed to this plan. There are women and children in their group. What you would ask of us… It's something no knight… No man could do without shame. Eubans: Listen well, Heath. You're a wanted man, a fugitive from Bern. How about we take you and hand you over to Bern's wyvern riders? We might even be knighted as a reward, given honest work. Heath: …… Eubans: Hah! Thought as much. Everyone wants to protect his own skin. Now, get your unit together. We attack!! (A soldier runs up to the lords) Soldier: Sir! We're under attack! It's the east gate! The foe is already inside! Hector: Blast! They would show up now. Eliwood: We can't move Nils. Let's try and hold them off! Protect Nils! Don't let them near him! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) Isadora: You're Mark, correct? Lord Eliwood has told me much about you. I'm a knight in service to House Pherae. My name is Isadora. I'm under your command. Please instruct me. (After first enemy phase, Rath's group appears) Soldier: Lord Hector! We'll serve as your reinforcements. We're a small group, and we've some mercenaries among us. Rath of Sacae! Take charge of the mercenaries! Rath: …Understood. Soldier: Hear me!! We're here to protect Lord Hector, Lord Eliwood, and Lady Lyndis! Rath: Lyn… (Lyn talks to Rath) Rath: …So you're being hunted again, are you, Lyn of the Lorca? Lyn: Rath! Rath of the Kutolah! Well met! What are you doing here? Rath: …After we parted company, I've made my way as a mercenary here. Lyn: I see… You haven't changed at all. It's…good to see you again. Rath: …Do you need my help? Lyn: Are you offering? Rath: …You… If you desire it. Lyn: Yes, please! Lend us your strength! We're…involved in something terribly dangerous! Rath: I see. When this is finished, I will end my service to this place. (Rath joins) (Eliwood talks to Heath) Heath: Do you command this group? Eliwood: Who are you? Heath: I'm Heath, a wyvern rider serving Eubans's mercenaries. I wish to surrender. Eliwood: Surrender? Why? Heath: I've no wish to harm women and children. I'm a soldier, but… I'm trying to be human, too. Eliwood: …I understand. However, as you know, we're under attack. It will be hard to guarantee your safety. Heath: No, that's fine. I will fight alongside you. Eliwood: Yet… Heath: I will stop Commander Eubans when the moment comes… With this, my lance. (Heath joins) (Hector talks to Heath) Heath: Do you command this group? Hector: Who are you to ask? Heath: I'm Heath, a wyvern rider with Eubans's mercenaries. Hector: In that case, you're my enemy. You're gutsy, aren't you? Prepare yourself! Heath: Hold, I've not come to fight you. I wish to surrender to your group. Hector: Surrender? Heath: I've no wish to harm women and children. I'm a soldier, but... I'm trying to be human too. Hector: ...You're an odd one. Right, well. We could use all the help we can get. You'll fight under my command. Heath: Understood. (Heath joins) (Versus Eubans) Eubans: …I didn't imagine they were this capable… Heh! Still, I won't lose! I live and breathe the air of war! I can't be beaten! (Eubans dies) Eubans: No regrets… My life… and death…are my own! Enemy Soldier: Commander Eubans has gone down… Uh… Sound the retreat!! We've no more reason to fight!! (After map is cleared) Uther: So, brother, you're alive after all. You were so long gone that I feared you dead. Another day, and I might have arranged you a funeral rite. Hector: …My apologies. Been a little busy. Uther: Yes…Leila's final report covered much. …Eliwood. I am sorry about Lord Elbert. I was powerless to help. Eliwood: No… Nothing could have been done. …More importantly, do you know of Nergal? Uther: Only what was reported to me. He appeared a year ago and seized control of Black Fang. Then he ensnared Laus in a plot of rebellion against Ostia. I can't see what he's after… Eliwood: The dragons that vanished after the Scouring… He wants to…bring them back again. Uther: What!? Can that be done? Eliwood: Yes. Let me explain. (A while later) Hector: This has even got my brother brooding. He's always been a firm believer in quick decisions. Yet he wishes for more time… that's never happened before. Lyn: …It's gone from a simple rebellion to a threat to the human race. We saw it with our own eyes, and yet… It's all so unbelievable. Eliwood: Yet…it's all true. Hector: Yes. I wonder what will happen next. Ideally, we could bring the whole of our lands together to fight as one. It would be a return to the time of the Scouring… Eliwood: However, this all hinges on the existence of dragons themselves. Unless dragons are seen in the skies, I doubt anyone will believe us. Lyn: Right. And once the dragons are here it'll be too late. Eliwood: We must stop all of this now. And we're the only ones who know enough to do it! Hector: Right! Lyn: I agree. Hector: There we have it! Come on, let's speak to my brother! Eliwood: Mark. Ninian. Will you go with us? Ninian: Ye-Yes… Uther: I would sooner not place this burden on your shoulders alone. And yet, I can see no other choice before me. Listen, my brother… Eliwood, Lyndis, are you determined to act on your resolve? Eliwood: Yes, we're prepared. Lyn: Me, too… I don't care for sitting back, waiting for others to act. Uther: And you, Mark. My brother and his friends are in your debt. What role will you play? Will you help them? See them through their coming trials? …I see. Then I have no more to say. I will aid you as much as I can. …Good luck to you all. …And what of the girl? The one we spoke of earlier? Hector: Oh, Ninian. Ninian: It… It's an honor to meet you, Marquess Ostia… Hector: Both Ninian and her brother, Nils, possess a special power. Uther: Is that so? Then I would ask you. Do you know where Nergal is at this moment? Ninian: Yes, I can sense him… To the east… He is…very far. Lyn: East… Is he targeting Bern next? Uther: That bodes ill. Bern is a powerful and militant country. If Nergal ensnares it… We're done for. Ninian: …There's still time. He is still… very weak…… Now… We must act…… Lyn: So, Nergal can't act right away, is that it? Yet, what can we… Hector: We've no choice but to depart for Bern. Uther: …If there's time, make your destination Missur. Hector: Missur!? That's the wrong direction! Uther: Go to the Nabata desert… You may find aid there. Eliwood: What do you mean? Uther: Go and meet the living legend. Eliwood: Living…legend?
  21. Script for Chapter 20 (E) Narrator: At last, Eliwood's long-awaited reunion with his father, as well as their painful farewell. After escaping the Dread Isle, they return to the port city of Badon. Eliwood remains silent for the duration of their passage. He sits cradling his father's cold hand as if to warm him back to life. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 20: New Resolve) Lyn: …Ninian, are you feeling better? Ninian: Yes… Lyn: That's good. …Long time, no see, Nils. You've grown, haven't you? Nils: …Is it really you, Lyndis? It seems like it's been so long. Lyn: Even though it's only been a year since I saw you last? Nils: So much has happened since we left you and Caelin. Hector: Hey, care to talk about things the rest of us can follow? Nils: Hmph. Who's he? Lyn: This is Hector. He's Marquess Ostia's brother. Don't let his attitude fool you. He acts mean, but he's decent enough. Hector: "Acts mean" seems pretty mean to me! Lyn: Heehee… And you might remember this one. He's… Nils: Yep, I remember. He's the man who helped Ninian. You're Elbert's son, aren't you? Your red hair, gentle eyes, and even voice. You're just like him. Eliwood: Where did you meet my father? Nils: At the Dragon's Gate. He set us free after we'd been captured. We escaped in a small boat, but I was thrown out in a storm. When I woke up, I was back on Valor. For a time, I hid in the ruins by myself. Then…I sensed something really dangerous. When I raced to the Dragon's Gate, I… I saw everything. Ninian: …Nils. Lyn: When we pulled Ninian from the boat, she'd lost her memory. I can't believe we brought her right back to her captors. What a horrible thing to do. ……I'm sorry. Ninian: Lady Lyn… Lady Lyn, you did nothing wrong…… When Nils fell overboard, I didn't know what to do. …I became lost within myself. If only I'd been stronger… ……All of this could have been avoided… I am…truly…sorry. Nils: …Ninian's power is greater than mine, but it costs her physical and emotional strength. ……Nergal exploited that…weakness… Lyn: …Ninian …Nils… Eliwood: …Was he after you because you have the power to call dragons? Nils: …I think it's because we can open the Dragon's Gate. Just calling them? Nergal can do that on his own. Hector: Are you serious? Nils: Yes, but it requires a tremendous amount of quintessence. Lyn: Quintessence? Nils: That's what Nergal called it. The substance of the human spirit… Power. Energy. The essence of life itself. …Nergal, he stole this quintessence. Hector: …What happens to those whose quintessence is stolen? Nils: …They… They die… Lyn: …… Nils: Neither Ninian nor I have that power. Lyn knows. We only have our special power… Anyway, Nergal needed to gather a large amount of quintessence. So he sent his henchman, Ephidel, to get close to Marquess Laus. He sought to plant the seeds of war in Darin's power-hungry heart. Eliwood: …To what end? Nils: It seems the quintessence in each person varies in strength. A person of strong mind and body has hundreds of times more energy than the average person. It sounds like there aren't many people like that, though. It took too long for Nergal to find people with enough strength. Although it would take time, Nergal said the easiest way to get that much quintessence was by starting a war. Hector: …So he planned to make up for quality with quantity? Is that it? Black-hearted fiend! Are all men nothing but pawns to him? Nils: …Ephidel brought Elbert to the Dragon's Gate. He said he'd found the ideal source they had sought. Nergal's plans for war had been stopped, and yet…he was happy. He'd taken so much energy from the knights traveling with Elbert. He was sure he'd get even better quintessence from Elbert… Lyn: Nils! Nils: Oh, I'm sorry… Lord Eliwood. Eliwood: It's all right… …When I found my father at the Dragon's Gate, I knew his knights were no longer alive… Hector: Eliwood… Nils: …Your father told us that he had a son. He said you were blessed with natural fighting ability. But he also told us you were compassionate and disdained fighting. He told us that his son would be a better ruler than he was. Lyn: …… Nils: He told us that he would sooner sacrifice himself than see his homeland, Lycia, embroiled in the flames of war. Eliwood: …That's… Nils: When we'd lost all hope at the Dragon's Gate, your father always spoke to us of happy things. …Well, he mainly spoke of his cherished son and his dear wife, but Ninian and I… We loved him very much. He stories about his family… …They saved us. Eliwood: Oh, Fa-- …Father… …… Hector: …… Lyn: …Hector? Hector: We should let him be alone for a while… Lyn: …Sure. Come on, Ninian, Nils. Nils: …As you say. (Everyone but Eliwood and Ninian go outside) Ninian: ...Lord Eliwood... Eliwood: Hm? Ninian...I didn't see you. I'm sorry about before. I just... needed some time to think. Ninian: ... Eliwood: Should you be up? You've had a rough time... Your coloring's not very good. You should rest. Ninian: ... Eliwood: ...Look at you, all scratches and bruises... You need to be properly taken care of... Ninian: ...Why? Eliwood: Hm? Ninian: Why was Lord Elbert so... Lord Eliwood, why were you both... so kind to us? It's... This is... This is all my fault... These nightmares... All these terrible things... Eliwood: Ninian, crying ill suits a girl of your beauty. I'm fine... Please don't cry. Ninian: I'm sorry... So... sorry... Eliwood: There's something you must hear. You're not responsible for what happened to my father. You suffered as much as he did. Please don't punish yourself further. Ninian: ...Lord Eliwood... I... I... Ah!! Eliwood: Huh? What is it? Ninian: ...Oh... Eliwood: Ninian? Ninian: ...Enemies... ......Enemies draw near!! (Outside) Hector: So, what do we do now? Lyn: I wonder what happened to Nergal. Lord Elbert gave him a grievous wound when he stabbed him. Nils: His wounds will not kill him. Hector: That's what Lord Elbert said, too. Do you know what he meant? Nils: …Nergal uses quintessence on himself as well. His wounds heal quickly. …His body does not age. Lyn: So he isn't…human? Nils: …If nothing else, he's… Ah!! Hector: What is it? Nils: Call everyone! Enemies approach! Hector: Bah. Eliwood deserves a little more time to rest… Lyn: Well then, we'll handle this ourselves, shall we? (Eliwood runs out) Eliwood: Here you all are! Hector: Ah! Lyn: Eliwood! Eliwood: Listen! Get ready for battle! I want to get this over with quickly to protect villagers. Meet the enemy commander, and drive them out of here!! Hector: Hey, little guy! Go hide in the village! Nils: No way! I can help you out! Lyn: Nils, you really are a big help, but… shouldn't you be with Ninian now? Nils: Ah… All right! Eliwood: Let's go! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) Nils: Ninian! Stop! Where are you going? Ninian: I… I'm going to help! Nils: Oh, no, you're not! You're still too weak! Ninian: But…I merely wish to help Lord Eliwood… Even if just a little. I… I stole his father's life from him… …I know this…this will never make up for it… Nils! Please… Nils: …I understand. Give me your hands. Ninian: Nils? Nils: I'll give you some of my power. You'll just get in the way if you go out like this. Ninian: Nils, I'm sorry. (Ninian and Nils join hands, the screen flashes) Nils: …Whew! That should do it. Help them for me, too. Ninian: Thank you. (Ninian comes out to Eliwood) Ninian: Lord Eliwood! Eliwood: Ninian!? You shouldn't be here!! Ninian: …Please allow me to help. Eliwood: Help? I've no intention of making you fight… Ninian: …I am no mere dancer. My dances… They will help you. …Please allow me to help… (Ninian performs Ninis's Grace on Eliwood) Eliwood: ...This is...... I'm wrapped in...some sort of...energy... Ninian: I used Ninis's Grace and danced for you, Lord Eliwood. It will only last a short while, but while it does, you are protected. ...Please...allow me... to remain at your side. Eliwood: Ninian... Of course. If it will make you feel better. Let's rejoin the battle. Don't leave my side. Ninian: OK! (Ninian joins) Ninian: Mark, please tell me what you want me to do. I cannot fight, but… I can aid with my dance. I ask for your understanding and assistance. (Start of battle) (Visiting the bottom left house) Man: Can't believe Badon's under attack. If only Fargus were here… Say, I've got something here you can use to buy some time. Set this Light Rune, and it'll block the enemies' advance. Only thing is, it'll stop allies, too. So…watch your step! (Got a Light rune) (Visiting the house left of the armory) Woman: Why all the noise? It's the middle of the night!! What? A fight? Are you going to do something? Really? Then…here, take this. It should aid you. It's a Restore staff. It'll wake you from sleep and cure poison. Basically, it'll cure what's wrong and bring you back to normal. Now I'm tired… Why can't you people fight at a decent hour? (Got a Restore) (Visiting the house to the right of the shop) Man: Are you a mercenary? You all look like you've been fighting for years and years. What kind of tactician would put together a group like yours? (Visiting the bottom right village) Man: Hey! Wasn't that a wyvern rider that flew by here a while back!? I want to know what Bern's wyvern riders are doing here! Are we under attack? C'mon, do something! I've heard that wyvern riders are fast and really tough. Sure, arrows and magic can bring them down, but… This'll cause 'em trouble, too! It's a wyrmslayer. Here! Take care of 'em! (Got a Wyrmslayer) (Visiting the top left house) Man: Ah… Those emerald eyes, that lustrous blue hair… She was…so beautiful, beautiful beyond words… If only I could see her again… A lovely knight of Pherae, searching for her lord… …I wonder why she's a knight. A famed knight and me, that's a dream of a dream… Wah! You… I… I was just thinking out loud… You…didn't hear anything, did you? Waaaaaaaaa! You mustn't tell anyone! Promise me! You mustn't!! (Visiting the top right village) Man: You need special items to change classes. The item's different for different units, too. Cavaliers and knights need a Knight crest. Folks skilled in magic and staves need a Guiding ring. And wyvern riders and Pegasus knights need this: an Elysian whip. You can have it. Don't be shy now. It's not like I'll ever be able to use it. Now, if I were a cute little Pegasus knight, I'd use it in an instant! (Got an Elysian whip) (Versus Oleg) Oleg: It ends here. Your journey is over, and only oblivion awaits you. (Oleg dies) Oleg: In defeat…there is only…death. Urgh… (After map is cleared) Hector: Hey, are you OK? Eliwood: Mm. Sorry to worry you. Lyn: You don't have to push yourself so. Eliwood: We'll have time for mourning when this is all finished. For now, in my father's name… I will do everything I can to stop Nergal and protect our lands. Hector: I see. So, what do you have in mind? Eliwood: …We need to see Marquess Ostia. Hector: My brother? Eliwood: After all we've learned… We can't not tell him, can we? Hector: Sure, I guess… Lyn: Hector? Why that odd expression? Eliwood: Hector doesn't want to meet Lord Uther. He's been lax in contacting him and is afraid to face him, right? Hector: What! And how did you expect me to send him any messages when we're traipsing about the isles like merchants on holiday? Eliwood: Ha ha ha! He is going to be so mad!! Hector: C'mere! Lyn: Ha… They're both in good spirits. …It's a lot better than giving in to despair, I suppose. Marcus: Lord Eliwood… Are you feeling better? Eliwood: Marcus… I'm fine. I know I worried you. Marcus: About Lord Elbert… At my own discretion, I sent a messenger to Lady Eleanora. Eliwood: …I see. Thank you, Marcus. That was well done. Marcus: …I thought she should know as soon as possible. The marquess's final moments were so…very noble…… Eliwood: …… ????: Lord Eliwood! Commander Marcus!! Eliwood: Ah!! (Isadora appears) Marcus: Is… Is that you, Isadora?! Isadora: I've finally found you. I'm glad you're well… Eliwood: Isadora, what are you doing here? Don't tell me something's happened to Mother… Isadora: No, Lady Eleanora is well. Do not worry. When word of Lord Elbert's death reached her yesterday… She said not a word… She merely gave her full attention to the messenger. Eliwood: …Mother. Isadora: Then, she issued me orders without hesitation. She commanded I deliver this sword to Lord Eliwood and remain at his side. Eliwood: But…the castle defenses will be shorthanded. Isadora: Lord Eliwood…please… Understand your mother's feelings. Lord Elbert is not coming home. All your mother can do now is pray for your continued safety. "Obey your father's dying wish." That is her message to you, and I have delivered it. Marcus: Why not petition Ostia for reinforcements to help ward Castle Pherae? Eliwood: …Good idea. I guess it would ease my mother's fears and bow to her wishes. Isadora: It's that thinking that makes you Lord Eliwood. Eliwood: Our battles are like nothing you've ever prepared for. …Are you ready to face them, Isadora? Isadora: Yes. I will serve with my very life. (Eliwood talks to Mark) Eliwood: Mark? Is something wrong? Oh, you were worried about me. I apologize for all of the trouble. I'm fine now. I have my friends to lean on. Hector, Lyndis, and you, Mark... Thanks to all of you, I'm getting stronger. I am coming to believe that together, we can overcome anything! (At an undisclosed location) Nergal: Sonia. Limstella. Sonia: You called, Lord Nergal? Limstella: …… Nergal: My wound…needs time. It was a deep cut, and my strength is not what it was. The man who did this to me is dead. I'd like his son's death as compensation. Sonia. You will use Brendan to move the Black Fang. I do not need mere underlings now. I need the Four Fangs. Sonia: Hee hee, leave it to me. I'll have them bowing their heads to you, my lord. Nergal: Limstella. I want you to gather me quintessence. For this injury to heal, I will need much. You are the strongest of all my morphs. Kill all those who bear signs of great power. Limstella: As you will…
  22. Best: Sothe, from FE10 Worst: Jagen, of course
  23. Script for Chapter 19 (E) Narrator: Following Uhai's last words, Eliwood ventures toward the heart of the forest. He is greeted by an extraordinary sight. A building unlike any he's ever seen. It was clearly not wrought by human hands… It is waiting…waiting for the masters who abandoned it centuries past. Massive beyond belief, these ancient ruins have nothing to do with humankind. Eliwood has arrived. He has found the Dragon's Gate. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 19: Dragon's Gate) Eliwood: …We're here. The Dragon's Gate… Ninian: …… Eliwood: What's wrong, Ninian? You're trembling. Ninian: …This place… so frightening. Something…powerful… Lyn: It's her power, isn't it? Hector: Her power? What's that? Lyn: Ninian has the ability to sense impending danger. Her memory may be gone, but her power remains. Eliwood: What is it you sense, Ninian? Ninian: I…should not have…come here. Something awful will happen if I'm here. Ah!! Eliwood: Ninian!? Snap out of it! Ninian: This place… No… I…I… Eliwood: She's getting worse! Let's get her away from here! ????: You'll not be going anywhere. (Ephidel teleports in) Ephidel: That little bird has escaped this island cage twice. Now that she's back, she'll not be allowed to fly away again. Eliwood: Who are you!? Ephidel: We meet at last. I am Ephidel. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Hector: You're Ephidel? I've been looking forward to this. Ephidel: …Gallantly spoken. Of course, I know who you are. Marquess Ostia's younger brother, Lord Hector. And here we have Caelin's beloved princess, Lady Lyndis. Lyn: …… Ephidel: By the way, the gift I left for you in the forest… Was it to your liking? The corpse of that filthy red-haired traitor? Hector: Monster! Stay right there! I'm going to crush the life from you with my bare hands. Ephidel: Now I see! She was an Ostian spy, wasn't she? Don't worry, she did not suffer. It only took one blow. Hector: Die!! (Hector rushes at Ephidel, but Ephidel vanishes) Eliwood: He vanished!! (Ephidel teleports right next to Ninian) Ninian: Wha--!? Ephidel: This girl is needed for my master's ceremony. Eliwood: Ninian! Ninian: Lord Eliwood! Let me go! (Ephidel and Ninian teleport away) Lyn: Vanished… Hector: Blast!! (Ephidel teleports over to Darin) Darin: Lord Ephidel! Is the girl with you? Ephidel: As you can see… Darin: Oho! The ritual can take place at last! Ephidel: Yes. However, we have an infestation of mice to deal with… They should be scurrying in here momentarily. They must be dealt with before the ritual takes place. May I entrust this task to you? Darin: Of course. Who do you think I am?! I am Darin, Marquess Laus! Ruler of this world! Ephidel: Very well, I leave it to you. Darin: Ruler of the world… Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ephidel: Humans… They are so very fragile. (Ephidel and Ninian go to Nergal) Nergal: Ah…you've done well. Precious Ephidel. Shall we prepare for the ritual? Elbert: Nergal!! Nergal: Does it gall you, Marquess Pherae? It's destiny. There could be no other outcome. Despite all of your mischief, the girl was fated to return to me. Elbert: My son… Where is Eliwood? Nergal: He's still alive. Of course, it's only a matter of time before the Black Fang finishes him. Elbert: …Nergal! Prepare to die!! Nergal: Eh!? (Jaffar appears behind Elbert) Jaffar: … Elbert: Urrgg… grrr…haa…!! Nergal: …That was a surprise. When did he undo his bonds? Heh heh… Why do you not heed my warnings, Lord Elbert? You cannot alter destiny. Stop this foolishness. Elbert: …Urrgh…grraa… Nergal: Jaffar, take Marquess Pherae and the girl to the far chamber. I will begin preparations for the ritual. Jaffar: Thy will be done. (Cameron rides up to Eliwood's group) Cameron: I've been waiting for you, son of Pherae. Eliwood: Where is my father? Cameron: Inside… He's farther inside. You will never see him, though. Even if you break through here, the path you seek is guarded by Marquess Laus. Will you not withdraw? It's too late for that, isn't it? You'll never leave here alive. Ha ha ha ha ha! (Preparation screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (After first enemy phase) Black Fang: Hey, you! What are you doing there?! Legault: What am I doing? Is that a proper greeting? If you don't know me, you must be a new recruit, yes? Black Fang: Uh… I was assigned to the Dragon's Gate about one month ago. Legault: I thought as much. I am Legault. You've heard my name, yes? Black Fang: Legault… Ah! You… You're the Hurricane? Second in ability to none but the Four Fangs? Legault: Yes, yes. That's me. Black Fang: I… I beg your pardon. Legault: No worries. …Now then, time to fill my purse with treasure and leave the Black Fang behind. No sense staying on a sinking ship. No sense at all. (Versus Darin) Darin: Hah…hah ha ha! You dare challenge me? I, who will rule the world!? (Darin dies) Darin: Blood? Is this…my blood? Ephidel! Come to me!! Your master… calls you! I am the ruler… of…the…world… (Hector talks to Legault) Legault: Well now, a welcome visitor, indeed. I must thank you for coming so far. Hector: You're Black Fang, aren't you?! Legault: Mmm… To be accurate, I'm Black Fang no mo-- Hector: I thought as much! Take this!! Legault: Whoa! A touch hasty, aren't you? Hear me out, will you? Black Fang no more! No more! I have only recently severed my ties with them. Now, I'm merely a thief. Satisfied? Hector: Huh… So you're just looking for an easy way out? Legault: Nothing better than being carefree, is there? I will admit that everyone has his own set of values, though. Well then, I'll take my leave of you. Hector: Hold it! Legault: Hm? Hector: If you're not one of them, why don't you help me out? Legault: Me? Help you? Hector: You're not with the Black Fang anymore, right? Legault: Are you seriously going to fight them? Hector: Uh-huh. Legault: Let me tell you a little something, OK? Your enemy here isn't Brendan Reed. There's this creepy fellow named Nergal… Hector: I don't care!! They're all responsible for attacking my homeland and my friends. I'm going to rip them apart with my bare hands! Legault: You sound tough, but are you anything more than a little lordling? Hector: What did you say? Legault: I've always been fond of simple, honest children. They're so sincere… Things are never boring when they're around. …You know, I think I will help you. However, I know almost nothing about the current Black Fang. If that's OK… Hector: No problem. Any little thing you can tell me will help. Legault: I'm Legault. I'll help you as long as I feel safe. (Legault joins) (Eliwood talks to Legault) Legault: Well now, a welcome visitor, indeed. I must thank you for coming so far. Eliwood: What!? You're a... Legault: Mmm... To be accurate, I would say a former Black Fang member. Eliwood: Black Fang!! Legault: Ha, no! "Former" Black Fang. Now I'm simply a thief. Eliwood: Huh? So you're not my foe, is that what you're saying? Legault: Correct. So let's pretend we never saw each other. Eliwood: Hold on! Legault: Hm? Eliwood: If you're not my enemy, may I ask for your aid? Legault: Me? Help you? Eliwood: I want to know about the Black Fang. ...Please. Legault: This is a surprise. Are you really going to battle the Black Fang? Eliwood: Yes. Legault: Your enemy is not Brendan Reed, but a horrible man named Nergal. Eliwood: Yes, I know this already. Legault: You're quite plucky. I like you! However, I know almost nothing of the current Black Fang. If you still want my aid... Eliwood: I do! Thank you. My name's Eliwood. Legault: I'm Legault. I'll help you as long as I feel safe. (Legault joins) (After map is cleared) Lyn: He was mad. Hector: Consumed by his own lust… Pitiful fool. Eliwood: …Lord Darin. Hector: C'mon, Eliwood! This is no time for sentiment. Lyn: Your father needs you! Eliwood: …Let's go! (The three lords go inside the Dragon's Gate) Eliwood: Father! Father!? It's me! Eliwood!! I've come to save you! …Father? Hector: It's dark in here. Can't see a thing… Elbert: Eli… Eliwood… Eliwood: Ah!! Father! Where are you? Lyn: Back there! Eliwood!! His voice is coming from back there!! (The three lords run up to Elbert) Eliwood: Ah! Father! You… You're all right… Elbert: Eliwood… Wait! For-Forget me! Take that girl and flee! Eliwood: Ninian?! Ninian: …… Elbert: That girl… She's the key to the Dragon's Gate. Hurry! Go, before Nergal notices you! Eliwood: Ninian! This way! We must flee! Ninian: …… Lyn: Something's wrong with her… Yet we've no time to hesitate. Hector: Eliwood! I've got your father! You take Ninian! Eliwood: I understand! Hector: Lord Elbert! I'm going to move you a little. Be strong. Elbert: Hector…you came, too? …Thank you. Hector: Don't worry about that. Come, let's leave this place. Lyn: Eliwood! Hector!! Hurry! This way!! Ah!! (Jaffar appears) Jaffar: …… You will not pass here. Lyn: When did you? Elbert: You must not fight that man!! Lyn: What!? Elbert: That man…is dangerous. You cannot defeat him on your own. Eliwood: Father, there's no time. This danger must be faced. Ephidel: …Be a good boy, and listen to your father, young master Eliwood. Eliwood: Ephidel!! Ephidel: Even among the Black Fang, this man is feared for his skill… You are no match for him, not even as a group. …You've done well, Jaffar. That is all. Return to Bern and begin your next assignment. Jaffar: …… (Jaffar leaves) Ephidel: Hear my word! I have an invitation from my master. In honor of your hard-fought arrival, he's prepared a special show for you. Elbert: Stop it! You cannot release the dragons!!! Eliwood: Father? What's all this about? Ephidel: …You will know shortly. At the expense of your father's life! Elbert: Guwaah! …Gaa…ghaa… Eliwood: Father! What's wrong? Father! Hector: Lord Elbert! Hold on! Eliwood: Huh? …Ninian? Ninian: Pow…pow…er… …power… Elbert: Gahaaa! Eliwood: Father!!! Nergal: Now, Ninian…at last. Open the Dragon's Gate. Ninian: …Gate… Open…gate… Nergal: Yes…that's it… This way, dragon… Hector: Whoa! What's… What's this rumbling!? Lyn: Unh! I can barely keep my feet! Eliwood: Nergal… What… What's happening!? Ninian: Here… Come, children of…flame. Come…to me… (A fire dragon appears) Hector: …It can't be. Lyn: Ah… No… It isn't… Eliwood: Is that…truly…….. a dragon? Nergal: Ha ha ha ha ha! Yes! Use all your strength! Squeeze every drop from your body! You will call dragons! ??: …I will not allow this!! (Nils appears) Ephidel: Who's there?! …You! Lyn: Nils! Nils: Ninian! Come to your senses! You must not do what they want! Ninian: …Ni… ……Nils… Nergal: Nils? Not now! Grrr …Ephidel! Stop him!! Ephidel: Desist, Nils! The power… It runs wild!! Nils: Ninian!! Ninian: …… …Nils? Nils: Here! Hurry!! The dragon is crumbling. Everyone flee!! Nergal: …… (Nergal teleports away, leaving Ephidel) Ephidel: Hyaaaa! Stop… You mustn't come here!! Lord Nergal! Lord Nergal! Please……!!! Guwaaaaaaahhh!!!!!! (The dragon explodes, killing Ephidel) Hector: …Something…happened. Eliwood: Is it…gone? (Nergal reappears) Nergal: No! I've failed! Nils, you whelp! If not for your interference… …Come! Both of you! Ninian: What? No! Nils: Never! We will not follow you!! Eliwood: Ninian! Nils! (Elbert stabs Nergal) Nergal: Eh!! Elbert: You will…not! Nergal: What!? …Impossible… Not…by your hand… Elbert: …I told you. I will…oppose… you always…… Nergal: …Why… won't…you…die? Nnn… (Nergal vanishes) Eliwood: Father!! Elbert: …Eliwood. Be prepared. He will return… Eliwood: All right, but for now… Let's leave this island… Let's go home. Elbert: No, my son… I'm done here. You, Eliwood… You must finish this. Eliwood: Don't say that! Mother is waiting in Pherae… She's waiting for you, Father! Elbert: Ah… Eleanora… She will be cross with me. Eliwood… Your mother… I'm sorry… Tell her… I'm…sorry… Eliwood: Father? (Eliwood is holding Elbert) Eliwood: No… Please, not now… Not after all we've done to find you again… Father… Please… Open your eyes…… Faaaatherrrrrrr!!!!
  24. Script for Chapter 18x (E) Narrator: With Uhai's dying words still sounding in their ears, they venture deep into the forest's heart. Lyn moves in utmost silence, cautious not to alert any hidden enemy. However, following on her path, a new Black Fang shadow appears. (Chapter title is displayed – Chapter 18x: Imprisoner of Magic) Eliwood: A great, rotted tree… This would appear to be the place of which Uhai spoke. Lyn: So if we move west from here, we'll reach the Dragon's Gate, right? Hector: OK, let's go! (Lyn and Hector leave) Eliwood: ...... Marcus: Lord Eliwood, are you well? You have a pallid look about you... Eliwood: ...Oh, it's you, Marcus. Marcus: Is something amiss? Eliwood: You heard what Erik said when we were in Laus, Marcus... What do you think? Marcus: That Lord Elbert was involved in a rebellion plot? Eliwood: Yes. Marcus: It must be a mistake. Your father is loyal to Lycia. He'd never break his oath. Eliwood: You're right. I can't believe he'd be involved in this conspiracy. Yet...why do I feel so anxious? When I think of my father, I can't catch my breath. Marcus: Lord Eliwood, do not mistake your feelings. That feeling that strikes you when you think of Lord Elbert? It springs not from a distrustful heart. It comes from concern for your father, who needs your help. He is involved in something larger than all of us. This is all happening so fast; it's easy to lose sight of that. Eliwood: I see... You... You're right. ...Thank you, Marcus. I feel a bit better. Marcus: I'm glad to be of service. Bah. The air on this accursed isle... It's disquieting. Eliwood: ...It feeds the despair already lurking in our hearts. If you hadn't been here for me, Marcus, I-- Marcus: Eh? Something is happening ahead. Eliwood: It's Hector. Let's go! (Eliwood finds Hector and Lyn arguing) Lyn: Stop yelling at me! It's because of that clattering armor you're wearing! I'm just saying we have to move cautiously. Nothing more! Hector: I know! And I'm saying that I'm doing my best! Eliwood: Quiet, both of you! Armor or no, if you two keep shouting like that, every enemy from here to Pherae itself will hear us! Lyn: Ah… Hector: Sorry. Eliwood: We must proceed with caution. I can't believe Uhai was the only Black Fang in these woods. (At the enemy base) Black Fang: Lord Aion, we've received word from the pegasus unit. Targets are approaching from the far side of that mountain to the east. Aion: Hmph… Uhai must have failed after all. I'm not surprised. We're talking about the shallow wisdom of a Sacaen nomad, after all. He possessed a certain rough talent, but no mind for planning. Our units are in place, are they not? Black Fang: Yes. Aion: Ha ha… Good. Very good. In confined spaces like this, my thunder magic devastates. The battle has already been won… I cannot lose. Combat is an equation. Those with intelligence have a natural advantage. Those imbeciles will not reach the Dragon's Gate. Never. I will bury them here in this forest! (At Eliwood's group) Eliwood: I can see ruins. Is that the Dragon's Gate? Ninian: …… Eliwood: Ninian? Are you all right? Ninian: …Beware! ……The enemy comes! Eliwood: Enemy? (A shaman appears) Shaman: Eliwood of Pherae! Prepare yourself! Eliwood: Oof!! We won't reach the Dragon's Gate if we stay on the defensive. Hit their commander, and attack the ruins! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) (On the third enemy phase, Kishuna and his men appear) Kishuna: ……….. Aion: Wha-What?! The magic power of this place… The source is…distorted… I…I can't use any of my magic! Black Fang: Lord Aion! Disaster! A magic seal! Aion: A magic-- That good-for-nothing has shown his face?! Curses… I'd not forseen this!! (Visiting the ruins) Character: Who is it? What are you doing there!? Renault: I'm Renault. I'm on a pilgrimage. Character: A bishop!? Forgive my rudeness… Renault: What are you doing here? You don't appear to be with the black-robed group I saw earlier. Character: No, we stand opposed to them. …This is a battleground. You should stay here, Your Excellency. This battle is nothing that need concern you. Renault: I'm sure that I cannot convince you to lay down your arms. That being the case, I give you this. Character: This… Renault: It may help you live longer. Even if you face the misery of defeat in combat, you might yet find another road if you but live. Character: Thank you. Renault: May you be watched over and protected in your venture. Character: Thank you. You as well, Your Excellency. (Got a Goddess icon) (Versus Kishuna) Kishuna: ………. ………. (Kishuna is defeated) Kishuna: ………. (Versus Aion) Aion: Thunder! Thunder, hear my cry! (Aion dies) Aion: This can't be… happening… (After map is cleared) Eliwood: Is everyone well? Hector: Yes, somehow. Lyn: Eliwood, I'm sorry. I said things I shouldn't have. Hector: No, I was shouting without thinking. I was wrong. Forgive me. Lyn: No, it was my fault. If I hadn't… Eliwood: It's no one's fault. There's an eerie power here. Hector: Eerie power? Eliwood: I don't feel it any longer, but… It was meant to make us uneasy. Was it connected to that area where magic was nullified? Lyn: Now that you mention it, I was so irritable… I couldn't let even the smallest thing go by without complaining. …What could that have been? The Black Fang couldn't use magic either. So it wasn't an ally of theirs… Eliwood: Who knows? Hector: It's gone now, so no sense in worrying about it. We should concentrate on pushing forward. Eliwood: Hmm. Let's make haste to the Dragon's Gate.
  25. Script for Chapter 18 (E) Narrator: Eliwood arrives on the shores of Valor with a new companion in his numbers, an enigmatic young girl named Ninian. The majority of the island is covered in dense forest. Legend has it that no one has ever returned from those dark woods. A dense fog crawls over the party, engulfing them one by one… Cautiously, they move deeper into the trees. (Chapter title is displayed: Chapter 18: The Dread Isle) (The Dragon's Gate) Nergal: Shame on you, Marquess Pherae. You freed the boy AND the girl? Elbert: I will not let you move unopposed! Darin: Wh-What shall we do, Lord Nergal? With both sibilings gone, we can no longer hold the ceremony. Elbert: How many times must I tell you, Lord Darin? You are being used by this man!! By helping him bring dragons back into this world, you are helping him destroy mankind! Do you understand?!? Darin: Pah…ha ha ha… Destroy mankind? Dragons may have been a threat to mankind in ages past, but with Lord Nergal's power, we've got nothing to fear! Lord Nergal can control dragons!!! Ha ha…ha ha ha… Elbert: Lord Darin… You're already lost. Nergal: I'd planned to start a war in Lycia. The war I was plotting in Lycia would've generated a glorious amount of FORCE in one blow. You were not equal to the task, it seems. Not to worry. I've other means at hand. Elbert: Black-hearted fiend! Guuuh!! Nergal: Hold your tongue. There is still a task you must perform for me. Ephidel! Limstella! My beloved morphs, my beauteous works of art. I've new jobs for you, my pets. First, Limstella. You will go to Bern and contact Sonia. I want you to arrange a meeting with the king. Limstella: Understood. Nergal: Ephidel, take this…man, Marquess Laus, and go. I want you to exterminate the mice who've landed on this island. Ephidel: Yes, master. Nergal: That leaves you, Marquess Pherae. It seems your legacy is one of endurance. Elbert: !? Nergal: …The mouse who interfered with my conquest of Lycia is named Eliwood. Should he be congratulated on making it this far? Elbert: Eliwood? My son is here? Stop! Do with me what you will, but let my son be! Nergal: Hm? Heh…Hehahahaha!!! Remember the siblings you freed? The girl's here, too. As a matter of fact, she's with your son, Eliwood. Quite a delicious twist of fate, wouldn't you say? Elbert: …This can't be… Nergal: Eliwood will die in these woods. The girl will be returned to me, and the ceremony will take place. Hm… Despite those long hours of torture, you remain undaunted. Such courage will make you the perfect sacrifice, Marquess Pherae. Elbert: Eliwood… Turn back… Take the girl and flee… …Please…… Leila: I can't believe it's come to this. I must inform Lord Hector of these events… If I hurry, I may be in time. What!? Ephidel: Leila… Where are you going? Leila: Lord Ephidel… The sentries… I'm going to check on… Ephidel: You overheard, did you not? …And I had such hopes for you. Jaffar! Leila: Ah!! Jaffar: The punishment for traitors is death. (Jaffar kills Leila) Leila: !!!!! Aa… …Ma…Mathew…… Ephidel: …Impressive, Jaffar. Your power is beyond compare. Jaffar: …… Ephidel: Take this woman's corpse and leave it in the forest. Let it serve as a warning to those fools. (Valor Isle) Lyn: Let's get through these woods. It's starting to get foggy… Try not to get separated. Hector: "Enter and be lost." It feels like we're not coming back. Lyn: Hector!! Are you trying to curse us? Eliwood: Are you well, Ninian? Ninian: …Y-Yes… I'm… I'll be fine. Eliwood: !? Someone's there! Hector: Who? A sentry? (The group sees Leila's dead body) Hector: Leila! Is that you? Impressive work, finding your way here! Eliwood: …Something's wrong. Leila? (Leila falls over) Eliwood: Lei--!! Lyn: She's…dead… Ninian: No! Hector: …This can't be. She was one of our best spies. Leila… Matthew: …… Hector: …I'm sorry, Matthew. Matthew: …Why do you apologize, my lord? Leila blundered. …That's all. Eliwood: Matthew… Leila was… She was… Matthew: After this mission, I was going to ask her to put this life behind her… Waited too long, didn't I? Ha… …My lord, might I…rejoin you later? She has to be buried… Hector: …Of course. Lyn: Ah… I'll go with you… Eliwood: …Let them be alone. There's nothing else we can do… Hector: Blast! They put her out here for us to find like this! Lyn: Unforgivable! This is… a foul deed. Beyond foul. Eliwood: …Let's go! The foe is somewhere in this forest. We must stop this before any more die! Ninian: Ah! …Beware! Something comes! Lyn: What!? (Uhai grabs Lyn) Lyn: Kyaa! Eliwood: Lyndis!! Uhai: …If you value her life, send the girl to me. Ninian: …Ah. Lyn: You, you're Sacaen! Uhai: That's correct… I am Uhai of the Black Fang. I've been sent to capture the girl… And to kill the lot of you. If, however… you hand over the girl and depart the island at once, I'll grant you your lives. Lyn: And if we refuse? Uhai: You know nothing, little lord. Nothing of Nergal's might. Nothing of his terrible power. You are ignorant, and so you hope to oppose him. You are insects railing against the heavens. Your actions will change nothing. Speak no more foolishness and begone! Eliwood: …Maybe we don't know what it is we're fighting… But if we flee, our loss is assured. So we will continue to struggle, and we may yet prevail! Uhai: …Folly. (Uhai releases Lyn) Lyn: What! Why are you letting me go? Uhai: Holding a woman hostage during battle is shameful. You, too, are of Sacae, and I've a mind to show you mercy. I will let you die with a sword in your hands. But rest assured… I will kill you all here. But be of good cheer! In dying, you shall all be spared the calamity that is to come! Ninian: …… Eliwood: Ninian, you must hide. We will meet the enemy! (Preparations screen is entered) (End preparations) (Start of battle) Dart: You're Mark, right? I'm Dart, leader of Fargus's suicide squad! The captain's ordered me to follow your commands. So, who do you want me to take care of? (If Matthew and Hector are deployed) Matthew: I'm back, my lord! Hector: Matthew! Are you sure? You don't have to-- Matthew: What are you talking about? Look at this eerie place, this thick fog… This is exactly why you brought me with you. Hector: Yet… Matthew: If Leila… If Leila knew I was shirking my duties, she would never have forgiven me. I'm fine. I will work twice as hard for Ostia in her honor. Hector: I understand… I'm counting on you! Matthew: As well you should, my lord! Tell me, Leila… This is what you'd want, right? You wouldn't want me to give up. I'll mourn for you when our battle is won. I must fulfill my duty. So rest… I promise I will take care of everything. (Start of third turn) Fiora: I found them… These men are Black Fang… Look, everyone. Your sacrifices were not in vain. I'll fulfill our duty, even if I must do it myself. I am a true knight of Ilia! (Fiora appears as a neutral unit) (Florina talks to Fiora) Florina: Sister? Fiora! Fiora: Florina! Why are you here? Florina: I'm here with Lady Lyndis. What are you doing here? Fiora: …I was investigating the Dread Isle for someone. Florina: By yourself? Fiora: No… There were others…a full unit of pegasus knights. We were attacked… Florina: You can't mean… Fiora: I misjudged our sitatuon. …All of my knights are dead because of me… I'm a failure. Florina: That's not true! You're a splendid pegasus knight! I chose this path because I admired you so! Please…don't do this to yourself! Fiora: Florina, please don't cry. Florina: … …I'm sorry. Fiora: No, it's my fault. The pain of being the sole survivor… It had me trapped. …Thank you, Florina. I can see clearly now. Florina: …Fiora! Come and travel with us! It's better to travel with friends than to struggle alone. Fiora: …You're right. I hate to admit it, but I can't do everything alone. Nor can I render my companions' sacrifices moot by going home. Florina, please introduce me to your commander. I'll see if I can offer my services for a short while. (Fiora joins) (Versus Uhai) Uhai: I am Uhai! I am the Soaring Hawk! Come! (Uhai dies) Uhai: Guuu… Well…done…… You are… stronger… stronger than I expected. Out of respect… …a final gift from me… From here, go south. …Turn at the rotted tree. Head…west. There lies the path to the… …Dragon's Gate… Unnh… (After map is cleared) Eliwood: Uhai… I wish we could've met under different circumstances. Hector: …Do we trust him? Lyn: He was a Sacaen. He would not lie. …I, at least, choose to believe him. Hector: …Let's go then. Eliwood: To the Dragon's Gate!
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