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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Genealogy of the Holy War

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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SduMU5E6KUQ 十二聖戦士の伝説 記憶の彼方の時代 魔王の闇が世を満たし 世界は悪夢の中にあった 果てしない嘆きの日々 むなしく見上げる天は暗い 邪悪な闇に立ち向かい 光を呼び、魔を焼きつくし 失われし希望が 再びこの世によみがえった そして今 無数の昼と夜がめぐり すべては伝説の中へ Anyone have a GOOD translation of this intro?
  2. I'm on chapter 18 in FE7, chapter 8 in FE4, and I had gotten almost to the end of FE8 then deleted my save in frustration.
  3. I first started playing Fire Emblem a few years ago on my GBA. However, I have never beaten an FE games cus my characters keep dying. So I'd restart the chapter again and again until I could make it through without people dying. I know I could just let them die and move on. But what if I need that unit later? So I need some tips on how to make sure everyone survives. or at least tell me how to move on without a certain character. K, thnx, bai.
  4. That title still sounds too wordy. The original title of FE8 was supposed to be Shining Stones of Holiness and Evil, but was shortened to The Sacred Stones.
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