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About azuraai

  • Birthday June 8

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  1. I'll contribute the most common ones with reasons: Ryouma/Scarlet (C-S), because there's no reason not to at all and it's implied that Scarlet has a crush on Ryouma; Flora/Jakob (C-S), similar reasons, but made even worse for the fact that it's implied several times and unlike with Scarlet, it was clearly a deliberate jerk move on IS's part not to include this support when Flora can support both her sister and M!MU; Gunther+Flora+Felicia (C-A), because it's totally unfair that he has a support with Jakob, but not Felicia and Flora, the former of which has said in canon that Gunther was like a father to her; Azura+Shura (C-A), granted I could see why some would call for a S support so believe it as you wish, but even a conversation between these two must be had--it's disgusting that they set up their history the way it is and then make Shura a Corrin-exclusive. And now, for something I've been vying for since Awakening--Extended family supports. I would have died for a Lissa+Lucina and Chrom+Owain support in Awakening. When Fates was revealed to be a family-focused game, I was so excited. This presents the perfect opportunity for my big wish! But, alas, Intelligence Systems didn't think so. It infuriates me because there are so many more options in this game. Suzukaze+Grey support? Ninja community background and fun uncle plus grumpy nephew shenanigans. Saizou+Midoriko support? Saizou doesn't show his soft side a lot in his supports, but just imagine him hanging out with his gentle niece! Sakura+Kisaragi support? Sakura in general is great for supports, and their support could be a better version of whatever that awful generic Kisaragi mother support was. Hinoka+Shinonome support? LANCE USERS LANCE USERS LANCE USERS LANCE USERS Also Shinonome complains about his father and Hinoka listens and quips with some stories of her own. Elise+Foleo support? Look me in the eye and tell me that Elise didn't give Foleo clothes of her own to wear when he was growing up. And so much more. I haven't even discussed Nohr yet in detail, but there's just so much potential. Unfortunately, with the addition of the A+ system, there was more of a reluctant with making platonic supports this time around and in general female-male platonic supports don't happen unless they're related, so I guess my dream will never be fulfilled... sighs...
  2. Yes! Yes! Yes! Conflict ends up revealing so much about the parties involved. If the next FE game involves an Avatar, I want them to give up on trying to make them as neutral as possible to make it seem like a self-insert. I want the Avatar to have personality, make mistakes, be biased, learn from their misgivings. I want their kid to be in the right, I want their kid to be actually important to the Avatar growing. Sadly, after Awakening, I don't know if there's another way to naturally implement a child system. Fates tried but didn't succeed. The new Avatar-Child's conflict being natural would have to depend so much on how naturally the child is implemented, but honestly I find the idea quite exciting. Do you have any idea what in specific you'd like from a conflict like that?
  3. I agree, actually. I thought her dry humor was quite funny, and her one-liners made me chuckle. Lines like the ones she exchange with Jaffar in Smash Brethren 2 are what I enjoy about her: Jaffar: ...... Morgan: ...Have you nothing to say? Usually, at least one or two words are exchanged, "You shall not pass" or "may the better man win" or the like. Jaffar: ...... Morgan: All right, then let's skip the prologue and get right to it! But there's a balance you have to achieve when you have that kind of personality, and F!Morgan doesn't quite cut it. She's disrespectful to her fellow Awakening children, as the examples you gave show, and occasionally her dialogue turns out rude, rather than witty, as it should be. Morgan acknowledging the typical dialogue of ancient warlords is hilarious because I know it to be true--her being awful to Yarne? Not so much.
  4. I completely forgot about Midori and Percy, my bad. Is it fine if I respond to both of you at once? My position on Percy and Midori is basically this--I'm not comfortable with the use of either. I'm a little (barely) more tolerant of both just because their personalities are not as... toddler-like as Kanna's, but it's safe to say that both of their designs are rather young-looking. Even though we're talking about Morgan and Kanna, I think it's fair to bring up Midori and Percy--both fall under Fates' problem this time with trying to bring out parental instincts in their players. They're cute enough on their own but I'm just not very comfortable with using either. I understand how this is a personal preference however, so you can feel free to ignore my point about Kanna being a literal toddler if you wish. As for Elise, Mitama, and Kisaragi... I would argue that they are all teenagers. Sure, they're probably young, but I'd hope for god's sakes that Elise is at least 15. As for Kisaragi, his interactions with his father seem to mimic that of a father trying to mentor his almost-adult son, and for Mitama, I admittedly don't have any reason besides just a general feeling from her supports, but I believe her to be at least 14. Still uncomfortable with a 14 year-old being on a battlefield, but that's Fire Emblem for you.
  5. In a contest between the Morgans and the Kannas respectively... I'd place M!Morgan above F!Morgan and I'd have to settle with a tie between F!Kanna and M!Kanna (I'm a bit more biased towards M!Kanna just because F!Kanna's voice grates me but I feel like that's not fair for me to take into consideration). Keep in mind, I'm judging this based on chemistry with their respective parents, as that is their reason for existing (in Awakening, you really only need Lucina, and let's not talk about the uselessness of children in Fates because that's been talked about excessively). But I guess before I get into chemistry, I'll talk about general design. Morgan wins by a landslide. A lot of people say Kanna is cuter and more child-like and I think that is awful, because we're recruiting them for war. If I wanted my child because they were cute, I would ask them to stay at home not on another world but fine Fates not join me in a war with people three times their age. In fact, my biggest problem with Kanna is they look eight. I am not sending my eight year-old out to fight. The worst part is that Kanna is the only child out of the whole Fates round-up of children that is quite literally a child. Every other kid looks like a teenager or older. This is fine by me, seeing as how you start out with teenagers anyway (hello little sisters). You can't even argue that canon doesn't say how old they are-- This is not the look of someone who should be on a battlefield?? Morgan is probably the youngest looking out of their bunch too, but as least they look 12+. I can deal with that. And their supports have them acting like a goof, not a toddler. I can very easily believe that both Morgans are in their mid-teens. Now finally to chemistry. Robin and Morgan. A large part of their supports is Robin schooling Morgan. Morgan's catch phrases and lines tend to match up with Robin's because of how much they idolize their parent. However, I'd say that this is completely understandable and done well. As sad as Future Past!Morgan was (cough obsession taken too far cough), current!Morgan has amnesia conveniently like their parent and can only remember their avatar parent. This is heartbreaking. Morgan idolizing Robin makes sense; they know them more than they know anyone else--all they have are memories of Robin. I've read arguments where people say Morgan and Robin felt more like a master-apprentice relationship than a parent-child one, and I can understand that. To a degree. But this was actually my favorite part of their relationship--the trust and bonding over things they liked and shared in common with each other. Corrin and Kanna. This could be the fault of Fates' terrible localization, but they didn't really click for me. Too many things didn't make sense to me, from Corrin keeping their child locked on another planet (which is quite literally what happened to Corrin), to Kanna not knowing about their parent being a literal dragon. Corrin's parental side didn't quite work either, because of their canon naiveness and the fact that you'll likely recruit Kanna while Corrin is still growing up. Part of what doesn't really make this work is that Kanna's one personality trait is that they are childish. They are quite literally a child. Their supports don't involve anything that made me endear myself to their relationship. It was a generic support between a parent and a child. So, I definitely prefer Morgan, at least for now. Perhaps my opinion will change overtime but first impressions are important, and Kanna isn't doing it for me.
  6. In Awakening, I played as F!MU mostly because I happen to be a girl and after I played through it, I felt like I had made the right decision because the story felt more fulfilling to me after I married my avatar to Chrom and saw how the story changed as a result. Fates was a little more difficult for me to decide as my priority is almost always a good plot over amazing game mechanics (though that can influence things), and I was appalled to learn that unlike in Awakening, where the gender of the avatar almost does not matter during the actual game barring supports, a lot of dialogue in Fates is changed during the actual story scenes and interactions with characters based on the gender of your avatar. (Examples include lines from Chapter 5, where the dialogue an NPC has for M!MU refers to Azura as his "lady friend" which more or less in the West implies that they're on a date, while with F!MU version has the NPC calling Azura simply her "friend." Probably quite insignificant, but not the only example, and something that bothered me.) In the end, I went with the box art canon and chose M!MU for my Birthright file and F!MU for my Conquest file. As for an eventual Revelations playthrough, I'd probably end up just playing as a girl because I consider Revelations the "true" FE14 storyline (because that choice in Chapter 6 is literally ridiculous). As for how I feel about the storylines as a result of my choice, I have to say that M!MU does not make a bad fit for Birthright. I personally have a tendency to switch the genders of the MU in my head, but F!Nohr!MU and M!Hoshido!MU still feel like rather satisfying fits. Not to say that the other way around would be bad, but seeing as how the box art canon is referenced in official art and included in fanbooks/official art books, I feel like I made the right choice.
  7. I agree with the whole RNG-is-so-screwed complaint that everyone else has, but personally, it's the seals that are killing me. I get that Awakening was super easy if you played it on Normal and being able to max out characters helped that (I've dedicated hours to maxing out units because it's so satisfying), but not being able to reset levels in Fates causes me so much anxiety. As nice as it is that I can get base class skills simply from leveling up in a final class, the fact that I can't reset once I hit level 20 in a final class is rage-inducing. I have to be more careful about when I reclass, what I reclass to, who deserves the time and effort to get reclassed several times. I have restarted whole chapters because a character gained far too many levels for my liking and I was worried that I wouldn't end up with the skills I wanted for them endgame. And yes, Eternal Seals exist, but come on, they're basically 20% out of your wallet unless you have the DLC map that allows you to get rich quick. (And yes, I can buy skills, but 1) I can't guarantee that I'll get the skill I want for each character I'm leveling up 2) There are five characters that mostly everyone uses and I don't really need skills for them because they tend to have access to pretty great skills themselves)
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