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Posts posted by Makatak

  1. I've been looking for something that answers simple questions like: if I level kellam to 20, then promote him to general, and level to 20 as general, what will his (approximate) stats be? What if I promoted him at level 15 instead? Or If I class changed him to class Z at X level or Y level and then hit 20, etc? Every so-called "stat calculator" that I've seen just shows the maximum stats for different character/class combinations (which would require many second seals and hours of grinding to reach) or it adds up all the growth rates to show a 'rating' (which is different from the in-game rating that adds up your present stats)

  2. You know that situation where you place your lord at the entrance to a room full of Armored Knights, equipped with a Rapier, thinking it was a good idea at the time. But all that penetration frees up space for all of the knights to have their way with you and eventually, you get the shaft? It's a real buzzkill. And the solution is to equip something less powerful, or nothing at all. If there isn't Fire Emblem jargon for this kind of scenario, there needs to be.

  3. The first time I played the game, on Normal/Casual, It went something like this:

    Chrom: had to use throughout the game, even when Lucina became superior. Couldn't bench, except on random encounters

    Avatar/Robin: Benched as soon as I got my first mage, Miriel. I wanted some variety, and the role of 'tactician' struck me as jack-of-all-trades.

    Lissa: benched as soon as I got Maribelle due to higher movement

    Frederick: I avoid Jeigan units like the Plague, so I stopped using him after the first few missions

    Sully: It was a choice between her and stahl. I ended up choosing Stahl because I was gravitating towards sword users, so she got the bench.

    Virion: stuck around to the end, if only because he was my only dedicated archer

    Stahl: stayed to the end. Was a solid character overall. Not much else to say

    Vaike: stayed around until shortly after I got Libra, then the bench.

    Miriel: permanent member. Was decent mage

    Sumia: Stayed. Chrom rode her every chance he got (and enjoyed it, since she became his wife) and she was a force to be reckoned with.

    Donnel: stuck to the end because I thought he would be a prodigy. Instead, I ended up with a level 30 villager that was good, but not great.

    Lon Qu: I would have been crazy not to keep this guy around through the entire game

    Ricken: was underleveled by the time I tried using him and didn't bother. benched.

    Maribelle: became my main healer after Lissa until Libra came along.

    Gaius: used him a grand total of one or two times, then Anna came and...you guessed it, bench.

    Panne: stayed for a while until it got crowded with Sayri, then got benched.

    Cordelia: used alongside Sumia for a few maps with mobility issues, but then got benched.

    Gregor: got benched from the start since I already had enough good sword users.

    Nowi: stuck to the end, to my regret. Her damage and hit rate was crappy in the late game. mainly served as a support unit.

    Libra: stayed to the end. Healing and decent fighting ability, not much more to ask for.

    Tharja: started off iffy due to poor skill and luck, but with patience (and lots of money spent improving Ruin) surpassed Miriel. Stuck it out to the end.

    Anna: was a OMGWTFBBQ unit when first obtained but was mainly used as my thief and secondary healer later in the game. was used intermittently. 

    Olivia: didn't use often due struggling to keep up with the party

    Cherche: became my official flying unit #2. Was erratic in terms of usefulness. Got KO'ed alot because I forget that DEF is not the same as MDEF

    Henry: Didn't feel like building him up, so benched.

    Say'ri: stayed to the end, but I wonder if that was wise. Was ok, but nowhere near as powerful as Lon Qu.

    Lucina: Took the effort to train her and boy was it worth it. Became one of my strongest units. Made Chrom look mediocre.

    Flavia: Didn't use

    Basilio: became my archer number 2.

    Since I paid little attention to the support system, I didn't obtain any of the children except Lucina (with B-level Chrom/Sumia) and Cynthia (who I didn't feel like training)

    What stuff did I do to make you veterans face palm, besides not getting most of the offspring?

  4. When I finished chapter 25, taking the northern fort, for some reason, the game showed the appropriate dialogue scenes, but then reverted over to scenes with Holmes and Lionheart that I have already seen. And control switched over to Holmes (Runan wasn't on the map anymore). I then advance from chapter 27 to the Morse tower, but can't proceed any farther. The place I'm supposed to reach is still unreachable. Probably because the game completely skipped 26A/26B so the game is stuck. How do I work around this?

  5. UPDATE: I reached a point where leveling up Shanna/Thany and Tate was more trouble than it was worth, and I've been using Shin alot. So I'll be taking the Sacae path. But I would like to make a separate save along the other chapter 17-20 path even if I have to use cheats or download a save file, just so I can see what the other path is like after I finish the Sacae path. I've learned from experience that using the XP codebreaker cheat to hyper-level doesn't take me to the other chapter 17 path.

  6. I don't usually deal with boss characters who don't sit still in one place while I do some basic math to figure out how to kill them without losing a unit, and especially not flying ones. This guy likes to throw spears at me, retreat 1-2 squares into the mountain so I can't hit him, and then kill a more obscure unit like a healer.

    Also, do you send most of your team west or south when heading to Hannibal's mansion?

  7. I should also mention that in the previous FE's, I was a savestate scummer. I'm too stubborn to let ANY unit, even a crappy one, die. And if I got my units into a compromising position and then saved, I would loadstate scum until the enemy missed or I got a crit to avert death. I can't imagine going through any FE without that. That doesn't work as well in FE4 because supposedly, the game loads many random numbers before they are even used.

  8. I just struggled through chapter 1 as I moved my party (mostly cavalry units) through a dense forest at a snails pace only to get owned by a long range spell and had to reload a save to when I conquered the previous settlement. I hope there aren't too many maps like this or like Book 2 chapter 11 in FE3.

  9. I've played through FE1, 2, and 3 (including book 1) over the last 2 weeks. Now I'm moving on to Genealogy of the Holy War. I understand that this game features a Romance System, where characters in the latter half of the game inherit skills and stat growths from 1st gen characters. Are there guides for how to make effective use of this system, or character rankings, or chapter guides, like there were on Serene's Forest for FE3?

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