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Emperor Hardin

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Everything posted by Emperor Hardin

  1. I'm aware that the time and effort needed to level grind Amelia is rarely considered worth it, but even so General is considered her best option, especially in Creature Campaign. Having played Fe8's creature campaign very recently I can say Great Shield has saved my butt several times from magic users and Draco Zombies. Plus would you want another Great Knight option or a unique, more fitting promotion for Armor Knight. I imagine if Cullum for example, promoted to Halberdier he would gain a massive increase in speed and skill but no defense boost. The defense cap would also be much lower then Generals of course. Hopefully this means Soldiers/Sentinels are playable and the green units aren't in NPC only classes.
  2. I Just noticed that the Green Foot units on the map are definitely wielding Lances and not Staves, look at how they tilt their weapon, they're certainly Lances
  3. Well in Sacred Stones, Amelia is great as a General, that and Super Trainee is what everyone chooses as everyone already has enough Great Knights. Same with Gilliam, who makes him a Great Knight? Generals are actually pretty OP in Sacred stones, they have high stat caps and Great Shield is one of the most useful skills in the entire game.
  4. I hope Great Knight isn't the alternate promotion for Armor Knight. Cavaliers already have that as an option so it'd end up as one of those promotion choices you never choose due to already having plenty of potential Great Knights.
  5. Do you mean General would make sense as a Soldier promotion? Anyway I think Armor Knight to Halberdier would work as an alternate promotion as if you take off the armor of an Armor Knight you basically have a Halberdier. In FE9, they both share Luna, so I think its obvious the two classes are related.
  6. Frederick is pretty well armored, I could take tell early on he was a Great Knight from his Armor and a map sprite where he was wielding an axe. I see Halberdier working as a alternate promotion as in Gaiden Soldiers were unpromoted armor knights. The choice would be go with a defense, and a new weapon or speed and the impale skill.
  7. So what does everyone think of the guy with the most impractical armor since Jugdral's Barons? Do you think he'll be great unit like Gatrie and Oswin or a sub-par unit gimped by low movement and speed? What kind of alternate promotions could Cullum have access to, Great Knight, Baron, Halberdier? Finally do you think his personality will be interesting, I kinda of imagine he'll be similar to Roger or Arden as the unlucky guy nothing goes right for.
  8. Axes, just like the Founder of Grado who used Dark Tomes and Axes.
  9. Would it be FE2 style summons(a bunch of allied units) or FE8(one controllable unit)? Didn't Tear Ring Saga have obtainable monster creating staves?
  10. I'm thinking Armor Knights/Soldiers get to choose between Halberdier and General. EDIT: I'd also like to see branched promotions for the Lord character. I've been wanting this since Sacred Stones.
  11. Shiida Hardin Barst Dolph(Hunter to Horseman) Lena Navarree Merric Palla Catria I also have tried Roger(give him levels as a hunter) Darros(starts out as a Mercenary for the skill) Cord
  12. Clerics with Axes! Thats both extremely weird and extremely awesome!
  13. How about a Dark mage for a my unit class. Maybe even a Soldier/Recruit if you have the class available. And isn't there unused Female Mercenary Map sprites in FE6
  14. Fado turned out Great for me with Maxed STR and high stats everywhere except LCK. I guess I just got lucky.
  15. I can almost certainly say it will be a Hero-esque class that uses only swords. Though I would've liked branched promotions.
  16. I thought Marth was known as the King of Kings(also translated as Emperor of Emperors)?
  17. Yeah Stone is fun! Having a Tarvos animation would be cool. Are there any hacks where you get any monsters? I think you're able to get weak generic monsters in GHEBFE.
  18. Playing Sacred Stones again, I've gotten a hankering to play as generic Gorgon and Generic Tavros.
  19. It was in one of battle animations in the second trailer. It had an apelike stance, overly long arms, and what appeared to be an execution hood.
  20. No problem, thats pretty cool that MyUnit has high defense growth. I wonder if you're able to alter his growths. Being based off Gaiden, its possible we might get branching promotions or even Barons.
  21. We've seen corpse soldiers and unarmed Giants with inhuman proportions. I think its safe to say monsters are in.
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