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Posts posted by Qilin

  1. I have completely abandoned this game for a while, and I came back to being tier 11. It's kind of a strange place. I have had troubles raiding maps that had Sutr before, but now the tables are turned. People are raiding my map with Sutr in a team of 5 and they can't even beat my AI team. I haven't even unlocked additional slots yet, and am still just using 4 members for both raid and defense.

  2. I just had a successful defense where I won because my single remaining unit killed one enemy and so they opted to destroy my pots while avoiding her, and then after successfully destroying both pots, they continued to avoid her to the end of Turn 7. What?????

  3. Just encountered my first defense team that has five members, including an Azura and a Veronica. I won anyway, and it was actually easier than some defense that had four members. I think your choice of character might be more important, and an extra defense slot may not be worth it until you have five OP characters. The AI simply is too simple for an extra member to make up for its flaws. Maybe an extra offense slot would be a more effective purchase?

  4. I think the difficulty is starting to become better adjusted as people are filtered into their appropriate tiers. I don't seem to be raiding completely overpowered teams anymore, and my defense is starting to be able to win. Right now the most challenging thing for me is to convert my team from a quickly suicide one to one that lasts. My Eirika always seems to overextend due to being on horseback.

  5. I don't have good enough units to assemble a strong enough defense to avoid losing 80 lift everyday. Instead I reworked my defense to suicide before anyone can reach the pots. It's been working. Nobody have gotten my pots since, when people used to at least try to get them, at least on this tier.

  6. Regarding whether to upgrade aether or defense, at higher tiers, I think defense. Every day you lose lift if your defense is defeated. From what I understand, the pots still only refill 50 a day or something so that the large capacity only gives you an extra 2 or 3 fights at the initial fill. I have not actually done the math though.

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