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Posts posted by wigglepuppy

  1. On 5/22/2017 at 5:32 PM, Doof said:

    My issue with Faye in comparison to the other characters of a similar archetype is that theres so little to her.... she doesn't speak of anything BUT Alm so she ends up being very one note. Unlike Tharja, who has more to her and actually talks with other people, Faye is only Alm's stalker and that's it. She's definitely on the lower end of favorites for me but I don't hate her. I like her as a unit but I forget she exists characterwise.

    My favorites are Lukas, Gray and Leon.

    Unfortunately, linear characters like Faye were pretty much most of the cast of Fire Emblem Fates

  2. 7 hours ago, VincentASM said:

    I am actually unsure if the controversy had any real impact on the absence of the Bond DLC in the West. It's not just that, the DLC in Japan just seemed to end abruptly around the same time, with plenty of skills left to hand out and no real ultimate challenge map. (Although Echoes doesn't have one yet either.)

    My gut feeling is that DLC development in all territories just ended due to a combination of poor DLC sales (since everybody who wanted DLC probably spent their money on the extra campaigns instead) and to prioritise development of Echoes/Warriors/Heroes/Switch. That said, the latter doesn't really affect localisation much.

    Oh well, I guess we'll just never know--and I doubt Nintendo would ever confess the reason.

    This is what I was thinking as well. Like you said the DLC in Japan ended abruptly. However, what sparked me to post this thread was a realization. Despite Echoes coming out, we have to look at things in Japan's view. First of all, Japan got If a year before we got Fates. They also got their map pack 1 immediately after the release of the game(like we did a year later). However, while the West got Map Pack 2 right after Map Pack 1, Japan got their map pack 2 right before we got ours. In other words, Japan had to wait an entire year for their next batch of dlc. So using this logic, its still very much a possibility that Japan will release Map Pack 3 this summer(ish) which will probably give the rest of skills and stuff. After which we'd probably get the new dlc plus the bonds dlc. Again, it's obviously not confirmed, but it's still surprisingly possible. Thoughts?

  3. So it's been a while since we got dlc in Fates. Many people gave up on the bonds dlc seeing as its been almost a year since we last got dlc and echoes is coming out (with its own dlc). That being said, I was reviewing the translated conversations in the bonds dlc and GOD DAMN there are a lot of them (especially the Hoshidan one!). Just by looking at how many conversations there were I got renewed hope for still getting it in the west. Localization does take a while. Also, like other people have said, there's a chance that we're waiting on the bonds dlc until japan gets more dlc. This is also possible because there are still skills that are in the code of the game but even JAPAN hasn't gotten them yet. And as for Echoes coming out, there have been instances where an older game gets dlc after its successor comes out (for example a CoD Black Ops 3 just got a new dlc announced and its approaching a year since its successor, Infinite warfare came out) so it is still possible. I know there's nothing we can say for certain until IS or Nintendo actually say anything about this, but still, what do you guys think? Possible or not?

  4. 8 hours ago, SavageVolug said:

    Well said Alexmender. I love the 3rd tier classes that Radiant Dawn used (#inspiredbyGaiden), and want this concept to be used more. But as you said, for it to work the game would have to be big like FE4 or FE10, no way would 3rd tiers work in Awakening or Fates. The game is too short and most of the enemies are not really that much of a challenge. I think the only real challenge for me was recruiting Averssa. If FE switch does not mage a HUGE fire emblem world and game and ignores 3rd tier units or only includes them through DLC it will be a huge wasted opportunity. With the Switch's power Nintendo and IS could make not just a world with a singular continent we could have continents, each one with their own kingdoms and empire(s). And if 3rd tiers aren't used, if we don't get epic map battles it will be a huge waste of the Switch's potential. I want to fight laguz bandits again, I want to control laguz mercenaries (occupation not class), I want my gold knight to fight a 3rd tier myrmidon boss or maybe even better a 3rd tier wyvern unit boss that could be epic.

    It is possible though that, Nintendo might be testing the waters with Echoes in regards to 3rd tier units. Now I still think they're trying to boost the money made by any sales of Echoes but it is possible that if Nintendo sees people really liking the overclasses they might include 3rd tier units as a core game mechanic more. At the same time it is also possible we will only get 3rd tiers through DLC which means no fighting Reavers or Dread Fighters which bugs me.

    It's funny, I've been replaying the Tellius games and I know exactly how you feel about laguz (They're friggin awesome). I also completely agree with you in that a longer fire emblem game would be welcome and would make 3rd tier classes more sensible. That being said, Gaiden isn't a terribly long FE game and 3rd tiers are in them. Even if they are overpowered in that game (looking at you ZEKE!) I'd say that's just the point right? Just my opinion, but what do you think?

  5. 6 hours ago, Alexmender said:

    Exactly, in order to use the overclasses you would need to max the prior tier, for example if you wished to make Saber a Yasha, first he would need to be a Lv.20 Dread fighter in order to be able to promote.

    Yeah, I completely agree with that point. These new classes are really pointless, and while I like having things like that just for showing off it's really off putting how IS decided to charge us for things like that. It seems they took notes from Namco does their DLC with the Tales of series, selling costumes for $4.99 or something, which is something I find ridiculous. I'll buy the ones for the classes who only have 2 tiers in order to even the playing ground, but I won't deny this is a really awful practice whose only purpose is to suck dry the money from people willing to accept this.


    I agree with you completely, but like I said before, I'm was trying to get people's opinions on the classes themselves, not the pricing. In other words, what would you feel if the next new FE game had 3rd tier classes (affecting aesthetics or gameplay take your pick) assuming it was in the game without the need for buying dlc? 

  6. 3 hours ago, Cyas said:

    I see, though it would have been better to simply implement 3rd tiers and ignore 4th tiers. That way, classes would have been more balanced. It feels weird that certain class trees have more promotions than others.

    On the contrary: "max stats are tied to character" Thus, overclasses are, as far as we know right now, worthless from a gameplay perspective. Not to mention the fact that the game is too easy to warrant them in the first place.

    "overclassing isn't a necessity" already states that they are superfluous.

    Yes, I agree, the main and only point of these classes right now is aesthetics. However, people are different. Some value gameplay more and some value aesthetics instead. I'm in the former group. Consequently, the classes don't appeal to me. This may change if we get Apotheosis and more information regarding the classes.

    I see where you're coming from but that's just the point. If overclasses are used strictly for aesthetics, then it doesn't affect the gameplay at all. Those who want to overclass will be able to do so and those who don't won't be affected by not overclassing whatsoever. Since they are superfluous, it doesn't matter if you're into gameplay or aesthetics since they only affect aesthetics. It's not a matter of gameplay vs aesthetics. Rather its if you care about aesthetics vs you don't.

  7. 30 minutes ago, Blade Lord Lyn said:

    If it was in game it would be fine(even though it'll be to little too late by the endgame) otherwise its not useful overall for the entire campaign just for design if they made it a mechanic in the next game it needs replayability and a Apotheosis map for the full complete benefits.

    Exactly. Some people don't really want third tier classes in fear that they're overkill. But seeing as promoting units into these classes would be very late into the game unless you grind(which means you want to promote your units into these classes in the first place) then there's no problem for anybody. And as for Apotheosis....PLEASE MAKE IT HAPPEN IS!!!

  8. 3 hours ago, Cyas said:

    In my opinion, the concept is alienating for multiple reasons:

    1. We already have 3rd tiers. Isn't that enough? 4th tier seems excessive and needless.
    2. As far as I know, max stats are tied to characters. A Dread Fighter could be just as strong as a Yaksha, unless the Overclasses break caps or have extremely powerful skills.
    3. The game, as it is right now, is too easy to necessitate Overclasses.
    4. It's quite expensive.

    First of all, I should have explained better: I don't mean 4th tier classes seeing as they only apply to 2 class trees, I'm mainly talking about 3rd tier. As for the rest of your points, I agree. But if max stats are tied to characters, and overclassing isn't a necessity, isn't that all the more reason to have them in the first place? If they have no significant impact on the gameplay, the reason for them being there could be drawn down to aesthetics. So why wouldn't you want a class that gives you the satisfaction for grinding a character to the necessary level, and a pretty cool sprite +animations? Thoughts?

  9. Let me just remind everyone that my question doesn't involve the price of the dlc. My question is just if you approve of higher-tiered classes.

    Also keep in mind that these classes can only be accessed at the characters promoted class level 20. While one could just grind early game and get these higher tier classes making the rest of the game easier, it would normally take some level of motivation for the sake of getting the classes. In other words, those who would make all of their classes into their respective overclasses, would most likely only be able to do so if they wanted to and did the necessary grinding. So regardless of how powerful a class is, it is mainly for aesthetics, as you only need to overclass if you want to. Thoughts?

  10. So if you guys have been keeping up with Echoes news, they announced the overclasses that would be made accessible in the dlc. So for classes trees like the cavalier route and villager route, they would have 4 classes since the Gold Knight and Dread Fighter classes are already third tier so now they have an overclass on top of that. What do you guys think about this? I think it's awesome and keeps your units feeling fresh and powerful and would be pretty cool to see in future fire emblem games

  11. Absolutely. The reason why people didn't like an avatar in the first place was because they were shoehorned into the story and the other characters kiss the floor they walk on (I'm looking at you Fates!!!). The Avatar was never the problem, they're implementation of the mechanic was. So yes I really would like an Avatar but a good one

  12. To be honest it's probably a tie between Azama and Corrin. Azama is just a pessimistic jerk and even though he sometimes shows his good side, he's just really unpleasant. As for Corrin, I'm not sure I can say I hate him rather than I hate how he was portrayed in Fates. Like come on, everyone literally kisses the floor he walks on...

  13. On 1/31/2017 at 0:29 PM, Busterman64 said:

    That sounds pretty good, but to add onto that...

    I feel like Robin in Awakening was on a good track. Robin had personality, stood out from the rest of the group, and wasn't the main source of the plot(mostly anyway). Robin was, more or less, just another part of the army. Now, that isn't to say that the Avatar can't be main attraction of the story, but Fates didn't do it right. Honestly though, the Avatar should be on the sidelines, but still have some importance.

    As for what should customizable with the avatar:

    Personality(like you said)

    Appearance(More unique options that are not similar to other characters)



    Certain Dialogue 

    Weapon Choice(like, choose a second weapon to use)


    As for story involvement, I think have the avatar be a friend to the main lord(more as a childhood friend) or maybe certain events lead you to have to fighting side by side(whether you both like it or not) or maybe even your're hired as the retainer for the main lord or...or....lots of other things!

    OH! Or maybe have a game where the avatar is the main focus and depending on your personality choice, the story differs in certain points!

    They could even have those personality tests at the beginning like in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon!


     Oh, and for your talk options:








    ....the list goes on(of course, I don't mean all these choices every time, but you get what I mean! :B):)


    It would also be cool if we had a game structure like FE4, where if you get married, you fight along side your child (years)later on in the story! That way, certain events feel more personal(like if in the story, you see your future self train you daughter and you form a bond with her. However, your daughter is kidnapped later on. It creates a personal reason to want to save someone!

    Oh! or maybe even...AH! THE IDEAS WON'T STOP! :P:


    The only problem with Avatars(and this idea) is that that requires ALOT more Writing. Personally, I think if they go this route, they might have to limit how many different people everyone in the army can support with(and by that, I mean the number of people, NOT the number of times that you can support as a whole [5x]...I don't want that back...:unsure:)

    I also don't want over 60-70+ characters again like Fates. The writing suffers for many characters because of it. Keep it around 50-ish units, like in previous games(Although, the Telluis games got away with around almost 70 characters and did surprisingly well with each character, but like I said, limit the support options to a certain degree for the sake of more quality writing!)

    Hopefully what I said makes sense! I don't hate the Avatar, but I would like it more if it's done right(and it works well with the rest of the game)! :Joshua:

    And maybe tame down the waifu stuff a bit...just saying...

    OBVIOUSLY, all the work went into choosing which version to get and whether or not if you should kill Shura in Conquest for some Boots or keep him! :P:

    See? This is what frustrates me. All of these ideas that you've presented are well thought out and awesome. And, there are nearly an infinite number of possibilities that could happen if this system were implemented. An Avatar in FE has SO MUCH POTENTIAL yet they're just not executing it in the way that would be most beneficial

  14. On 1/31/2017 at 6:49 PM, Dayni said:

    Honestly, if you were to go down the route of making the choices matter, I think a structure that shared similarities to a CYOA would be a decent idea to consider, where the game would diverge on maps and even story based on actions taken in game and in cutscenes (i.e. what I initially thought Fates would be when it was only known as IF. stupid me).

    Then again, such a title would have to take a lot of things and either alter them to work, or remove them entirely, so I could see it not exactly being a popular title.

    I KNNOWWWWW!!!!!! That's what I thought Fates would be about too!! But in their defense, they did really change up game mechanics in that game, and they had to use a lot of resources on the new graphical updates with the Live 2D Animations and all

  15. On 1/31/2017 at 4:50 PM, Slumber said:

    I think the problem with this would be that people wouldn't be playing as themselves at some point. They'd be playing whatever the critical path is that gives them the best results in gameplay. So after a certain point, having an Avatar becomes pointless and poorly implemented again. Instead of fleshing out gameplay and being immersive, you're just restricting yourself to get the best units, the best paralogues, the best weapons, the best supports, etc.

    In a game like Dragon Age or Mass Effect, making choices based on personality have very little effect on gameplay. Usually, it means you are a nice dude who can talk his way out of fights, or a tough dude who can kill people in the middle of dialogue to get out of fights. Whatever secondary gameplay benefits you get out of playing with a different personality are negligible, and since they're action games, often aren't even apparent. As far as I can recall, being a different type of dude doesn't even change the kind of weapons you get. The big changes come from story, which will affect how people like you, which doesn't tie into gameplay at all, really.

    In Fire Emblem, how much people like you ties directly into gameplay. It's a different system entirely, and I don't see how it could work in any fashion if it's reminiscent of DA or ME.

    As I've said many times, if you're going to do an Avatar, which I find debatable in and of itself, the best way to do this is the "Kris" style(With tweaks, obviously, so units aren't fawning over your Avatar to the point where it's affecting story and your character ends up still being a Mary Sue). Have your Avatar be the right hand of the main characters. A really powerful normal unit who lets you observe the story from a distance, or occasionally gives suggestions. Kind of like a mixture of Mark and Kris. If the game doesn't have children, then personality and choices affecting supports would probably be fine.

    Hmmmm I definitely see what you're getting at here. I apologize for not being clearer previously, but what I meant was not that one choice would be better than the other objectively, rather, each possibility would lead to different circumstances. For example, take Yarne's paralogue in Awakening. If there were some sort of decision/consequence system, joining one group would give you some sort of weapon, while joining the other would give you gold, or a master seal or some other item. And the player input dialogue would lead to either one of these choices (or fighting both). I'm not saying FE should implement variability on the same scale as DA or ME, I'm saying that a similar system could do wonders for the franchise.



  16. As a die hard fan of the Fire Emblem series it's natural to critique the games myself, as well as listen to the opinions of others. One aspect of controversy is the inclusion of an Avatar. In my opinion, having an Avatar is a great addition to the current franchise, as the newer games are really focusing on the immersion aspect of the games, actually drawing the players into plot, characters, etc. However I also understand the viewpoint that the avatars are being "shoehorned" into the games (especially Fates) where everything seems to revolve around the Avatar, who's personality is made as generic as possible so that he may appeal to a variety of players. This in turn forces linearity into both the plot and cast, and makes the overall happenings in the game dull and predictable (relatively speaking). But I believe that it's not the inclusion of the Avatar that's the problem. Rather it's HOW the Avatar has been implemented. When you think about why an Avatar is included in the first place, it's pretty simple to answer. To immerse. But when you think about it, all we really get to customize is the physical appearance. Nothing else. This is where I feel, the problem really comes from. The only reason the Avatar feels forced, is because he/she is made as generic as possible with no option for variability. 


    So, here's what I think should be done for future fire emblem games: Create a system that allows for the player to choose their personality. This can be done most comprehensively by allowing the player to respond to situations when given certain options. The best example of this can be seen in RPGs/Sandboxes such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Skyrim, Fallout, etc. 95% of conversations give the player a variety of possible responses. Going off the example of Dragon Age (the game who's system would fit the best with Fire Emblem imo) most responses usually give a good guy option, funny option, and tough guy option. This basic implementation would open up a whole new world in fire emblem games. The amount that the developers could expand on this is limitless. They could add the options of questioning NPC's which depending on what you say could result in different outcomes, it could unlock different side missions (paralogues), depending on how you respond to certain situations, maybe support conversations could change slightly, etc. 


    What do you guys think?

  17. I know its been a while but I'm still peeved about how they took out swimsuits but you can still see the characters in their underwear. Pointless "localization" at its finest. P.S. does anyone know Nintendo Treehouse's available contacts? I'm gonna try contacting them about if they're going to release at least some localized content in future dlc (i.e. swimsuits, Saizo and Beruka convo, etc.)

  18. I agree completely SoloCross. No one lose hope! I've been telling others as well. Clearly the dlc in fates isn't being treated like it was in awakening where they released map of 3. In Fates, as you all know, the map packs are averaging at about 6-8 maps per pack. There will be more dlc released both in Japan and NA. The current trend seems to be that Japan gets a new batch of dlc every 8 months to a year. When they get the new batch, NA will probably get those as well as the festival dlc together. So I'm very sure that we will get it Spring/Summer 2017

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