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Mordecai's Teeth

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Posts posted by Mordecai's Teeth

  1. 09519-24697-36574-36585

    Avatar-death blow, rend heaven, vantage, aptitude, sol

    Jakob- aptitude,armored blow,live to serve, tomebreaker,rend heaven

    Sakura- aptitude,Amaterasu, rend heaven, lethality, renewal

    Oboro -counter magic, aptitude, seal defene, luna, seal speed

    Mozu- aptitude, death blow, certain blow, luna

    Camilla -sol, rend heaven, aptitude, bow breaker, sword breaker.

    Selena -lifetaker, armored blow, aptitude, rend heaven, shuriken breaker.

    Hinoka- Amaterasu, rend heaven, aptitude, trample, bowbreaker

    Takumi- I hate him so i threw him in without a weapon!

  2. Frey: Do I LOOK weak?

    Abel: Well your bases do suck ass...

    Frey: Shut up, boy, or I'll toss you out to be the decoy.

    So Marth, are you as gay for Merric as Ike is gay for Soren?

    Marth: Your not even on a high enough level to judge me by mannerisms alone *hair flip*, and I'll let merric answer that, i don't have to watse my breath on the likes of you.

    Merric: No.

    Mordecai, how does it feel to be considered mentally retarded?

  3. Heal mia, Hurt fee.

    Shiida 11

    Lena 12

    Maria 50

    Minerva 11

    Linde 25

    Palla 11

    Catria 50

    Norne 10

    Clea 8

    Cellica 10

    May 18

    Jenny 46

    Sonia 14

    Malice 10

    Ayra 22

    Fury 10

    Tiltyu 10

    Briggid 13

    Lakche 50

    Yuria 10

    Fee 4

    Nanna 10

    Lynn 10

    Tinny 50

    Altenna 10

    Machua 10

    Lara 8

    Karin 10

    Mareeta 10

    Tina 10

    Linoan 6

    Misha 12

    Thany 10

    Clarine 5

    Fir 17

    Miledy 10

    Igrene 10

    Fae 10

    Florina 8

    Rebecca 8

    Priscilla 15

    Ninian 10

    Louise 10

    Farina 5

    Eirika 10

    Lute 23

    Natasha 16

    Tana 17

    Amelia 1

    Marisa 14

    L'Arachel 10

    Mia 11

    Ilyana 16

    Mist 50

    Lucia 10

    Elincia 11

    Sanaki 20

  4. I just needed to know does anyone have a backstory other than the generic on everyother my unit will have, if you have stories about I'd love to here.

    My unit was an orphan that wandered into khadein and ended up being trapped there when gharnef first took control, so he stayed there for a while and learned magic, before he set off again he had to help rebuild khadein, in return for giving him a home and helping him defend himself, he is recruited by talking to him with marth, merric,etzel,caeda or linde. He has a mission to stop gharnef and he is half manakete.(manaketes going berserk apply to him later on.)

    post a link if you have them.

  5. Ok, I've been playin' fire emblem and been on the wiki, and I've realized soren has the most complex character personality I've ever tried to understand(which I don't), may someone explain to me the following things.

    -Why didn't he tell anyone he was the true prince of daein

    -why does he trust no one except ike (not for the reason he told ike)

    -why is he so harsh towards people that he shouldn't be

    -why hasn't he set skrimir ablaze.

    and why is he so clingy to ike.

    ( don't interpret my question negatively, He is at the top 5 of my favorite characters, i just want to understand him more.)

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  6. Ok I have noticed people love to hate on players for the sake of hating on them like the four noble sisters.

    But I that's not what I wanted to ask, what I want to now is what unit or person are you ganna use even though everyone think they suck (I using Nyna,)

    AND kurthnaga sucks balls! I hate him! But for certain reasons.

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