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Everything posted by Leif

  1. I want to know if there are traditional Archers for the Nohr side. If I recall in the opening cinematic of very first trailer we saw in January, I saw archers on the castle wall that looked similar to FE10's snipers. It could be that Thieves could promote to Snipers this time around?
  2. I don't think it has been a month, so I hope I'm not necro-posting.. Anyway, here is the director talking about how wonderful Emma Watson is at singing. https://youtu.be/gkgiqYbQzW8 What do you guys think? He seems pretty pleased with his film's progress.
  3. Absolutely not. Garon seems to use Kamui for his own selfish ends. Garon will, most likely, end up being disproportionally evil over good. I hope he'll be a darker shade of gray at least (please don't associate that statement with 50 shades of grey, the bane of all that is good). I do suspect that Hoshido will have some dirt on them. The writer for this game created some decently complex plots, i.e. GetBackers, so I doubt he'll keep one side entirely good and one side entirely evil. Heck the main choice for this game is morally gray, so there has to be some drawback for siding with either country. Look at the main artwork on the JP website. Nohr is mostly black, but the rocky stones the characters are standing on are lighter. Look in the night sky and you'll see stars. I see that as symbolizing how Nohr, though a mostly corrupt place has a hopeful future to being an empire that does good for the world. That goes with the theme of foxing Nohr from within. Look at the Hoshido side. Everything is mostly white, symbolizing goodness. However, look at the stones. They are very black. I think that this symbolizes that a nation dedicated to peacefulness isn't without fault. Sorry, that was probably a stretch, but I hope people understand my interpretation. haha.
  4. Yes please! I want to know more about the differences between weapons in general too. Why use a sword over a katana? More so, we saw Leon cast some sort of earth magic in the trailer. I want to know if there will be no more Elthunder, Elwind, or Elfire tomes. Nyx had a Fimbulvetr tome, so we may be returning to the GBA FE's style of magic, which I hope isn't the case... :(
  5. I expect Kamui to share some personality traits with Denam Pavel from Tactics Ogre. Denam faced a moral dilemma at a point in his story (which subsequently caused a path split). Denam's personality altered a bit depending on what route was taken. He was dark and serious on the Law route and a little more upbeat and confident on the Chaos path. He was a mix between the two personas in the Neutral route. I suspect Kamui will be a different character, depending on the path taken.
  6. No, the hair DOES match. It is shaved on the sides. Plus he's blond and the sprite has blond hair. He has a very, very light brown skin tone, so I guess it doesn't show up on his overworked sprite.
  7. The guy you put as "???" is Beniot (spelling?), the intimidating armor knight who appears with Charlotte. He's on the JP website.
  8. Though the information changed the order I'm going to play the different campaigns (Hoshido -> Nohr -> Independent), Nohr will still, most likely, be my favorite. I like the look and overall 'feel' of the Nohr route. Hoshido will be my practice run of the game so I can get used to the revamped mechanics. I hope there will be an infinite EXP DLC that will help me max out my favorite Nohr units so I can have a save file dedicated towards building my ultimate Nohr Streetpass/Internet team.
  9. When FE14 gets localized, I'll rename his tomes after Greek and/or Roman gods. This will go with the whole Western theme of Nohr.
  10. I know there isn't a Phoenix, it could have been a fancy Rooster. I thought Phoenix would fit the whole "fire" theme, since her power dried up the river. Well, Roosters do call when the sun comes up, so that I guess makes a decent parallel.
  11. When the royalty use Dragon's vein, I see cut-ins of various animals. I saw a tiger, a phoenix, and a serpent. I wonder if the animals will be based on the Chinese zodiac?
  12. YES, YES!!! Look at 2:03 in the introduction video. There is a generic female dark mage among the enemy units. Looks like we'll be getting random female generics for all classes! I am so excited.
  13. Wow. Just wow! I noticed that the enemy bosses all have unique portraits, OVERWORLD SPRITES, and battle models!?! FINALLY. This looks so awesome. The dark mage animations look silly. OH, Kamui has a wicked looking sword there a few times. I wonder what it could be?
  14. Wow, Aqua almost had her neck broken by Kamui there. Scary! I am so intrigued!
  15. I wanted to know what you guys hope the other classes the FE14 roster has access to. For instance, I hope that Cyrus has the Dark Mage class branch along with his Cavalier branch. Why Dark Mage? Because he'll make a badass Dark Knight. He has the black armor, the propped up collar -- essentially the best design for a dark knight, even rivaling Leon's look! Also, will the Avatar get all class options, or just a limited amount? If he/she gets a limited amount, do you think that there will be a 'questionnaire' of sorts (during Avatar customization) that determines what classes the avatar has access to?
  16. Ughh, Peiri (spelling?) looks like a mess. The dual personality reminds me of Noire, so I think it's a tribute to her. As I mentioned in another topic, Charlotte is a darker version of Sumia, i.e. using 'womanly wiles' to marry into high society. Raswald is cut/paste of Inigo. At least his artwork is nice. Odin, looks handsome enough and has a nice design, but I'm not a fan of his personality... Owain's voice actor annoyed me in Awakening. That pose is a little awkward. That also reminds me... does Tsukuyomi (Hoshidian Wind Mage) remind anyone of Ricken? EDIT: OHMYGOSH. CAPTURE IS BACK. I couldn't be happier!
  17. I find it funny how the headdress is similar to Mikoto's headpiece. It has that sun-like design. Did anyone else notice this?
  18. Are you going to play the entire game shadowofchaos? I would love to see the all the Avatar customization options!
  19. If he has blue hair, he could be related to Aqua? That'd be cool if Aqua had a sibling.
  20. The person behind Ryoma is indeed a character that we haven't seen yet. That mystery character reminds me of that sorcerer-like man that was with Garon. That Myrmidon in the first screenshot is Hinata. That woman with the bow is most likely a re-class of that blue-haired maid on the Nohr boxart. Edit: Beaten to it again..
  21. Your sentence is in quotations, so I am not sure if you are being serious or not. If you are serious, I'll respectfully disagree. Don't worry, I am not going to go on an "I'm offended, I'm such a victim of my homophobic society!" rant. I'm not that type of person, nor do I think it's constructive getting angry and shutting down someone else's belief. However, I believe it's wrong pretending gay people don't exist. They make up a portion of society and have played integral roles in modern society. Many powerful men, like Tim Cook, are gay. Gay men were important in history too. Look at Michelangelo, Da Vinci, etc. They were homosexuals that assisted the human race's development both culturally and scientifically. Ignoring homosexuals is hurtful. Being around a gay person isn't going to infect you with a gayness disease, haha. I absolutely don't want to incite a flame war, nor do I want to sound like a typical, hyper-reactive SJW. It's just important to challenge other people's beliefs. That way, there can be discourse and enlightenment for both parties. Make sense? EDIT: GAH, he was quoting another member... EDIT 2: I am not implying, with regards to FE: IF, that straight people HAVE to experience gay supports. They have every right to ignore it. My post is just critiquing an attitude about homosexuality in a broader sense.
  22. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. As a gay man, it was a tad disappointing for me to not be able to have the option romance Chrom or other men as the male avatar when I played Awakening. I acknowledge that for plot reasons, same sex relations weren't possible, due to the existence of time-traveling, biological children. I also know that the characters in Awakening and If are entirely fictional and just a bunch of zeroes and ones, so it isn't earth-shattering should they continue Awakening's heteronormative trend. I'm a bit of a sucker for romance, so that's why I hope there are some gay options. However, it would be nice to have well-written LGBT characters for a more inclusive environment. I don't want their sexuality rubbed in my face and have them end up as a campy character, only to enforce negative stereotypes. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I appreciate nothing but an entire sausage fest, etc. Anyway, should there be any LGBT characters, I don't want their entire character arc relating only to their gayness (like Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4). Can't we have relatively 'regular' characters who just happen to be gay? All in all, I will welcome LBGT characters, should they be written like real human beings.
  23. Exactly! Final Fantasy Tactics and Tactics Ogre had no weapon durability and both of them involved a ton of strategy. They, obviously, played differently, but I think a lack of weapon durability in Fire Emblem does not make or break the game. I watched a Lunatic + run of Awakening, and the player had no difficulty with managing weapons at all; it was almost an afterthought.
  24. I would venture to say "yes." Consider how difficult Lunatic Mode was in Awakening. Now that enemies can pair up and adopt attack stances, it's safe to say it will be a much harder game. The developers stated that they feared IF would be too challenging; I don't recall the developers saying that they feared Awakening's difficulty during its pre-release.
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