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Everything posted by Leif

  1. Really depends who your teachers are. If you get a real busy-work nut, then prepare to master time management skills. My AP Chemistry teacher back in HS gave us LOTS of problem sets and chapter quizzes, so I always had to be on top of my work. AP chemistry will probably take up most of your time. However, I had to write a huge research paper for my AP English and Comp. class, so there's a chance you might have to write one too. If you a little studying everyday and keep up with the homework, you are pretty set to get a decent grade in the class.
  2. I find the My Unit Creation a little disappointing as well. I believe they should have stuck to the average build only and allowed more customization options, such as different poses, hair styles, etc. The child and adult options for MU can create very awkward marriage couples, like Child!Male My Unit paired with Inverse or Adult!Female My Unit paired with Richt. Sticking with only the "average" My Unit build could have eliminated that.
  3. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know what is going on in terms of the story and what not?
  4. Does anyone have a copy of this mugshot of the villager from Chapter 14 in FE5? Thanks in advance! http://i39.photobuck...11at73442PM.png
  5. When one attacks with a Bolt Axe or a Stun Lance, do they take the Weapon Triangle into account? Would attacking a sword user with a bolt axe result in the Hit penalty, or would it just count as Magic and target resistance, thus ignoring the Weapon Triangle?
  6. They will keep the theme of "number names" etc. because there were replacement generic units in FE11 that were named Unil, Trim, Quatro... I am not sure if they will keep the German version of the number names since NOA and NOE translated them differently. See here: http://www.serenesfo...1/name.html#rep
  7. Well the fun of Lunatic is to overcome almost impossible odds. :)
  8. http://www.quickbabynames.com/meaning-of-Mark.html Similar to Celice's post, this site shows Mark is a unisex name.
  9. Yes, but this build was designed to get the highest possible Attack value. It's just an experiment, not something I'd actually do in the game. :)
  10. For my own amusement, I think I put together a Mark build that allows him to achieve the highest attack value in the game. Feel free to critique if you guys find flaws that I missed. For experimental purposes, assume all units involved have all stats capped. Pairing: Female My Unit x Valhart (Female My Unit has Best: Strength, Worst: Magic) Mark's Class: General, Generals can equip Gungnir and have the highest strength max stat modifier (50). Required Skills: 1.) Limit Breaker 2.) All Stats + 2 3.) Strength +2 (EDIT: Quick Slash is better) 4.) Lance Expert 5.) Vengeance Modified Stat Caps [spoiler=Mark's Maximum Modifiers as a General] HP: 80 Str: 59 [+4 from FeMU, +4 from Valhart, +1 inheritance Bonus = +9] Mag: 26 Skill: 44 Spd: 34 Luck: 45 Def: 57 Res: 33 With the New DLC limit break and All Stats +2 skill, his stats now have +12 modifiers, except for Strength which is +14 (not sure if Limit Break changes HP cap, but I assume it will since it gives +10 to all maximum stats): [spoiler=Limit Break, Strength +2 & All Stats +2 Stats] HP:90 Str: 73 Mag:38 Skill: 56 Spd: 46 Lck: 57 Def: 69 Res: 45 I am only going to be focusing on the Strength and Attack values, not the other stats. -Now we have a Strength Value of 73, add +5 (due to Lance Expert). We get 78 Strength. -Now have Mark Equip Gungnir (assume Mark has an "A" level in Lances). -Gungnir's Might is 16, but add 2 (due to "A" rank in lances) so we get 18. Add 5 (due to +5 bonus) and we get a 23 might weapon. -Add 78 to 23 and we get a101(!) Attack Value -Now we stack Strength Cry, Rainbow Cry, and Love Cry, which yields a +10 Bonus to Strength (+4, +4, +2 = 10). -Now Mark's Attack Stat is 111! -Then Double mark with a Berserker with max Strength. A Berserker gives a +5 Strength Bonus naturally, but with a strength-maxed Berserker, the bonus becomes +8 (due to +3 bonus from a capped stat). -Add 8 to Mark's strength and we get an attack value of 119! -Now assume Mark has 1 HP when he enters a battle. Vengeance activates so we take (Max HP - Current HP/2). We get: (90-1=89/2 = 44.5) I believe Fire Emblem rounds values down, so we get an added 44 attack bonus. -Add 44 to 119 and we get a huge attack value of 163. What a beast. EDIT: In hindsight, Quick Slash would be a better skill to have instead of Strength+2 because it would add +10 attack when Mark starts a battle, so if we replace Strength +2 with Quick Slash we subtract 2 from the attack value and add 10 to it, we get an Attack Value of 171!!! Feel free to share your thoughts or correct something. I did this in a hurry so I could have made a mistake or two.
  11. I wanted to know who you guys thought would make the best father for each of the children characters in FE13. I want to exclude Mark and My Unit from the topic since they are overpowered units and have all the skill and class options. I'll start with who I believe is the best father for Noire. Based on the data from the FE13 Serenes Page, Gaia and Henry are, in my opinion the best fathers for Noire. The reason why I list two for Noire is due to what kind of unit one wants Noire to be: a glass cannon, or a bulky unit. Gaia would make Noire a Glass Cannon; Henry makes her a tank. Henry offers Noire the most amount of Max stat. Modifiers, a total of +10 of modifiers, focusing on Magic and Defense; Gaia offers +8 modifiers focusing mostly on Speed. Noire's Growth rates from Gaia and Henry are fairly similar in comparison, but Noire!Henry's growth rates are just barely higher than Noire!Gaia's growths. Noire takes a hit in her luck modifier (-4!) from both Henry and Gaia, but she loses luck from all her other father options (except Donny who gives her +1 in Luck) so that doesn't really matter. If one wants Noire to be more of a fast glass cannon attacker Gaia makes a great father since he offers her Lightning Speed since he is the only father to give her the Pegasus Knight Class. She also benefits from Gaia due to the Thief Class and the possibility of inheriting Counter from Gaia, which is probably the best skill to have on a Sniper. The Thief class is important to an Archer due to the Pass skill and thus allowing her not to get "boxed in" by enemy units. The best Skill Set for a Sniper!Noire from Gaia would be: 1.) Bow Slayer 2.) Counter 3.) Lighting Speed 4.) Pass 5.) Magic Slayer Noire inherits great class sets from her mother, so she makes great use from the two slayer skills so she is basically invulnerable to Bow and Magic Attacks. Counter would be used to reflect damage to an attacker who attacks her at close range. Lightning speed allows her to use "hit and run" tactics or potentially kill two units. The best Skill Set for a Sniper!Noire from Henry would be: 1.) Bow Slayer 2.) Counter 3.) Great Shield 4.) Pass 5.) Magic Slayer Same as above, but she takes less damage from close range attacks (due to a 50% activation rate for Great Shield) thus making her harder to take down. The reason why I choose a sniper class for Noire is that she has these unique perks that allows her to make great use of the Double Bow which essentially gives her a free Bow Expert Skill due to the +5 Strength bonus. Discuss.
  12. The page for paid DLC includes Eltshan as a downloadable character, at least according to Serenes' Forest FE13 page. What's that about? I looked at the FE13 Jap. site, and I did not find a re-designed Eltshan for a DLC purchase. Lookie here: http://www.serenesforest.net/fe13/recruit_dlc.html You get him from Infinite Divine weapons, but how come there was no re-designed artwork of him?
  13. I am going to go for Best Stat Speed, Worst Strength. I plan to have MU focus only on Magic.
  14. Seriously? What Skill would then? Magnificent Flame? Edit: Scratch that, I guess Late Initiative would be a better addition to have on that build.
  15. A build I've come up with... Vengeance!MU-Grandmaster Best: Speed Worst: Strength Weapons: Holsety and Sol Sword Skills: 1.) Life Absorb Or Renewal (depends if you want to play aggressively or defensively; +40 HP for any enemy killed on the player phase, or +24 HP every turn (only at Max HP)) 2.) Miracle 3.) Vantage 4.) Vengeance 5.) Weapon Saver or Late Initiative Notes: Grandmaster Class would be used over a Sage due to more defense and strength. Great regeneration on the player's turn due to Life absorb or Renewal. Best Speed Stat raises the speed cap to 44 on a Grandmaster. Holsety gives a +5 Speed bonus to give a speed value of 49, which is pretty much going to allow My Unit to double everything. Miracle has a 47% chance of activating due to the +2 luck bonus from the best speed stat. Assuming My Unit can survive a fatal blow, he can add a damage bonus of 39~40 thanks to Vengeance. Since this MU build only allows him to have a Grandmaster magic cap of 40, he can only do 56 damage with Holsety (assuming he/she has an A rank in Tomes). However with an HP value of 1 (for optimal Vengeance usage) add the 39~40 to 56 and MU will have an attack stat of 95~96! Vantage would allow him to always damage enemies in a 1~2 range first (if he has a tome or magic sword); his only weakness would be a longbow or a ranged Slime tome. However, his speed bonus would give him greater odds to dodge attacks if there were a problem. The Sol Sword would be used for a free Sol Skill (with 41% activation due to the Worst Strength Stat) for extra regeneration. Weapon Saver would be used if you want to have a 94% chance to preserve weapon usage (or a 100% guarantee if doubled with a unit that gives a luck bonus). If you don't care about weapon uses, Late Initiative would be a good skill to have to add a nice Avoid Bonus. Doubling MU with a Swordmaster or a Great Lord would be beneficial for this set due to the speed and luck bonus.
  16. Can Mark (F) inherit Dark Blessing if her Mother is Inverse? Would be an interesting skill to have so she doesn't have to rely on the Sorcerer class to use Inverse's Darkness.
  17. Edit: Nevermind, I found the video myself.
  18. I know right? Haha, I was holding off on using Jagen since he could be 2HKO'ed by all the enemies I've faced so far. He was the reason why I had to reset so many times.
  19. Well, I decided to try Hard 5 (a blind run-through) for Shadow Dragon and here are my amusing results for the first two chapters: --- Chapter 1: Perma Deaths: 0; Turns: 85; Restarts: 1 Chapter 2: Perma Deaths: 0; Turns: 120; Restarts: 3 --- I know, I know! This is epic fail. But, this mode is basically impossible. The Pirate bosses are so tough to take down since they can either OHKO or 2HKO all my units. Trying to take down Gazzak and Gomer is what racked the turn count up. I made it to each boss in 25~30 turns. When I faced Gomer, I had to literally wait for his Hand Axe to break, since I couldn't have Wrys heal units without him getting in Hand Axe range. Plus he was over 11 speed! Man what a pain in the arse. I am on Chapter 3. Wrys has 1 use left of his heal staff since I played defensively for the last two chapters (I had my units inch their way towards the bosses in a tight squad). Chapter 3 looks less daunting than the other chapters since there are not as many choke points, but recruiting Navarre will be a challenge since Caeda can be OHKO'ed by most of the fighters. I mainly play Fire Emblem for enjoyment, not for extremely difficult challenges, although I will be attempting a Hard Mode run through of FE13 when it comes to the US with the Sorcerer!MU and Krom doubling action with Resire tanking combo.
  20. Why not rely on double? It always grants a support bonus plus stat increases. More, it would free up a skill slot so that you could replace All Stats +2 with something more useful. For example. I planned to double My Unit with Swordmaster!Wood to get the +3 luck bonus and +4 Speed bonus. My unit would have Weapon Saver, Life Absorb, Vantage, Miracle, and Vengeance. That way he can be granted a 50/50 chance to survive a fatal blow. If he were to survive that fatal blow, he would have +79 attack (if he maxed HP) with Vengeance (which would pretty much activate all the time if he equipped a Thor's Hammer). Vantage would go off all the time and would allow my unit to destroy any enemy unit that shows up.
  21. Yeah, if you pair Liz with Donny, Wood gets a 51(!) luck cap. That means he can get a 100% Weapon Saver. Consider this with a forged Brave Sword + Astra. I plan to have My Unit excel in speed so he can get that valuable +2 luck in addition to +4 speed. If you double him with a Sword Master (to get a +3 luck bonus to have 47 -> 50 luck), he gets the same 100% weapon Saver effect, resulting in Falaflame and Holsety spam at my disposal.
  22. That player is pretty reckless in his strategy. In just those two videos, he let Libera, Callum, AND Anna die. If he was on Casual Mode it would be one thing, but still...
  23. Darn it, I was hoping to rename Falaflame to the legendary Fire Tome from Berwick Saga, Pallas Leia. Oh well. One last question, can Weapon Saver preserve Staff usage as well? When the game is released I wanted to make a Battle Cleric!Selena so she could make use of the skill in an effective way.
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