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Posts posted by Noma9

  1. 11 hours ago, Freohr Datia said:

    I don't really know about specific recipes but I am quite fond of the pumpkin soup that we have (at least whenever it isn't too spicy for me~)

    and I am also a fan of miso soup

    and one restaurant I worked at had this wonderful cheese soup and I'm pretty sure it was just straight up canned soup, even, but I don't remember anything specific about the can that I saw it coming from

    Quoting for pumpkin soup! I don't have the recipe but my friend made me this delicious pumpkin soup once and it was easily the best soup I've ever had. It wasn't a smooth pumpkin soup either; it was diced into these chunks that softened as the absorbed the flavors in the broth. In a close second would be the Udon chicken soup this place in town makes, it's divine.

  2. Healthy, clean skin makes a huge difference. Still, everyone has different skin types and different skin problems. Like, I have combination dry/oily skin but otherwise don't get a lot of pimples/blackheads because I take care of it. I do have huge pores though, so I can get make up and dirt trapped in there easily no matter what -- that's just my skin type. Asian skin could just be different in general. But as far as idols go, it probably has to do with a very extensive skin care routine and expensive make up. When your face is basically your brand, you tend to go above and beyond to keep it looking good.

  3. Just now, KongDude said:

    I unknowingly upgraded it to Rapier, which gives me much less than the Brave sword...

    Yeeeeah, I always save right before I do any upgrading so I don't waste any silver/gold or, especially, good weapons. Rapiers aren't terrible though. They still do effective damage to armored guys, right? A Dread Fighter would actually be able to throw down with a baron with one, I guess. 

    On Topic: I actually like Forsyth quite a lot and I wasn't expecting to. And I'm really debating whether or not to get the Deliverance DLC so I can enjoy more of that crew. 

  4. 5 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    If it helps you see Faye in a more positive light, read her recruitment dialogue with Celica

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    “Oh, Celica! You're back! Gosh, how long has it been? I've missed you so much! Alm left Ram. Did you know that? Just up and LEFT! I'm so desperately lonely... Anyway, I thought about going after him just to teach him a lesson, but I didn't. I'd probably get killed by some foul beast out there on my own, you know? Hey, wait... Are you on a journey or quest or whatever? Then maybe I could go with you!” -Faye talking to Celica if Celica vists Ram Village and recruits her.

    I'm not denying that Faye was rude to Silque in their C and B-Supports, but i personally get the feeling that Faye just doesn't really know how to make friends outside her friend group. And also, her voice acting makes it sounds like she's rude unknowingly. But as you can see here, Faye sees Celica as a friend.

    That does make her seem less "mean girl" and more "socially challenged". Shame that I don't get to see that normally. Either way, she's still probably one of my least favorite characters, even if she isn't as bad as I originally thought. But that has more to do with how much I like the others and less about how I dislike her, you know? Someone has to come in last place, after all.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    That's not really being a jerk tho. I mean, i tease my friend about how she always mispronounces/flat out says the wrong Fire Emblem names (how do you even say Takumi as "Takashi"). Does that mean i'm being a jerk? No. Likewise, Faye isn't being a jerk to Silque in their A-Support. "You're a good person, Silque, even if your tongue does like to wag" is like me telling my friend "you're a good person (will not say my friend's name for privacy reasons), even if you constantly mispronounce/flat out say the wrong Fire Emblem names, even after i correct you several times".  When Faye says "I'm still not one for gossip, but I would like to know more about you" she means that she doesn't like gossip but would like to talk with Silque about something else. Cuz you know........not everything has to be gossip.

    I've had crappy friends before. I can tell you from experience that, if Faye were a real life person, she wouldn't be a crappy friend.

    But they aren't friends. She says it before they're friends, basically ridiculing her in the midst of trying to establish a friendship. It's not like when say, Boey and Mae crap on each other, because there's no friendly history at all. Teasing people you're close to is fine, but I really don't buy it in Faye's support because she consistently came off as mean spirited before and they're just deciding to be friends now. She seems wholly unpleasant to me.

  6. Just realized this thread was a thing, so of course I'm gonna spam it with my face! Also, I spent way too long looking through this topic. I like looking at people. I might be creep.

    Here's a picture I use a lot because it's back when my hair looked nice, even if it's overly edited:




    Here's the last picture I've actually taken of myself, I used my phone so it's not great quality:




    And this is what I look like 90% of the time and I'd feel like a fraud not posting it:




    And I swear I have eyebrows. Trust me?


  7. I've not finished the game yet, but I think my favorite is like. . . Alm's whole crew almost? Gray, Kliff, Lukas, and Python especially. They're all pretty great. On Celica's side, I'm quite taken with Saber and Sonya. By the time I finish, I'll probably be able to shorten the list a little. 

    As for least favorites? Probably Faye and Clive. Faye being in love with Alm is fine, but her support with Silque really turned me off of her character. Still use her though because Physic is dope. And Clive is okay but I think he makes bad choices and it frustrates me a little. Doesn't help that he turned out pretty crappy for me too ):

  8. 8 hours ago, Tryhard said:

    Climate change is over, people. It's fake news. (and only leftists care about it)

    I like how even North Korea signed the Paris Agreement.

    Obviously NK is some kind of leftist paradise.

    What I like is that freaking Bloomberg flew to Paris to meet with actual world leaders to assure them that plenty of states, politicians and businesses plan to uphold the Agreement anyway, fuck what the White House has to say. Life is so bizarre these days.

  9. On 5/29/2017 at 11:48 PM, アリサ ラインフォルト said:
    • When were you introduced into videogames? As a child. So, the 1990's.
    • How did you get introduced? I used to watch my brothers play on our grandma's NES and Sega as a little kid, and eventually started playing them myself. 
    • What was your first videogame? Really don't know. I have memories of watching lots of games with my grandma as she would get me to read the dialogue and count coins/lives etc. I think the first one she had me play was Lolo? The first one I played all alone was probably Dragon Warrior though.
    • What was your first console? First ever played on was the NES, I believe. The first we owned at our house was a N64, and the first I bought myself was a PS2.
    • How many consoles have you owned yet? Yikes. Uh, 9? If we count handhelds then 16.
    • How many games (guess) have you played yet? Hahahaha. I don't know? Has to be hundreds, if not more. I've been doing this non-stop for like, 24 years.
    • What's your favorite game? Probably FFT
    • What's your favorite series? Dragon Quest
    • What was the last game you played? Dark Souls 3
    • Any game you're looking forward to? I plan on picking up Ever Oasis when it comes out. Trails of Cold Steel III ONE DAY!!!
    • What was the last console you bought? PS4
    • How many games do you buy per year in average? Not sure. It really depends if I buy primarily used games or new games that year. This year has been pretty great for games AND I got a PS4 this year so I've been fleshing out that library as well, so I've probably bought a lot more this year in general.
    • How much money do you invest for videogames per year in average? Hundreds, I suppose.
    • Have you ever downloaded a game? Yes
    • Do you prefer to buy physical or digital copies? Physical
    • Have you ever imported games because they haven't been released in your area? Nah. I've thought about it, but then I'd have to learn Japanese and have to deal with the 3DS' region locking and it's too much trouble.
    • What's your opinion about region lock? I hate it!
    • When do you buy games? Whenever I please.
    • Where do you prefer to buy consoles and games? Eh, I don't have a preference.
    • What's your opinion of DLCs? Not inherently evil, but terribly exploited by the industry.
    • Do you buy charged DLCs? Rarely
    • Any game you wished it was released for a console you own? The Tales games that were Vita only, some Nintendo games, fucking Tales of Vesperia.
    • What's your favorite boss fight? Ever? Uh. Off the top of my head, Goht from Majora's Mask is insanely fun. Everything at Riovannes in FFT (sorta). Legion from ANY Castlevania. Odin in SaGa II. The fight with Magus in Chrono Trigger. The final fight with Kefka, Virgil in Xenosaga III, Yunalesca FF10, Barthandelus in FF13, and the fractured Chimeriad, Victor and the Bad Ending boss fight of Tales of Xilla 2. And bunch more! How could I choose only one?
    • What's your favorite OST? This is an impossible question. Chrono Trigger, FFT, Donkey Kong Country 2, FF10, Trails of Cold Steel I/II, NieR, Undertale. . . I could go on forever.
    • Who's your favorite protagonist? Ramza from FFT will always be a favorite of mine. I also love Kalas from Baten Kaitos a lot. Phoenix Wright and Stocke from Radiant Historia are also pretty great.
    • Who's your favorite antagonist? Dycedarg, Vormav and Delita in FFT are fantastic. Crow in ToCS. I also really like Ashnard.
    • Have you ever cried in a videogame? Oh yes. Lots.
    • Which chcaracter death in the story has been the saddest for you? I always get a little upset when Zalbag has to die in FFT. Julius in ToX2 gets me pretty bad, since he reminds me of my eldest brother a bit. I cry every time your dad gets killed in DQV, also marta in DQVIII. Crow. . . Zelos in ToS if you choose Kratos. . . Shadow in FF6 at any point it's possible. Shinjiro in Persona 3 aaaaaand I get pretty torn up about your fellow samurai's fates in SMT IV. I have a lot of feelings, okay?
    • Which genres did / do you play? These days it's usually some kind of RPG, though there are enough RPG elements in all sorts of games that it's hard to say I stick to certain genres. 
    • Which genres do you dislike? Sports, I guess. They don't appeal to me, is all. But there are lots of genres I don't touch much.
    • What do you do, if you stuck in a certain passage of a game? Well, if I really, truly can't figure it out, I seek help from the internet. If it's a matter of not having the skill to get past a boss or something, I usually throw myself at it until I succeed or find a way that works for me.
    • What has been the hardest game for you? There are plenty of games I'm bad at, but the one that I keep playing despite that would probably be the Dark Souls series. Also, the PS3 NG+ version of Eternal Sonata is one of the hardest RPG experiences of my life. That shit shocked me.
    • Have you ever blown up because you were frustrated? Yeah, usually because something dumb happens and I lose progress because I didn't save. 
    • What's your opinion of remakes? I'm okay with them, though the games I'd like remade probably never will.
    • Any game you like but most others hate? Tales of Xillia 2 is not super well-liked, but I adore it. Also, I really enjoy the FF13 trilogy, even though I think they're kinda bad. Hell, I KNOW they're bad, but they grew on me! What can I say? I also adore shitty Lifetime channel movies in much the same way.
    • Any game you dislike but most others like? Plenty, but probably none quite as much as the Bravely Default games. Oh, and Chrono Cross, dear God.
    • Do you play mobile games? I have two on my phone that I almost never touch.
    • What do you think about the future of videogame and videogame companies like Nintendo or Sony? I don't think about it much, but I doubt they're going anywhere.
    • If you had a child, would you introduce them into videogames? Of course!
    • Are you rather a single player or do you often play with others together? Single player, because most of my friends don't play video games, and my internet connection is not built for online play. I do still get together with my brothers and we'll play something co-op from time to time.


  10. All three. Coffee is my go-to in the morning; how I take it really depends on the type of coffee and how it's being brewed, but I usually have at least a little cream and sugar in it. Tea is typically had in the evenings/late afternoon in my house. I prefer green tea or chai tea, but I drink all kinds -- so long as it's not too fruity. And NEVER with cream. I usually only have cocoa at my moms house because she makes it really well, or else I'll order it from somewhere nice to ensure good chocolatey richness.

  11. Haha, yeah I figured that might be the case. Thanks for taking the time to answer! I know it matters a lot less in BR who you use and as what (which is partially why I'm not dealing with optimal marriages) But since I have the DLC classes, I figured I may as well use them and it'd be easier to ask the community their thoughts than experiment with them on my own. 

    Anyway! This was incredibly helpful, thanks again.

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