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Posts posted by KingOfWhales

  1. This is in revelations, btw. I'm ok with grinding but not with buying skills. I know that I'm going to go into butler for one level so I can get tombbreaker as my resistance is abysmal, and into samurai for vantage, but other than that I'm having a hard time figuring out some of the other nuances.

    I'm going for having a ton of skill and criting everything as a hero (I know berserkers have +20 crit but I feel like being a hero) while also getting sol and luna activating as much as I can.

    I will probably go into basara at the end for rend heaven and quixotic.

    What I'm really having trouble with is figuring out who to pair with. Nobody gives that much skill at allor enough res to matter, any suggestions for this?

  2. So I'm about to start my first lunatic run ever (hold me, I'm scared) and I'm trying to plan out my supports. I'm fine grinding in castles to get the kids and grinding exp of off castles whenever I can but I'm not buying any dlc. I know there is probably a post addressing this already but... This is page 110. That's a lot of pages to wade through. (I'm playing Nohr)

    So could I get some advice? I'd like to know what I should change, if it's not to much trouble.

    For my avatar I'm going fast/dull/samurai, I love dodgetanks.

    I'm going to pair Kaze and Peri for the sole purpose of having a Midori with a +8 speed +2 strength pair up boost (when reclassed to a samurai) to guard stance with whoever needs the boost at the time. I'm planning on pairing her up with Corrin to boost his dodgetanking and to give her access to the convoy so she can grab gold bars whenever she needs them, if I can figure out how/when to reclass her so she can have spendthrift and give the pair up stat boosts.

    Other then that here are my planned pairs:







    Felica:Flame Shuriken

    I dont plan on using Nyx, Mozu and possibly Keaton or Peri for anything for their children. I'm also missing Camila as I have no idea where to put her even though I know she's one of the best mothers.

    I'm also missing Laslow, Niles, Benny and some other women because I'm not sure what to do with them, or I don't know if they are any good.

    Please Ignore any spelling mistakes. I could use the excuse that I'm typing this up on my phone, but to be honest I just can't spell.

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