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Everything posted by Dunal

  1. I might be nice to Oscar and give him all 3, thinking about it. I'm not averse to just giving staves to Fiona instead though (maybe even tier 2). Rounding the Dawn Brigade up to 3 staff users might even be for the best. GM already have Rhys, Mist and Ilyana.
  2. Updated unit profile below! The text on the left is a good way to summarise a unit without having to look into too much detail. MEG PROFILE EDIT: Title was missing. Maybe staves are just all the rage for Tellius paladins before tho events of FE10? Geoffrey got caught in the hype There is a way to do it within the game class. But needs to be done a bit differently. Geoff starting at E and Oscar D was/is the plan though. As for the latter, not quite. Gold knights still get Axe/Sword and Silver knights Bow/Lance. Another iteration I've now thought about though is: Silver: Two of Lance/Bow/Staff at tier 3, or One and a movement boost for Geoff. Astrid gets hers early however (Staff tier 1). Oscar: Lance/Staff. Fiona: Lance/Bow. Geoff: Lance only +movement. Gold: Sword and Axes or Just one of those and a movement boost. Kieran/Renning being the former and Makalov/Titania being the latter. Every unit is unique from each other.
  3. I was thinking before on making all Silver Knights having staves on tier 2, but 50 capacity and still capped at A for their weapon. While Gold Knights have more 10 more capacity and can get S as per usual, and get their secondary weapon instantly at B on promotion. Silver Knights get C. Thoughts on that? So basically, they sacrifice a bit of combat effectiveness for staves.
  4. Mend is now C. With HP values being a lot higher, and damage taken being much higher, Mend is extremely helpful. On that note, both Astrid/Oscar would be capped at C rank, so they will not get access to Physic which is B rank. Or Recover, because Recover is insanely good and ignores their magic stat. Giving them access to Mend is fine because it's expensive and their magic isn't particularly good. Well, Astrid's growth is pretty great but the base, not so much (Thematically, she's only just picked up a staff and started learning it). On a similar note, Seraph Knights also have staves. Sigrun's the only one with good magic though. Tanith's in particular is garbage, but it's a nice tool to have.
  5. I'm currently testing paladins with staves and sharing Mist's animation. So there's that at least. Not set in stone yet though. Might just be for Astrid/Oscar or something (it fits their personalties and rounds out their teams a bit more, especially for maps like 2-3). But yeah, Imbue is good on her and she's okay with cards. Not a bad idea to list it that way instead.
  6. *miss* *miss* *miss* *miss* *miss* Good luck with that! May the RNG and a hit forged iron sword be with you.
  7. That is maybe possible but a lot of dedication required to figure it out. By the way, here is the format I'm going to be using for character stats (as an example): Please provide any feedback you can on what other information you may want added (Inventories, Biorhythm types etc...?). And yes, Meg is a complete joke character in the most practical way possible (I might as well go the full distance on that!). That's why a lot of the numbers are weird.
  8. I will likely remove the Black Knight's hammer weakness. For Nihil, I'm fine with it existing and lots of enemies in part 4 will have skills. Although I will say that Parity is more fair/balanced version of it. Otherwise, it only exists on Ike/Calill/Nolan and you can buy one in part 4. 4 existing and costing a decent amount of capacity is fine.
  9. Grandia ReDux which was released about 4-5 years ago. Currently working on Grandia ReDux Complete (which is far better) and there's a demo for that currently. Plan for that is to also have a complete re-translation of the dialogue. There's also FE6 Redux which was release about 3 years ago. However, I'm currently developing FE6 Rebirth, which is a complete revision of the game with almost completely remade scenarios and maps (although the story and characters are still the same, just expanded). That is currently in development also. Grandia ReDux 3.0 and FE6 ReDux are both outdated and completed back when I had inferior balance philosophies and game design decision making. However, that's why I'm doing a follow up to both. I am overall happy with my past work though, so feel free to check those out. The patch notes in the OP are only updated for the actual patch that's released (which was ages ago now). It's needs a significant amount of updating.
  10. I don't see why Mantle needs a nerf. It's an exclusive skill on what should be actually challenging final bosses. Them being nerfed goes against the intention of having an actual difficulty curve. If anything I'd make them even stronger, especially Lehran, Now that I have a lot of free time until then? Quite possibly. It may only be a part 1 re-release but it's something.
  11. Another update: Skills Feel free to give me your thoughts on anything in particular. Note that Beast/Bird/Dragonfoe have all been removed from the game. Overall weapon might, especially crossbows, make them imbalance-able. (Yes, image is a bit small, will make sure that's fixed when added to the OP)
  12. Base STR of 24 (42 ATK) with a base SPD of 18. This gives him an AS of 15 at base. 3-P Warrior: 54 HP 36 ATK 14 DEF 19 AS 48 AVO Ike 2RKOs with a ~74% hit chance. ~59% against a crossbow user and sub 50% hit against Halberdiers. Warrior doubles Ike with 19 damage per hit and about 60-65% hit. Ike is 3HKOed. Meh. Ettard is the kind of weapon that Ike needs to er... grow into. Stick with your Iron Blades.
  13. Ragnell and Alondite both boost defense by 5 and have infinite uses. Both are still strictly better than the Tempest Blade. Ragnell needed to be nerfed in a way that Ike is expected to use more options, including Axes. Alondite just needed to Mirror that, although it's still the best Sword to bless in the endgame. In any case, don't compare them to how they used to be, compared them to other weapons and they're still amazing. Yeah, what you described is the full intention. Although, it does mean that STR now becomes an extremely desired stat. But that just means that high base STR or growth needs to be weighted further on unit's power budget.
  14. The WEXP on SS weapons are the ones I forgot to blank. Those were the defaults. Developer's quirk, not mine! Silver Longbow is accessed way earlier. Chances are I'll make the double bow a bit earlier too though. In which case I may make adjustments. Also, longbows/double bow lose 20 hit for every additional range. Having 5 range is very situational. You can only feasible use it on a ledge or through a huge biorhythm advantage + heaven affinity. Wind magic does not have this penalty though, in case you're wondering. Speaking of spirits. They now all have Aurora and are pretty tanky... (bad health, huge DEF/RES, so don't be too worried). Also, instead of having Corona, Yune Micaiah has... yeah.
  15. Another update! I have done a complete rebalance for every weapon in the game. They'll likely be some further tweaks in the future, but the overall scope of things has now been finalized. Take a look below for the stats. Swords Lances Axes Bows Daggers Laguz Anima (Fire/Thunder/Wind) Light & Dark Staves EDIT: Just to specify, Dark magic reduces damage received by swords/lances/axes. The wording isn't really that good there. Makes dark magic seem terrible. =S Giving her a staff should be fine. In any case, like the rest of the Crimeans, she'll be player controlled.
  16. There will be some adjustments. For example, Reaver has 10% instead of 5%. Some Laguz have gained crit in the form of weapons and ranks. Cats for example go from 0% > 10% > 20%. Ravens and Wolves are 5% > 10% > 15%.
  17. Not something I've checked, currently. The plan is to keep the number of units the same (and that goes for 3-6 and 3-12 as well) but to significantly re-adjust the unit placements and how the maps are dealt with. 3-E for instance should actually feel like you're heavily involved and isn't just NPCs doing a lot of the work. The plan is to make almost every single playable unit deployable (unit count of about 30) and to have the entire bottom half of the map initially occupied by you and your allies. Skrimir and Tibarn are playable and the partner units aren't particularly powerful relative to the enemies.
  18. In terms of unused supports that's not something I've really looked into. If I were to change that it would be something later on. With Resolve I'm fine with it being the way it is (it's more functional in the western version as an actual skill) only main issue with it being that it can make avoid rates for certain units become absurd. Currently it's only equip-able by Dragons (50 capacity) and has been Given to Kyza and Pelleas. It allows me to balance those units in an interesting manner without making the skill broken on other units you could give it to before. Kyza has awful luck and Pelleas has mediocre speed until it procs. But the fact that the skill can't be feasibly removed from them means that they are better off for that. I could change Zelgius's weapon, yes.
  19. Any characters in particular or part 4 in general? Sanaki is buffed to premier glass-cannon and can SS rank any magic except dark. The high level Tier 3 units you receive will still be decent substitutes. I doubt I'll need to change them too much. Volke changed to have more incentive for endgame due to Sothe being forced. Tormod/Vika/Muarim will be BEXPable with Tormod gaining unique promotion gains (and by unique I mean amazing). The Royals will no longer have formshift (Will just have great gauges instead) and stat adjustments. Exception of Nailah who is more like Tormod/Vika/Muarim. Ena is usable before endgame with heavy stat adjustments. Kurth likely as well but only in 4-4. He still gets formshift like his father. The other two dragons changed too, especially Gareth. Pelleas to have better bases and be the 'durability' mage of the game, having great HP/DEF/RES, but average offence/bad skill. Skrimir/Giffca having high EXP growth but worse bases compared to the royals. Micaiah and Sothe have incredible promo gains. Heron choice becomes a more impactful one: Reyson: Flexibility and AoE (Is the overall best for Vigor) Leanne: Movement/Healing (Blessing has more range and has the highest magic) Rafiel: Durability/Galdr Options (Has Valor at base and is possible to reach Recovery) That mostly covers it.
  20. They could have just made her a standard Sage though and added a personal light tome. Not sure where Axes come into it... The Battle Monk doesn't use Light or any magic at all (just staves). Her official art and model also has dark robes for that game. Also, for what it's worth, Lehran (who's her ancestor) uses Light/Dark.
  21. The distinction appears to be: EP: Positioning for enemies to attack you. PP: Attacking/killing enemies before they act themselves. Archers are useless for the former (unless it's specifically to lure in a 2-range enemy). Typically the more dangerous enemies are in contrast to their durability, the more PP matters. If they're too tanky to warrant dealing with on PP, or if they aren't particularly dangerous, then 'EP' usually matters more. Stealing and conditional requirements do help benefit 'PP' too. If enemies in part 3 were incredibly strong (which they aren't) then Shinon could be fantastic.
  22. @Augestein I'm really happy with that feedback since most of what you've put there are actually fixed/changed in the next version. I have not encountered this myself and nobody else has replicated this issue. Might be to due with settings. I can help you with this going forward if need be. The amount of gold you have is going up and you can get more for free (three more, in fact). They've all been redone in the next version and canto/shove cost 0. Therefore someone like Vika has far more capacity. Worth mentioning that Laguz gain 15 more capacity at level 15. Resolve is a broken skill that honestly has complications the further you get into the game. When you have someone with 40 speed they then get 40 avoid from it. That can often times make someone invincible (if they were already taking 50-60 hit rates to begin with). I'd rather make resolve locked on the units it comes with since it them becomes a buff for them too, without being OP. Laguz being extremely weak when untransformed is kinda the point... You're supposed to avoid it happening. Vika stays transformed for 5 turns and then untransformed for 2. And it's impossible for her to lose transformation in mid-enemy phase. Muarim's gauge goes down so slowly that a Grass can very easily keep him going. Volug's viability past part 1 is very variable based on how good his Laguz Gauge is set to be. I can make it amazing if her needs it. I doubt his stats will be a problem with full transform bonuses. A level 10+ Volug is really strong. Going up in the next release. Higher enemy levels without their stats going up much at all. I can just replicate that if there's still an issue. Agree with the former point. But completely disagree with the latter. Water is probably the best one you can have. Meg appreciates it a lot, an Leo likes the extra hit rate for Longbows. Aran already has great hit and Water is probably the best support he can have. Edward/Leo is already really good, since it usually results in him getting 3HKOed rather than 2HKOed. In regards to dodge rates, the intention is that units who are meant to have good avoid are the only ones that should have that. Vika being an example. Earth is going up to +4 avoid (which is +24 avoid with A earth/earth) but no more than that. Avoid should be something extremely valuable. A SRPG should be based around you being expected to get hit. Dodge tanking really doesn't add much to gameplay IMO and abusing it makes innate tankiness (DEF/RES) matter far less than it should. It's one of the reason why armor knights is generally bad in this series. Why take less damage when you can take none? I'm fine with someone like Vika having huge avoid because it's balanced around her weaknesses, the issue with buffing earth is that with units like her, it can become an issue. And/or making other units that aren't her gain her kind of avoid which A) Is a nerf to her and B) nerf to actually tanky units. There are melee magi in the next release and less ranged weapons too. Offense is going up in the next update because of access to Ellight early and dark magic. Having potential enemy phase though is certain a boost to her offense, even if player phase is/was a bit worse. However, she does have an 18 speed cap which on average she will hit. That's enough to double most things before 1-E. The important part however is that she scales better. Nolan is not going to be changed with improvements to other units. So that's fine. Higher EXP rates and a lower base level should help with this. What's interesting about Edward though is that people say he's either weak or insanely strong with no real inbetween. He's kind of a wildcard and I think that's fine. However, with access to an early Wo Dou and Brave Sword it's not difficult for him to dominate and he has a really solid defense. Early procs in speed/defense can make or break him. He's quite a bit better in the next update (Longbow updates, early steelbow access, C bows at base, more STR). She has double the speed base and can actually be attacked without getting slaughtered. Also, her caps are far more fair to her. That's all you can really do to buff a 'healer' (movement aside). She's far better when promoted though and reaches that state a lot more easily. Being nerfed in part 1 is the intention. Being buffed later on certainly is too. Blossom is controversial, I suppose. But as a nod to both PoR and also making sure you don't overuse him before 1-4, are both good merits. You can choose to remove it anyway, and give it to someone else. Or sell it. You can use it smartly. Remove it for a map to get Sothe near a level and then re-equip it. Or through BEXP. It's a neat tool to have and putting it on Sothe makes sense. Ilyana is a unit that needs more context for part 3. The GM maps are going to be harder than the DB, so investment in Ilyana can be worth it, because she's a pretty strong unit. But she's also been given a whole lot of changes and perks. There are a lot more enemy dracos and thunder magic is changing. But either way I think there's plenty of incentive to use her for part 3. I gave her 1 more base speed to make that less likely to happen. On average he's plenty strong in part 3 above level 10 or so, since his stats are actually doubled. He will also have S rank strike by then and possibly nearing SS. It's very easy for me to tweak his Laguz gauge or the amount of WEXP he gains to buff him outside of stats. Not with his (unique) tier 3 promotion bonuses. They're amazing. Jill was always good and she's still good. I mainly just tweaked her to make her feel more of a Draco rather than a confused Peg Knight with an Axe. She's still fast though. He's about the same but there's totally room for buffs if he needs it. It all comes down to the later parts of the game. While she does have a couple improvements in the next update (higher weapon rank, usable in 1-8, paragon access) I think you're still undervaluing her. If you her give her a master crown as soon as she joins she's more than usable. If you then observe her as a level 1 prepromote she's pretty solid. With the added bonus of being able to be trained before promoting. A couple of levels in 1-7 is fine. She no longer has movement issues and can move through marshes now. So none of the maps she's in is no longer a barrier for her. Only ledges. She's a unit that requires a low amount of investment to be good, especially with the changes mentioned above. He has ridiculous promo bonuses for tier 3 and can be BEXP'ed in tandem with that when he returns. Similar to Tormod, BEXP can make her extremely strong in part 4 since her HP/LCK growths are lower than her other stats and it'll be cheap to raise her low level at the time. Same with Muarim. That map's got changed quite a bit. Otherwise, it's better off that he isn't broken. More tweaks will be likely done with her when it comes to part 4 balance. The ideal result for her a good middle ground between part 1 "dominance" and part 4 usability. Yes. They're now much more inaccurate/heavier but are even stronger (and boost WEXP too). They're made to make hit boosting supports and skill/luck more useful. And abusing low Biorhythm. Overall a buff to them for specific units, but they're more expensive too.
  23. I think speed is statistically more likely to increase with BEXP than CEXP since it's slightly less than a 3/5 chance which is 60%. A rough estimate is ~56%. Without capped HP it's a bit under 40% (2/5). It's a little lower in both cases due to STR and DEF being higher growths.
  24. I think you can assume that Boyd will get 2 speed in every 3 levels with BEXP + Robe. I agree that the 1 extra HP is very very minor, since that chance of him getting speed on that level drops by maybe ~15% or something? Overall that's 6 levels + Speedwing. Or 6 levels + Master Crown, to double a lot of what's in part 3. That's a fair assessment. The argument then simply comes down to the fact that Boyd needs those contested resources to do what a lot of other units can do too, including Ike who needs almost none. Ike can literally gain 0 EXP and be really strong until 3-11 or something (a lot of enemies still have 19 AS). That mean Ike's extremely flexible, you can choose to give him a variable amount of attention and he'll still be solid. Boyd not so much. But to answer the actual OP, Ike is overrated sure -- I have overrated him in the past too. He's no god. It's a lot to do with Ike's circumstances though. Add a lot more enemy magi and his usability drops quite a bit. He's lucky that there isn't many at all.
  25. It's mostly the fact that Boyd only becomes on par with Ike (or slightly surpassing him) with an Robe, Speedwing, Master Crown (only two of them available) and BEXP (extremely limited on HM). Crowning Boyd means not crowning Titania/Haar and then you have Oscar/Mia/Shinon/Gatrie maybe Soren(?) who are more or less as good as candidates as Boyd. While Ike needs none of that. It's a fair assessment that he's better based on that. Unless the argument is "Giving these resources to Boyd provides more efficiency/less turn count than with any other unit" then that's a fair argument (otherwise it's considered favouritism), but I'm not sure if that's been brought up yet. Forgive me if it has. There's a lot of variable though. If Haar fails to gain speed then giving both speedwings to him does a lot more than with Boyd. That's not necessarily favouritism to Haar (Well... it kinda is) the argument is that said favouritism is more beneficial for you. And in that scenario Ike is quite a bit better than Boyd at all stages. There is a lot of examples of the above, it's kinda why discussing unit strength can sometimes be very variable. But in the end, Ike's outcome as a unit is strongly in his favor. There is credit to thinking "Boyd benefits from resources more an Ike" and that's a very valid point. If Boyd/Ike were the only units you could give resources to then the argument that Boyd could be better is reasonable. But it's not as clear cut as that. That's my overall stance on unit value, I suppose. Someone like Meg can be pretty usable with some resources (Robe/Shield, two levels of BEXP and a forge) and heck, she could well benefit from that more than any other unit you have. But in the overall scope of things that doesn't really benefit you as much as other things.
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