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Everything posted by Dunal

  1. I understand what you mean. I have and will change this. As for your Clarine statement, I certainly don't think that's true anymore. Don't worry, I've tried to address that through testing. Since the early game is now easier and the latter game is much harder; it matters more. And of course, I have made some more changes to certain units. I don't quite think this is needed as long as both characters are useful. I mean, in anyone's individual playthrough, some of their units are bound to get either get blessed or screwed. Prepremotes are the safety net (most of them arguably weren't in the original game, though). Granted, Dorothy will probally contribute more overall thoughout the game, but she requires a lot of EXP (which can easily go to anyone else) to carry on being useful when you get Klein (while he requires absolutely nothing to be decent).
  2. Pretty much all enemies are now premoted past chapter 16. Have +2 is nearly all stats (+5/6 skill and +5-7 HP). Enemy Mamkutes now have 1-2 range, have far more HP and will likely have 22-24 AS towards the end of the game.
  3. Not necessarily; just look at Shinon in FE10. But yes, they do need high stats (like Shinon). The reason why Wolt and Dorothy are so bad usually is because their base stats are very mediocre, which isn't good enough for an archer ofc. Wolt is one of your only characters who will be able to consistently double and Dorothy has overkill STR and SKL. Bows are also buffed themselves (+1/2 MT, +5 hit and -1/2 weight). Offense-wise they are now two of the best characters in the game. Dorothy in particular has crazy offense once she starts doubling. BTW, I have given all enemy Mamkutes 1-2 range. Should I do the same for Fa? Or would it be overpowered?
  4. Not really. He's still facing 50-60% hit rates and I'm only up to chapter 11A. Enemies have more hit, so he can still die quite easily. There are more lance users, too. But other than that, Chad just got majorly blessed. It's not intended or it's his average stats or anything. Behold Merlinus, trained by Marcus himself...!
  5. Process update! I'm now in the middle of testing 11A (I'm gonna have to test the game twice for obvious reasons). All enemies have been buffed since chapter 6 and enemy variety has also changed (there are far less axe users now). There are also some extra items; a couple of red gems to steal here and there and an Orion's bolt if you take the A route (have to steal it from an enemy sniper though.) On 11B I'll have an enemy sage/druid have a guiding ring to steal. In addition I'll throw in an extra knight's crest / Hero crest & Elysian Whip along the way (just to allow players to have more freedom in using different units together). Are far as units goes, it's a lot different, of course. The armor knights are all decent and it's interesting how Barth fares with the knight's crest from the get-go (20 defense at 10/1). Granted, I haven't done that, but it's interesting nonetheless. Also; 15/2 Wolt. And... I got him to level 7~ ish and saw that he had 9 STR. Had to keep using him. Needless to say he's one of my only units who can reliably dodge (and enemies have much more hit than they used to). And yes, thieves have a speed cap of 30 now.
  6. This. Put it this way, the soldiers within chapter 6 are actually weaker than the soldiers in chapter 2. And their speed is awful (I've increased the growth, though). Generally, the enemies are really pants, espeically after fighting those mercs in chapter 5. The reinforcements are annoying though, but that's about it. Speaking of which, I nerfed chapter 5 a bit. It should at least follow progression, and so should chapter 6.
  7. Chapter 6 needs a lot of change. Enemies... so... weak. Chapter 2/3 puts up a better fight.
  8. I am going to change enemy stats, yes. Certain classes need better growths. In terms of enemies themselves, the earlier chapters should be easier, while the later chapters should be much harder. There could be more of a difficulty curve.
  9. I'll increase base speed by 1 instead, then. For Tate, I'll also give her C lances. I'll revert most other changes. EDIT: So... ---------------------------------- [THANY] ---------------------------------- - Base speed increased by 1 - Base strength increased by 1 - Resistance growth increased by 10% ---------------------------------- [TATE] ---------------------------------- - Now has C lances - Base Speed increased by 1 - HP growth increased by 10% - Defense growth increased by 10% ----------------------------------
  10. I've only raised their con by 1. But I've also reduced the weight of lances by 1. So they both gain 2 AS. That's good enough, IMO. Thany also has a better base STR and Tate has better growths in STR/DEF/HP, so they're both good. Sophia does have much higher bases now. Check the patch notes. She has +3 MAG, +3 SPD, +5 LUCK and +1 RES, along with amazing growths. Dark magic also has more +hit now and weighs less. Lilina now has +2 MAG, +2 SPD and +15% SPD growth (and -10% MAG growth). But you're probally right. Instead of speed, I could give her more skill (and growth), but I still think she should keep the higher base SPD for obvious reasons (change the growth back, though). As for Lugh, he now has 1 more SPD for constrast.
  11. 1.2 released. Quite a few changes have been made. Weapon weight has been reduced universally. Wolt can now double from the get-go. Bors doesn't get doubled from the get-go. Marcus' changes have been reverted and various other changes across the board etc etc... Some of those ideas are good. Karel being lower level ought to be fun. Raising the weapon levels of certain pre-promotes seems needed too. EDIT: For the next patch I'm going to change the classes (bases, growths and caps). This will make the game harder (especially in later chapters), and will make enemies of certain classes better (or worse). If you want to make any recommendations, then do say.
  12. I agree that caps shouldn't matter much. The only reason why I'm changing some is so that certain units don't hit a cap so early (Wolt = Speed, Dorothy = Strength, Sophia = Magic, Wendy = Speed etc...). And I've also changed sages and Valks so that their magic cap is lower than Druids (as it should be). As for unit changes, what would be some examples? What are your suggestions? The reason for lot of superfluous changes is to create unit variety (a lot of physical units have horrible res in this game normally, for example) and/or because certain units don't really need much of a buff (Marcus). Luck doesn't have much of an effect, no. But it always does in some cases. Take Bors for example, that +3 SKL (and +skill growth) just provides him with some more hit against the axe users he will be fighting against (I understand he may need more base speed to avoid being doubled, though). And that Skill + Luck boost to Wolt will mean he will have 90+ hit rates rather than 80. It's minor yes, but for those units, it does help. And for users of lances/axes, luck + skill is always useful. But even with those changes, I'm still looking at the bigger picture. I understand Thany/Tate need more con, weight for certain weapons need lowering, Sophia needs far better growths (and dark magic less heavy), Lilina needs speed, Wade needs speed, Wendy's bases need to be a lot better etc etc... Although like I said, it isn't complete and if a specific unit still needs to be changed then say so. I'm guessing Hugh, Geese, perhaps Sue? The archers, still? Did lot really need those bonuses? Is Rutger balanced now? Do give me suggestions.
  13. Well, I suppose. Yet, I doubt the additional growths would make much of a difference (skill/luck?). I just added them to actually give him growths (At least 200%). And because he's Marcus, of course. Either way, I'll revert the changes, then.
  14. It looks like I've already done around half of that list. I imagine that some of those are quite difficult to do, though. Bases =/= Growths. Marcus is good because of the former, so that doesn't need changing. Improving the latter just means that he can last for a couple more chapters, without effecting his already great preformance in the earlier chapters. Same for Zealot and certain other prepromotes. And he wasn't before? Blasphemy!
  15. I'll increase the hit of steel & throwing by +5 and all lances and axes by a further + 5. I didn't change the STR cap, only the SKL. But I could increase the cap by 1 or 2 points. As for snipers, Dorothy has a 65% strength growth. In all seriousness, Sniper is a mediocre class so high caps are there to make them better. The Females get a high STR cap and the males get a high SPD cap (which Wolt could now reach with his high SPD growth). Dorothy and Wolt are the red/green archers (unlike the original where they were both mediocre in all stats). EDIT: 1.1 released! It's mainly weapon changes (Lance/Axes).
  16. You could instead suggest some changes for future versions (based on what you've done). Take a look at the patch notes. Of course, anyone could offer suggestions if they would like.
  17. Being new to modding I thought I would make something that could be useful to the community. This patch re-balances most of the units within the game to make them as equal as possible (based on tiers for the most part). Choosing which team to use has never been more indecisive! This patch changes the following elements; Unit base stats, growths and starting inventory Combat utility for Merlinus, Lalum and Elphin (swords, anima and light magic respectfully) The support system is changed in terms of support speed. Certain unit supports which were otherwise slow are much faster, especially units that join towards the end. Items/Weapons (Short Bow and Dragon Breath having 1-2 range, lots of hit/mt/wgt changes across the board etc...) Stat caps for certain classes Enemy class growths (Each individial enemy should be more equally as dangerous) A more balanced difficulty (easier first chapters and harder latter chapters; not slightly harder, we're talking about 'max stat Idoun' harder here ) Affinity bonuses (streamlined by having each affinity only increase 2/3 stats, or to better fit the units whom have specific affinities) New shops which allow the player to buy items such as Spears, Tomahawks, Fenrir, Fimbulvetr, Runesword etc... PATCH REMOVED DUE TO FURTHER DEVELOPMENT LATEST PATCH NOTES!
  18. You chose Athena over Gordin? You'd think he would be more useful in this mode. And Jeorge would be easier to fight since reverse doesn't effect him.
  19. You have to remember that in reverse, ranged killing blows are far more useful than a killing blow in melee, except if the enemy is an archer or 1-2 range. This makes units such as Gordin or Ryan far better in reverse. Merric too. Since Athena is 2 rounded most of the time, giving her a killing blow means that she is killed if another enemy is in range. Not good. I'd say they're comparable in reverse, or perhaps Gaggles is actually better. Jeorge would be an easier boss in reverse too I imagine; archers would be far easier to fight than merms (since reverse doesn't really change them) and Jeorge is easy to surround. Maybe I'm wrong though. :D
  20. Perhaps. It would probally change quite a few things though. Ryan would probally be better than the cavs, at least Cecil. And Gordin > Athena? My Unit > Mage/Archer? :P Killing blows would be better dealt by ranged weapons it seems. As well as chip damage. Good luck.
  21. Maybe it's just me, but I find that units with higher luck tend to get the bonuses more often. I cannot confirm that though.
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