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  1. To add to your list, a few months ago I compiled a list of differences between the FE1/3/11 scripts. The biggest difference I remember is the ending of Chapter 7 (the Lefcandy chapter), in which Morodof gives some backstory info on the three main dragon tribes. This information was cut in both remakes: That detail shows up again later on in Chapter 17 (Starlord), where Moses mentions Basilisk in his battle quote but Morzas in DS does not. And also in Chapter 9, where Mannu mentions Salamanader. Chapter 10 (Princess Minerva) had completely different opening narration. Jake recruitment in Chapter 11 (Knorda) is a little different (he's characterized as a bit more of a playboy, as opposed to the remakes where he's pretty faithful to Anna). Hollstadt actually gets lines at the end of Chapter 13 (Wooden Cavalry). Evidently he was in charge of the ballistas. A small detail, but in Chapter 14 (Gra), Himmler is the one Camus says was hiding the tome. (DS names Volzhin/Bozhin/whatever) Some dialogue is shifted around in the last few chapters, but is otherwise mostly the same. There are some timeline differences as well that I'll address at the end. Another small detail, but Camus openly calls Nyna his "beloved" in his death line (this was cut out from all subsequent incarnations, prolly cause of the cheese factor XD). As Falchion alternatives, Gato originally names the following: Miracle Rapier (as you noted, this is locked to Marth, as Est states during her recruit conversation), Gradius, and the Devil Axe. Timeline differences: When Nyna is relating her backstory, she gives the timing in FE3 as "three years before", but in FE1 it is only "two years before". (Unrelated note: FE1 Nina refers to Medeus as "Emperor Medeus of Dolhr" as opposed to the "Dark Earth Dragon Medeus.") I can't recall if DS gave any specific timing (I think it didn't). Similarly, in the ending, FE3 gives the war's length as 5 years, DS doesn't mention the exact length, and FE1 has it at 3 years. Most other changes were just wording/phrasing differences, or stuff that got expanded in the remakes, plus occasional differences in village dialogue due to gameplay tweaks.
  2. Ooh, yeah, that makes sense. I think I've been seeing that kanji in a different context so often that it looked different to me!
  3. Here's the first chunk. (up to Maria) (Note: I'm not gonna really try being super-accurate with the different speech styles. x_x Also, some of these may be off and/or loosely translated.) Is Michalis not in this cutscene? I don't remember seeing him earlier.
  4. I'll attempt translations later, but now that I've seen Macellan/Dolph's lines here I think I've figured out what I got wrong with their endings -- rather than being declined, they were the ones who declined returning to the army. I have to doublecheck later though.
  5. Sain, Alec, and Saul are hotter Ummmm. Not sure I'm parsing Darros's ending correctly, but it's something like: "It seems like this time he turned over a new leaf and started to work diligently in Altea." Someone else take a look at this one. XP
  6. Yup, it's only mentioned briefly in the chapter where you recruit them. And possibly in their base conversations, but I haven't gotten those. And lol, I have no idea. The post-game political situation looks all around weird; I don't even want to TRY explaining this mess.
  7. Caesar's is "Wait for me, I'll return soon." He's referring to his little sister, who was either taken hostage or is in trouble of some sort. Notice that Raddy's is the corresponding, "With this, we can go save her now..." (It's been implied that Raddy's gf is Caesar's sis.) re: Belf, literally it's "destroyed" but basically "defeated" works. Raiden: If only Lord Camus were here... That is my only regret. Robert: I THINK it's "With this, the innocent civilians [he means 'weak' as in they can't defend themselves. I'm sure there's a better way of putting this, but can't think of it right now] will no longer be oppressed." Dolph: loosely, "The war is over now. However, true peace for my country can only be obtained starting from now." (Alternatively, "The battle is over. However, the struggle for true peace in our kingdom begins now.") - - - Roger's ending is loosely: After his return to his native Grust, he lent his efforts to the reconstruction. He was always searching for a new love, but it seems that didn't go smoothly for him.
  8. Yeah, thank you Kelsper and Enjolras, this is awesome! And yeah don't ask me about Dolph and Macellan. XD I didn't pay attention to their recruitment scenes so I don't know what's going on there, though if someone else wants to take a gander at those endings, please do. Here are a few more (loose) speed translations while I'm free --
  9. XD It's cool. I brain glitch all the time. X_X Speaking of which, I'm off to sleep, but I'll check back on this topic tomorrow if anyone has any other endings they're dying to know.
  10. re: Michalis, you mean 伝えられる at the end? 伝 is from 伝説 (densetsu i.e. legend) Yes on Belf. Robert, let me see what I had... Same as Belf and Raiden, except he stopped by in Grust to help out with reconstruction.
  11. I could be wrong, but -- Dolph: His wish to be reinstated into the Archanean army was declined. He worked alone to aid in the restoration of the kingdom. Macellan: His wish to be reinstated into the Archanean army was declined. Afterward, it's said that he formed his own vigilante corps. Beck: Disappeared after the war. Whether he's living the life of a wanderer or if he settled down in a single location is unknown. Frost: Returned to his native Macedonia and lived happily ever after with his family. @ Eztel's Hips, I'm pretty sure you were right the first time about Michalis. My translation: My version of Raiden is this: Wanders around various nations helping the weakened populace. There are tales that he was reunited with General Camus later on, but it is not certain those are true.
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