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Posts posted by Faellin

  1. Seeing as I just got a Volke pity breaker on the new Grima banner, and I was originally planning to forma soul him. My priority has changed. Since his base kit is perfectly functional

    Would a mix phase Shinon work by chance? Something like building around speed smoke 4 and his close counter pref weapon? And if so, what kind of other skills should I aim for?

  2. SD and new mystery are my favorites. I just find the games to be the most replayable in the series due to the simplicity of the mechanics, while still having plenty of options to freshen up every playthrough. And they are amazing games for iron man runs as well.

    Least favorite, Revelations. It starts off okay for like 3 chapters before the game takes an absolute nose dive in map design. Before picking up with a few decent mid game maps before throwing some of the absolute worst maps in the series at you. On top of the unit balance being some of the worst in the series. If the roster was better balanced, it might have been fun as the go-to game in the series for a sort of sandbox experience in terms of unit building.

  3. With the new path of radiance hall of forms being extremely stacked, i'm very tempted to use a forma soul on it. The one i'll be using for this lineup is from the shop reset in 2 weeks. So I technically only have 1 on hand right this moment

    So given my current Telius roster, who would you recomend between Jill, Shinon, and Volke? I could technically use 2 forma souls, but that would mean giving up on this Eleonora. Which I feel I shouldn't do because of how perfect she came out.

    Jill would easily fill the biggest hole in my lineup. Not just telius units, but roster as a whole since my only other axe flyer in general is Hel. And seeing as my telius roster is all tanky and ranged units. Having a unit like her would be huge for me.

    Shinon probably not the best idea, seeing as I already have him. But an updated kit would be nice, and it would free up the one I have for deadeye fodder.

    Volke is just way to good to pass up in general due to how absurdly good he is



  4. Illyana is an easy choice for an early promotion. I would recommend it.

    Tormod, Muarim, and Vika don't bother with


    They all leave at the end of part 1, and doesn't come back until near the end of the game.

    Edward is good in his own rights. A properly trained Edward can easily surpass Zihark later on in the game. Because:


    Edward gets a really good weapon of his own in part 3 that only he can use. Nolan and Leonardo also get their own unique weapons with it.

    Fiona and Meg are some of the absolute worst characters in the game. Benching them is their best use.

    Micaiah, try to get her some kills in part 1 endgame. Its pretty easy to do so. And the enemies there give a good amount of exp. I try to have her around level 15-17 range on all my playthroughs because:


    Micaiah gets her tier 2 class promotion immediately at the end of part 1 endgame. Also save those arms scrolls for later to raise her class promotions staff rank. It really helps alot

    Aran is definitely worth considering. He and Nolan fill a critical role with the dawn brigade, as units who can actually take a hit. Which the group seriously lacks outside of Tauroneo

    If anyone is falling behind in levels. Use bonus exp on them.

  5. Got the Volke manual awhile ago from divine codes, and torn between who I should give lethality to.

    While Yuri is definitely the better user of the skill, with my current setup he would only be able to get that skill.

    While in the case of my Sothe, i'm not sure how well he'd use it due to the lack of a slaying effect on his pref weapon, but I would be able to grab that time pulse skill with it, which is a drastically more useful skill for him over what I have currently



  6. Got a Shinon off the TMS banner, +attack -def. So very solid IVs.

    I was planning on pulling for him to get deadeye + time pulse fodder for my legendary Chrom at some point.

    But not sure if I should go through with this fodder, seeing as this Shinon got good IVs, and my telius roster for limited battles is pretty bad. So having a good powerhouse like him for that seems to good to pass up. Since my lineup for those is more or less just brave Micaiah, my +10 Sothe, and Altina (hopefuly her remix is good, I need it to be)


  7. Have one forma soul on hand and am going to be using it on the TMS rerun for either Eleonora or Kira. And I doubt i'll be able to get a 2nd since the celestial stone shop reset isn't for another 25 days. And I doubt the HoF will last that long

    Who would you say would benefit more from the hard to obtain skills from this mode? I imagine Eleonora would be the right choice due to the limited nature of deadeye and spd/def tempo

    Ontop of Eleonora being a more universally useful unit. But your recomendations?

  8. Any idea if the new Atk/Res tempo from legendary Dierdre will be available in the hall of forms skill pool for the TMS rerun next month? Was thinking of using a forma soul on Kiria that wave, and that tempo skill I imagine would be her best B skill.

    And does this sound like a good idea for Kiria? Close reversal and attack smoke 4. I know she already gets pretty bulky with her pref weapon, so I was thinking of trying to go for an enemy phase setup on her

    Also is it true there will be a sparkable banner with this lineup happening? I heard some people saying there will be, but wasn't entirely sure

  9. Thinking of trying to grab a copy of dancer Reinhardt or Ishtar for limited battles and such. Since september is looking to be a very dry month for other targets of mine since the new heroes banner is most likely Fates or 3 Houses, and the legendary lineup is pretty weak for me. So I can properly budget some orbs to them finally.

    So, purely as a 1 off copy. Who would you say is the better choice to pull for?

  10. I've seen plenty of talk about an infinite miracle brave Seliph with double mystic boost in his B and seal slots. In concept it sounds really ridiculous to pull off, but how is it in practice? Since double mystic boost will always bring him above his hp threshold for his pref weapons miracle effect after every round of combat

    I only have a single source of mystic boost fodder, that being my sole copy of Eir. I stopped caring about AR a long time ago once auto dispatch came out. So i'm not going to be missing out on anything for that mode if I do fodder her. And currently the only time I ever use her is rokkr siege as a heal battery with her refine. Which I can easily replace with someone else if I need to.

    So has anyone actually went through with this for brave Seliph? And if so, how is it? Just want to get all the info I can on this setup before actually going through with it since mystic boost fodder is so rare for seemingly no reason.

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