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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. That would be a valid point, but for the fact they showed the covers for both the originals and the remakes side by side. Marth is featured on the FE1 cover, so even if, theoretically, one were going in blind, they would see Marth on the cover of the first one as well. They also tell you in FEH which games the characters are from, so it seems dubious that Marth being on the cover of New Mystery would account for ~10k votes. I think it's more likely that people were choosing the Marth from their preferred game. If I had played New Mystery and not Shadow Dragon, I would choose the New Mystery Marth. Alternatively, it's possible that some were wanting to show IS that there's some demand for New Mystery, since the game never came out over here.
  2. I believe 5k, which is also my high score for regular Arena. How about you? Brutal, just brutal... showing him pictures of the shattered remains of his beloved team... Lol! It's fun to randomly encounter SF friends in the wild!
  3. Oscar has slightly better offensive stats than Peri, at 33/34 instead of 33/33, so he could run a Braveforce build slightly better than her. In my opinion, Peri and Oscar would be the main ones that might like both the Brave Lance+ and Galeforce. They have the speed and attack for it, along with the mobility to make the most out of it.
  4. The Chinese version of Bluestacks 3 still works for me, so this still should be a viable solution. As far as I know, the only working emulators are Memu with the fixes and the Chinese Bluestacks. I recall mention of AmiDuos working for some awhile back for some, I don't know if that still holds true. If you didn't get Memu working, I'd try the Chinese Bluestacks again. What happened with the Chinese Bluestacks for you? Would the game hit you with an error code, would it open it up with a black screen, or would it just close itself immediately upon being opened?
  5. You could put it on a +Res Reinhardt with Quick Riposte. That would be an interesting strategy. While certainly not the most effective use of a Reinhardt, it's at least interesting. With a Fortify Cav buff and a DD seal, he'd have an effective 44 Res on the enemy phase, making him a pretty solid magic tank. Blarblade+ would probably be the tome of choice here. More seriously, I think that it would be an interesting and effective strategy on some of the dragons, such as Adult Tiki and Nowi. Pretty much any of the setups that run Aether on the dragons with Steady Breath would likely be effective with Warding Breath as well. Tiki can be surprisingly good at tanking magic with the right setup. I think that the skill also has a lot of potential for some dagger users, especially if paired with the Kitty Paddle.
  6. Well, just watched it, and, while all the stuff they mentioned is great, I also found it a bit... underwhelming. I definitely like all of the free orbs, and summoning is one of the most fun aspects of the game. New maps and new types of maps are interesting. But I was really hoping for a bigger addition to the gameplay, like a new and substantial game mode, not just the tapping minigame. Ah well! They're at least being generous with the gifts. I agree. Plenty of gifts and temporary maps, which are great, but not any real addition to the gameplay. What with this being the anniversary, there was good reason to expect more substantial developments. That's a good way of putting it! Effie didn't save any of the cake for us!
  7. Sorry, I must've missed your response in my skimming! And, if Reinhardt isn't S+ ranked, I'd regard their rankings with a certain amount of credulity. But that's beside the point! Toward your second paragraph, I agree that there's a lack of great male units. But there are a decent number of top notch male units, more so than some other gacha games. Beyond that, though, this is a game that, like any game, wants to bring in the money. So, while your OP listed some great statistics, I am curious about some other statistics, such as the male-to-female ratio of players in comparison to the number of characters introduced that appeal to each demographic. If, for example, males are 70% of the demographic that plays the game, then it seems right that 70% of the characters should appeal to them. But, as far as I know, we don't have access to statistics like those, which makes commentary on this sort of thing pretty difficult. And, with respect to your last paragraph, I definitely understand you not wanting to come across as a whiner. However, I do think there's a hunger for more good male units, so simply suggesting to others on here that they can provide feedback asking for that could go a long way. If you're a lone voice, it's hard to be heard--but I really don't think you should be alone in that. I think plenty on here would support you. I would, at least. You're wonderful. :D
  8. I skimmed through most of the discussion, but I didn't see if you posted the source for your tierlist? It seems like at least one male unit, Reinhardt, should be in the S+ Tier. But this is beside the point. Moving onto the main points in your argument. While I appreciate your points, and I'm sympathetic to your concerns, I don't agree that the roster needs to get a 50/50 male-to-female ratio. I don't have the numbers, but I think it's relatively safe to assume that FEH's fanbase is predominantly male. FEH is a game that is designed to earn money, so it plays to its base. I don't think it's fair to expect or ask for more than that. If, for example, the male demographic is providing 70% of the funding for the game, doesn't it make sense to make 70% of the content appeal to that demographic? Moreover, have you tried providing feedback to them? There's an in-game option to provide feedback, and, if you want more men in the game, why not try providing feedback, and encouraging others to provide feedback as well? This is a popular thread, so I think you'd get a decent response if you sought to encourage people to provide feedback on this matter. Agree. This comment made me laugh probably more than it should've. Truly, Rezzy, you're a treasure on this forum! You provided some well-articulated arguments! I agree. This is a game that's designed to provide fanservice to fans of the Fire Emblem franchise, and so, if the main consumer demographic is male, that's what we should expect the fanservice to appeal to.
  9. I am definitely looking forward to Swordmaster Owain, and it brings trembles to my sword-hand and aching blood. As for the others, Severa is the more likely bow-knight, since that was sort of her canon form in Fates, and Inigo already has 2 forms in Heroes... But, all the same, I do want more of them, they're terribly fun!
  10. I think maybe we should hash this out in private messages? I'm not sure this sort of thing can be hashed out productively in a thread like this.
  11. I was only expressing displeasure at your comment, in a single instance, since your comment expressed an interest in protecting mods first. But apparently I ought to go somewhere else? I don't think that the offensiveness of a comment should be based on whether or not a mod is in the group that the comment was aimed towards. Am I off on this? Are the feelings of mods are more important than other members of the forum? You said that, before calling some people "noisy babies," we should consider if a mod might be in that "noisy baby" group. I don't think it should matter if a mod is in the group or not. Perhaps that clarifies my point?
  12. Yeah, if there's going to be a Missiletainn tome, it'll be for Ophelia. I don't think that Odin should really get an upgrade, and, instead, they just bring in Owain. When I think about it, it's hard to contain my sword hand's excitement!
  13. I voted Minerva x3, Est (because she gets so little love!), Tiki, Micaiah, and Mia. I'm looking forward to the outcome of this poll!
  14. I guess the mods here look after themselves first, that's the principle concern. Offensive comments are all well and good, unless they pertain to a group a mod is in. That's where the line is drawn, apparently!
  15. While I have Hector, and one with quite a good nature, I find that I don't field him all that often. I just don't particularly like using armors. I'd say that Cherche is often my go-to axe wielder, with Anna, Summer Tiki, and PA & NY Azura seeing frequent field time. I'd encourage you to build up both Anna and Cherche.
  16. I went into Infernal blind with Deirdre, Micaiah, Axura, and Elincia. That didn't go well, but I got the lay of the land. I switched to a Flier Emblem team of Elincia, Cherche, Airzura, and S. Corrin, which proceeded to demolish the opposition. I forgot to equip them with seals, but it didn't matter. It's a fun map, and a flier team can make great use of the bottlenecks in the terrain to avoid getting overrun. Airzura and S. Corrin were the key members, since Corrin could nuke pretty much anything pretty easily.
  17. Yeah, people have been really competitive this mini-TT. I'm at ~74k points, and am at the 12k ranked mark. Looks like there's a huge gap to get to the next bracket.
  18. I think an SS banner is likely, but it's certainly quite possible they'll do another banner. It's a little ridiculous to peg the likelihood at ~99%, and it's definitely way too much to think that L'Arachel is a sure thing. Some evil part of me is hoping that it isn't an SS banner, because nearly everyone is so sure it is an SS banner...! Also, supposing the mini-TT is SS based, it could also feature a reboot of Joshua. I'd definitely like Duessel, he was an awesome character. And I knew I couldn't be the only one who wanted more of the respectably aged characters! Too many kids these days just run around on my lawn, saving the world from dragons and stuff. I'm really looking forward to whenever they release Milady. She was one of my favorites from Binding Blade.
  19. We could get a version of her from when she was the leader of the Whitewings. That would be a great option. Or we could get a reclassed Minerva, since you could reclass in Shadow Dragon/New Mystery. We could also get a Or they could come up with something new. Lots of possibilities!
  20. I think Minerva has a good chance of moving up quite a bit in the rankings, especially if all of the Minerva fans rally to support her! She's been popular in-game, and she'll be in the FE Warriors Shadow Dragon DLC... Let's show IS that we really want more Minerva!
  21. Well, put them both up and we'll see! And yep! Merges > upgrading QR, both in terms of usefulness and Arena scoring. But I need to pull another Tiki before I can finish upgrading her, so I'm probably going to give her QR3 here shortly.
  22. Like many others, I am hoping that the prior victors are excluded from winning since it would be cool to get different CYL characters. I'm definitely going to vote for Minerva, probably more than once. We need more versions of her! And the Whitewings! Also high on my list are Tiki, Mia, Est, and Micaiah. This is the best suggestion in this thread yet! Ever think about put up... Catrena?
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