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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Well, Rhajat lost, too bad. I've decided to join Team Faye! Glad she was useful for you! Your Reinhardt did the usual Reinhardt stuff of deleting things for me. I'd also like to thank @Ice Dragon's Ayra, she's quite awesome.
  2. Please explain how it could go "either way." The expected results are pretty clear.
  3. The current projections favor Faye winning by a relatively small margin. So yeah, the odds are in favor of Faye, but not overwhelmingly so. So... for those of us on Team Rhajat, let's use those flags! It could very well make the difference! Let's win this round!
  4. No, this is wrong. Faye doesn't get enough on her first multiplier hour to get even out of the multiplier range. So Faye will likely have the next two hours as multipliers. Us on Team Rhajat need to bury Faye now, and probably use flags for the next two hours in order to win.
  5. Well, now you're just adding fuel to the fire.
  6. Gotcha! Funnily enough, there were two エクラs with Ayra as their leads, but it was easy to discern which one was yours!
  7. Oh, I forgot the Voting Gauntlet started today! I was wavering between her and Catria, but ultimately decided to join Rhajat, since she joined me on my free summon (and looking pretty good for feather prospects). Since I didn't pick Catria first, I upgraded her Killer Lance to a Slaying Lance. So, fellow members of Team Rhajat, let me know if you want to add me! I've got big Tiki out front right now! Let me know if you do! FC: 8608857766 And I got the Camus from someone with the username "My Butt". Well! I'd be happy to add you, my Tiki is out in front.
  8. I ranked 9,989... lol! Apparently I was just on the brink of being edged out of the top 10k! But that 6k feathers is nice. I need to check my HM to see how many more maxed out, I'm up to 25, I believe.
  9. Yesh, 'tis very nice! Hopefully, perchance, it will be sufficient for you to stay in T20! I had 4,958 last week, and that kept me in, but it was pretty close, within about 200 places. Would this be the first time for you to stay in T20?
  10. New personal high score, with 4,962! The team was: Fjorm, Tiki+6, Reinhardt+2, and Cecilia 4*+10. I almost have sufficient feathers to throw another merge on Tiki, but I doubt I'll bother trying to get a higher score. Last week I had 4,958, which was sufficient to stay in T20, but was quite close to the cutoff. I think it was ~200 spots above. We'll see if it's still sufficient! The team of Tiki, Ayra, Reinhardt, and Cecilia have already netted 6 defense wins. Wonder how many they'll accumulate this week?
  11. I don't see what's unfair about it. The attack upgrade to most weapons gives less of a stat boost than the other stat upgrades, but how is that unfair or, indeed, an issue at all? It was designed that way, it's another way to customize your character. I don't recall it ever being billed as a way to fix bad natures or make all natures equal. Atk is one of the most important stats, so it does make sense that refinement doesn't increase it as much as some other stats. It's left to the player to decide whether they want 2 more Atk vs. 4 more Def or whatever.
  12. Michalis is a solid option for a promotion. You can poke around on his GHB thread for possible strategies that might work for you.
  13. Catria ends up being pretty weak with an Atk bane, so I wouldn't invest too heavily in her, unless you plan to promote another one with a better nature later on and merge them. She has a relatively balanced stat spread, so she really won't stand out as great, no matter how you build her. That said, her native skillset works reasonably well on her, as Armored Blow and Seal Atk can be a nice combo. Her best build would probably be something like LnD + Swordbreaker, but I would save the fodder for better units. Reposition is a great assist in general, but even better on fliers, since they can help allies across rivers and mountains. Since you don't have any other 5* fliers, that would be good to give her for now. So basically you could give her Reposition and some C-passive (e.g., Hone Atk) and have her fully built. I put Res+3 on my +Res Deirdre, but I would consider Atk/Res 2 to be probably the optimal option. Her Res is so good that she can often take a magical hit and still stay in the QR range, and she really doesn't need the boosts to other stats that Fury gives. A -Spd Deirdre is terminally slow, and her Def is just irredeemable to begin with, so, yeah, I'd say Atk/Res 2 is best. +Atk is better. Her defense is really good, so she doesn't really miss the HP from an HP bane. They have a charge time of 2, so you get to use them much more often. For example, fast characters can often activate their specials each engagement. So Noontime can allow them to recover HP following the enemy's counter, and Moonbow/Glimmer can help ensure the kill. Astra takes too long to charge, and the damage multiplier will usually just be overkill, so it's much less useful. Luna is quite good though.
  14. Congratulations to the winners! I hope for many a happy summonings occur upon thine heads!
  15. I got 4,954 last week, and that was sufficient with a reasonable margin, so chances are pretty good for you, I would say. As for the Arena quests, they're like the old quests, where the next difficulty was unlocked as soon as you finished all of the ones on the current difficulty. So I doubt they're going to renew, but at least it's 3 sets.
  16. My next 40k feathers are going to add 2 more merges to Tiki, since I pulled a couple more of her while summoning on the Legendary Heroes banner. She will be up to +8 at that point! Just need to summon a couple more of her... After those merges, I'll finally get around to promoting a Subaki to give her QR3. So we're at ~60k feathers, plus another 40k feathers for the next two times I pull Tiki. I also just got a Bridal Cordelia, and I would like to give her LnD3 and a Brave Bow+. Nino has been sitting around as a 4* unit for ages, and she deserves a promotion sometime. I just haven't done it yet, since she gets the job done as a 4* just fine. Olivia and Felicia are about to hit 4*+10, so I'll want to give them 5* weapons sometime. I also have a large stockpile of Ests to promote to 5*, since she'll be my next 5*+10 project. I also want to do Fir.
  17. For my free pull, I got Bridal Cordelia! Wow! She's the one I wanted to pull most from this banner! And, then, a few pulls later, I got Spring Camilla, who was my second most wanted character. This banner has been quite kind to me so far!
  18. Earlier today, I went all in and got a new high score of 4,954! This was achieved with Tiki +5, Cecilia 4*+10, Mia, and BK for the first 6 matches, and then I swapped out BK for Reinhardt for the final match. The result?
  19. Tiki's over a thousand years old in Shadow Dragon, and some of her support conversations in Awakening hint that her feelings for Marth were more than platonic. In Awakening, Nowi's age is only given as over 1,000 years old, so Tiki seems old enough at that point to have romantic feelings. This possibility is acknowledged in New Mystery with Xane's prank on Marth. As for Clair, sure, she moves on, but her feelings for Alm are still unrequited. And Priscilla was sort of facetiously included to allude to her inappropriate feelings for her brother Raven.
  20. Tiki, Clair, Leon, and Priscilla! Sure seems like there are enough!
  21. I got a new high score of 4,936! This was accomplished with Tiki, Hector, Cecilia, and Mia. It went surprisingly well, even though I didn't have any blues on my team. Normally I have Reinhardt on the team instead of Hector, but Hector naturally garners a lot more points. The defensive tiles let Tiki take on the reds with pretty minimal damage. I'll probably try to fish for only 706 and higher enemies for the rest of the week--maybe I'll even score high enough to make the cutoff to stay in T20!
  22. Oh my! So many... And I've gotten Hinoka twice...
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