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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. I secretly yearn for Camilla to defeat Lyn, so that she can face Ike in the finals... It would be a fitting and poetic, for it would then be my time to exact my revenge for what she did to Minerva! While I'm on Team Ike and I fight for my friends... I will also always fight for Macedon!
  2. Huh? I'm at ~5,500 with 180,730 points, so you should be around there too... Maybe it hadn't updated for you? I might spend some flags to see if I can't make it into the 1k-5k bracket, since the scores aren't that far off! I'll wait 'til later though.
  3. Ike has the multiplier! And, even more surprising, I'm actually here for it! Maybe my overall ranking won't be complete trash! Accepted! We like Ike! May my Cherche lop off plenty of Ostian heads for you! Same! Roy's art came out really good, and it would be neat to see Lyn in that style again. Seconded! The proper trash talking should aim to be humorous, not with any actual salt, venom, or animosity.
  4. Let's go Team Ike! Let's fight for our friends! And, if we're not friends on here already, feel free to add me: 8608857766. Let me know if you do though! My Cherche is ready for an Ostian snack! Added! Join Team Ike! Join your friends! Yes! This needs to happen! Lyn was the only CYL character not to get art from the artist who did the respective games the hero was from.
  5. Um... seriously? Is there any real point in me replying to this? This is ridiculous and way over the top, and also mostly nonsense.
  6. Yes, of course! He was just jumping on your case unnecessarily, and I didn't think that was right, so I said something, that's all. Wait, what did I say that was heated? I thought my statement wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Sure, Ana is definitely abrasive sometimes, and that has caused problems. I've had problems with her before, and she'd probably agree that we don't get along all that well. But the only person behaving oddly here is you. She wasn't gloating, but you're trying to make this a big ordeal. That's all unnecessary. Sometimes losing and winning can bring out the bad in people, but maybe we can just take a moment to reflect to let it bring out the better in us, yeah?
  7. Okay, but the size of Ike's team was between 5-10x larger than Roys, so this really shouldn't have been close. She's just celebrating the fact that there was no absurd multiplier. Ike's win was potentially questioned due to the possibility of the mulitiplier. But that didn't come to pass. And then she didn't say anything mean, rude, or whatever. So why are you trying to chastise her over something silly like that?
  8. I'm happy to hear that! I put a lot of work into her (I literally spent two 5* characters to give her the skills she has), so I'm glad she's been good for you! As for swapping her out for Brave Lucina, well, I was just wondering if people wanted the opportunity to use her. I spent several hours grinding SP for her, so now she wields Aether, Reposition, Fury 3, Desperation 3, and Drive Spd 2. She's a new character, and I've spent a lot of time training her. I'm happy either way, so I'm open for suggestions, if you wanted to try out playing the new Lucina. Let me know!
  9. Ooh, she's even taking down reds! That's pretty nice. I've sacrificed two 5* units to give her the skills she has, and I've had no regrets! It brings me some measure of pleasure to see that she works well for other people too! Also, Roy doesn't have a chance of another multiplier. And I'd like for there to be a male victor, from a non-3DS game, for a change. I REALLY like Lucina, but I supported her in the first gauntlet, so now I'm all in for Ike! Let's go!
  10. Oh! Glad to hear you've been getting her! How has she been working out for you? I know she's one of my favorites to use, and I even remembered to swap out Fortify Fliers for Fortify Def 3. I figured my Ike allies would appreciate a powerful green nuke, especially if the randos have been insisting on Ike Emblem as they have for me. I got your Soren once or twice, he's pretty great! I've mostly been getting someone's fantastic Linde, I should look up who it is. Let me know if you want me to switch characters though. I finished training up my CYL Lucina, and she's fully decked out now! I hate doing that too! But I unfriended someone earlier because they kept sending me a bad Ike, not even fully built. I was losing matches because of it... Ah well! -------------------- GO TEAM IKE!!! WE'VE RECLAIMED OUR RIGHTFUL LEAD!!! DOWN WITH THE LORDS! DOWN WITH THE ARISTOCRACY!
  11. Ah, my mistake, I thought you meant that you had regular Ike up as your front person to send to your friends!
  12. Added, thanks! Soren is just fine for me. Plus, it's fits perfectly that Soren should fight at Ike's side! Hope my Cherche wreaks some havoc for you. Ugh, yeah, I was getting plenty of that. I removed the person from my friend's list who had been putting up the Ike that I had been getting repeatedly (and losing with). It was two Japanese characters, so I figured it wasn't someone on here. Or was it you? The Ike had Hone Spd 1. Were we Heroes friended before?
  13. I added! I do not have a cool Oboro, but I did put out my Cherche, she's pretty awesome! Sent! Thanks! Isn't it though? Come on those who are undecided! Join Ike! Under his leadership, every dawn that glows over our army, and our land, will be a truly radiant one! Edit: @DarkLordIvy Accepted! Welcome!
  14. After intense deliberation fraught with feelings torn between Ike and Lucina, I finally decided to side with the radiant hero. We like Ike! It also helped that regular Lucina never joined my ranks, I supported her through to victory in the first gauntlet, and I also chose her in my free CYL summon, so there's that. Let's go Ike! Let's crush through all of the boys and waifus that stand in our way! Mwahahaha! I also, as I usually do, changed my profile pic. I like it, and I hope you do too! Who else here is on the Path of Radiance? My ID is 8608857766, if you wanted to add me! I think I have Cherche out right now, and let me know if you do! Also, I got three Ikes as allies on the first battle... and the enemy had 3 blues. Go figure. It would be nice if you guys put up some non-Ikes, thanks!
  15. Infernal was pretty easy, I did it with a Flyer Emblem team of Est, Cherche, Summer Corrin, and 4* Palla. Est has Hit & Run, so I had her attack the archer to initiate the battle, and then one of her teammates moved her to safety. When Narcian starts coming down, have Palla tank him. I think I didn't position her well, since I don't think she had the Hone Flyer buff from Est, but it didn't really matter. She tanked him, hit him again on my turn, and Cherche finished him off. After that, it really was just a matter of traversing over the mountains while the enemy runs uselessly up and down the left side of the map. Pick off enemies when you can do so safely. I'm sure this approach could be implemented with a wide range of flyers. This is what I did too! Was pretty fun, eh? Looks like a few people pretty much had the same idea!
  16. First, thanks for all of this! It's helpful to walk through a detailed analysis such as yours. I realized that I don't really care about her matchups against similarly leveled characters, and that the difference between those two natures won't really be important in that field. So I decided to run simulations against +10 merged units. And there I see that a +Def nature can tank and kill important units like Ike and Ryoma on defense, but she loses those matchups with +Atk/-HP. That's seems really useful for Arena Assault, which is really where she will be played. With that in mind, it seems like +Def/-Res would emerge as the preferred nature. Thoughts on this? Sure, but I was just saying that I didn't find your statement of a general preference to be useful here. ------------------ But thanks to you both for your input with respect to Summer Corrin. I put LnD2 on her, and she has been great. I managed to beat the lunatic difficulty of the Chain Challenge of Ch. 11-12. This was has been the singular hardest thing to do in the game, in my opinion, so thanks there! I really do appreciate the input on these sorts of things.
  17. Since I finished getting all the rewards for TT yesterday, I finally got around to doing Infernal. I did it with Reinhardt, Est, Rebecca, and 4* Olivia. Reinhardt has DB3 & Moonbow, and he's +1; Est (+Spd, -Def) has a Brave Lance+, LnD3, Drag Back, Reposition, & Iceberg; Olivia has a Ruby Sword; and Rebecca has a Brave Bow. For those interested, this strategy should work with any brave bow user with an Atk of 38. Reinhardt shouldn't need the merge, so long as he's neutral attack or better. You can put the Atk+1 seal on him, if the merge does make a difference. It should also work with any flyer that can take out the lance cav (e.g., Cherche, Camilla, Minerva, so long as they have Drag Back and Reposition). I was using Est, because Est is the best! Hope this maybe helps someone!
  18. Thanks! But that's not really helpful. I was asking about a specific unit, so I was hoping for answers that pertained to that unit. As for (2), I'm F2P, so, no, I won't be whaling to +10, or any of that. No, she won't be running TA, I don't have the resources for that. Just assume she's running her native Defiant Atk. Although, I am open on suggestions on that front. She'll be running QR on her B-slot, and Bonfire as her special. For (2), thanks! I think LnD it is. She doesn't seem to lose out on any important matchups, as far as I can tell. I hope I'm not overlooking something. Like, a Fury Nino can tank a hit from some Hectors, but a LnD Nino can't.
  19. I have a couple questions, if some would like to give their thoughts on them. First, my current 5* A!Tiki has a +Res/-Def nature, which is clearly not ideal, so I'd like to upgrade her to a better nature. To that end, which do you think is better: +Def/-Res, or +Atk/-HP? Right now, I'm inclined toward the +Def/-Res nature, since she has an impressive 38 Def with that. I think that would function really well right now in Arena Assault, especially since I see a lot of teams running Amelia+Hector. Second, I pulled a Summer Corrin earlier today! She's +Spd/-Atk, which is a pretty good nature. I gave her Blarblade+, from the 5* Odin I got from the one free summon on the blade banner. What should I put in her A-passive slot? Fury or LnD? I'm inclined towards LnD, since I have only one Hinata to spare, but many Hanas. Thanks!
  20. Of those two, definitely Mae. Reinhardt is ridiculous with his native Dire Thunder, there's no real reason to change that. However, it would be more useful on the likes of Ursula or Summer Corrin, or some future blue flying or horse mage. You could consider saving him for that. They'll likely run the Ursula GHB map sometime again, but who knows when. Of course, investing in units that you really like is never bad, so if you really like Mae, that would be a good choice for that reason alone. I don't think that anyone was suggesting he is bad with Blarblade+, but just that, rather, the endeavor seems pretty pointless since he's so good with Dire Thunder. It's not going to make him more useful, so it's a luxury build for people with huge resources. The OP only has one Blarblade+ to give away, so it should go to someone who needs it, and Reinhardt definitely doesn't need it. I'd say go with Eldigan, Cecilia, Camus, and Reinhardt. You should give Cecilia a Gronnblade from a spare Nino, and load up their C-passives with cavalry buffs.
  21. I'd say go +Def, although, for Reinhardt, it's not going to matter a lot either way. But Reinhardt is reasonably bulky, so the +Def builds on that strength. He doesn't tank magic well, so Res is a good dump stat. With +Def, he should have no trouble tanking most swordies, and a fair number of lancers.
  22. You and me both! I keep getting an endless stream of Reinhardt's and dancers! Along with a ton of Hector's, but I don't really mind Hector though.
  23. No one seems to have mentioned this yet, but the scores for the Intermediate and Beginner levels aren't significantly lower than the ones for Advanced. The drop off is only about 10-20 points per level. While I get around 690-700 for Advanced, Intermediate is will give me in the 670s-680s, and Beginner in the 660s-670s. Obviously, a deathless run all on Advanced nets the most points, but, if you're struggling to get through it, it could be worthwhile to do some in the Intermediate or Beginner range.
  24. Yes! I'm fielding Boyd before he's even been released! PoR represent! I actually meant Boey though. Oops! But there really needs to be more Tellius characters in this game!
  25. The new Squad Assault was pretty fun. Here were my teams: Map 1: Reinhardt, Camus, 4* Gunter, 4* Legion (he didn't do anything). My Reinhardt is -Atk, so he needed both the Hone Cav buff from Gunter and Goad from Camus to take out Takumi. He took out Takumi, Camus repositioned him. Next turn, Reinhardt takes out Ryoma, and then it's just mopping up the remains. Map 2: Hector (Bonfire, Vantage), 4* Boyd (Reciprocal Aid), 4* Maria (Rehabilitate), and 4* Michalis (didn't do anything). Strategy is pretty simple: Hector tanks the daggers while Maria and Boyd kept him healed up. Map 3: Est (Brave Lance+, LnD3, Drag Back, Reposition), 4* Nino (Fury 3), 4* Olivia (Ruby Sword), and 4* Sakura (think she had Fortify Def, but she didn't do much). I had Nino delete the armored lance knight, then Est repositioned her and Olivia danced, and I put her where she would tank and kill Robin. Tharja starts coming down, and Est kills her. Drag Back might have been important for positioning, because Est needed to be danced by Olivia to get out of the way of the axe cav. Olivia tanks the axe cav, and we finish it off. Map 4: Roy, Summer Tiki (QR, Swap), Rebecca (Brave Bow), and 4* Ursula. I had someone break the block, and sent Ursula up to attack the red cav mage with her native Blarwolf. Everyone else advanced into the woods or towards the left side of the map. The red cav mage attacks Ursula, and Ursula finishes it off on my turn, and I have Rebecca shoot down the pegasus. The enemy Camus was coming around the top and down the left side of the map. I know Summer Tiki's Swap was needed for positioning somewhere in there, and she tanks Camus while Roy takes on Michalis. Map 5: Azura, Xander (Hone Cav, QR2, Bonfire, Reposition), 4*+6 Cecilia (+Spd) (Gronnblade, Hone Cav, Spd+1 Seal), Priscilla (Rehabilitate, Ward Cav). My Cecilia needed the Spd seal because, with that and a Hone Cav buff, she had 35 spd, which was necessary in order for her not to be doubled by Soren on the final turn.
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