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Everything posted by Astellius

  1. Cleared Infernal on my first attempt, using the power of Horse Emblem! My team consisted of Xander (Hone Cav), Cecilia (Gronnblade, Hone Cav), Reinhardt (Fortify Cav), and Camus (Fury 3, Vantage 3, Reposition, and Draconic Aura). Camus was the one who really carried the team here. I don't know if he needed Fury 3, but definitely Vantage and a special that takes 3 to charge. First, I positioned everyone such that Cecilia and Camus full horse buffs. Cecilia goes up and smacks the lance pegasus into dust, and Camus repositions Cecilia to safety. I position Reinhardt and Xander next to Cecilia to give her full buffs, and end my turn. The enemy Cecilia comes down and attacks Camus, which charges Draconic Aura. Lilina then goes to attack Camus, but Vantage is active, so he destroys her with his charged Draconic Aura. Then, the rest of the battle is pretty straightforward. Camus finishes off enemy Cecilia, and my Cecilia deleted the lance cav. The remaining red mage and archer are easily removed on the following turn.
  2. Yeah, actually, it's one of my favorite flavors of candy.
  3. Psh, we all know Gaius is a chicken, so he has plenty of feathers to dump...
  4. Go Corrin! Crush the candyman! Win vicariously for your dragon brethren! Tiki is awesome!
  5. My thoughts on this, whether anyone cares or not. First, the current multiplier system often actually disincentivizes play. The best strategy to help a team win is often just... don't play at all! Yep, reduce your contribution so that you might let your team hit the multiplier; or, reduce your contribution so that the opposing team won't hit the multiplier. That's often the best strategy. Second, the current system rewards those who are lucky enough to catch the multiplier, not those who play the game often with dedication. The ranking system is crazy! If you spend all day fighting for your character, but you miss the multiplier hours, you'll rank lower than someone who logged in ONCE and got the multiplier bonus by chance. It's not based on effort or participation, mostly just luck. Third, even as a popularity contest, it fails.
  6. Though we're now on Team Corrin, some of us are still (and forever) Team Tiki...! I went in to fight with Summer Tiki as my lead, and got this:
  7. Sure! I'm actually rooting for Team Leo, and I've never been on his team! And why shouldn't we root for Corrin's brother? GO TEAM LEO! GAIUS IS A BABY, SO YOU SHOULD HAVE NO TROUBLE TAKING HIS CANDY AWAY FROM HIM!
  8. There's also the voting gauntlet quests! I'm sure that has something to do with it, since people have to play in the arena much more than usual. In addition to what's been said already, I thought I would add a couple of things that have worked for me. First, fielding a dancer can really help, since dancers make the AI much more unpredictable. I know I hate facing dancers in the arena, their presence has ruined a ton of deathless runs for me. Second is a variation on the "naked" teams. Instead of stripping all the skills, you could strip a number of non-essential skills while leaving the most important skills on. For example, Reinhardt doesn't need an Assist, Special, or B-passive to be a menace, but he does need Death Blow 3 (and a cav buff if he's running in a Horse Emblem team). Also, you can equip lower levels of breaker skills and Quick Riposte, since they all function the same if the character is at 100% HP.
  9. Actually, Corrin's doing about the same as she was prior to the yo-yo. She got 192mn last hour, and was getting between 180-250mn for the hours before the yo-yo. I think Team Robin is still feeling the rush of multiplier, because she got 165mn, when she was getting only 80-120mn in the hours leading up to the multiplier. Either way, it's good for us!
  10. In addition to the one @Ildanach posted, which gives statistical projections, there's also this one if you were wanting to look at various types of data in more detail: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bxAC7aTAl7ZmrM4dQX-5jMY1cihagCtieLquruI1bPs/edit#gid=0 It has tabs at the bottom for the different things one can look at (hourly gains, charts, lead percentages). Doesn't have the forecasts, but I think it's a good resource for people if they like looking at that. I like that idea.
  11. Yeah, that is nice. I miss being able to rally all the time, but this can be okay too. I would like the rewards for deep participation to be better, but I suppose I'm doing well enough on feathers even without good rankings.
  12. Yeah, I know, but I at least wanted to show some solidarity with Ice Dragon, because I do like being able to discuss things like predictions and forecasts, and I like his posts.
  13. Ah, Corrin got a multiplier and I missed it! I seem to always miss the multipliers. Haven't gotten your Xander yet, but it's good to see that Cherche is putting in good work! My Cherche is +HP, so I thought the Squad Ace looks really nice on her, giving her 52 HP. She can definitely take a hit! Was definitely worth it to spend two 5* allies to build her that way! As for color quests, I don't have a Summer Corrin, so that makes it simple for me to just field whoever needs to cover a quest. Thanks though! Congrats! Hope you stay there! Yeah, the best strategy for Corrin is to simply take it easy. I really dislike how the multiplier system disincentivizes play frequently. This is a forum, so stop taking issue all the time with what people say. If you don't like those posts, just ignore them. That's mostly what I do with your posts now, since seem to like taking issue with everything. Stop being so confrontational, especially when the post had nothing to do with you. Seriously, why should we have to cater the conversation to you? Some of us like talking about the data and making predictions off of that. It's fun for some of us, but why should we stop simply because you don't like it?
  14. Some things to think about. First, it's never wrong to go with characters you like! So if you were wanting to beef up Soren or Matthew, that's always a good reason. I've never regretted promoting characters I like. Second, Cecilia is a really great unit, and she's definitely worth investing in, but she needs horse buffs to really shine. If you want to conserve feathers, you can do the route I did and simply go with 4* merges. A 4*+5 has the same stats as a 5* unit, but costs a lot less, and a 4*+10 is the equivalent of a 5*+5. She's a common summon, so this is really good as a long term option for F2P. It also stops you from being locked in with a lackluster nature. I also find that a regular Gronnblade tome is sufficient for most of her needs if she's running Horse Emblem. Third, if you're thinking about pulling for Celica, why not hold off on Sophia until you do that? There's no need to spend your feathers the moment you reach 20k. Celica is a better red mage than Sophia, and you don't seem to need a red mage immediately. Fourth, the thing about promoting Olivia is that she doesn't really do a better job at what she does when she is a 5*, which usually makes her a low priority. Plus, she's also a common summon, and so it seems worth considering to do a 4* merge route with her as well. I think getting a red mage would be more important at the moment, since you don't have one yet. It's not like she won't be around for future promotions! Hope that helps a bit. I think Reciprocal Aid is thoroughly better. I built my Masked Marth as a combat medic, and she was really great in TT.
  15. Does anyone around here go by the username of "ChaosPhant," or is this a rando? Oh come now, she surely can stay later than that! Like, at least midnight or forever!
  16. The current projections put Robin getting a multiplier around 8 am. Corrin isn't expected to get another multiplier, although it is possible that Robin could push her into multiplier range. She makes the best stew, and plenty of it! I actually just got her--she looks really amazing! I wish I had a Lucina! ....Mind if I keep yours? That IS awesome! I totally agree! But you really need to try Est's stew... we can even chop up some tomatoes if you want! Thinking HARD about a rock... star...
  17. Yes, indeed! Gotta stick with the dragons! Hopefully people will get her sometime, she has a nice Brave Axe+ build. Who do you have out in front right now? IKR?
  18. So, how are my fellow Corriners doing? Enjoying the summer sun? Has anyone been getting my Cherche? I decided I'd swap out my Est for Cherche earlier, just in case people didn't want to double up in blue if they're fielding our dragon lady. Glad she was working nicely for you! I swapped her out for my Cherche earlier today, have you got her yet? I've been getting Infinite Dreams's Laslow a lot, he's really good! I have yet to get her! I actually switched to Cherche earlier today, who's really awesome too. I could switch back to Est though! Everyone adores her undeniable cuteness, especially @Oboro!! Well, Corrin's always been pretty popular. Plus, she has feet! That's more than Robin can say. I'd also say that Corrin is a more popular character in communities more peripheral to the FE fandom, such as Smash or anime fan art. There's a lot of fan art of Corrin out there since she has an interesting character design, so that increases her exposure to people who might otherwise be unfamiliar with the franchise as a whole but might want to check out Heroes. ...Or else a murderer!
  19. You should join Team Corrin! Dragons should stick together!
  20. Well, I guess Corrin did spend a lot of time alone when growing up. I knoooow, I really wanted Tiki to win. *sniff* The two mini pigtails? Robin was the one with the pigtails, while Tiki only has the ponytail. Yeah, male Robin lacks the pigtails of the female version, that's probably what affected the outcome the most.
  21. Indeed! Just between you and me, I think that the dragon Corrin is riding is actually male Corrin in disguise!
  22. MELON TIKI IS BEST TIKI BECAUSE ALL TIKI IS BEST TIKI! And my Est knows all the bad things you say about her! She doesn't want to go! Sent a request! My lead is currently my lovely Est that I just finished spending 20k flags on to give her LnD 3. She's pretty amazing! It's great, isn't it? I personally wanted to have a Corrin vs. Tiki matchup, because SO MANY DRAGONS! We'll have to wait to find out! *wink wink* And I like how you put a quote of yourself with your original sized text when quoting me... (I was wondering if anyone would notice the alteration I made!)
  23. Nah, I think I need to read a nice book after eating all the melons! ALL TIKI IS BEST TIKI, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS BAD TIKI. You know it!
  24. But... Corrin's got that dragon-on-dragon action going on. ALL TIKI IS GOOD TIKI!!!
  25. I just used 20k flags to give my Est LnD 3! So... who all is on Team Corrin?
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