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Everything posted by Astelaine

  1. Happy Birthday, Tang!

  2. Ahhh. Good to know! Btw, did you get weapons for Enjo & the Christmas cavs anywhere? Or do I have to buy some? And yeah, Karina starting in a stationary tent freaked me out, because the augury was all "move your ass this chapter." I was worried that floods of cav reinforcements would show up and kill her right away. "Is Astra trolling me?" I wondered. I mean, he did put those shops in range of that effing siege tome. But luckily, it was fine. I hope it doesn't take too long for her to level up and get a wagon.
  3. So I'm almost done with my A route playlog. I just need to replay the last chapter, since I want to see what happens when I free all the NPCs, instead of just leaving them to rot in their cells. In the meantime, I did find a bug. In Chapter 8A, I managed to kill the boss, Ducann. However, he talks on Turn 10, despite the fact that I murdered him earlier. He also shows up again in 10A with Stolypin. On a more fun note, Juan is a serious badass. Like, holy crap.
  4. Thanks! :) About the eyes: just a different style. I haven't drawn Lachesis enough to have hammered down a special look for her. Also: new art, whee. [spoiler=Clicky] That's all for now.
  5. *necros sprite thread* So I haven't sprited in a long time. Though I did make a female thief battle sprite. It's just Legault's hair on Leila's body. Now if I only knew how to get it into a hack. I have a horrible suspicion that I'd have to script a whole new animation... I have a new WIP mug too, but there's not much to show yet.
  6. Happy 18th, Arch! Congratulations :)

  7. I think Kolbane is a stat vampire or something - he must have sucked out Renair's leveling mojo while she was asleep. Hence why he is so blessed and she is so screwed.
  8. Today I finished up to the route split. My turn counts are pretty shameful compared to Paper's! [spoiler=Prologue] [Prologue: Shattered Chains] Turns: 9 Loot: Potion, 3000g Furet softens the enemies for Renair and Kolbane. Renair then runs over to own Discan while her subordinates visit the villages. Note: The description of Furet's great bow says "Only usable by snipers." Seeing as he's a non-sniper unit, you might want to change that. Stats: Name Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Renair 4.28 22 8 10 12 7 5 3 Kolbane 3.22 24 8 10 9 5 6 3 Furetchen 1.17 36 16 10 10 6 10 4 Looks like Renair has had a base strength improvement since the last patch. Yessss. [spoiler=Chapter 1] [Chapter 1: Bonds in Blood] Turns: 11 Loot: Steel Sword, Purchases: Iron sword, Fire tome, Potionx2 Funds: 980g Amelia and Ilanice join the team, though Ilanice mostly sits out, seeing as the bandits can 2HKO her. Furet runs up the middle at the start, baiting all the enemies. Everyone else cleans up the bandits he pulls. When it's all clear, I visit villages and hit the shops. Renair awesomely crit blicks the boss. Stats: Name Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Renair 6.62 22 8 11 14 7 5 3 Kolbane 4.25 25 9 10 10 5 6 3 Furetchen 1.46 36 16 10 10 6 10 4 Ilanice 3.28 20 7 8 11 8 4 5 Amelia 4.30 22 8 7 8 4 6 8 [spoiler=Chapter 2] [Chapter 2: Snuffing Out the Rat] Turns: 12 Loot: Wing Spear, Chest key, 2x stolen potions, boss's Steel Axe Purchases: N/A Funds: 980g To start, the team visits some houses and blocks the bridge. Taking out enemies, they move up the map, while Ilanice hits the village for the Wing Spear and rescues Chester. Once more enemies are out of the way, Renair recruits Chester, and the squad heads into the woods. Ilanice nabs the chest key from the upper village, and Chester steals two potions off the bandits. After that, Furet softens the boss, and Amelia bombs him. Too bad she kept missing, else I could have shaved off one turn. Also of note: Renair gains a sword rank. Stats: Name Level HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Renair 7.80 23 8 11 15 8 5 3 Kolbane 5.74 26 9 11 11 6 7 3 Furetchen 1.79 36 16 10 10 6 10 4 Ilanice 3.93 20 7 8 11 8 4 5 Amelia 7.09 22 11 9 8 4 6 9 Chester 3.38 21 6 9 12 9 5 2 Renair's speed is pretty delicious. Amelia is just as nuclear as last time, too. [spoiler=Chapter 3] [Chapter 3: The Darkwright Bandits] Turns: 29 (urghfff) Loot: 3000g, Lancereaver, Poultice Purchases: N/A Funds: 3980g Oh, prep screen, how I love thee! Even if there is no convoy and everyone's pockets are almost totally full. No one has to sit out, which I appreciate. As for the chapter itself, oh boy! Tight corridors and reinforcements/ambushes all over, and enemies with poisoned weapons. My turn count wasn't too great. I had everyone head to the right, cutting their way up the map. Furetchen chipped the archer boss through a wall, luring him over, and Amelia took him out. After that, Kolbane lured Crowe so Chester could recruit him, and the boys headed over to grab the last chest while Amelia wailed on the Fire Sword boss. He couldn't even damage her. Kolbane and Amelia increase weapon ranks. Stats: Name Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Rank Renair 9.30 24 10 11 15 8 5 3 Swd C Kolbane 7.31 27 11 11 13 7 7 3 Swd C Furetchen 2.25 37 17 10 10 6 10 4 Ax C Bow A Ilanice 5.51 22 8 10 12 8 4 5 Swd E Lnc D Amelia 11.35 23 14 12 11 6 6 11 Anima C Chester 3.78 21 6 9 12 9 5 2 Swd D Crowe 6.75 24 11 9 11 2 6 1 Bow C Amelia favoritism, I know. But she's just so darn useful. I didn't notice that Ilanice could use swords til now. Oops. [spoiler=Chapter 4] [Chapter 4: A Swift Return] Turns: 13 Loot: Stolen potions x2 Purchases: Augury, Fire tome, Thunder tome, Heal staff, Iron sword x2, Iron bow, potion x2, sold red gem Funds: 2110g Furet sits out this time. Sorry, mate! Chester steals some potions and the team clears out the starting area of the map. Renair recruits both Lia and Lumi. I get bogged down fighting omgdragons who love to murder my fleshy healer and thief. Then I truck over to the boss, buy some shit, and watch as Amelia and Kolbane obliterate the idiot captain. Mmm. Ilanice's spear skill and Renair's sword skill increased. Stats: Name Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Rank Renair 10.08 25 11 11 15 9 5 3 Swd B Kolbane 9.26 29 12 12 15 8 7 3 Swd C Furetchen 2.25 37 17 10 10 6 10 4 Ax C Bow A Ilanice 6.97 22 9 10 12 9 4 5 Swd E Lnc C Amelia 12.35 24 15 12 11 7 6 11 Anima B Chester 4.44 21 6 10 13 10 5 3 Swd D Crowe 7.68 25 12 9 11 3 6 1 Bow C Lia 5.78 19 8 7 8 7 3 8 Staff D Lumi 6.62 24 9 11 13 4 7 3 Swd C Looking good, team. Looking good. I'm quite pleased with Kolbane, and Lumi is going to be a force to be reckoned with once she has a few more levels under her belt. [spoiler=Chapter 5] [Chapter 5: Escape] aka "Reinforcements, fffff-" Turns: 13 Loot: Armorslayer, Torch staff Purchases: Flux tome Funds: 1210g Ilanice and Furet clear the way to the upper-left village for Chester, who receives the armorslayer. Meanwhile, the rest of the squad heads south. Gabriel (aka Felix) joins on turn 5. Ilanice swings down to grab the torch staff from Gabriel's village while everyone hoofs it south, trying to flee from a swarm of reinforcements. Across the southern bridge, Renair buys a spare Flux tome for Gabriel, and Furet plugs the choke point so the reinforcements can't overwhelm everyone. Then shit gets real as some nasty cavaliers show up. I pray that no one dies as my units slowly fight over to the southwestern fort. Amelia chips the boss so Kolbane can finish him with his nearly-depleted lancereaver, and then Renair seizes. In this chapter, Kolbane advances to B swords, and initiates C support with Lumi. Lia also gains a rank in staves. Stats: Name Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Rank Renair 10.97 25 11 11 15 9 5 3 Swd B Kolbane 11.32 31 13 13 17 9 7 3 Swd B Furetchen 2.36 37 17 10 10 6 10 4 Ax C Bow A Ilanice 8.11 24 9 10 14 10 5 6 Swd E Lnc C Amelia 13.13 24 15 13 11 7 6 12 Anima B Chester 4.53 21 6 10 13 10 5 3 Swd D Crowe 8.82 26 13 10 11 3 6 1 Bow C Lia 7.70 20 9 8 10 8 3 8 Staff C Lumi 8.46 26 9 13 13 4 8 3 Swd C Gabriel 7.14 25 12 7 9 8 5 10 Dark C Kolbane. 17 speed. Whoaaa. [spoiler=Chapter 6] [Chapter 6: Crossroads] Turns: 16 Loot: Talisman Purchases: N/A Funds: 1880g The team cleans up the starting area and starts pushing south. Ilanice recruits Juan on turn 3. Reinforcements start to show up in the north, but Ilanice, Juan, Amelia, and Gabriel hold them off while everyone advances south. Chester breaks off to loot the chest for the talisman, and Furet and Kolbane gain control of the bridges. After cutting their way across, the team takes out the last few enemies and approaches the boss. The fliers shuttle the magical support to the castle while the last of Juan's units depart for the afterlife. Amelia and Gabriel soften the boss, and Lumi deals the final blow with her armorslayer. Renair seizes after Ilanice triumphs in a round at the arena. Skill-ups/Supports: Renair and Furetchen achieve C support, as do Ilanice and Juan. Crowe gains B bow skill, Lumi gains B swords, and Kolbane gets A swords. Bugs: Saving at the beginning of this chapter didn't actually save the game. When I messed up and went to reset, only the save from Ch 5 was there, not the one I made in Chapter 6. Stats: Name Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Rank Renair 12.04 26 13 11 15 9 5 3 Swd B Kolbane 12.43 32 14 13 18 10 7 3 Swd A Furetchen 2.57 37 17 10 10 6 10 4 Ax C Bow A Ilanice 9.01 25 9 11 15 11 6 7 Swd E Lnc C Amelia 13.80 24 15 13 11 7 6 12 Anima B Chester 4.88 21 6 10 13 10 5 3 Swd D Crowe 9.79 27 14 10 12 3 6 1 Bow B Lia 10.44 20 11 10 11 9 4 9 Staff C Lumi 10.42 28 10 14 15 4 10 3 Swd B Gabriel 8.02 26 13 8 9 8 6 11 Dark C Juan 8.15 28 12 8 10 6 12 3 Lnc C [spoiler=Chapter 6x] [Chapter 6x: Imprisonment] Turns: 14 Loot: Iron axe, door key x2, Fire sword, Swordreaver Purchases: N/A Funds: 1880g Woo, new characters! Astra heads left out of his cell to murder the guards, looting an iron axe and a door key. Renair moves in and clears the corridor, winning another door key. Enjolras and the two cavs hold their ground, rather than rushing in and dying like chumps. While Astra loots the two chests, the others carefully make their way to the boss's door. Once inside, they eradicate the remaining enemies. Renair softens Droog and Enjo incinerates him for the win. Renair gains A sword rank. Bugs?: In the intro to this chapter, Enjo's last name is mentioned as "deusAscaron," but when he introduces himself to Astra, it's "d'Ascaron." Stats: Name Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Rank Renair 12.69 26 13 11 15 9 5 3 Swd A Astra 10.75 32 13 9 9 6 14 3 Ax B Enjolras 12.32 28 13 14 12 6 5 10 Anima B Courfeyrac 11.04 31 14 10 11 5 12 3 Swd C Lnc D Combeferre 11.78 30 11 11 13 7 9 2 Swd D Lnc C Man, when do I get Enjo and these cavs back? Want. Renair hasn't increased her skill stat since Chapter 1, or her speed stat since Chapter 2. Her def still hasn't gone up. I wonder what her growths are. General comments: Basically, everything's been greatly improved since the first release - mugs, gui art, story and dialog, map difficulty/gameplay, you name it. I'm really impressed with how much progress you guys have made - awesome work. :) I'll get to the rest of the chapters later.
  9. Oooh, I see. I thought something broke. Good to know it's deliberate. Amelia was level 11 by the end of that, so I see your point.Also, I died, and had to challenge Death to wifi matches to win back my life. Satan showed up too, some souls were wagered, and I'm pretty sure some bits of my sanity are missing here and there. But you know how it goes.
  10. This.However, a friend of mine had this to say: "The women [in the crew] just tagged along because Vyse didn't have the heart to tell them his true purpose. He didn't want to see 'What lay beyond the sky' so much as 'What men can he lay beyond the sky?'" Yeaaaah Vyse.
  11. A new patch! Excellent! Congrats on the release, guys. I'm putting together a playlog like last time, which I'll post later. A heads-up about Chapter 3, though: a number of enemies are not awarding experience when they die. :(
  12. Dr. Frank-N-Furter, anyone? Too bad I'm too lazy to enter. :V
  13. I was doodling, and a Lachesis came out!
  14. My favorites: Lachesis x Fin Jill x Haar Runners-up: Eirika x Seth Soren x Ike Aaand... Meg x Zihark?
  15. Voted Kyaro. The resemblance is the best by far. Kon's is nicely spliced, but the lingering Franz there bothers me.
  16. Customing tutorials by Asvel! (Unfortunately, I don't know where to contact this person, so if anyone objects I will remove these images.) Sadly I haven't found a larger version of the second one.
  17. Heya Joe! That map is coming along nicely. One thing you should be careful about, though, is that you are mixing "indoor" and "overworld" elements. You have this big indoor map of the castle, but then you're using houses, forts, and hills outside. That messes up the perspective of things; the houses look as small as doghouses in comparison, and the castle as big as an entire honkin' city. Do get rid of the houses, forts, and hills.
  18. Best: Sigurd. I love how he was so impossibly dicked, no matter what he did. Worst: Roy. At least Micaiah can evoke hatred. Roy inspires nothing. How can a lord and main character possibly be so fucking bland?
  19. Heck yeah! It's good to see the finished product of that peg animation. Looks awesome!
  20. Man, good things happen when you and Pi have art babies together. I don't really have any crit to offer; just wanted to say that the improvements are great. Especially regarding the angles and her posture - the fixes are subtle, but everything feels much more natural.
  21. Property of Tangerine? I better get dental out of this deal.

  22. I dunno, your trim looks good to me! :) Also, Pegsheet! Got rid of the half-assed tiara, added the chain/cord thing between the buttons. I'm not sure the regular (non-smiling) talking frames have enough attitude for this character, I might have to make another set. Done for now, though. Woo!
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