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Everything posted by Astelaine

  1. I totally forgot you can friend people on here, haha.


    *jiggles all over your page*

  2. Holy crap, that was fast. Glad the spot's taken care of! Ty, Eclipse :)
  3. Update time! Gave Maris some much-needed corrections (eyebrows, eyelash, a hint of an ear, hair): -> And some hair progress on Estelle: I haven't forgotten about her earring and chin, but various twiddlings-around haven't resulted in anything satisfactory yet. I'm going to redo her sleeve, too. Eclipse, did I fix the part of the hair that was bothering you?
  4. I voted Acey/Straw. While the shading is bleary/pillowy and the right shoulder (opv) could stand to be higher, it's the most interesting concept of the lot. I love the color choices and his masquerade mask. Crockett takes honorable mention, because I like what he did with the face/beard/hair. Though keep in mind that light-haired mugs typically have 4 hair shades, as opposed to 3.
  5. Seconded! This hack has the best battle palettes I have ever seen. Not to mention it's quite fun. Good job, Kitty. :3
  6. Ahaha, I'm dying. You guys all have so much love for the foe yay! +800 page views since I posted it? Nuts! Really, though, thanks to Nayr and Seph for being good sports about the joke. You are truly paragons of internet forbearance. :) Thanks, Eclipse! While I don't have time to age her sisters at the moment, it would be really fun. I'll keep Fiora and Farina in mind for future spriting projects! This means you're gonna accept my half-bodies for your hack project, right? Once I'm done with them, anyways. Riiiiightttttt? *puppy eyes*Anyhoo, here's my progress on that dancer! I still need to shade some parts of the hair, and I might add in a hand or something. Lemme know if you see anything that looks off!
  7. Astelaine

    My Work. :)

    Ecut, I'm so excited to see you customing mugs! Your new Elliot looks gooorgeous :) As for Mr. Fauxhawk, people have given you some good advice already - I only have two things to add. 1. you shouldn't use the outline color in the nose (use the darkest skin shade instead) and 2. something about his head shape looks funny, as if the top/back of his head collapsed in. You might want to give him some more shape back there. Good luck on the fixes! You have a great start!
  8. Well, if you're redoing the ROM and looking for comment, I guess now is a good time to post my Musain playthrough. Progress before the route split [spoiler=Chapter 7A] [Chapter 7A: For the Fallen] Turns: 20 Loot: Speedwings, stolen potion, short spear, blue gem Purchases: Iron lance, Heal staff, Rapier Funds: 420g (sold Talisman) Apparently, I can check the contents of shops on the map preview screen. Who knew? Turn 1, I buy some stuff, sell the talisman from chapter 6 to rustle up funds for that sexy rapier, and Lia and Astra chat. Then the team cuts their way to the chest room, where Gabriel uses a chest key to loot the speedwings. Meanwhile, Astra, Juan, Crowe, and Lia hold off the stream of cavalier reinforcements. Everyone else continues up the hallway, where they invade the other treasure room. Then they push over to the boss, where Gabriel and Ilanice are super useful against the mages. Kolbane and Furet weaken the boss, and Lumi murders his face. Furet gains S bows. Wowza. Ilanice advances to B lances. Felix gets B dark magic. Lia gains B staves. Lumi/Kolbane and Renair/Furet reach B support. Lia/Astra initiate C support. Stats: Name Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Rank Support Renair 13.25 27 13 11 15 10 6 4 Swd A Furet B Kolbane 13.22 33 14 13 18 11 8 3 Swd A Lumi B Furetchen 2.73 37 17 10 10 6 10 4 Ax C Bow S Renair B Ilanice 9.91 25 9 11 15 11 6 7 Swd E Lnc B Juan C Amelia 14.48 25 16 14 11 7 7 13 Anima B - Chester 5.19 21 6 11 14 10 5 4 Swd D - Crowe 11.2 28 16 11 13 3 6 1 Bow B - Lia 13.40 22 13 11 11 12 4 10 Staff B Astra C Lumi 12.37 29 11 14 16 5 11 3 Swd B Kolbane B Gabriel 10.31 27 14 9 11 9 7 13 Dark B - Juan 9.43 29 12 8 10 6 12 3 Lnc C Ilanice C Astra 11.47 33 13 9 9 6 15 3 Ax B Lia C Hmm... who to give that speedwing to? Looks like Amelia, Gabriel, Juan, or Astra. Juan, I am disappointed at your fail level there, bro. Crowe has monster strength. He matches Amelia's but is 3 levels lower. Whoa. [spoiler= Chapter 8A] [Chapter 8A: Salvation] Turns: 14 Loot: None Purchases: Iron lance Funds: 60g Renair's diary: Today I almost died, got felt up by a creepy enemy commander, and then was rescued by a Nephenee lookalike. All this for Astra's sake. That fucker owes me like ten bottles of scotch. Wait, where was I? Oh right. The map. It seems I have two choices: head up through sparsely-defended territory and over a snag to reach Cullahan easily, or head left and face piles of enemies and the boss. ... Left it is! Renair, her rescuer, and her two loyal chumps mow their way to the boss, engaging him on turn 8. Juan uses Seren's killer lance to impale Groper McGroperface with two most excellent crits. After that, the team mops up various enemies and makes for the north. Juan buys an extra iron lance and polishes off the three remaining enemies on the island while Renair talks to Cullahan, ending the chapter. Bugs: The boss will speak at the end of turn 10, even though I murdered him previously. Stats: Name Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Rank Support Renair 13.98 27 13 11 15 10 6 4 Swd A Furet B Juan 12.13 32 14 10 12 8 14 3 Lnc B Ilanice C Lia 15.34 23 14 12 12 13 5 11 Staff B Astra C Seren 9.41 28 10 11 12 9 9 5 Lnc C - Juan was clearly the MVP of this chapter. He gained three levels, three HP, two points in every stat except resistance, topped everyone but Astra in defense, and tore the boss a new one. Mega respect. Seren is unimpressive. She's like Ilanice, but without flying, swords, or quite as much speed. She'll likely get left behind if she can't grow well. [spoiler= Chapter 9A] [Chapter 9A: Convergence] Turns: 10 Loot: Veritas Purchases: N/A Funds: 60g This is a really fun chapter. Due to the music, my rejoining allies, a sweet sword, a new bard character, AND a mobile boss, it numbers among my favorites. Renair, Juan, Lia, and Seren stay together most of the time, clearing out the starting area. They're joined by Ilanice and Amelia, who I decide to keep out of the eastern dragon territory (attempting such became the cause of a few resets.) Lumi and Gabriel do just fine cutting down the enemies near them. Chester and Crowe have a funny little dialogue and are able to handle the axe bandits with a little fort dancing. Then Furet and Kolbane appear, and visit the houses to recruit Adrian and grab the Veritas. After some more slaughter, the boss shows up, and I pull back and then engage him on the following turn. Amelia softens him and Juan critkills for the win. Also, Amelia gains A anima rank and Juan gains A lances. Stats: Name Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Rank Support Renair 14.36 27 13 11 16 11 6 4 Swd A Furet B Kolbane 13.43 33 14 13 18 11 8 3 Swd A Lumi B Furetchen 2.94 37 17 10 10 6 10 4 Ax C Bow S Renair B Ilanice 10.27 26 10 12 15 11 6 8 Swd E Lnc B Juan C Amelia 14.99 25 16 14 11 7 7 13 Anima A - Chester 5.41 21 6 11 14 10 5 4 Swd D - Crowe 11.54 28 16 11 13 3 6 1 Bow B - Lia 16.60 23 15 13 13 14 5 11 Staff B Astra C Lumi 13.13 30 12 15 16 6 11 4 Swd A Kolbane B Gabriel 11.36 28 15 10 12 9 7 13 Dark B - Juan 14.26 34 15 11 13 9 16 3 Lnc A Ilanice C Seren 10.38 29 11 12 13 9 10 5 Lnc C - Adrian 1.30 17 1 2 11 12 3 3 - - Kolbane, Juan, and Amelia are great as always. Lumi and Gabriel proved this chapter that I really don't need to worry about them too much anymore - they can hold their own. I wonder if they can support, since they showed up together in this chapter. Crowe and Ilanice need a little love from me, since they're lower than the other folks, but definitely worth training. Lia now has the highest level in the group. She is a lifesaver. Chester is really only there for unlocking stuff, but he's managed to stay out of trouble despite his low level. I still haven't decided what to do about Seren. She had a good level-up, at least. Also, I need to work on supports. [spoiler=Chapter 10A] [Chapter 10A: Liberty] Turns: 16 Loot: 6000g, Heavy Spear, stolen lockpick Purchases: Heal staff, Restore staff, Potion x 3, Fire Tome, Iron sword x 3, Steel sword x 3, Iron lance x2, Iron bow, Hand axe Funds: 6671g Prep: Hurray, more trade functions have been unlocked! I sell Chester and Adrian's blue gems for 10k gold. Astra uses the speedwings, boosting his 9 speed to 11. Finally, I choose to bench Furet, and as much as it pains me, Amelia. Map: WTF SHOPS IN RANGE OF SIEGE TOME? RAAEEGG *reset* Right, so. Everyone advances while Lia buys herself some staves and Renair grabs some swords. The rest of the purchases go to the convoy. At the stairs, Astra, Felix, Seren, and Adrian go left, while the others head to the right. Here's where things get stupid. At the time, I figured keeping the NPCs alive would garner a reward, so I did not free the captive men, and I rescued Vallans and Merriway. Fighting my way up the map without their help probably cost me a number of turns. I also forgot to buy a door key to let Enjo out, which means Chester had to loot the chests and then hoof it over to Enjo's door before the reinforcements came out. I didn't know Astra could talk to Enjo to get the latter his PRF tome, either. Oops! I'll have to replay this chapter sometime now that I know better. Gabriel and some other folks soften the boss, and Ilanice takes the kill. The end. Other notes: LumixKolbane A support. :3 So cute. CrowexKolbane C. Lia reaches A staves. Seren B lances. Bugs: Again, Ducann is back, even though Juan murdulated him back in Chapter 8A. Stats: Name Lvl HP Str Skl Spd Lck Def Res Wep Rank Support Renair 14.45 27 13 11 16 11 6 4 Swd A Furet B Kolbane 14.06 34 15 13 19 11 9 3 Swd A Lumi A, Crowe C Furetchen 2.94 37 17 10 10 6 10 4 Ax C Bow S Renair B Ilanice 12.91 26 10 12 17 11 6 9 Swd E Lnc B Juan C Amelia 14.99 25 16 14 11 7 7 13 Anima A - Chester 5.51 21 6 11 14 10 5 4 Swd D - Crowe 12.67 28 16 11 14 3 7 1 Bow B Kolbane C Lia 19.55 25 16 14 15 14 5 11 Staff A Astra C Lumi 13.73 30 12 15 16 6 11 4 Swd B Kolbane A Gabriel 12.63 28 16 10 13 10 7 14 Dark B - Juan 15.48 35 16 12 13 9 17 3 Lnc A Ilanice C Seren 12.63 30 12 12 14 9 11 5 Lnc B - Adrian 2.93 18 1 2 12 12 3 4 - - Karina 10 30 2 6 6 10 6 2 - - Seren's doing okay, so I'll keep growing her. Lia is almost ready to promote - I hope she gets a promotion item in the upcoming patch.
  9. Wow guys. Such hostility! Why do - ... oh. I get it. I understand! You guys don't have to hide it anymore. It's okay in this day and age. Really. Just admit it already! We know how you really feel. Just to show you that I fully support your endeavours together, I made you a banner. Now, where were we? Indeed! That's why if someone is going to come collect my gold, he should at least be as cute as the fellow in that sprite. :3 I haven't touched it except to move the nose a little. Actually, I need your advice. how do you recommend drawing hoop earrings? 1 px seems too thin, and 3 px seems too fat! Any suggestions? Thank you, Integrity! Now that you've posted here, stay awhile, eh? :)
  10. Thanks, Nayr! And lol. Let's go with "Imperial Tax Collector." I'm glad you like her! As for using her for an avatar, go nuts. How could I say no, given your screen name? Thank you, that means alot. <3
  11. That means alot, Phoenix. Thank you! :) Crap, I see what you mean! This guy's trim has given me a ton of guff. I'll go back and polish him up again before Elibian Nights v5 is released. Thanks, Acey!
  12. My votes: Hottest: Seph Best constructed: AK Favorite: Kon (omg, that Tingle just kills me!) Scariest: AK Realistic: Lumi All the entries are awesome, though. Great job, guys! Also: where are you this year, Waqwaq?!
  13. Thanks, Komatsu! :) Hair is definitely my favorite thing to sprite.

  14. Astelaine

    My Work. :)

    Oh mans. The costume and pose are so sexy. Great work, Ecut! :D
  15. Rejoice, for Florina has been un-derped! My undying love to Aeorys, who twiddled a few bits around for me, and Yeti for suggesting the mouth fix. Joe and Ecut, thank you too. Your crit helped make her better. :) Also, Jacob the storyteller gets an update: Enjoy!
  16. *bearhugs!!* Happy Birthday, Seph!

  17. Seph, great job with the fixes. She looks a ton better now, the hair and face especially. Soo cute~! As for crit: I feel like her cleavage comes up too high, and needs lowered a few px. On the other hand, I know you were specifically going for gratuitous funbaggage, so do as you will. Also, Rydia's irises seem too dark; unless you're zoomed in, they appear black. Needs moar lightest green. Good luck in the Halloween contest!
  18. I voted Feaw, because his map was more visually interesting. However, it was a tough call, because Prime's map is very clean, whereas Feaw's has all that house and fort spam. Feaw, I really think your maps would be improved by toning down the spam.
  19. Regarding classes, I am working on a Paladin for Arch and a Falcoknight for myself. I would like to informally reserve them, though of course I can't force anyone to respect that.
  20. She looks great, Seph! Nice fixes! *cheers!*
  21. Haha, thanks Nightmare!

  22. Astelaine

    My Work. :)

    Oooh! He looks great, Ecut! The resemblance seems spot on. It's always good to see new work from you!
  23. Thanks, Ecut, Octavian, and Florina! Hopefully the finished products will look even better! Also, since Arch posted the new Elibian Nights teaser, I can show this now: Slightly aged Florina! She does have problems with her eyes and face, so if anyone would like to offer suggestions or fixes, I'd appreciate that very much. Thanks!
  24. Hi guys! The new Florina sprite is my creation. I will work to fix her up before the release next week. I got some nice crit from Seph and Yeti, which will hopefully fix the issues. If you have more suggestions to make, please bring them to my spriting thread, so we don't clog up the EN discussion. Thanks a ton!
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