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Everything posted by Astelaine

  1. Happy Birthday, Amelia! *cheers!*

  2. Yeah, I am still working on the eyes. I haven't sprited anyone with eyes this big before, so it will take some futzing. She's not supposed to have no soul. XD And thanks for the tip on the forearm, I'll fatten it up a bit. Ty!
  3. Shucks, thanks! I am indeed working on a hack, though I won't have a demo out for some time - the story and the mugs still need a lot of love. But I'm very glad you like him. :) Thanks, Florina! And I did get your PM, I'll respond when I have a bit more time.Aaand, since I hate making replies without any new art to show, here is the latest batch of WIPs: On the left is my half-body for Ryrumeli's new hack project. Top-right is a dancer, and bottom-right is some kind of healer, either a troub or dragon rider. I have some new stuff coming out in Elibian Nights, too, but I can't spoil it! Until then, enjoy~
  4. Ryrumeli, this project sounds wonderful. I am definitely going to contribute a character and half-body. Is there any deadline for submissions? Best of luck! I can't wait to see what you put together.
  5. I've been addicted to Minecraft lately. While building a Sacaean yurt village, I thought, "I really need a skin to go along with this." Hence, Lyn! The belt colors seem pretty dark and muddy, but I can't be bothered to fix it right now. In any case, if you'd like to use this skin, it's here on the Skindex. Someone also modified her skin color here. Enjoy. :) Edit: Bonus content! I just remembered I made a Fire Emblem 4 Firefox skin some time ago. It's pretty conservative, so no worries about eye pain (unlike most other Personas I've seen...) Have at!
  6. This was a tough call! They're all really nice. I ended up voting for Garland's Anna, because the idea was the most original, and that nurse hat is just too cute. Good job, guys!
  7. Oohhhhh my gosh. This looks amazing. Good luck, Cedar, and your fellow Brigadiers. I can't wait to play the demo. :)
  8. Firstly, thank you to Cam and anyone else who has volunteered his or her time to answer hacking questions. Sharing your knowledge is laudable and important to the community; FE hacking could not grow without your help. So please understand that what you do is very much appreciated. Secondly, I agree that learning hackers need to do their homework and exhaust every other option before asking for someone's precious time. However, there is no justification for flipping out, cursing, or otherwise expressing rudeness towards those who ask questions. This isn't real life, where an annoying person can get in your face and not leave - it's an internet forum. If a question is too exasperating to respond to, you need only refrain from hitting "reply," and instead reward only worthwhile questions or threads with your time. No one is obligated to answer every single person, and you have the freedom to pick and choose who you teach. In short, if you aim to hack in a professional manner, then you should also approach the education of others in a professional manner. Please consider this the next time you go to answer someone's question. A good attitude towards newbies promotes a good - and far less hostile - community.
  9. Heya, Niharu! Dei already gave you some good critique, so I'll just say that I really like your character designs. And Cornelius' little crown is adorable. You've definitely improved since you started, keep it up! :)
  10. Thanks, guys! I'm glad you like it. :) I agree, it looks washed out to me also. The skin colors are part of the trouble, I think. The lightest skin tone doesn't have the brightness that makes lighter-skinned characters "pop." But I also really didn't want to use Garrett's skin tones, which are just too yellow. I'll play around and see if I can get a better look. Yeah, definitely. I probably need some more darks around the bangs and maybe the back of the head. When I'm less sick of looking at him, I'll try to fix it. Thanks!
  11. Teharam the shaman: complete! FE8: FE7: A big thanks to Dei, who made the dark FE8 skin color, and helped me reduce/fix colors on the FE7 mug. Thanks also to Aeorys/Jealousy, who made the black FE7 skin tones, and Hero of Time, who let me crib them from one of his portraits.
  12. I also don't "use" Furet, in the sense that I don't often give him kills or experience. I really hate feeding Jeigan units. Finishing A route, he'd only gained one level. Even so, I got through the chapters just fine, albeit with a higher turn count than some other players here. But even without giving him exp, he's immensely useful for meatshielding and chipping. In short, if you can field him without hurting the exp gain of the rest of the squad, why NOT use him?Tangentially: Furet is definitely the "dad" of my army. I liken him to FE4's Finn. If there's a dirty job that needs doing, upstarts that need babying and looking after, Furet's the one doing it, haha. (Even if his disposition is decidedly less fatherly than Finn's...)
  13. I voted Lumi. Amelia and Astra's splices are just beautiful, but I love when someone uses the given mugs to make a drastically different character type. Way to go, Lumi! : ]
  14. Annelise looks badass! And I mean both her mug and her sword rank. I can't wait to try her out! :)
  15. Thanks, guys! And yeah, the shading needs some love. We'll see what happens. I've been watching some of Pi's customing vids, maybe his sweet hair mojo will rub off on me. And okay Feaw, just for you :3
  16. It doesn't look like it. Not enough space. The TSA is also so wonky that I don't want to mess with it. Weird thing though - it seems Matthew and Legault share the same sheet (at least, that's how it looks in FEditor), and Leg's hair is just mapped over Matthew's body somehow. Interesting.Also, my work in progress is farther along. It's a shaman! There's still a lot to fix/finish, but there you have it.
  17. Yesssss. Also, Bittenfeld, when he's: I about died.
  18. Also, you can't ignore that hat. So pimp. Oops. Spoilerized. :3 [spoiler=Schenkopp commentary] Oh man, that's cool though. It makes Schenkopp into the little devil on Yang's shoulder, in comparison to Bucock as the angel. Schenkopp is then constantly reminding the viewer- and tempting Yang - with the ways Yang could use his military power. Bucock, on the other hand, is always reminding him of the ideals of democracy, and how he should hold fast to them. Good shite!
  19. I never noticed that the first time. (Granted, it's been a year and a half or so since I've watched the whole thing.) I suppose he's trying to help Yang think outside the box, or improve his strategies by poking holes in them, but if he does it too much he'd just be an obstinate ass. :V You think he'd tone it down a little, considering the fact that most of the Rosenritter commanders actually turned traitor against the Alliance that took them in, and were hence viewed with suspicion, but you know... the whole "devil may care" attitude.I was wicked surprised that he had his own subplot in Reinhard/Kircheis's side story.
  20. Omg, LoGH discussion? Be still my heart. This, haha. But Jesus Minci aside, the Imperials have more personality, and more backstory time. I mean, do we know anything about Poplan other than that he likes to womanize? How about Cazellnu, whose whole schtick is "I'm married, and like to pretend I'm in charge in my marriage?" Or Attenborough, who is supposedly almost as talented as Yang, but ends up relegated to comic relief? None of them get the kind of screen time that Reuental, Mittermeyer, Kircheis, etc get. Even Oberstein, whose overall screen time is very little, manages to cultivate more interest in that short time than the Alliance guys. Schenkopp is an exception. He is awesome in every scene, without fail.
  21. Holy crap, your avatar is Ulrich Kessler. Someone else here actually watches LoGH? Awesome.

  22. I'd hit it. But only if Lumi was bored of him that day
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