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Status Updates posted by Randoman

  1. So weird question, but do you know the canonical names of each of the Dragon Quest leads? I only know Solo/Sophia for DQ4, Madason for DQ5, and Patrick for DQ6 (the last one was shown on an official English DQ6 DS site from what I recall).

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Randoman


      Fair enough. So you get "Eight" as a name if you stick in nothing as your name. I should try doing that for the other Dragon Quest games and see what happens...

    3. Magical Glace

      Magical Glace

      I guess I could try it with DS!VI, and PS1!VII too.

    4. Magical Glace

      Magical Glace

      Okay found out the rest thanks to asking about DQ Sorter stuff

      I- Alef

      II- Allen

      IX- Nine

      X- X (just the letter. yeah, I find it odd too.)

  2. Happy Birthday Freohr!! I hope it's an awesome one!!

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Thank you Rando~

  3. So how do you like my new sig and avatar? Also, do you know who the character between Captain Falcon and Kirby is? I know you know who everyone else is in my sig.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Randoman


      I'm glad you like it. Yeah, I fixed up the 50 character pic from before and replaced Lucas and Wolf with Tingle and Dr. Stewart (that's who the person after Captain Falcon is). He's one of the 4 original F-Zero racers in the first game, and the only good guy racer (since he's not out to harm any innocents) among the 4 besides Captain Falcon.

    3. Anacybele


      Ah, I see! But why not one of the bad guy racers? I mean, there are villains playable in Smash Bros. too. Bowser, Ganondorf...

    4. Randoman


      Well, Captain Falcon and Dr. Stewart are the only two that are referenced in each and every game, even Maximum Velocity which features a brand new cast. In Velocity, Captain Falcon's son is playable while Dr. Stewart built one of the playable vehicles: the Silver Thunder. Even though Pico and Samurai Goroh were among the original 4, they didn't have any mention or references in Maximum Velocity. Not even Black Shadow, the series' main villain is mentioned in Maximum Velocity.

  4. Back to randomness!!

  5. Since I know you're an F-Zero fan, I thought you'd be interested in hearing these SNES F-Zero songs remixed in F-Zero X Style (Sand Ocean:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDHErXjQhyY Silence:

    Port Town:
    1. kingddd


      Ah I have listened to those before. They're nice remixes but I still prefer the originals. The rock style in N64 and the Techno Originals in GCN still can't compare imo.

  6. Wow, when I saw your avatar, I was thinking "did someone hack my account or is there another me walking around here?" Well, it's really good to see Dillon getting more love and attention.

    1. DodgeDusk


      Haha. I managed to get The Last Ranger for free a few days ago, so I've done the first two days in Beginsville. Really enjoying it so far

    2. Randoman


      Nice. =D I personally bought the first game through Club Nintendo, and I'm on the 4th town right now. It's a really fun and unique gaming experience, though the stress and worry of losing scrogs sure makes things tough and stressful.

    3. DodgeDusk


      Definitely. It doesn't help I'm generally not that good at Tower Defence games. But it's still fun

  7. So how are you doing these days? I hope things are going well and you're not too stressed out.

  8. Happy Birthday Iris!! I sure miss seeing you on SF!!

    1. Iris


      hi randoman! seeing this post makes me nostalgic lol

  9. You up for some 3DS Smash matches right now? Just say the word and I'll make a lobby. I can play for around 1 1/2 hours starting now.

    1. Jedi


      I would if I could. But I can't :(

    2. Randoman


      Ah, okay. Another time then. I still really want to see how good you are.

    3. Jedi


      And I want to spar with you as well, its just awkward for online for me right now in terms of gaming ^^ sorry again.

  10. You've left quite the legacy on SF in FFtF, yet I never see you post lately... Kind of a shame...

  11. So how are you enjoying season 5 of... well... you know what?

  12. So you excited for season 5? Also, I'm really sorry if the comment I made in my last PM was something that was better off unsaid.

    1. Inactive Account404

      Inactive Account404


      Sorry for the late response. I wasn't intentionally ignoring you. I've had a lot of other stuff going on, and haven't been spending much time on SF.

      And yes, I 'm enjoying season 5! I'm looking forward to the 100th episode. I've heard they are going to use ponies that are normally in the backround.

    2. Randoman


      I'm also looking forward to episode 100 as well. Hopefully Lyra (the neon green pony) will play a big role, since many background ponies will be in the spotlight for that episode. I'm also looking forward to episode 98, since it'll be quite funny and cute seeing how jealous Discord gets when Fluttershy in interested in a different guy. Also, don't worry about being busy. I'm just glad I didn't creep you out with that PM comment, since I saw you read the PM but since th...

    3. Randoman


      the last thing I said in it was somewhat questionable, I was worried you thought badly of me for admitting that.

  13. (posting this here to not derail your thread) Even with all the 3rd party requests, I still doubt we're going to get two or more DLC 3rd party characters (since Sakurai himself said introducing 3rd parties "nilly-willy" will make the series lose its focus), and I doubt they're going to make 3rd party DLC characters that'll bump up SSB4's rating to above E10+. Sakurai is practically going out of his way to keep Smash E10+ with the way the Barbara and Tharja trophies wer...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Knight


      If Nintendo has opened up and said "any video game character can be in Smash Bros. (with the ballot)" then that means we have seen their expectations, any self-assumed notions of worthiness are meaningless to this statement.

    3. Randoman


      Let's just stop this conversation. It's just frustrating me.

    4. Randoman


      At the end of the day, I still think the flood of 3rd party requests is ridiculous and unreasonable, Sakurai is definitely not going to be as 3rd party happy as all the fans are in regards to DLC characters, and that's all I have to say on the matter.

  14. Since you're a big Splatoon fan, I thought you might want to see this: http://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=250333

  15. So... are you alright? You seem quite down and negative.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. IceBrand


      pretty nice. Sure some like to voice their opinion too much and deny any criticism, but those are few in between. The worst I could say would be the FE13 sub board.

    3. Randoman


      FE13 fanbases again, huh? I thought the FE fanbase couldn't get any worse than the FE4 fanbase. Still, I find the FE4 fanbases' overall voice to be much more annoying even now, since very few people fought against the FE4 fanbase and biasedness. There's plenty of FE13 haters/overratedness proclaimers to balance it out. ...wait, I'm adding to fanbase toxicity now, huh?

    4. IceBrand


      Lol. Well, at least thing can't get any worse?

  16. So, how's Grade 12 treating you these days?

    1. ZemZem
    2. Randoman


      Well, do you feel confident about passing all your courses at least?

  17. With Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U being E10+, I doubt Snake would be in SSB4 as DLC or in any form, even if his grab/necksnap was removed (posting it here so SSB4 thread posters don't go all rabid on me).

    1. Guy Starwind

      Guy Starwind

      I can see where you're coming from but I still want him back. He was my main in Brawl.

    2. Randoman


      Fair enough. I just thought I'd throw that out there since with Barbara and Tharja trophies being cut from SSB4, Sakurai really seemed to be going out of his way to make SSB4 not reach a T rating, which Snake would definitely conflict with.

  18. Hi Everyone!!!

  19. You were asking about the guy in my March 2015 avatar/sig, and since Gryz actually correctly guessed who he is, I thought I'd link you to the answer in his post: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=52329&p=3647068

    1. Original Alear

      Original Alear

      I actually saw that post already! But you must be pretty on the ball to remember to tell me about it. Thanks!

  20. Happy Birthday Raven!! I hope your birthday wishes will come true!! (I have a feeling they involve meeting an really wonderful woman, right?)

    1. Raven


      Lol, cheers! I didn't make any birthday wishes, but that's fine

  21. How have things been with you?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Actually.... not really! \o/ I've just been focused on work.

    3. Randoman


      What's your work again? My job has changed from door packager to mechanical building plan drawer (as in, the kind that draws pipes and vents, not the kind that holds clothes).

    4. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Wee, I don't think a mechanical building plan drawer that I know of holds clothes~! ^o^

      I work at a restaurant salad bar

  22. Glad to see you back.

    1. Soledai


      Thanks, but I've been back for a while now, exactly one month to be precise.

    2. Randoman


      Well, I personally haven't seen you posting much. I guess I don't frequent the same areas you do. It's mostly Smash and forum games for me.

  23. Happy Birthday!!! =D

  24. You ever feel kind of sad about people not knowing what Gradius is? It's a shame that the game series is hardly known among most gamers nowadays.

    1. Emeraldfox


      Yes and no. Yes because Konami isn't doing anything with it at all, last Gradius anything they released(new) was Otomedius Excellent. And no because I could get people interested in Gradius if they wanted.

    2. Randoman


      Yeah, it's a shame how Konami is mostly focusing on Metal Gear and compromising a lot of their IPs. I personally have a lot of good (yet bad) memories of Gradius, especially all the times where I was doomed after dying and losing all my powerups at a boss.

  25. Happy Birthday!!

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