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    Indirectly causing crisis since 20XX


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  1. Of course I forgot *Facepalms* I thought it might have been too big anyways
  2. Check out this new spray I got about a child. [spoiler=WARNING! Contains exposed shoulder]
  3. Thanks for making this again. I've finally made it somewhat on time this time. Do you have access to individual votes? I'd be interested in taking a harder look at the data for you and doing some analysis. There's more to this poll than you might think.
  4. Just as a disclaimer, I'm one of those garbage hipster scum that has done no marriage playthroughs almost exclusively, so I won't be comparing most of the children. I'll leave it in a spoiler I was under the impression that Flora never told Felicia growing up from her boss dialogue. It would make sense since she's viewed as being protective of Felicia and would be the good intention behind bottling everything up. It's not really clear when Felicia learns of her upbringing (I think the Felicia & Niles A support can only happen after Flora is involved in the story). I guess Felicia could have just forgotten.
  5. Inked Maribelle: http://manidrawsstuffs.tumblr.com/image/141661038418 I chose this one because it made me realize how important line weight can be for a good image. I also think the facial expressions are really fitting. The site I have listed has the most recent stuff, but the artists also posts elsewhere. The many faces of Takumi: http://teddybeddybye.tumblr.com/image/126560403776 I like how the hair seems like a quick sketch but still works out really well. A lot of the artists work is on the more realism side on the spectrum so if you like that, this artist has more where that came from, especially if you like Takumi. I'll throw one of mine into the ring. I tried traditionally animating and I think I hate the frills on the maid class design as a result. I still liked animating the hair and the face so maybe I'll focus more on that next time. Flora bowing gif: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hr2ffgrqsc0l7wt/Service_with_a_smile.gif?dl=0 "I-is this good enough?" "Not enough."
  6. Only recently. Beforehand I figured I would have to start over eventually anyways and usually between using different characters, restrictions, outcome randomness, and strategy change ups were enough variation for me. I learned two things in the process: 1) If a character I care about ends up falling, my playing skill falls drastically and more people end up getting killed. 2) I seem to be playing more carelessly in the first place. I can't understand why because the consequences are supposedly harsher, but I guess before a perfectionism drive would kick in and make me pay more attention. Anyways, I still want to keep going to try and kick these bad habits
  7. Fair enough, but it doesn't really get an explicit resolution in conquest other than "I'm not sure what you mean but I appreciate the sentiment." We're just getting started so sit back, relax, and brace for a chill. I'll see myself out
  8. For what it's worth her story arc in Conquest is: "I hate Corrin for this life I'm forced to live." "Witness the strength of my tribe!" - Rinkah Flora Boss dies in two hits "Oh, Corrin you were also a hostage? I guess we're not that different after all. How could you forgive me?" It's not deep and the guilt over hating Corrin despite being in a similar situation never goes anywhere, but at least it's consistent with all 2 of her supports about becoming equals with the people she's close with. Obviously one of the problems of all 3 stories is that life and death challenges the audience's suspension of disbelief constantly. To me the worst death goes to
  9. I have to ask, did you end up playing conquest first? It's probably the case that players who played birthright first might not have much reason to care for her character. I also imagine the player might not have had any attachment to Felicia either if the player picked a female Corrin. I disagree with Flora's death being just for shock value. It serves to drive home one of the key points of her character that when she says that she doesn't deserve to be happy, she means it. (The Flora X FCorrin A rank support & Flora vs Jakob conquest boss conversation touches on this subject. I'd also cite this as the reason why she can only support Corrin and Felicia even if it's not necessarily intentional by the writers). The real crime is that you need to play Conquest and get Flora's supports before this scene to understand. EDITS: First let me disclose that while I know the general events of this chapter, I have yet to play it myself. I see the argument that Nohr!Corrin and the Nohrian siblings' submissiveness to Garon similar to how in abusive relationships, what may be obvious to an outsiders perspective isn't the case as the victim. While I personally don't have any experience with abusive relationships(thankfully), I don't think this argument holds up to me because as someone wouldn't know this experience, I feel that I didn't gain this insight at all. Would you say someone who isn't really aware about depression could come to a similar conclusion? I do agree that Flora's habit of bottling things in is a point in her favor but I also have personal experiences with this so I'm unsure myself.
  10. I just had a pamphlet that had fruit on it in japanese a few days ago and I believe it was furūtsu but yeah, your point still stands. For some reason, I never made the connection with Lemon being Remon in Japanese. Thanks for the clarification. I'll see if I can find out whether or not using the third person like that holds any significance for this support.
  11. Man, the Flora x Jakob support makes no sense when: 1) [spoiler=Conquest Chapter 8] it's possible that Flora may have already confessed her feelings to Jakob out of despair in a boss conversation 2) When Jakob talks about his love of fruit, the tease that he might say Flora wouldn't happen anyways since Jakob is talking to Flora. If he was to confess his love, he would say "I'm in love with y--". I'll give this one a pass though since it might just be lost in translation. So basically, Jakob's new favorite food will be yogurt. I kind of wish since Flora is one to overthink things, we got some self reflection and insight as to why she love(s/d) him in the first place, other than the implied hope for an escape from her hostage situation. This way could also address some of the problems of point 1 and the possible Flora x Corrin marriage. At least it shows her more shyer side and is still consistent with concludes with her central theme of becoming equals with the people she's close with.
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