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Everything posted by かベリー

  1. Ah, I love all flowers, they just fill me with this happy feeling, but Roses and Lotuses are really one of the prettiest ones, they're very simplistic, but elegant and fit perfectly. Opinions on fruits and vegetables?
  2. You can just use the "edit" button to add new things to a post you made. Double-posting is not a good thing. Anyways, onto your character: -Why does he hate Gerik's group and if this is set a long time after FE8, why is it still a thing? Heck, he doesn't even have an "order", it's just a group of a few people. -Why is it unusual to use lances? It's not like characters in-universe refer to themselves by their classes. No one would bat an eye just because he uses lances and has a "mercenary" class. -Why aren't the nations admitting to using mercenaries? -...Why is Carcino the strongest? Some big war should have taken place after FE8 for it to become stronger than the other ones. -Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't all demons disappear when the Demon King was sealed? Including Mauthe Doogs?
  3. Oh, the final boss has been thought out already? Will they have...a sexy custom animation?
  4. I tried making Byakuren from Touhou UFO to get back into splicing and I think she turned out good, I'm very proud on how her gradient hair turned out, even though it didn't require any work. I couldn't make her clothes though, none of the GBA FE sprites fitted her clothes. :/ I tried adding the image addresses to my first post, but it's not working?
  5. Uh, no idea. FFIV, FE7-8 and TO I guess? Favorite copy power?
  6. Also, this should be moved to Concepts because for now, it's little more than a concept. But seriously, you can't expect anyone to understand your project by just listing some stats. And what kind of name is Void?
  7. God darn it Cookie, cheating on Boner with Toots? Your life is as stable as my cookies-crumbly.
  8. Uh, no idea, honestly. Favorite medieval fantasy video game?
  9. *cough cough* Not everyone cares about History or Columbus. *cough cough* Don't be rude.
  10. Ha! But the truth is that I already have eye problems! Anyways, what I meant is, they all have their own rules, but if it comes to dealing blows or more serious spells like reviving spells, which universe would take priority? Could a HP spell protect you from ki? By Naruto laws everyone has chakra, but what about characters from Sailor Moon and etc?
  11. Yeah, but for example, magic in Harry Potter works very different from Final Fantasy magic and for example, Touhou magic. How will they interact together?
  12. Honk honk and doge. Favorite thing about Japan? Darkstalkers is cool.
  13. Ah, I see. I'll try giving it another shot with that mentality. And I think it's deathLastSpell, but I think I've also gotten it to only use one? I don't really pay attention when I do it mid-battle. And I normally switch around between Border and Netherworld, just for variety. The Magic one is fun, but impractical and I haven't really used the Scarlet one. One of my biggest weaknesses if I had to say, would probably be my constant resetting when I lose a life in the first stage by accident or something. I'm pushing myself and it's annoying, but it irks me and I just restart. ; -;
  14. Оh. Well I have a hard time predicting, so deathbomb in most cases, but the important thing is that it's still better than losing a life. ... Geegee.
  15. But I heard it's good for gaining Time or something? I got Wriggle and Mystia's Last Spells so.
  16. SO I REACHED THE MANSION AND IT WAS ALL REALLY COOL AND INTERESTING AND THEN I MET RINNOSUKE AND YUKARI AND THEN I LOOKED FOR MARISA AND I MET YUUKA AND I DIED AND I DIDN'T SAVE AND NOW I DESIRE DEATH. P.S. There's a random fairy in the mansion, I think Yukari said "aruement" instead of "argument" and I think that making a spoiler-free permanent missable items list would be very cool. Also, seriously, why did Yuuka fight me, this isn't fair. ; -;
  17. Oh boy, I have to revive this and rework it.
  18. I'm getting way better at dodging and deathbombing, I didn't even have to focus for most of Wriggle and Mystia's spells! But Marisa absolutely destroyed me. ; -;
  19. Oh my god, Peacher absolutely sent you into Hell with that Kefka thing, poor you.
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