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Everything posted by かベリー

  1. When the Danmakufu Spellcard Request thread is dead and you wanted to request a thing. ; -;
  2. I want to buy it just to see if it's this thing or someone made a fully fleshed out FE universe crossover hack.
  3. You're just thirsty for her "mountains of faith". No, she's a blonde girl with a ponytail and she's a great rapper, stop bullying her.
  4. She's just in for the mountains of faith, right.
  5. Woah, these are absolutely radical and sensational.
  6. Finals have finished, but I'm a terrible writer so.
  7. I know, she's around 34 and I have to B button her every time because she has a Macho Brace. 1. Why. 2. Why?
  8. Hm...That's a tricky question. Control over wind sounds pretty cool, it can be used for many things, from refreshing myself to all kinds of party tricks and maybe even flying. Favorite ice cream flavor?
  9. "I unironically enjoy Touhou, it's a deep and complex series that deserves more recognition than Fire Emblem." Well that was a bit too serious, woops.
  10. I just didn't gather any Power after getting in between 3 and 4, it was just a one time thing though, I don't wanna cheat. Also, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, I have no idea what to make my Touhoumon team and I got bored out of spamming my Meiling, Alice and Minoriko, but they're all I ever trained along with a low level Hina aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
  11. It worked! But I had to delete tons of stuff for more space, I hope it downloads now.; -;
  12. Beedle becoming an AQUATIC MAFIA BOSS and introducing drugs to the LoZ universe.
  13. I just said. Hina sucker punched me. hobo link please listen more carefully
  14. I reached Nitori with ReimuA, wee. I also tried glitching my way with MarisaB, but Hina and her stupid nonspell dropped my Power to nothing. ; -;
  15. Yeah, Wine is your best option. Don't give up until you've tried everything.
  16. *ahem* I don't really know, I don't have much experience with armed c o m b a t, but stabbing swords, katana swords and bows are stylish. Throwing knives too, I guess? Favorite historical figure? Hehehe, Jeanne D' Arc.
  17. My Love Live is only playing in portrait mode, but it's landscape shaped and it's in a random corner of the screen and I can't see a part of it and I'm scared. P.S. Lettuce mom appreciation topic, make it happen.
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