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Everything posted by かベリー

  1. Ah, I just tried this out and I only played a little (up to the Misty Lake itself), but it's really fun! Everything looked well executed and felt pretty natural, I really like the Skill system. Also, the hidden items are a super neat bonus, I can't believe I almost missed the YY Orb. Anyways, my main gripe with it were the huge interior maps, there's lots of empty space and you can perfectly fit everything you need in a much smaller space. Other than that, for now, I'm having fun. Also, I suggest you change the character's titles to actual titles instead of just their main element. For example, "Holy Maiden of Pain" fits Reimu, rhymes, implies her main element is Holy AND it adds some flair to it! P.S. Also, SEVA nailed the thing about the length.
  2. Uh, I've studied Italian for four years, I can handle this. I can't. Anyways, welcome to Serenes! Hacking is cool and all, but it can be very hard when you start, so check out the many tutorials and the Fan Projects subforum for help if you ever need it! Also, hail Serra.'
  3. The legendaries are a little underwhelming, but everything else looks great! Lillie looks like she could be a rich kid and her parents sent her to study under the professor to get some life experience or something, it could explain her clothing and paler skin.
  4. I like how Kaguyas eyes are trying to fuse into one single eye. Her tube arms that extend beyond the third dimension are also really hot.
  5. U-uh. Almost equal? What is your favorite cuisine?
  6. Maybe around late afternoon? Not late enough for the sky to be dark blue/black, but late enough for it to be uh...just dark enough for everything to feel darker, but not by much. So I guess it's in between. Favorite sweet?
  7. Wait what the actual heck, we have fist weapons...???
  8. O-Oops. [Also, those are cosmic flowers.] Avi character?
  9. Some of them are amazing, but there's also a lot of...Yeah...Poke'mon Sweet is a masterpiece though, amazing idea.
  10. Quiet, small, often rainy and with many flowers. Also, high speed internet, food and cozy blankets.
  11. Depends on the person's skin tone and general style, I like all of them. Favorite flower?
  12. Holy heck, this looks sensational, maybe enough for me to try out FE4, maybe. You can do it! Also, oh my god, the way you made the new spell types is pure, g-e-n-i-u-s!
  13. It's like Final Fantasy, but boring, with ugly art and more generic imo.
  14. What the actual heck, this makes no sense. Also, Crazy, you're not implying mid-battle palette changes, right?
  15. Well I didn't get the cherry or border mechanics, I just dove in and I guess the patterns and stuff was interesting, but lately I've had a constant...headache? It doesn't hurt, but I feel tired and I didn't really pay attention. I'll give in another go when I feel better.
  16. Anyways, my failed diplomatic attempts aside, I tried PCB after IN stopped running like EoSD did...It was, eh? It was entirely in Japanese, even though I'm sure I chose the English .exe, it was fun, but harder than IN and I played with SakuyaA I think? She had a huge spread and a homing attack so she was stronk. I reached Alice and I don't know, it wasn't very interesting, maybe it's just because I'm in a bad mood. Chen needs to calm the heck down though, jeez.
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