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Posts posted by Silvercrow

  1. My only personal thought is that if they find it acceptable to nerf Xin Zhao for pubstomping, they should definitely be nerfing this guy for the same reason.

    But really they should just buff Xin Zhao.

    There definitely hasn't been power creep on any significant level, how many out of the past 10 champs are commonly played competitively anyway? I only count 3, Ahri, Lulu, and Nautilus.

  2. Kite him. His maximum range on any damaging ability is 475 on his ult, 270 on normal skills. Pick someone with powerful kiting ability (Cassiopeia comes to mind) or build frozen mallet on somebody with range. His pull has a 24 second cooldown at level 1 and 12 seconds at max level.

  3. Just beat the shit out of him in lane, he is one of the worst possible top laners

    He has no escape ability and no tankiness, he's extremely vulnerable in lane.

    All told he is pretty much the bruiser version of Kat, the counterplay is just slightly different. (kite him instead of just CCing her)

  4. Holsety is around for 7.5 out of 12 chapters, which relative to graphcalibur is pretty decent (consider that graphcalibur can't be repaired infinitely).

    Topic says no FE4 Holy Weapons, so I would assume he's talking about FE5 Holsety which is around for 4 chapters out of 30-something (3 if you skip 24x and 5 if you count 4x I guess) compared to Graphcalibur which you have from 4x onwards

  5. Graphcalibur has gotta be it. It's just too good. Gotten early, low weight, high damage, 1-2 range, extremely high crit rate, and deals magic damage which is huge in Thracia, probably huger than doing effective damage vs. Cavalry and Armors.

  6. Well, I voted against it. Not much else to do or say.

    It seems like something that will eventually be overturned but just has to be dealt with for the moment. 58-42 is a landslide when you're talking elections. I don't think these sorts of amendments will make it to the Supreme Court--I would think that likely a federal law (or constitutional amendment) would have to happen to really change anything.

    It's a tough situation.

  7. Black Cleaver is core on Kayle. The shread from Black Cleaver and her passive stack favorably, as well as attack speed synergizing with righteous fury, so for a relatively small amount of gold (compared to other AD items) you get a lot of damage.

    Generally it's something like Wriggles -> Berserkers -> Black Cleaver -> Infinity Edge -> Phantom Dancer/Triforce -> Situational (QSS, Banshee, GA, etc). Can sell the wriggles lategame for a bloodthirster or something.

    I don't think Frozen Mallet is really necessary, since you've already got a pretty brutal slow and probably red buff. If you want health, warmogs is a possibility.

    This is, however, jungle Kayle, so an alternative more tanky on-hit build (with Wit's End and Mallet and etc) could also work in a solo lane.

  8. Kayle is fairly underrated for sure. I heard she has great jungle speeds and whatever though haven't tried it so take this with a grain of salt.

    I play jungle Kayle on occasion if somebody wants to play something like an Urgot or play a kill lane bottom (e.g. Leona Jarvan), it works quite well and she jungles quickly with fairly high HP with decent ganks. Worth a try sometimes.

  9. Meh, I feel like I've got a decent grasp of last hitting (having played about 2k games of LoL, although it is almost universally easier to last hit in that game) so I don't really feel that's the biggest issue. I generally have around 50 give or take a few CS by the 10 minute mark on a ranged hero provided I don't get demolished in lane. It's more like playing carry is just different in this game... in LoL playing carry is basically an exercise in kiting and animation cancelling, in DotA it's quite different due to turning speed and the general unresponsiveness of heroes.

    That said, I feel like I do alright on semi-carry roles. Queen of Pain has been my go-to hero, been sporting a fairly good win ratio on her. Can usually get upgraded boots, magic wand, bottle and one big item (Scepter, Scythe of Vyse, etc) by the 25 minute mark on her unless I end up dying a whole lot which is difficult to do.

    So yea, maybe I should just stick to my guns. Or practice more.

  10. Been playing this a bit more recently as opposed to LoL since a bunch of my friends actually got beta invites.

    I enjoy the game, the dynamic is definitely interesting, although I haven't been playing for very long by any means. Pretty much exclusively been trying to play mid lane, since it was my forte in league and holy crap I am bad at playing agility carries in this game. Like I literally cannot do it unless I am spoon fed. I can play an Outworld Destroyer or Exort Invoker just fine in a carry role, but whenever I try to play an Anti-Mage or Void or w/e I just flop, hard. Yea there's probably some irony there.

    But, still learning, there's just so much to learn especially in terms of items. I still feel like I have only a very rudimentary understanding of what items are good situationally.

    Either way, I definitely intend to keep playing, so there's that.

  11. That's the idea: Triforce is such an expensive item that building wriggles will set you back substantially enough in gold that it will no longer be worth it as you'll be sacrificing your tankiness.

    It was already sort of a luxury item imo, now I just feel that unless you're stomping your lane, you'll probably need that wriggles and will probably be better off just building Wit's End/Frozen Mallet/whatever else immediately afterwards than hoarding 4000 gold for it.

  12. Yea, normal draft is not randomized whatsoever: premades are always higher up in the pick order.

    Which makes it pretty frustrating to solo queue normal draft since you're support 95% of the time, jungle 3% of a time, and AD/mid/top about 1% each.

  13. Dignitas has had a fairly impressive showing as well, though. The only game they lost they threw really, really hard.

    Will be interesting to see if they're savvy enough to counter M5's strats, though. It's kind of sad to see them getting away with the exact same game plan as they did at Kiev uncontested.

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