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Posts posted by Silvercrow

  1. 2/10

    His early joining is probably the only thing that saves him from a 1/10. He's moderately accurate, but does no damage, scales poorly, and is impossible to train because, well, archer. Klein blows him out of the water after not too long even if you choose to continue using him for some reason.

  2. Something that can either get fed to the point that it can 5v1 (hypercarry like Trynd/Yi/Nasus, or just a strong bruiser) or someone that can ensure that every lane wins hard (Leblanc, Twisted Fate, Urgot mid, etc).

  3. Guess I'll bandwagon for the hell of it.

    AD Offtank: Irelia, Gangplank, Jarvan

    AP Offtank: Rumble, Ryze

    Tank: Rarely play, but I guess Leona or Jarvan or Udyr. Maokai if he's free but I'm way too lazy to buy him even though I enjoy playing him.

    Jungle: Xin Zhao, Jarvan, Udyr, Tryndamere, Gangplank, Trundle, Kayle, Evelynn (better than given credit for), Cho in a pinch

    Assassin: Depends on your definition, but Leblanc (main, jeigan op), Akali, Fizz, Evelynn

    AD: Vayne, Tristana, Urgot, can play Ezreal or Sivir in a pinch

    Support: Janna, Leona, Soraka if I must, Leblanc (try it)

    AP: Uh... Ahri, Anivia, Annie, Brand, Cassiopeia, Fizz, Karthus, Katarina, Kennen (main), Leblanc (main), Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Orianna, Ryze, Swain (main), TF, Vladimir, Ziggs.

    You can probably guess what I usually play if given the choice...

    @Morgana: Very solid choice, sometimes banned but probably worth learning regardless. There's a lot of diverse options for mid though and I think it's the lane that requires the most pick strategy, so learning a couple choices is probably good. Morg is strong in nearly all matchups, and that's why she's sometimes banned.

    You can definitely roll one pick that functions as jungle/tank/AD offtank situationally. Stuff that comes to mind is Gangplank, Jarvan, Lee Sin, Udyr (although a chunk of his damage is magic even in tiger stance), or Wukong, since that seems like both of you guys don't really play anything of those roles, it could make it a bit easier to focus on just one champ.

    Ultimately though, you should play what you find fun, so just experiment with stuff on free week until you find someone that sticks out.

  4. Yea, AD items are more gold efficient than tank items, so later in the game your AD carry should be able to rip apart Cho (or any other tank) with relative ease if they're properly protected.

    Otherwise, shut him down in lane, which is easier said than done.

  5. The arena is very irregular in this game. You get matched up against enemies with bizarre stats and often the weapons you're given are blatantly unequal (talking Iron vs. Silver type inequality here). Don't be surprised if your mages get put up against Cavaliers with 15+ magic or some other weird crap.

  6. Caitlyn destroys lanes. The only AD that can put up with her laning is Urgot (but I'm not really a fan of Urgot bottom).

    If the enemy comes out of the lane intact, however, Caitlyn's in trouble because pretty much everybody else outscales her.

  7. I see a lot of advice about giving this blade and that blade to Felgus, so I had to ask, is Leaf a good combat unit, or do we just have him seize and that's that? Because I left him with the Rapier on all of my unfinished runs and he wasn't doing very good at all.

    Leaf's alright (mostly because of the Light Sword), but he usually hits the level cap so early compared to everyone else and kind of rots with mediocre stats for the majority of the game if you use him as a combat unit.

    So basically, it's not that he's bad--it's that not only is it usually a bit of a waste of exp, the Light Sword is really good and Leaf can just use it fairly liberally.

  8. My only complaint is that if you draft solo queue, you're automatically last pick 99.9% of the time.

    Not that I mind playing support, but doing it in solo queue every time is a bit annoying.

    I guess they're trying to encourage you to do solo queue ranked or something.

  9. I didn't realise that Ambush had the same value as Wrath. I mean, you'd think that since the Ambush Manual appears about the same time that Olwen does, she'd be an ideal canditate, whereas Eyrios isn't really an ideal canditate for Wrath seeing as he doesn't join until 9 chapters after you get it.

    Ambush is pretty valuable with the amount of powerful weapons you get early in the game.

    But yes, you are missing out on a lot of chapters of Wrath (and everything else).

  10. I was going to say it looks like it was just outdated--I think we all went through the "omg train my units screw marcus!!!" phase at some point. But it was last edited in November 2011....

    But yea, I would say don't bother as well. Aside from the fact that not a whole lot of people are going to be playing FE7 for the first time nowadays, I would say it's probably not worth the effort to fix up a site of questionable reputation.

  11. iirc, Eyrio's strong point is his absurd durability. He's got some absurd amount of HP for a mage knight that Olwen can pretty much never match without some serious scroll abuse.

    Olwen's biggest problems are her really bad durability coupled with being weighted down miserably by her only really reliable weapon. If she has Ambush, she can destroy, otherwise she'll have a tough time. And will have trouble with ballistae regardless.

    If we can give Olwen Ambush, we can give Eyrios Wrath, which gives them pretty similar enemy phase strength. The difference is that while Olwen has greater attack power, Eyrios will be able to tank. Wrath + Sunlight sword with his already high HP is a great way to make sure you remain alive.

    It's a matter of glass cannon vs. a more tanky, versatile alternative. If they joined at the same time, I think it would pretty much be in favor of Eyrios no question, but Olwen comes quite a bit earlier so I'm not actually sure. Haven't played much Thracia in a while.

  12. I imagine so, but I've also both heard that it is both a drain on one's soul to be on a team with an inexperienced player as an experienced one, and sometimes vice-versa. One might be behooved to get a leg up by reading the available strategy guides.

    Well, that's why you play with friends. If they're not dicks, they won't care.

    Actually, some of the most hilarious fun games I ever played as a level 30 were with very low level friends. The ridiculousness you can get away with and just laugh about is almost as much as < 1200 elo.

  13. Yea--after you get the basics (and by basics I mean like learning the controls and really basic item builds and such) the fastest way to learn the game is just to queue up with a group of higher-leveled friends and play, and not care about winning or losing. You'll wise up pretty fast.

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