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Posts posted by Silvercrow

  1. In a truly efficient playthrough, Tiltyu doesn't get paired afaik, so it's kind of a moot point

    The thing is that as long as Arthur has a magic ring, his base magic is actually high enough all the way until chapter 10 or so. Enemies have pretty poor resistance/HP for quite a while.

  2. Lex, I've also never really understood the praise for (probably because I never got the Hero Axe due to FE4 liking placing super secret items on one specific spot of the whole gigantic map).

    Yea this is kind of the selling point of Lex. The difference between him with and without it is astronomical.

    You'll probably still find him overrated if you find Sigurd overrated though.

  3. Banshee's veil would have been a much better pickup against that lineup than FoN due to the fact that they rely on spells to dive and lock you down (and in the case where you don't want the bubble/HP I would still recommend Abyssal Scepter over FoN on nearly any AP carry).

    I don't personally find that she needs Rod of Ages due to her extreme range, Doran's Rings usually suffice. It's a pretty costly item.

    Also focus a bit on farming, that farm is pretty low for a 50min game (granted, everyone else's farm is pretty low too). Don't be afraid to use your ultimate to clear waves after you hit level 16, the cooldown is quite short especially with blue buff.

    Nothing else to really say, can't comment without having seen you play her

    EDIT: I disagree with leveling W over Q since even if you value the shield over the extra damage, the CDR on Q per level is vital in the midgame where you'll be defending/sieging towers and need to be able to fish for people with the binding. But whatever floats your boat.

  4. Silence and the biggest objective control in the game don't count? Huh, that's new. Also, supportsticks silence and fear have shorter range, among other things. It's a matter of positioning. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. And after getting Rylai's - or whatever - and stacking R, he's got OVER 9000 HIT POINTS. (Or 3000. Fine. And it might be EHP instead if you build resistances.) That's kind of like being Vlad except more cc-y and less damage-y.

    Yea, support Fiddle has the same problem which is why it's not played terribly often (I only see Curse play it with any regularity). He has it a little better though, because Dark Wind's range is longer than Feral Scream and Terrify is much more reliable than Rupture. I would still advocate giving Fiddle some farm (again, not a lot, but enough to stay afloat). He also lanes better than Cho which makes him more desirable as a support.

    And yes, exactly, Cho is fine after he gets Rylai's, Frozen Heart, or w/e. So he needs to actually be able to finish that item instead of subsisting on Philo, HoG, level 1 boots and a stream of Wards/Oracles like many other supports can.

  5. I expect my support to be absolutely 0 cs, except for random creeps taken on accident, and build around that idea. Support Cho, GP, Galio, whoever are still played around this - the defining criterion for a support, in my opinion, is that s/he can keep on being useful on absolutely no farm at all throughout the game.

    Yes, and under this criterion, support Chogath has one spell (Rupture) and is just a piece of meat otherwise. He needs some items to be able to enter the enemy and get well-placed feral screams and feasts after like 30 minutes. Leona and alistar get away with it with their abilities. Cho does not.

    This is fine if you're Janna or something. It doesn't work for Cho.

  6. I disregarded farming the same way I disregarded dragon and tower gold, and even kill/assist gold: it's a flat addition, a one-time thing, whereas gold items are constant gold generation. Any gold gained from whatever outside sources applies to both cases. Did the math in my head anyway, say you get 1k gold randomly by whatever means between minute 12 (second gp10 item in standard playthrough with wards and no outside gold) and picking up third big item. Cuts the time to 840 vs 700 seconds. A little over 2 minutes' difference when the second gp10 is factored in, pretty much negligible in terms of variance per game.

    Yea but this is just as a baseline for comparison against other supports. Cho is capable of making up the gold lost on wards by farming it since he is not only better at it but gains more out of it than other supports might. Soraka or Janna will still get tower and KA gold, but will probably farm next to nothing. Cho gets all of the above plus whatever farm he can scrounge

    If you're losing map control, then yea he's the first person that has to give it up which is why I said "it depends on the game flow", but support Cho is not played in the same sense that Soraka, Janna, Sona etc are. He has high returns from his farm relative to other supports, so he is justified in receiving some (but still less than solo lanes)

    Most "unconventional" supports are unconventional because of this property: they scale well off farm, so optimal use of them means giving them farm, which means detracting farm from elsewhere. This is why some oddball champs once played as supports, like Gangplank or Galio, are now never seen in that role

  7. I agree with what you say but support Cho is rarely fully 0 CS even if you don't count the creeps he feasts

    Obviously it depends on the game flow but if Cho gets some time to farm he can do it quickly and safely in both lanes and jungle. Not that I would expect him to exceed maybe 50 CS but that's an extra ~1000 gold more than your average Soraka or whatever else might want Rylai's/Frozen Heart (which I think is a better choice for your "big" item if nobody else on your team is building it) is probably going to achieve in a random game

  8. (tried playing Anivia with amusing results, but will need to remind the guys I'm playing with that leaving her alone top early is really bad).

    Anivia actually needs a solo lane, but it should be mid, not top. Give it a try sometime if you haven't already.

  9. The player base really isn't THAT bad, people are just initially shocked that people would say any toxic things at all over a game. If you compare to other games though, it's really pretty tame.

    Most FPS games and other MOBA games are generally worse from my experience, while MMOs are a bit better (but tend to have other community-related problems not related to people badmouthing each other).

  10. You use the warp staff to clear a chapter nearly instantly by sending a powerful unit to kill the boss guarding the throne, then dancing to the warper and doing the same thing to your lord to seize the throne in the same turn (or some variant of this). It's a quick and painless way to clear certain chapters.

  11. sigh...guys i've lost about 8 or so games in a row while playing everyrole but jungle(which always seems to get taken as they don't gank enough as a bonus).

    what should i be doing? i comeback from a good break from college to pick this up again and i can't win anymore, everyone esle either loses thier lane or i get stuck bot fighting Blitzcrank support, this god damned freeweek.

    Pick one champ you really like and focus on playing a lot of games as them

    Understanding how to play one champion really well will win you a lot of games against people who haven't done the same or who aren't playing their "signature" champion

  12. I really don't like using Ashe, but eh. Don't have Facebook, so no Tristy. The latter looks interesting, though~! I'll see if I have the energy to play Normal when I get home. Right now, I'm doing some testing on something that relies on a wireless connection. I'd rather not disappoint on my Normal debut!

    I don't have a facebook either, I just made a fake one and deleted it after I got her.

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