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Everything posted by MarkyJoe1990

  1. Ehhh. I feel I should point out, the "Got a game over" chests as well as most of the other ideas in the submission have been done already by my RF3 submission, The Corruption Of Roy, and I doubt that's by accident. It's flattering, but I'm not sure it earns the creator cleverness points. But yeah, having the legault trigger event be right above the armory makes a lot more sense, especially since that's where Legault actually spawns when you break the wall. I think I also would have liked it if stepping close to Canas triggered a conversation between them planning to escape. It'd be a nice attention to detail, as well as a great opportunity for hints. Thinking about it, I think puzzles CAN work in FE, but the only submission so far that I feel does it right is SuperSonic1212's submission, Lyn's Revenge. I felt genuine satisfaction from beating that one, and I think part of it is due to the submission being a lot more intuitive. I was also able to figure it out entirely on my own, though, I DID get some cheerleading by SS1212. Now, that said... When I asked Pwntagonist for help, he said I needed to buy another door key. It seems obvious now that it's been mentioned, so maybe the problem is more that I'm commentating as I play, which makes it hard for me to play well...
  2. I won't defend the random tile triggering Legault to show up, since that is a design I legitimately dislike, but you can avoid the killer axe pirate by attacking him with javelins safely behind the prison door. After that, you can immediately get the iron rune, so the rest of the killer axe pirates aren't an issue.
  3. Erm... Let's not be so harsh, a'ight? Remember that regardless of the quality of some of these submissions, people spent various amounts of time to make submissions for this contest, for free, basically. Here's the thing. I don't hate puzzles. I think puzzles can be fun. The problem is that Fire Emblem is not designed to be puzzle like. Whereas a puzzle usually has one solution, with all the pieces and elements laid out in front of you, Fire Emblem has things like RNG that add uncertainty to even the most logical moves, which makes it extremely frustrating when a submission is designed with one solution yet retains the RNG, and expects it to cooperate. Another thing is that Fire Emblem is deliberately designed to accommodate for things going horribly wrong such as losing units, failing to get important items, etc.. That's distinctly very un-puzzle like, and it's also something that makes FE enjoyable for me. You can still win if you don't play optimally, but you can also improve and become more efficient if you want as well. This allows the player to express themselves and develop their own play style rather than simply putting the pieces together on a pre-fabricated canvas.
  4. @Numbers: I'm gonna keep it brief and say no. It's not. Fire Emblem is not a puzzle game, and it's not designed to be.
  5. No. NO! I do NOT want more puzzle submissions! >_< I HATE playing these things, and they're not fun to watch.
  6. I think I've found a new hell. Puzzle submissions.
  7. Aww fuck. I'm not sure what's gonna happen, but whatever it is, I'm sorry. >_< *heads to the PMs*
  8. ... Hooo boy. The part 2 footage for Marc's Precious gets really out of sync. It's almost beyond recognition. My morale's feeling pretty low right about now. ... I'll figure something out.
  9. Yeah. Uh. Truth be told, the pitch changes weren't intentional. I just had bad settings on virtual dub when I recorded. I still need to get my recording set up, well, set up. ... because it's causing me to do a lot of resyncing in part 2 of Marc's Precious. *sigh*
  10. DH_Ninja's submission, DISTORTION/DISPLACEMENT is up! Don't ask about the thumbnail.
  11. Got off work early. Gonna take this time to shower, then edit the footage for Distortion. I should have the whole submission up later today. I love having free time again~
  12. @Night: Hey, I visit houses all the time. Go watch Midnight Sun! And correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't I visit the houses within just the first few turns? Regarding your other points... I despawned the troubadour because I felt it would make things easier. Not because I was trying to show off. I don't exploit to show off. I just don't like dealing with stuff if I don't have to. Yes, I don't like open spaces. FE11 gave me a some trouble with its high move units and open space. Strangely enough, FE6 didn't, but that game did a damn good job at teaching me to be paranoid as hell. I wouldn't call myself arrogant about my defense game. It's more like... It is very hard to make a good defense mission because of the nature of the game. You can very easily trivialize most of them if you think outside the box a little. Sometimes you don't even need to do THAT. I don't like to defend either. It's boring. =X I think your other points are spot on though. @Silver: I dunno. I have work today, but I'm off tomorrow. It's pretty dead at my job, so I should have more time for videos.
  13. @Night: Your submission was short, so it wasn't really an issue. I honestly would like to see more of you in the contest. =X Which... leads me to believe that perhaps people should either make their submissions short and brutal, or long and easy. Either way, I'd want progress to be consistent. It becomes very demoralizing when I've wasted a lot of time on my days off on a submission without anything to show for it. Also yes, your assessment of my strategies sounds just about right. Congratulations. You figured that out faster than one of my old friends did. He acted like he was smart and stuff, and that he could design a truly horrific submission by studying my play style, and guess what? Never happened. I wasn't always like that, mind you. I used to grind up my units, avoid the jeigans, and so on, but that got old after a while, and during commentaries, I prefer to use strategies that take the least amount of effort so I can focus on just talking instead of playing well (Hard to do both). Midnight Sun shows just how little I care about abusing the Jeigan unit. DX
  14. @Numbers: ... >_> That's just one chapter. I can name plenty others in that game that are really well designed. @Avraxas: Funny you say that, Avraxas, because out of all the submission so far, I'd say yours is probably the most intuitive and fair. But yeah. I think submissions with lots of shock value tend to get far. Also ones that take joy in screwing with the player too (Distortion!!). Of course, the icing on top is good comedy writing. The intro to Trapped In Painful Places is, like, the single best cutscene of any Ragefest submission IMO.
  15. Right. That said, I'm also totally okay with people trying to make a normal, challenging submission as well. As in, pure, fair challenge. Something a player could in theory beat on their first try if they're careful and thoughtful enough. I've been craving something like that for a while, especially since I've been playing FE12 Hard lately, which took all the intuitive, thoughtful design of FE3 and threw it out the window. =\
  16. Just giving everyone a status update. Marc's Precious: Almost complete, but I've hit a snag. Money Man's Last Stand: Hit a snag, but the author gave me a hint. I face palmed at how obvious the solution to my problem was. DISTORTION/DISPLACEMENT: Complete. I've recorded varying amounts of each of these submissions. I'm either close to done, or completely done with them. This should give us... six more submissions to do. Here's to hoping they aren't bone crushingly hard like nearly every submission so far. ;-; Like, seriously. Wow. People cranked up the brutality this contest. Also, I think Distortion is gonna have the best video. I might edit that one first and upload the others after. EDIT: CONTROVERSIAL STATEMENT TIME So. Y'know how Ragefest is about me raging and stuff? I'm totally fine with that. However, I'm starting to think maybe we should tone down the difficulty from now on. Having to redo segments over and over again is time consuming and my time's becoming more limited. Not to mention, the harder a submission is, the more care and polish it needs in order to avoid becoming luck based. What I'm suggesting is that in Ragefest V, for the first time, I'm gonna be discouraging cheap/unfair design and suggest people find different ways to torture me instead. Distortion is a perfect example. And if I remember right, Marc's Special Day is hardly a shining example of difficulty either, but that got under my skin hardcore. I also think a lower difficulty will make long submissions feel way shorter, because I'm redoing way less often. Beyond that, I also feel like... what we want out of ragefest is different from what ragefest actually is. I feel that people are typically more interested in submissions that are well designed and creative, even though Ragefest implies the opposite of the former. I think people also get more excited about submissions that look fun to play. I dunno. Just tossing thoughts out, but - to sound like a business man for a second - I think the contest needs to adapt and evolve.
  17. The same way I did when I uploaded the submissions out of order in Ragefest 1. The ones I recorded first get labeled before the others.
  18. Oh my god, that was the most hilariously anti-climatic ending I've ever seen in a submission. So. Turns out that third submission was the easiest one of the three. DX I don't think I beat it the intended way though.
  19. >Waiting for co-commentator to join me for FdRStar's submission >Decides to play a different submission. Gets stuck and asks the creator for help. Awaiting response. >Decides to play ANOTHER submission. Video reactions consist almost entirely of... "OH GOD WHAT HOW DO I LIFE!? THIS DOES A DIFFERENT THING AND FLOW CHART GAAAAAHHHH" So yeah. This mysterious third submission is probably the most mind fucky thing I've ever played.
  20. I have two possible solutions to that. The first one is we could give each creator a moment to shine, whether it be making them a character in the game plotting with fellow hackers a la Chronicles Of Lussaria, OR, we could give each hacker their own designated chapter, with crediting included. I'd personally be a fan of the first idea, since it allows each hacker to put their personality on the project. The hack could also have a plot such as "Group of hackers conspire against Marc cause he didn't like their hacks" or something like that.
  21. Ehh don't worry about it, Ritisa. So long as it's not causing controversy, it's not doing any harm, and I enjoy seeing activity in this thread. Though, with that said, I was thinking... what if Ragefest V was a collab hack, consisting of multiple chapters, with characters and plot tying it together? Instead of people making their own submissions competing to be the best, maybe they could all combine their power to make something better than what they could have done alone. And on top of that... I personally would enjoy seeing the community working together more.
  22. My new computer runs FEXP faster than the old one, so I imagine FEXNA would run like a boss.
  23. The reloading suspend thing didn't work when I tried. It just gave me an error before loading the game. It restarted already and got up to where I want to be. I think I'm close to completing the submission, but I'm not too sure. Regardless, I think this one's gonna take a couple more days to complete.
  24. Er... speaking of bugs, I got myself into an unwinnable crash state from buying items/weapons with Thomas.
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