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Status Updates posted by Nightmare

  1. Hah, keep dreaming.

  2. Oh yeah, I forgot the cliche tag for my own statement. *Slaps forehead*

    But...yeah! You'll never be able to uh...whatever...I dunno...

  3. You'll never catch me alive!

  4. No...this cannot be! AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!

  5. You have successfully got me hooked on to Dreams of an Absolution. I'm starting to sing it...

  6. Yeah, pretty good I'd say. Just a few hours ago, though, I was in a horrible mood due to some fights 'n stuff. But I'm in a terribly good mood now. So...did you listen to Zelgius the Brave yet?

  7. I did my exam today, and it came out pretty well. At least, I think it did. Outside is really hot, and the car broke up two times on the way. But, now that I've done all the leftover exams, I can relax all the way till the end of summer.

  8. Hey there, what's up?

  9. Btw, I got to chapter 7 in SDK. I have nothing to do, so I read it in my free time. It's awesome! I'm loving it!

  10. Yep, you're right. I won't be dying. I am invincible, untouchable by death! I laugh in his face!

  11. Btw, you never said what you want from my belongings. :/

  12. Lol your personal pic (when viewing it from my profile) is an ultra stretched and skinny Zelgius.

  13. Heh, I blew off studying all week as well. 100+ pages, and tomorrow's my exam. That's what I usually do...don't study until the night of the exam and then cram as much as I can.

  14. Eh, not very much, admittedly. I have an exam left over, and I'm slacking off from studying, as usual...what's up with you?

  15. I miss the days when you used to get on around this time... *sigh*

  16. I was looking at the sound room tracks on the main site today and saw "The Strong" and it said it was Zelgius' battle theme. I was like OMG. I didn't remember that he had a battle theme, but now that I think about it I slightly remember it playing when he battled Skrimir (and maybe Ranulf). Also hi.

  17. Nothing, just a tiny question.


  19. That's what I was thinking. I dunno, I guess it's because I talked about it being difficult to play the flute with braces...

  20. Yeah, it's painful to eat solid stuff for a few days after you put on your braces. A particular tooth of mine has been filled badly (I think) and it's REALLY painful to try and chew on that one. And it also slightly irritates my gums, but that's nothing much.

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