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Status Updates posted by Nightmare

  1. Ah. Well, my teeth are crooked (my lower teeth much more than my upper ones) and my lower jaw is farther back than it should be. I needed to do this otherwise nasty stuff would have happened to me. Like migraines and the likes.

  2. It's also a bit difficult to play because of my braces. I'm pretty sure if I didn't have them it'd be a lot easier.

  3. Well, I've only taken two classes so far. But I'd say I'm pretty good. I just need a bit more force...my breath isn't the strongest thing in the world, you know. Some notes are difficult to play.

  4. Plugged in the wrong socket by somebody else...though, if I'm lucky, only the adapter has died, and not the Wii itself. If that's the case, then huzzah! Nay, a thousand huzzah!

  5. Eh, well I've been playing lots of old school games lately (two of which I have childhood memories with) and I've been generally having lots of fun I guess. And I have flute class tomorrow...I really need to practice a bit. But, as always, I'm too lazy. Feh.

  6. ...Is it supposed to become bad later on?

  7. I'm doing quite fine, I guess. Anticipating Ecclesia and Judgement...though my Wii is dead. :(

  8. Well, not so bad. I guess it's fine. How's college?

  9. Good evening/morning/whatever!

  10. How's it going?

  11. Avatar is kickass.

  12. Sometimes I give myself the creeps

    Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me

    It all keeps adding up

    I think I'm cracking up

    Am I just paranoid?

    Or am I just stoned?

  13. Do you have the time

    To listen to me whine

    About nothing and everything all at once

    I am one of those

    Melodramatic fools

    Neurotic to the bone, no doubt about it

  14. Makoto, where is Songbird?

    Makoto, songbird is a pervert.


  15. Good day, Princess. *Bows*

  16. My heart aches...make it go away...

  17. I probably won't be able to talk much to you today either. ;_;

  18. Yo, when will you be able to get on chat to do our supports? Only a few days left till the deadline, mate.

  19. Happy birthday, Kiryn!

  20. I'm going off to sleep now, anyway. See ya later.



  22. Siiiiiiiisssss.... <3

    Oh wait...

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